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随着信息化的发展和环境的多元化,企业面对的危机压力越来越大。当面临危机时,企业如何有效化解,甚至做到"危机变转机"?本文从危机信息管理的概念入手,通过有效的危机信息管理策略,探讨企业解决这一难题的方法。  相似文献   

对企业危机信息管理的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张建宇 《现代企业》2003,(11):14-15
20 0 3年对中国的公共卫生来讲是一场灾难 ,非典几乎席卷了整个中国 ,疫情的严重性是不言而喻的。究其原因 ,信息的失真以及信息的处理方式的缺陷应该是危机爆发的根源。由此 ,企业危机管理中的信息管理与沟通自然成为我们研究的问题。信息是现代企业的主要资源 ,是现代企业的无形财富 ,是现代企业科学决策的基础 ,是现代企业控制的必要条件(现代企业的生产经营控制是通过其过程控制和管理控制来实现的 ,不论哪类控制 ,其关键在于信息与信息反馈 )。现代企业管理过程就是信息来源、处理、使用和反馈过程 ,即信息输入、转换、输出过程。信息…  相似文献   

企业处于激烈的竞争环境中,危机的爆发随时制约着企业的生存和发展。由于信息技术和网络的普及,信息已经成为一种宝贵的资源。本文首先介绍了危机管理的必要性。其次,将信息管理引入危机管理,分别讨论了在危机监测、危机预防、危机处理的动态管理过程中如何实施信息管理。最后,本文分析了目前危机信息管理存在的问题以及今后的研究方向。  相似文献   

企业危机之后如何迅速恢复生机和活力是众多经历危机的企业共同的难题。其中,如何迅速恢复和提升企业核心竞争力尤为关键,它将直接决定一个企业未来的发展方向。企业必须在发展战略、生产技术、管理机制和组织资源等四个方面紧紧围绕核心竞争力的提升,才能立于不败之地。  相似文献   

从企业生命周期看民营企业的危机管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王再金 《现代企业》2003,(10):36-37
我国民营企业经过几十年的发展 ,已经诞生了一批又一批企业明星。但它们各领风骚不过几年 ,便纷纷灰飞烟灭 ,很重要一个原因是企业缺乏危机意识 ,没有建立企业的预警机制 ,企业在高速发展时期的盲目扩张 ,没有相应的防范机制。当企业遇到环境突变或不可预知因素时 ,往往无法应对。因此 ,民营企业应当建立危机管理的意识。对危机管理的最早研究 ,可以追朔到 2 0世纪 2 0年代的德国和美国。当时由于世界性的经济危机 ,企业经营遇到了很大困难 ,大量企业破产 ,危机管理被作为企业的保障措施被提了出来。当初仅限于危险对策、保险管理、安全技术…  相似文献   

基于生命周期的质量文档信息管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1.引言 质量体系的正常运行离不开对体系中质量文档有效管理的支持.从某种意义上讲,产品质量的改进总是伴随着质量体系的不断完善,而这些都必须在文件化质量体系上进行操作,从体系文件的运作开始,又以体系文件的修订结束,形成一个充满活力而有效运作的质量体系,以适应来自顾客与市场不断增加的压力.这些都迫切需要一种有效的质量文档管理机制的支持.  相似文献   

现代企业如何进行危机处理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代企业随时都有可能遭遇危机,在危机面前,企业是有可为的。本文尝试对企业公共关系危机及其特点进行了分析,并提出企业实施危机处理的应遵循的程序和原则。  相似文献   

今年以来,在党中央的正确坚强领导下,全党、全国人民先后取得了抗击非典和淮河防汛抗洪的阶段性胜利,保持了国民经济较快增长的良好势头。正是在这一大好形势下,我们迎来了第54个国庆节。在庆祝国庆,总结成功经验的同时,还要研究分析和解决存在的问题,  相似文献   

我国企业突发危机的原因与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏拴成 《企业活力》2003,(12):24-25
<正> 造成企业危机的原因多种多样,危机的种类不同,原因各异,既有内部原因,也有外部原因。例如,由于企业运营在变动的政治和经济环境中,政策法律、科学技术、竞争战略、社会结构的急剧变化,全球性竞争趋势都在变化之中。企业对宏观经济环境、市场环境的判断出现重大失误,经营理念在企业运营过程中的扭曲,企业战略决策失误,企业整体素质低下,经营管理不善,企业抵御风险的能力下降,企业处理与利益相关群体纠纷时出现严重失误,或出现不可抗力等诸多因素,都可能导致企业发生严重危机。  相似文献   

We discuss the effect of information on corporate risk management decisions when the information is asymmetric between the insider and the market. We suggest an explanation for previous contradiction between existing theories and empirical findings, which state that fewer small firms choose to hedge. We consider two different scenarios of information revelation to the market, and find hedging cost is not the main reason preventing firms from hedging. Rather asymmetric information plays the decisive role in a firm's risk management policy. One of the empirical implications we find is that cash flows with high variances may discourage firms from hedging even when they face high financial distress costs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge of strategic factors that explain the competitive position reached by firms in their activity sector. We have used a survey carried out in 1999 on 287 executives that belong to the service sector in the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. We have analysed the differential factors that distinguish the strategic performance of competitive vis‐à‐vis non‐competitive firms, by jointly assessing the variables representative of the sector (five competitive forces defined by Porter) and variables of an internal feature. Finally, we have moved the level of analysis from the industry to the firm; specifically, we have focused on managerial capabilities due to the significant role played by managers in the strategic decision‐making process. The use of cluster analysis to classify firms depending on their degree of competitiveness and the application of the See5 induction algorithm of rules and decision trees to determine the differential factors that distinguish competitive from non‐competitive firms, provide a methodological framework for the most significant contributions of this work. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The management of risk is considered a key discipline by the Project Management Institute and the Association for Project Management. However, knowledge of what needs to be done frequently fails to result in action consistent with that knowledge. The reasons for this seem to have received little attention. This study researched the degree of use of project risk management and barriers that prevent IT project managers from using risk management. Interviews and a survey were carried out. The results show that, in one‐third of cases, because of the problem of cost justification, no formal project risk management process was applied.  相似文献   

Recent research has emphasized the strategic focus that human resource management must have in order for an organization to fully utilize its human resources in a competitive market. However, few empirical studies have been done to date regarding how human resource planning should be linked to strategy. An extensive in-depth study of four large, complex, and very successful companies supports the widespread belief that human resource management can be a powerful tool to enhance competitiveness when policies and practices are logically driven by a firm's strategy and by the key environmental factors it faces. This article describes that study and looks at how the areas of selection, appraisal, reward, and development are handled by these firms. Based on both the specific policies and the actual practices as perceived by middle managers (those that implement the policies), the article presents a contingency framework which offers guidelines as to how certain HRM practices should be implemented to gain competitive advantage.  相似文献   

This paper aims to discuss the leveraging of competitiveness upon cultural traits. Since the globalization process has raised a series of challenges for companies around the world, companies have sought to respond mainly through the adoption of management practices proved to be successful elsewhere. However, due to the anchoring of many management practices, especially those of human resources, in the socio-cultural context of a country, the import and/or transfer of management practices between different contexts risk resulting in changes which may be only superficial. There are, however, some exceptions. Some managers have chosen to build their companies' competitiveness through management practices firmly anchored on the cultural traits of their countries, instead of looking for practices from successful companies. This process is obviously not simple because it requires from company leaders first the capacity to re-signify the cultural trait in a different manner, i.e. to perceive it as a source of competitiveness for the company and, second, the competence to build a management practice upon this cultural trait so that it will leverage the competitiveness of the company. In order to illustrate how typical cultural traits from a country may leverage the competitiveness of a company, we present the case of Natura, a Brazilian cosmetics manufacturer, which has constructed much of its competitiveness through the adoption of management practices anchored in some typical Brazilian cultural traits. The analysis of the case demonstrates that this process of developing competitive management practices is feasible, but it must be based upon a solid system of values that the team leader practises or wants practised. Otherwise, it is unlikely that the management practices will stand or that people will be committed to them.  相似文献   

信息时代的企业知识信息服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李祥 《中外企业家》2002,(11):72-74
随着信息时代的到来,知识和信息对企业的生存和发展的作用日益突出.信息将成为生产力中一个十分重要的要素.知识和信息越来越影响一个企业的生死存亡.因此,正确认识和把握企业信息服务,将是企业必须认真解决好的一个重要课题.  相似文献   

城市经营中的误区及矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在概括了目前我国城市经营中出现的问题及其危害的基础上,分析了其产生的原因,最后提出了相关对策和建议.  相似文献   

文章从打造高素质的经营管理团队、建立健全合理的制度体系、实行有效的工作激励、坚持做好实用的培训工作、强化扎实到位的战略执行工作、落实客观公平的绩效考评工作等方面阐述了怎样实现"有序管理"、提升企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

<正>几十年来,意大利就是采用这种互助方式,大家共同管理物业。他们的方法是通过有效的法律手段,将责任落实到管理员身上,使其责、权、利兼而有之。意大利位于欧州南部,由于经济发达,居民住房私有化程度高。这些造型别致的私有房,与其他国家的别墅不同,并不都是单门独户型,而是紧密相连在一起的。在罗马、米兰、米兰等许多大城市,80%的公寓也是由一个个单一的住户组成的整座楼房。意大利的小区环境  相似文献   

We present a simple model for risky, corporate debt. Debtholders and equityholders have incomplete information about the financial state of the debt issuing company. Information is incomplete because it is delayed for all agents, and it is asymmetrically distributed between debtholders and equityholders. We solve for the equityholders' optimal default policy and for the credit spreads required by debtholders. Delayed information accelerates the equityholders' optimal decision to default. Interestingly, this effect is small, implying only a small impact on credit spreads. Asymmetric information, however, has a major impact on credit spreads. Our model predicts high credit spreads for short-term debt, as observed empirically in credit markets.  相似文献   

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