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郑少芳 《企业活力》2012,(10):55-58
心理资本关注开发人的积极能量和潜能,成为人力资源管理的新取向,是组织竞争优势的核心要素。心理资本具有很强的投资收益性和可开发性,通过把心理资本引入人力资源管理配置体系、建立目标导向的绩效管理体系、建立重视员工心理资本提升的培训开发项目、引入心理资本增值计划等人力资源管理策略,不仅能增进组织公民行为、提高组织绩效,而且可以提高员工的工作场所幸福感,帮助员工实现家庭工作平衡。  相似文献   

人力资源管理视野中的心理资本初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐莺 《企业导报》2009,(3):161-162
本文分析了心理资本的内涵,探讨了心理资本在人力资源管理中的价值和作用。在此基础上,提出培育、开发心理资本的方法,通过培育员工心理资本,提升组织绩效,并最终形成竞争优势。  相似文献   

员工心理资本是指个体获得竞争优势的积极性核心心理要素。从心理健康角度关心员工已经成为现代人力资源管理的重要手段。本文在问卷抽样调查的基础上,采用结构方程模型(SEM)对上海高星级酒店员工的心理资本与员工工作绩效、工作满意度和离职倾向等后续行为之间的关系进行实证研究。结果表明:高星级酒店员工的心理资本对员工工作绩效、工作满意度有积极影响,心理资本和工作满意度对员工离职倾向有较强的抑制作用,工作满意度对工作绩效也有积极的影响。高星级酒店组织层面应重视对员工心理资本的开发和调节。  相似文献   

随着积极心理学的热潮兴起,企业员工心理健康教育与辅导已经从注重病理学的因素,如焦虑、抑郁等,转向对积极心理资源的强调.员工的积极心理品质可以用一个综合性概念来进行概括和解释,这就是心理资本.心理资本这一概念最早出现在经济学、投资学和社会学等文献中.近年来,Luthans等把积极组织行为学中的自我效能感(自信)、希望、乐观、心理弹性四种积极心理状态合并成为更高层次的核心概念,称之为积极心理资本( Positive Psychological Capital,PPC),强调心理资本是个体积极的核心心理要素,它超出了人力资本与社会资本,通过有针对的培育与开发而使个体获得竞争的优势.提升员工心理资本是企业管理中的重要内容.  相似文献   

心理资本作为一种积极的心理状态,对于个人自身成长和组织绩效提升具有显著的促进作用。注重心理资本的开发,不仅可以充分激发员工潜能,最大程度地开发个体自身优势,而且能够有效地提升企业管理水平,打造企业持久的竞争优势。当今社会,竞争激烈。人才作为企业的核心竞争力,对企业持续高效快速发展具有至关重要的作用。心理资本作为积极的心理力量,是提升个体能力、打造人才优势的关键要素,在企业管理中的地位不容小觑。通过有效开  相似文献   

心理资本研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今社会,越来越多的管理者认识到员工的心理资本是组织获取竞争优势的一个重要来源.首先,文章回顾了有关心理资本的界定和构成等方面的研究.随后,总结了心理资本测量一些方法;最后,分析并指出了心理资本研究的不足.  相似文献   

当今社会,越来越多的管理者认识到员工的心理资本是组织获取竞争优势的一个重要来源。首先,文章回顾了有关心理资本的界定和构成等方面的研究;随后,总结了心理资本测量一些方法;最后,分析并指出了心理资本研究的不足。  相似文献   

开发成功心理资本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
没有任何一个员工是空白经历的人,每个人都从生活经验中吸取了大量的心理观念带到工作中去。成功心理资本理论将传统组织行为中对动机、激励等被动、消极理论的关注转变为注重开发可发展的成功心理资本以发挥组织成员的全部潜力。是一种以优势、成功为导向的管理方法,可以有效地引导组织成员发挥才能、优势和心理能力,使组织实现更有价值的、合乎伦理的可持续发展目标,并最终形成竞争优势。成功心理资本是由一些基本的能力所组成,包括自信、希望、乐观、以及复原力等,这些能力是可以通过训练产生并发展的。  相似文献   

心理资本开发助力企业提升竞争优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>随着社会经济的快速发展和全球化竞争的加剧,越来越多的管理者认识到,要持续改善企业绩效、提升和长久保持企业竞争优势,单靠对传统意义上的人力资本和社会资本的投资和开发显然不够,必须注重对员工心理资源的开发。员工优秀的心理素质、良好的精神状态、  相似文献   

心理资本理论研究展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从研究人力资本和社会资本出发,以积极心理学和积极组织行为学为理论基础,Luthans等在2002年提出了心理资本的概念,心理资本强调对人的心理优势的开发和管理。本文在文献研究的基础上,分析了心理资本的理论基础,并从心理资本的要素选择标准与构成、测量与开发和投资回报的研究等方面对心理资本理论进行了梳理,对心理资本的发展趋势予以展望,以期有助于心理资本理论的发展和完善。  相似文献   

王玉玫 《价值工程》2011,30(30):319-320
工作压力是企业管理者日益关注的问题,本文在心理资本概念及构成要素辨析的基础上,探讨了心理资本对降低员工工作压力的积极作用,并就员工心理资本的开发和应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

心理契约的破裂能够解释企业营销高层人才招聘甄选策略失效的原因。在企业和员工解决了"能岗匹配"问题后,企业未能留住营销高层人才说明其招聘甄选策略存在失效,原因在于双方的"雇员接触点"管理工作出现了失效。交易型心理契约和关系型心理契约的破裂说明企业"雇员接触点"管理的失效;雇员未能"本组织化"和职业经理人精神的缺失说明员工"雇员接触点"管理的失效;在营销高层人才招聘甄选途径上,通过内部培养方式选聘的人才与企业心理契约的破裂风险小于外部引进的方式。  相似文献   

Research interest in the new concept of employee engagement has grown dramatically in recent years. Employee engagement represents a work-related state of mind characterized by feelings of vigor, fulfillment, enthusiasm, absorption and dedication. However, scholars are still ambivalent about its theoretical contribution to explaining the employee–organization relationship. The goal of the study is to strengthen the theoretical foundation of the employee engagement concept in light of this relationship. We first compared employee engagement to other close concepts such as psychological empowerment and psychological contract. We then examined its contribution to the explanation of work centrality over and above psychological empowerment and psychological contract. Our study is based on an interactive sample of 593 employees from both private and public organizations in Israel. Our findings demonstrate that employee engagement is distinct from psychological empowerment and psychological contract and has an incremental value for work centrality over and above psychological empowerment and psychological contract. Implications of our findings are discussed the light of the employee–organization relationship.  相似文献   

作为维系员工与组织关系的心理纽带,员工心理契约的主观期望与实际感知的吻合程度直接影响到员工对于组织的态度与行为。以往文献中对员工心理契约主观期望与实际感知吻合程度的研究缺乏系统性。本文引入心理契约契合度概念,对员工心理契约主观期望与实际感知吻合程度进行测量,提出了构建心理契约契合度评价指标体系的思路及测量方法,最后结合某军工研究所某研发团队的实际情况,对成员心理契约契合度进行了评价。该研究为组织衡量员工心理契约主观期望与实际感知一致性的度量提供了科学依据,增强了心理契约在实际管理工作中的应用性。  相似文献   

The tools and methodologies being developed in the emerging field of human resource analytics can be used both to measure the impact of your organization's investment in leadership development and, perhaps more importantly, to improve the return on that investment. In particular, analytics can be used to move your organization beyond one‐size‐fits‐all competencies by identifying the unique leadership competencies that drive your organization's business results (sales, profits, and employee turnover). Your employee “engagement survey” is a powerful, but typically underutilized, tool for doing so. By linking it with other, disparate pieces of data (180/360 assessments, Learning Management System (LMS) records, turnover, and financial data), you create the foundation for understanding where leadership competencies explain variation (positive and negative) in your organization's business results. This, in turn, creates a strong evidence base for optimizing your leadership development strategy—and is done so using metrics and analysis, which is the language of CEOs and CFOs.  相似文献   

黄少英  张晓琳 《价值工程》2009,28(9):117-119
现代企业竞争中更重视"人"的因素,如何有效的提高组织中人才的竞争优势越来越受到企业家的重视。职业生涯管理在我国还属于一个较新的概念,将这一概念以人力资本投资方式之一的形式引入到企业的经营战略中,可以有效的提高员工的整体素质的同时提高企业的竞争优势,以此来达到一种企业和员工的双赢的模式。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between perceived investment in employee development (PIED) and the internal employability efforts that such perceptions are assumed to influence under the terms of the ‘new psychological contract’. A cross-sectional survey among 238 employees in a Norwegian IT and management consulting firm provides support that PIED relates positively to employees' openness to develop themselves and adapt to changing work requirements (‘internal employability orientation’) and their active pursuit of new competencies and career trajectories within the organization (‘internal employability activities’). However, our findings challenge widely held claims that investment in employee development elicits these responses by way of the reciprocal mechanisms of a social exchange relationship. While PIED is found to relate positively to employees' perceptions of a social exchange relationship with their organization, these positive exchange experiences are not supported to influence internal employability outcomes. Our findings do support, however, that PIED relates negatively to perceived economic exchange relationships that in turn undermine internal employability orientations. Suggestions for future research and implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Chief executive officer (CEO) power reflects the ability of the CEO to influence the firm's decision-making. Whether the CEO of the firm could manage the firm’s investment assets to support maximizing the efficiency of resource allocation is an important issue. As previous studies found, organization capital is a key intangible asset that improves the firm’s production efficiency and affects long-term performance. This study explores how CEO power affects organization capital investments and how it further affects the efficiency of firm resource allocation. We use the following three variables to measure CEO power: CEO founder, CEO-only insider and CEO duality. Our results indicate that the level of CEO power can influence a firm’s value by controlling the organization capital. When the firm’s CEO is also the founder, the CEO will attempt to increase investments in organization capital to create growth opportunities for the firm, which will therefore increase the firm's value. Specifically, when the company is in financial distress, the powerful CEO's increasing in organizational capital investment will expose the company to greater risk of loss of intangible assets. This result may further increase the company's price volatility.  相似文献   

基于心理契约的科技企业核心员工流动管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区别于一般员工,核心员工是科技企业核心竞争力的重要载体,能够为企业创造巨大的价值。然而,由于科技企业核心员工具有较强的自主性、优越感和自我实现需求,维系科技企业核心员工这一特殊群体的稳定也比一般员工难度更大。本文试图从心理契约的视角切入,结合科技企业核心员工的特质及其心理契约的差异性,分析科技企业核心员工心理契约违背的原因,构建心理契约对核心员工流动影响机制模型,分析心理契约的形成、维护、修补三个阶段,提出防止核心员工流动的对策,以期在规范企业行为的同时,提高员工满意度,进而降低企业核心员工流失率。  相似文献   

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