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日前,由发改委、财政部、商务部制定的《关于创业投资引导基金规范设立与运作指导意见》正式出台,解决了长期困扰创投引导基金的"规范化"问题,从而将起到进一步鼓励创业投资引导基金设立、规范其运营的作用。业内专家认为,创投引导基金有望在今后对国内创投市场的发展起到更大的作用。在国内创业投资市场上,政府通过创业投资引导基金参与创投市场已逐步成为各个高新区的"范式",但如何界定创投引导基金的范围、经营方式、绩效考量等一直都没有统一的标准。指导意见将创投引导基金定义为,由政府设立并按市场化方式运作的政策性基金,主要通过扶持创业投资企业发展,引导社会资金进入创业投资领域。引导基金本身不直接从事创业投资业务。  相似文献   

创业投资引导基金是由政府设立,扩大创业投资风险资本总量的有效形式,在创业投资领域中能有效集聚社会民间资本,对促进创业投资的发展起到了举足轻重的作用。文章从政府创业投资引导基金的探索及发展历程出发,分析了当前我国政府创业投资引导基金运作中存在的问题,提出了改善政府创业投资引导基金运作效应的对策。  相似文献   

上海创业投资有限公司是1999年由上海市政府设立的创业投资引导基·金的专业管理机构。公司充分运用政府创业投资引导基金的杠杆作用,建立了国内第一个以“政府引导、社会参与、利益共享、风险共担”的创业投资“基金的基金”的新型投融资平台,先后组建了20多家专业创业投资基金公司,有效调动了社会资金参与多元化创业投资体系。同时,公司在中国率先培育和建立了创业投资资金的委托管理模式,引进和培育了一批专业人才、实现了专家管理。为包括国家发改委、科技部等创业投资引导基金在内的政府资金投资高新技术产业化项目和支持中小型民营高科技企业发展等方面开辟了新的途径,并取得了一定成绩和积累了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

近年来国内外创业投资引导基金发展迅速,有力推动了企业技术创新和产业转型升级。文章对国外的创业投资运作模式及特点进行了总结,结合福建省第一支创业投资引导基金运作情况,探讨了国内地方政府在设计创业投资引导基金运作模式时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

发展战略性新兴产业是我国加快转变经济发展方式的重大战略举措。战略性新兴产业的特点及传统政府扶持模式的弊端客观上要求政府转变扶持方式。创业投资引导基金能够发挥财政资金的杠杆作用,是政府扶持战略新兴产业发展的重要渠道。对此,部分国家和地区在创业投资引导基金方面积累了丰富的经验。我国创业投资引导基金的发展取得了很大成效,但也...  相似文献   

龚浩 《管理学家》2022,(3):19-21
近年来,通过设立政府性创业投资引导基金,来吸引社会上的资本参与到创业投资中,这种方式已然成为我国中央和各地方政府吸引财政资金、提高资金利用效率、推动创业工作开展的主要手段.不断优化政府性创业投资引导基金的运行模式,有利于我国创业投资行业发展,对扶持创业初期的中小企业具有重要意义.文章从政府性创业投资引导基金的概述出发,阐述其相关定义和特点,并对创业性投资引导基金的缺陷进行分析,提出相应的政府性创业引导基金的运行方式.  相似文献   

7月6日,财政部、科技部发布《科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金管理暂行办法》,首个国家级创业投资引导基金正式启动。今年,中央财政安排1亿元资金建立引导基金,支持科技型中小企业创业投资。  相似文献   

综合公共财政支出考核原则和社会各界的关注层面,通过对绩效评价指标的选取与调研发现,我国政府创业投资引导基金总体上在规范运作和综合效益方面取得了较好的成效。它带动了数倍的民间资本从事创业投资活动,有效地支持了初创阶段企业的发展,较自发的民间创业投资活动更能促进就业、推动自主创新活动和增加财政税收,在子基金的投资回报方面也取得了良性发展。  相似文献   

最近,国家财政部、科技部发布《科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金管理暂行办法》,首个国家级创业投资引导基金正式启动。2007年.中央财政安排1亿元资金建立引导基金.支持科技型中小企业创业投资。  相似文献   

近年来,各地区的科技型中小企业创业投资引导基金发展出现井喷式发展。由于引导基金本身兼具财政投入资金和市场投资基金的双重角色,加之地方经济发展情况各异,因此引导基金的运行管理模式选择至关重要。文章通过对引导基金运作管理模式的自主投资管理模式和委托投资管理模式的分析,认为地方政府应结合政府行为(包括当地的政策导向与目标、内设专业管理机构团队的效率与能力、管理人员的投资激励政策等因素)和市场环境(包括金融中介发展状况、信用评估机制完善程度、法律监管健全程度等因素),选择适宜本地区发展的引导基金运作管理模式。  相似文献   

Government venture capital (GVC) funds have been a common policy initiative in European countries to overcome funding gaps in the promotion of early-stage ventures. In this work, we focus on the performance of such government funds. We compare the importance for the firm's development of post-investment, valueadded activities by GVC firms and independent venture capital (IVC) firms.We use a unique data set based on the results of a survey addressed to young high-techVC-backed firms from seven European countries. The survey gauged the importance of the contribution by the first lead investor in a variety of activity areas, as assessed by the investee companies. Attention was paid to potential adverse effects of the post-investment engagement of investors.Using a composite indicator of the value added, we find no statistically significant difference between the two types of investors. However, the profiles of value added differ across investor types, and, in particular, the contributions of IVC funds prove to be significantly higher than those of GVC funds in a number of areas, including the development of the business idea, professionalisation and exit orientation.  相似文献   

中国的风险资本中政府资金一直占有较大比例,本文基于中小企业板数据研究政府背景风险投资对IPO抑价及IPO后收益是否有影响,实证结果发现政府背景风险投资对两者均没有显著影响.因此,政府不应过多地投资于风险投资,而应该完善风险投资的政策环境.  相似文献   

张新立  杨德礼 《价值工程》2005,24(3):123-128
本文主要对欧、美、中三国的风险投资聚集进行了比较分析,指出风险投资形成聚集效应的内在机理,提出了我国政府在制定风险投资产业政策时应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

Through the 1980s the UK venture capital industry, with its perceived focus on risky and innovative businesses, has experienced substantial growth in terms of the number of funds, amounts invested and number of individual investments. In this article, the Tyebjee and Bruno (1984) venture capital deal creation model which was originated in the US has been used to explore the process of venture capital provision and the development of relationships between venture capital funds and operating business managements. An empirical study of how UK-based venture capital funds operate has been undertaken. The findings generally corroborated the model in a UK context. It was also observed that while venture capitalists actively worked to nurture good relationships with operating business managements they were prepared to act decisively and proactively to protect their investments when they saw them being threatened fundamentally. There vas also some evidence which suggested a slackening of interest in innovative, technology-based businesses, particularly those in their early stages of development. Further work is needed to identify if there are conceptual problems with the provision of venture capital to these types of businesses or implementation problems which are tractable.  相似文献   

Nine venture capital organizations which are taking equity positions with socially guided as well as financial goals are investigated. The organizations are presented as new entrants to ihe financial industry , and are placed in the context of community development financial institutions and social investment funds . Four emerging models are identified; socially guided venture capital networks, socially guided private funds, Specialized Small Business Development Corporations and equity Community Development Corporations . Forty nine deals of six of the organizations are analyzed for financial and social outcomes. The paper concludes that the private venture funds have the most promising future, and predicts the emergence of publicly offered venture capital funds that incorporate social goals.  相似文献   

张丰  金智 《价值工程》2006,25(1):20-23
我国台湾地区风险投资业虽起步较晚,但由于政府大力扶植和组织管理模式创新等,已发展成为继美国之后的风险投资发展最好的地区。然而,国内学者一提到风险投资经验借鉴,首先就会想到美国。但事实上,美国现在风险投资业所处的金融环境、风险投资运作模式、科技经济水平、相关的法律、乃至于创业投资本身存在的目的和意义都与我国有很大的区别。相比之下台湾地区和大陆的风险投资业在起步之初,都是政府主导型的,而且起步期也大致相近,所以,台湾地区风险投资业的发展应对我们更有借鉴意义。本文通过从政府扶植组织管理模式等方面具体分析,总结和借鉴台湾地区风险投资发展的经验,对我国大陆风险投资发展的启示。  相似文献   

郜春莲 《物流科技》2005,28(4):103-105
风险投资是一种创新的投融资方式,它是一种将资本与高科技企业结合的制度安排。本文提出应从制度安排,投资环境等几方面入手,充分发挥政府在风险投资中的作用,切实改善风险投资环境,设立前限合伙制的风险投资公司,加快法制建设,培养风险投资人才,使我国风险投资步入良性发展的轨道,真正起到促进高科技产业化,推动经济发展的目的。  相似文献   

张威 《价值工程》2013,(2):161-164
对于传统的金融投资而言,风险投资是一种观念和方法的革新,传统金融投资着眼点是未来的现金流量,而风险投资更为关注被投资企业管理者的能力、技术以及企业的发展前景等,因此受金融市场的总体趋势、政府政策导向、科技发展水平等宏观环境影响较大。正确把握好宏观环境发展趋势,对于私募股权投资公司战略分析和战略选择尤为重要。本文采取了PEST、波特五力模型、SWOT矩阵等多种方法,在详细讨论宏观环境、公司竞争环境、公司现状的基础上,总结了H私募股权投资基金公司的优势与不足,得到了公司战略目标、战略规划以及5大战略重点。本文的研究意义在于为H私募股权投资基金公司制定战略地图以及基于平衡积分卡的绩效管理体系奠定基础。  相似文献   

云国民 《价值工程》2012,31(4):104-105
与美国相比,我国的风险投资还处于起步阶段。因此,我国应借鉴美国的经验,结合我国国情,加大政府扶持力度,制定相关的风险投资政策来引导市场,使中国在世界经济竞争中处于主导地位。  相似文献   

The university is one of the most important places for scientific research, and it is the cradle of knowledge output and technological invention. Using the granular data of more than 1,000 universities' funding from the government in China, we investigate the impact of government funding on research innovation at the university level. The results show that government funds promote the output of research innovation of universities. The effectiveness of government funding is greater when combined with greater human capital and more platforms for international cooperation. Interestingly, further studies have found that human capital and non-government funds have a moderating influence on the effect of government funds on university research output. Moreover, there are some differences between “211 Project” (high quality) universities and “non-211 Project” universities. Finally, given the relaxation of policy for government funding of university research in 2014, we investigate the relationship between human capital (especially specialists with senior titles) and government funds in the process of research innovation. The results show that, before 2014, human capital presents a substitution relationship with government funding while it presents a complementary relationship after 2014.  相似文献   

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