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罗宁  王婕 《金融论坛》2012,(2):66-73
受全球金融危机的持续影响和欧元区制度问题的激化,欧洲主权债务危机呈愈演愈烈之势,逐步从边缘国家扩散至核心国家,并从主权债务危机向银行业危机演化。目前,欧元区重债国采取的财务整顿政策难以在短期发挥缩减赤字的作用,反而加大复苏风险;对重债国援助资金总量有限,其发放门槛徒增短期违约风险;欧洲央行购买国债虽有利于缓解危机恶化,但量化宽松的政策与其控制通胀的设立宗旨存在矛盾。在此背景下,中资银行应调整涉欧资产配置,进一步加强国别风险研究和管理,积极稳健地推进国际化经营,打造资产、业务和经营地域多元化的国际化银行。  相似文献   

欧债危机的根源、前景与影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧债危机自2009年爆发以来,欧盟已采取了一系列措施,但欧债危机仍愈演愈烈。文章从债务问题国家自身经济结构性因素与欧元区制度性因素等方面分析了欧债危机产生的根源,指出欧债危机可能促使欧洲走向更为紧密的财政和政治联盟。针对欧债危机对我国经济的影响,我国应继续坚持经济结构调整政策,制定并积极实施金融业长期改革战略,不断提高金融服务于实体经济的能力。  相似文献   

This paper compares the importance of different sovereign credit rating determinants over time, using a sample of 90 countries for the years 2002–2015. Applying the composite marginal likelihood approach, we estimate a multi-year ordered probit model for each of the three major credit rating agencies. After the start of the European debt crisis in 2009, the importance of the financial balance, the economic development and the external debt increased substantially and the effect of eurozone membership switched from positive to negative. In addition, GDP growth gained a lot of importance for highly indebted sovereigns and government debt became much more important for countries with a low GDP growth rate. These findings provide empirical evidence that the credit rating agencies changed their sovereign credit rating assessment after the start of the European debt crisis.  相似文献   

当前欧元区经济和欧债危机形势既存在稳定因素,也存在着不稳定因素。稳定因素包括欧元区经济初步复苏,欧央行实行“准量化宽松政策”,欧盟扩大危机防火墙,欧盟和重债国降低财政赤字;而不稳定因素则包括欧盟财政统一存在困难,欧元区面临决策机制困境。文章综合分析后指出,欧元区仍面临严峻挑战,我国应加强对欧美债务危机潜在影响的预判与应对。  相似文献   

Unconventional approaches to suit unusual circumstances have become acceptable in monetary policy, a formerly highly conservative discipline. In this paper it is argued that unconventional approaches should also be considered in sovereign debt management, in order to contribute to resolving the eurozone sovereign debt crisis. First, the Troika crisis lending to indebted sovereign borrowers in the eurozone is reviewed and compared with standard IMF post-crisis lending. The main difference and shortcoming is the unsustainable character of the eurozone approach, due to the omission of demand stimulation components. To address this and other shortcomings, the features of an ideal alternative funding tool are identified. It would solve the funding problems of affected sovereigns, help stabilise the banking system, but most of all stimulate domestic demand and hence end the vicious downward spiral. It is found that this funding method can be implemented as part of enhanced public debt management by each nation's debt management office.  相似文献   

欧洲主权债务危机的发展与应对之策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受近期希腊债务违约风险上升、欧债危机向核心国蔓延、欧洲银行业融资缺口扩大等负面因素冲击,欧洲金融市场遭遇大幅动荡。文章指出,在短期内,防止希腊债务违约是遏制欧债危机进一步蔓延、防范债务危机与银行危机并发的关键;长期而言,欧元及欧盟运作机制的改革将不可避免,完善退出机制将是欧元区长期稳定运作的基石。  相似文献   

This article sets flight capital in the context of portfoliochoice, focusing on the proportion of private wealth that isheld abroad. There are large regional differences in this proportion,ranging from 5 percent in South Asia to 40 percent in Africa.The authors explain cross-country differences in portfolio choiceusing variables that proxy differences in the risk-adjustedrate of return on capital. They apply the results to three policyissues: how the East Asian crisis affected domestic capitaloutflows; the effect of the International Monetary Fund–WorldBank debt relief initiative for heavily indebted poor countrieson capital repatriation; and why so much of Africa's privatewealth is held outside the continent.  相似文献   

We show that exposure to foreign currency debt does not necessarily increase the risk of having a financial crisis. Some countries do not suffer from financial fragility despite original sin. Before 1913 British offshoots and Scandinavia afflicted with it avoided financial meltdowns. Today many advanced countries have original sin, but few have had crises. In both periods, aggregate balance sheet mismatches are associated with a greater likelihood of a crisis. The evidence suggests that foreign currency debt is dangerous when mis-managed. This is part of the difference between developed countries and emerging markets both of which borrow in foreign currency.  相似文献   

本文主要以阿根廷、土耳其和印度尼西亚这三个发展中国家为例,通过介绍各自货币危机发生的情况和原因,寻找共性并进行总结,提炼出发展中国家容易引发货币危机的主要原因:长期面临高外债、高通胀、国家经济结构单一和外汇储备偿债能力不足。并针对这些原因,结合我国当前经济发展特点,提出了要未雨绸缪,避免发生货币危机的对策建议:即保持外债负债率整体可控,警惕外债债务率过高、保持外汇储备偿债能力充足,增持黄金等稳定的外汇资产和控制货币供应量,抑制通货膨胀。  相似文献   

熊鹭 《西安金融》2011,(6):43-45
日本政府债务占GDP的比例已连续多年居发达国家之首,且这一比例仍在不断增长之中。通过分析日本的债务困境,对我们有几点启示:一是积极的财政政策要适度;二是通缩环境中要有意识的控制政府债务规模;三是经济危机过后要警惕债务危机。  相似文献   

Public Debt Guarantees and Private Capital Flight   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Significant amounts of private capital have flowed out of severalof the more heavily indebted developing countries. This outflow,often called "capital flight", largely escapes taxation by theborrowing-country government, and it has generated concern aboutthe prospects for future servicing of the debt. Imperfect contractenforcement may lead to implicit or explicit government guaranteeof foreign debt. The model developed below demonstrates thata government policy of guaranteeing private debt can in turngenerate more than one outcome. One such outcome replicatesthe allocation under perfect contract enforcement: nationalsavings are invested domestically and foreign debt is repaid.The tax obligation implied by potential nationalization of privatedebt, however, can also lead to another outcome in which nationalcapital flees, and foreign debt may not be repaid.  相似文献   

主权CDS对欧元区主权债务危机的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概括了主权CDS是否影响欧元区主权债务危机的几种观点和研究,发现了其中的不足之处,并试图进行弥补。文章基于面板数据,在对样本区间和国家进行分组的基础上,用向量误差修正模型(VECM)检验了主权CDS息差与国债息差的价格发现过程,此外还用向量自回归(VAR)模型分析了各国主权CDS息差之间的传染效应。结果发现,虽然主权CDS在价格发现过程中占据领先地位,但是没有证据表明主权CDS与主权债务危机之间存在必然的联系,而各国债务危机之间确实存在传染效应。  相似文献   

Turid Sato 《Futures》1989,21(6):593-607
The international debt crisis is viewed here as only a symptom—its underlying causes have resulted from a crisis in management among the major actors in the development process, namely commercial banks, recipient countries and development assistance agencies. The cumulative effect has been a lack of accountability that puts the development objectives themselves into jeopardy. This article proposes that all actors should write off their debt for failed projects, that the development assistance system be redesigned, and that a strategy be developed to help countries design and manage development programmes appropriate to their unique circumstances.  相似文献   

European sovereign debt crisis has become a very popular topic since late 2009. In this paper, sovereign debt crisis is investigated by calculating the probabilities of the potential future crisis of 11 countries in the European Union. We use sovereign spreads of the European countries against Germany as targets and apply the GARCH based vine copula simulation technique. The methodology solves the difficulties of calculating the probabilities of rarely happening events and takes sovereign debt movement dependence, especially tail dependence, into consideration. Results indicate that Italy and Spain are the most likely next victims of the sovereign debt crisis, followed by Ireland, France and Belgium. The UK, Sweden and Denmark, which are outside the euro area, are the most financially stable countries in the sample.  相似文献   

主权评级作为市场信息传递中介备受质疑。本文考察了目前欧洲债务危机中的主权评级,采用固定效应模型分别研究三大评级机构主权评级观察及评级降级对欧元区国家融资成本的市场影响。结果表明,主权评级对于市场长期影响不是很大,其中独立的降级影响不显著;评级负面观察的市场影响较评级降级的独立影响显著;评级观察及降级变化尽管对高级别国家的影响有限,但对A级以下的国家有明显的冲击影响。评级结果可能加剧了欧洲债务危机的解决难度。  相似文献   

The years before the financial crisis saw a dramatic build-up in private debt levels in several countries and this increase was particularly marked in Ireland. In this paper, we look at whether outstanding debt taken out by small and medium sized enterprises in Ireland constrains current performance following the financial crisis. We find that higher debt burdens (measured as the ratio of debt-to-turnover) have significant negative effects on all measures of firm performance, in particular investment, employment and indicators of financial distress. We find the effects are greatest for sectors and enterprises most reliant on domestic demand which collapsed following the crisis. The effects are also strongest for enterprises that were in the mid-lifecycle, gearing phase, prior to the crisis.  相似文献   

Two major problems spurred the development of debt-for-nature swaps —the high rate of destruction of tropical forests and the heavy debts accumulated by these countries. Debt-for-nature agreements are part of a new wave of thinking about the links between the environment and debt. With funds procured through conservation organizations, debt-for-nature swaps and funds have been arranged in several developing countries. This article examines myriad proposals to reduce the debt burden, identifies the link between debt, development and the environment, and clarifies the conceptual framework of the debt-for-nature swaps approach. Debt-for-nature swaps are analysed in terms of sovereignty, socioeconomic impacts and policy implications. It is concluded that the debt-for-nature swaps approach is not intended to provide debt relief on any significant scale nor resolve the debt crisis. Their nominal impact on the debt situation does not imply failure: they improve the management of natural resources. It is a strategy in which a number of goals converge for different groups in developing as well as developed countries.  相似文献   

This article analyzes how external crises spread across countries.The authors analyze the behavior of four alternative crisisindicators in a sample of 20 countries during three well-knowncrises: the 1982 debt crisis, the 1994 Mexican crisis, and the1997 Asian crisis. The objective is twofold: to revisit thetransmission channels of crises, and to analyze whether capitalcontrols, exchange rate flexibility, and debt maturity structureaffect the extent of contagion. The results indicate that thereis a strong neighborhood effect. Trade links and similarityin precrisis growth also explain (to a lesser extent) whichcountries suffer more contagion. Both debt composition and exchangerate flexibility to some extent limit contagion, whereas capitalcontrols do not appear to curb it.  相似文献   

文章回顾了2012年欧债危机的形势变化,分析了在解决欧债危机的道路上欧盟已取得的有利因素以及仍然面临的阻碍,指出目前来看欧债危机最严重的压力阶段已基本过去,尽管一些深层因素远未解决,一些政经事件可能还会诱发短期性市场动荡,但欧洲列国应对债务危机的路线图日渐清晰,2013年开始欧洲经济有望从底部缓慢走出。新形势下,中欧经济合作将迎来更多的机遇,应当把握这种机遇。  相似文献   

为应对席卷全球的国际金融危机,各国政府纷纷采取经济刺激措施,代替民间企业和金融机构承担危机成本,这不可避免带来一定的政府债务问题。随着时间的推移,部分政府债务问题逐步凸显,成为全球经济走出危机阴影的障碍。文章分析认为,当前国际上政府债务问题呈现脆弱性、复杂性、集中性和长期性特征,成为全球经济复苏的绊脚石,甚至会给世界各国经济带来灾难性影响。文章同时总结了国际政府债务问题带给我国的启示。  相似文献   

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