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产业集群内部知识共享机制其基本内涵为:产业集群内部各行为主体(主要是企业)为什么要知识共享、怎样进行知识共享、如何保证知识共享。这些分别构成了产业集群内部知识共享机制的三个方面:驱动因素、运行机制和保障机制。文章对此分别进行了较为详细的探析。  相似文献   

近年来,天津电力建设公司(以下简称公司)在成为以电力发展为核心的国际型工程服务商的愿景目标指引下,在持续做好火电业务的同时,与时俱进地拓展核电、电网、国际工程业务。这一时期,加强知识管  相似文献   

知识经济时代,知识决定着建筑企业的价值,知识管理是建筑企业可持续发展的基础,知识共享更是知识管理中的关键环节.可行的知识共享管理能力评价体系是发掘建筑企业发展潜力、发现其知识共享能力不足之处的有效方法.文章分析了建筑企业知识共享的流程和影响因素,并通过分析流程和影响因素,研究了对建筑企业知识共享能力进行评价的评价因素,利用模糊综合评判模型对建筑企业的知识管理能力进行评价,对定性指标进行了定量化处理,使评价结果更具可靠性和直观性.  相似文献   

促进组织知识共享的对策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织知识共享的目标是要建立一种可以从自己和别人的经验中学习的机制,并能产生、储存和搜索知识,以达到组织行动的理想效果.本文从组织中的知识和知识共享内涵入手,较系统地分析了组织中知识共享存在的诸多问题,进而为促进组织知识共享提出了若干对策.  相似文献   

本文通过对供应链知识管理战略的分析,参照平衡记分卡的思路,从经济效益、顾客满意度、系统协作性和创新能力四个维度提取关键绩效指标,构建供应链知识管理的绩效评价指标体系,提出供应链知识管理的绩效评价模型框架。  相似文献   

在经济全球化和科学技术高速发展的时代背景下,企业要想拥有和保持持久的竞争力,就必须拥有强劲的创新和应变能力。企业只有通过不断地更新知识、管理理念和方法,高效利用已有知识快速获取并消化吸收新知识,才能在不断变化的环境与日  相似文献   

近年来,天津电力建设公司(以下简称公司)在“成为以电力发展为核心的国际型工程服务商”的愿景目标指引下,在持续做好火电业务的同时,与时俱进地拓展核电、电网、国际工程业务。这一时期,加强知识管理,提升公司不断学习和自我创新的能力成为企业保持长期竞争优势的关键所在。  相似文献   

知识的共享与合作是动态联盟成员合作过程中的重要方面.本文利用博弈论中逆向归纳法的思想,分三个阶段定量分析比较了联盟成员的知识共享率问题.通过研究发现:在Nash均衡条件下,合作情形下的知识共享率大于非合作情形下的知识共事率,这为动态联盟的知识共事与合作提供了一条有价值的运作策略.  相似文献   

试论虚拟联盟中知识共享的难点及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在指出虚拟联盟内知识共享的重要性的前提下,探索虚拟联盟在知识共享时遇到的各种问题,并深入剖析了这些问题如何给知识共享带来的消极影响,并为解决知识共享障碍提出如构建联盟内部知识市场、建立知识共享库、构建合作新文化、建立成员间的信任机制等相应对策.  相似文献   

作为知识密集、技术密集的科技型高新技术企业,知识管理在企业管理中具有十分重要的作用。尽管我们在"服务至上,质量第一;效率优先,诚信为本"的质量方针指导下取得了长足发展,在助力航天煤化工产业平稳  相似文献   

Individuals differ in their preference for processing information on the basis of taxonomic, feature‐based similarity, or thematic, relation‐based similarity. These differences, which have been investigated in a recently emerging research stream in cognitive psychology, affect innovative behavior and thus constitute an important antecedent of individual performance in research and development (R&D) that has been overlooked so far in the literature on innovation management. To fill this research gap, survey and test data from the employees of a multinational information technology services firm are used to examine the relationship between thematic thinking and R&D professionals' individual performance. A moderated mediation model is applied to investigate the proposed relationships of thematic thinking and individual‐level performance indicators. Results show a positive relationship between thematic thinking and innovativeness, as well as individual job performance. While the results do not support the postulated moderation of the innovativeness–job performance relationship by employees' political skill, they show that the relationship between thematic thinking and job performance is fully mediated by R&D professionals' innovativeness. The present study is thus the first to reveal a positive relationship between thematic thinking and innovative performance.  相似文献   

近年来,我国各地纷纷加大了科技创新的投入,相比科技创新投入的增速,科技产出却增长较慢.因此,非常有必要对区域创新系统的绩效进行客观、科学的评价.区域创新系统绩效评价结果主要取决于评价方法和评价因素指标,目前,评价方法的研究已日臻完善,但对评价因素指标还未达成共识.鉴于此,本文做了以下几方面研究:(1)对区域创新系统绩效评价的影响因素进行全面的汇总分析,并结合实证数据进行探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析;(2)建立区域创新系统绩效评价的影响因素路径分析模型,从而揭示各影响因素的相互作用程度与方向;(3)给出几点促进区域创新系统绩效水平的策略性建议.  相似文献   

While real estate investment trusts (REITs) have experienced very high growth rates over the past 15 years, the growth in mutual funds that invest in REITs has been even more dramatic. REIT mutual fund returns are typically presented relative to the return on a simple value-weighted REIT index. We ask whether including additional factors when benchmarking funds' returns can improve the explanatory power of the models and offer more precise estimates of alpha. We investigate three sets of REIT-based benchmarks, plus an index of returns derived from non-REIT real estate firms, namely homebuilders and real estate operating companies. The REIT-based factors are a set of characteristic factors, a set of property-type factors and a set of statistical factors. Using traditional single-index benchmarks, we find that about 6% of the REIT funds exhibit significant positive performance using traditional significance levels, which is more than twice what random chance would predict. However, with the multiple-index benchmarks that we prefer, this falls considerably to only 0.7%. In addition, we find that these sets of factors and the non-REIT indices better explain the month-to-month returns of the REIT mutual funds. This suggests that investors or researchers evaluating REIT mutual fund performance may benefit from a multiple-benchmark approach.  相似文献   

融资结构可分为债务融资和股权融资,债务融资又有不同融资成本、不同融资途径、不同债务期限。债务融资下融资成本、融资途径、债务期限和股权融资与企业绩效有何关系呢?基于此,本文运用2010~2015年创业板上市公司实证研究债务融资和股权融资对公司绩效的影响。研究结果表明:股权融资与公司业绩正相关;债务融资下资产负债率、债务期限结构与公 司业绩正相关,而银行借款率与公司业绩负相关。  相似文献   

企业高层管理团队是由社会精英人士组成的复杂系统,以往对其绩效的评定研究大都停留在繁复数据的简单归纳和各类变量的定性评价上,既易于失真又难以体现TMT运作的动态性。因此,应在系统分析其绩效各要素内涵及彼此关联的基础上,综合运用模糊数学工具,构建以绩效的六维力度体系为核心的绩效数学模型及相应评价方法,以减少主观噪声的干扰而真实反映TMT绩效的客观状态。  相似文献   

The main research objectives are to ascertain the state of the art of the postauditing practices of UK small/medium enterprises (SMEs) to fill a gap in the literature and to offer a sound empirical base for future discussion. We show that the reality of those that undertake postaudits differs from the perceptions of those that do not and may therefore present a learning opportunity. The level of importance of the three key objectives (control, learning, and evaluation) of a postaudit appears to be influenced by organizational structure. The reasons for not undertaking a postaudit and difficulties encountered are clearly evidenced.  相似文献   

外部环境的急剧变化,市场竞争的不断加剧,对航天科研生产内部监督机制提出了更高的要求,这不仅需要一套行之有效的航天科研生产内部监督机制,同时还需要一套科学合理的内部监督机制效果评价系统对监督机制的实施效果进行监督和评价。作为对航天科研生产内部监督机制的支持系统,  相似文献   

通过实验研究群体决策和大五人格对报童订购的影响。研究表明大五人格中开放性维度能很好地预测个体和群体决策者的订购行为。在个体实验中,开放性越高的个体更不易产生锚定效应,其他四种人格特性与锚定偏差无显著关系;在群体实验中,群体的开放性得分均值、群体中高开放性成员所占的比例与锚定偏差呈负相关关系。通过比较两种实验结果,发现群体锚定倾向明显小于个体锚定倾向,而群体决策并没有优于个体决策。该研究结果对企业人员招聘、构建决策团队及降低决策偏差有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

企业环境绩效与经济绩效的关系一直是企业战略管理研究关注的重要问题.传统观点认为:环境规制与经济效益是相互矛盾的,经济发展必须以破坏环境为代价,而若要保护环境则会限制经济的发展.实践证明环境规制与经济效益并不是矛盾的,而是由于制度设计的不当造成的.本文通过对我国环境规制现状的分析,针对我国现行的环境规制进行改革和创新,给经济主体提供充分的激励,将环境规制与经济主体的利益最大化行为相关联,从而实现环境绩效与财务绩效的双赢.  相似文献   

The notions that firms are embedded within complex networks, and that managers spend time actively networking, have long been accepted by scholars within the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group. However, an issue that has not received the same attention is an assessment of how these two facets; network structure and external networking behaviors affect SME performance. In assessing their antecedents, in this research we move beyond the traditional IMP literature, using emotional intelligence and entrepreneurial style to assess CEOs' managerial style. Network structure was assessed by the extent to which structural holes and degrees of centrality were present. Data was collected from 227 CEOs of small Iranian information technology companies. To test our hypotheses, we combined the use of structural equation modeling and social network analysis — a dual methodology that has not been adopted before. The results show that emotional intelligence drives entrepreneurial style, network structure and external networking behavior. SME performance is influenced by both network structure and external networking behavior. The mediating role of network structure is also discussed. Here our results show that entrepreneurial style does not influence external networking behavior. Several managerial implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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