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随着智能手机的普及和以4G为代表的高速移动通信网络的逐渐覆盖,智能手机游戏正逐渐成为一种主流的电子娱乐休闲方式。然而,手机游戏产品的同质化现象日趋严重;手机游戏用户的体验预期越来越高。企业必须及时发现消费者不断变化的需求,在营销理念和策略上作出改变,使产品和服务更贴合消费者深层次的价值需要。文化营销就是营销者有意识地发现、甄别和培养消费者的精神文化需求,在产品与服务中融入文化因素,通过物质与文化的结合进行营销内容的创新,以满足营销参与者高层次需求的一种差异化营销方式。网易《阴阳师》这款游戏把营销过程作为文化的载体,创新性地采取了文化定位、文化互动与文化共鸣相结合的整合营销策略,在满足消费者基本物质需求的同时,还能给消费者以文化上的享受,从而更加全面地实现消费者的利益诉求。手机游戏企业应实施准确的文化定位,以消费者的文化诉求创新产品和服务;重视不同形态文化之间的文化适应,灵活调整跨文化营销策略;进一步强化文化互动体验,积极构建文化圈层。从而充分发挥文化营销的优势,有效地实现产品与服务的差异化,使市场营销走出同质化丛林。  相似文献   

市场经济催生大量异质产品满足不同消费需求,而消费者如何做出购买决策,受多种因素的影响,除消费者自身生理需求表现为强烈的购物动机以外,外部环境的刺激是激发消费者购买欲望的主要动因,而无论何种刺激方式,包含广告、人员推销、销售促进、公共关系,其主线大多是基于情感策略,即用某种情感方式打动消费者的内心,使其产生某种共鸣,进而购买相关的产品和服务。因而情感营销成为各个行业营销活动的主流。文章从情感营销的概念、表现方式出发,阐述了情感营销对于消费者、对于企业的优势,同时兼顾企业、消费者个人及社会的利益三方角度看,情感营销存在一定的弊端,最后提出情感营销策略,倡导企业扬长避短,更好的履行社会营销观念。  相似文献   

企业文化营销是企业基于目标市场消费者的文化需求,发掘产品或企业文化中能满足消费者的文化内涵,将消费者所认可和需要的文化融入产品、服务及整个营销过程,并以企业特有的方式传递给消费者,顺利实现市场交换的一种营销模式。企业实施文化营销,必须建设企业营销文化和培养企业文化营销理念、规划文化营销战略、制定文化营销策略,才能取得文化营销效果。  相似文献   

跨界营销是当今最热门的营销策略之一,在不同的行业间实践,逐渐成为全球化时代的一种潮流。在酒类营销中实施的跨界营销应以消费者的体验为基础,通过酒类产品的品牌、渠道、客户跨界合作带给消费者不同的体验,从而实现彼此的相互渗透和融合,实现品牌效应叠加,减少费用,规避风险;酒类营销应用时应充分考虑目标消费群对该新型营销方式的接受程度,并且把酒产品的卖点和品牌文化紧密联合;在策略选择上,可以采用酒类营销品牌的跨界,酒类营销渠道的跨界、酒类营销客户的跨界。  相似文献   

善因营销是企业通过以利润为动机的捐赠来增加企业产品与自身商业价值的营销策略。消费者感知是观察和提升企业善因营销效果的一个重要视角。企业预先声誉、契合度、捐赠幅度与类型、品牌知名度、产品类型等五方面因素深刻影响着消费者的感知。为此,企业需要从企业特性、善因营销活动特征和匹配度三个维度改善善因营销的策略。  相似文献   

张莉 《商》2014,(22):20-21
在当前全球化与高速信息化的时代背景下,可以说任何的优势都是暂时的,而唯一不变的主旋律就是变化。随着人们物质文化生活水平的提高,消费者的消费心理以及其决定的消费模式也在随之发生改变,产品的同质化程度也在逐渐增强。面对新的环境与挑战,如何进行营销策略的转变以保持企业的持久的竞争能力显得尤为重要。企业的文化作为稳定的不可复制的差异化要素,是区别于竞争对手的最显著特征,本文从企业文化的视角,总结梳理了当前文化营销存在的问题,并试图从企业文化的角度对产品的营销策略提出改进意见。  相似文献   

品牌文化的透视及营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林青  赵兴艳 《商场现代化》2007,(13):233-234
本文认为品牌文化是兼容于企业文化与社会文化的,能在企业和社会消费群体间产生共鸣,并使消费者从消费产品过程中获得某种强化的社会价值观念、信念、行为操守原则和精神。其本质是特定产品的消费文化。品牌文化的效用在于使品牌与消费者的价值理念诉求之间建立起操作性条件反射关系。并依据这一原理,提出了具体品牌文化的营销策略。  相似文献   

以消费者为本实施搜索引擎营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜鹏 《商场现代化》2007,(12):116-117
随着全球化和信息化的浪潮,网络营销已经成为企业不可忽视的营销途径;其中搜索引擎营销作为一项新兴的营销手段得到了广泛的关注。本文通过对搜索引擎在影响消费者决策方面作用的研究,基于精细加工可能性模型,结合传统网络广告研究领域关于广告效果影响因素的相关研究,将影响搜索引擎广告效果的因素分为四部分,分别是消费者对于搜索引擎的信任程度、搜索引擎广告的信息特征、搜索引擎广告的诉求特征、以及搜索引擎广告的风格因素。总结了影响搜索引擎营销成功的因素,为企业设定合适的营销策略提供了参考。  相似文献   

我国企业文化营销策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化营销有助于企业实现产品差异化及提升品牌价值,也有助于企业产品品牌与消费者之间的沟通。我国企业在使用文化营销过程中还存在着不能紧密联系消费者、无法建立长期稳固的关系、不能给予消费者迅速反应、不注重消费者回报等问题。企业在实施文化营销时,应将文化运用到4R营销当中,即建立与消费者之间的文化关联;建立消费者所需求的文化反应;建立企业与消费者之间长期稳固的文化关系;建立了稳固的关系得到的营销文化回报。这能使营销过程更加顺利,并更有效的达到营销目的。  相似文献   

<正>概念营销是指以某种有形或无形的产品为依托,借助现代传媒技术,将一种新的消费概念向消费者宣传推广,赋予企业或产品以丰富的想象内涵或特定的品位和社会定位,从而引起消费者的关注与认同,并最终唤起消费者对新产品需求的一种营销策略。  相似文献   

A cattle feedlot marketing simulation model was developed and used to evaluate the performance of various feedlot marketing strategies. The marketing analysis included corn, feeder cattle, and fed cattle integrated marketing alternatives. A variety of strategies were compared including hedging and put option purchasing as signaled via profit margins or price forecasts. The results indicate that cattle feeders could have historically increased profitability and decreased the variability of profits through selective marketing by using either profit margins or price forecasts to signal market positions as compared to cash marketing strategies. In addition, several strategies were found that stochastically dominated cash marketing.  相似文献   

The authors propose a framework to integrate virtue ethics into marketing theory and apply it to the development of marketing strategies. Virtue ethics, a philosophy that focuses on an individual's moral character, has received limited attention from marketing scholars and researchers. The authors argue that without consideration of virtue ethics a comprehensive analysis of the ethical character of marketing decision makers and their strategies cannot be achieved. They provide an overview of virtue ethics supplemented by a case study of The Body Shop, International to demonstrate how evaluation of the ethics of corporate executives and their marketing strategies is completed by virtue ethics.  相似文献   


This paper reviews 30 years of interdisciplinary scholarship that deals with marketing history or the history of marketing thought. We have ranged across the humanities and social sciences to review the very best scholarship that these domains have produced which speaks to issues likely to concern the readers of the Journal of Marketing Management (JMM). These domains include: the history of marketing management, history of market research, history of market segmentation, product management history, retailing and channels history, promotion history, advertising history, the history of marketing thought, and marketing and the management of subjectivity, among others. Given obvious page limitations we have nevertheless tried to appeal to the paradigmatic span of the readers of the JMM. With this in mind, we have critically reviewed material that will be of interest to managerially oriented academics, as well as those who subscribe to consumer culture theoretics and critical marketing studies.  相似文献   

This study was centered on the identification of the marketing strategies of hospitals and the factors that militate against their effective adoption and implementation. A total of 80 hospitals in Port Harcourt responded to a structured questionnaire administered on them. It was found, among other things, that many hospital organizations apply marketing strategies, and that hospitals that adopt effective marketing strategies perform better than those that do not. Some of the factors militating against the effective adoption and implementation of marketing strategies include lack of planning, lack of top management support, and non-utilization of all the promotional mix elements.  相似文献   

Relationship marketing should be planned and implemented within an array of other strategies that relate with and enhance one another. Supporting strategies are those necessary for achieving a relationship's full effectiveness. Augmented strategies are those whose effectiveness might be enhanced by relationship marketing if marketing planning and strategic planning are integrated. Consideration of relationship marketing's use as a strategy deserves attention from management because it may require significant resources, often leads to interfunctional activities, and augments certain overall market strategies.  相似文献   

This research provides new knowledge on the development of marketing strategies in international new ventures (INVs) by applying the concept of entrepreneurial marketing to these early internationalizing firms. Using a qualitative approach, the authors identify the key dimensions of this concept in INVs, namely innovativeness and adaptation, and elaborate on both the defining elements and the development of these dimensions. They suggest that the innovativeness and adaptation of marketing strategies decrease during the global growth of INVs. Other contextual issues also underlie the development of international entrepreneurial marketing strategies; in particular, they appear to reflect the turbulence and global diversity of the environment and the market orientation of the INV. The marketing performance of INVs is determined by the fit between international entrepreneurial marketing strategies and the internal and external contingencies of the firm. Propositions for future research and managerial implications are provided.  相似文献   

The extant research lacks information on entrepreneurial marketing in large international firms. This study explores the international entrepreneurial marketing strategies of multinational corporations (MNCs), and its results reveal that MNC marketing managers use bricolage to develop international entrepreneurial marketing. A novel finding of the study is that the international entrepreneurial marketing strategies of MNCs include co-innovation, accelerating customer value, and international expansion based on regional market leadership. Marketing managers use both parallel and selective bricolage in their international entrepreneurial marketing. Environmental uncertainty and entrepreneurship culture are important drivers of the implementation of bricolage to develop international entrepreneurial marketing. The research findings can inform MNC management of the options available to utilize corporate venturing to facilitate bricolage and in turn to realize international entrepreneurial marketing strategies.  相似文献   

现代企业需要绿色营销   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
实行可持续发展战略,是国家、企业生存与发展的必然选择.从绿色营销概念及其特点出发,制定正确的绿色营销战略、加强绿色组织设计与管理、培养绿色企业文化、实施绿色R&D,制定绿色营销组合等对企业走可持续发展的道路具有重要意义。  相似文献   

跨国公司全球营销策略与在华营销活动研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁西章 《商业研究》2007,(3):129-133,142
跨国公司在全球范围内进行扩张时,是采用一体化营销战略还是当地化营销战略一直是跨国公司在实际决策中遇到的难点,这同时也是近年来营销理论界争论的一个焦点。通过对全球化营销和当地化营销两种营销方式内涵的挖掘,进而以Prahalad&Doz(1987)提出的一体化——当地化分析框架为基础,研究跨国公司在华的营销策略。研究结果表明:几乎所有进入中国市场的跨国公司都把本土化作为获取中国的胜利之本。  相似文献   


Although Switzerland enjoys a mature e-commerce sector and online marketing with widespread use of social media, large Swiss nonprofit organizations (NPOs) still adopt mainly off-line marketing and mass marketing strategies to support their fund-raising efforts. Mass marketing techniques are expensive and require a large financial investment, which Swiss small and medium-sized organizations cannot afford. The high cost of adopting these conventional fund-raising strategies greatly affects small NPOs, who lack funds to run their social and humanitarian projects. If instead NPOs focused on more cost-efficient marketing strategies, they could improve the sustainability of their fund-raising campaigns. Taking an explorative approach, this study first surveys Swiss donors to understand and quantify their behaviors. Second, it conducts qualitative interviews with NPOs to provide insights into their fund-raising strategies. Finally, it concludes with a set of practical suggestions for small and medium-sized NPOs to build specific capabilities to collect online donations more efficiently.  相似文献   

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