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Optimal Investment,Monitoring, and the Staging of Venture Capital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the structure of staged venture capital investments when agency and monitoring costs exist. Expected agency costs increase as assets become less tangible, growth options increase, and asset specificity rises. Data from a random sample of 794 venture capital-backed firms support the predictions. Venture capitalists concentrate investments in early stage and high technology companies where informational asymmetries are highest. Decreases in industry ratios of tangible assets to total assets, higher market-to-book ratios, and greater R&D intensities lead to more frequent monitoring. Venture capitalists periodically gather information and maintain the option to discontinue funding projects with little probability of going public.  相似文献   

I study the effects of risk and ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty) on optimal portfolios and equilibrium asset prices when investors receive information that is difficult to link to fundamentals. I show that the desire of investors to hedge ambiguity leads to portfolio inertia and excess volatility. Specifically, when news is surprising, investors may not react to price changes even if there are no transaction costs or other market frictions. Moreover, I show that small shocks to cash flow news, asset betas, or market risk premia may lead to drastic changes in the stock price and hence to excess volatility.  相似文献   

In intertemporal asset pricing models, transaction costs are usually neglected. In this paper we explicitly incorporate transaction costs in these models and analyze to what extent this extension is helpful in explaining the cross-section of expected returns. An empirical analysis using CRSP data on size-based portfolios examines the role of the transaction costs and shows that incorporating such costs in the consumption-based model with power utility does not yield very satisfactory results. However, the introduction of habit persistence substantially improves the model. We find rather strong evidence of habit persistence in monthly consumption data. The plots of the models' pricing errors indicate that an intertemporal asset pricing model with transaction costs and habit persistence explains the cross-sectional variation in the portfolio returns quite accurately.  相似文献   

The existing research on debt‐maturity under asymmetric information has focused on the impact of differential information regarding asset quality on the debt maturity decision. This research has generally indicated the optimality of short‐term debt financing as a vehicle of mitigating the adverse selection problem. In this paper, I consider the impact of information asymmetry regarding the maturity structure of cash flows on the debt maturity decision. In this context, long‐term debt is generally the form of debt financing most effective in alleviating the adverse selection problem. I also show that costs of adverse selection may induce some mismatching of debt maturity and asset maturity in the presence of significant transaction costs.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Market structure affects the informational and real frictions faced by traders in equity markets. Using bid-ask spreads, we present evidence which suggests that while real frictions associated with the costs of supplying immediacy are less in order-driven systems, informational frictions resulting from increased adverse selection risk are considerably higher in these markets. Firm value, transaction size and order location are all major determinants of the trading costs borne by investors. Consistent with the stealth trading hypothesis of Barclay and Warner (1993) , we report that informational frictions are at their highest for medium size trades that go through the order book. Finally, while there is no doubt that the total costs of trading on order-driven systems are lower for very liquid securities, the inherent informational inefficiencies of the trading format should not be ignored. This is particularly true for the vast majority of small to mid-size stocks that experience infrequent trading and low transaction volume.  相似文献   

This study determines the impact of a new issue of common stock on security holder wealth and the magnitude attributable to transaction costs, tax shield dilution, wealth transfers, and informational content. The empirical results indicate that shareholders of firms announcing new equity issues experience significant, abnormal, negative returns. The per share transaction cost accounts for 22.6 percent of the observed abnormal return. The tax shield dilution effect accounts for 7.8 percent. No evidence of a wealth transfer effect is found. Thus, approximately 70 percent of the abnormal return can be attributed to new unfavorable information that becomes available to the market.  相似文献   


The classical discrete-time model of proportional transaction costs relies on the assumption that a feasible portfolio process has solvent increments at each step. We extend this setting in two directions, allowing convex transaction costs and assuming that increments of the portfolio process belong to the sum of a solvency set and a family of multivariate acceptable positions, e.g. with respect to a dynamic risk measure. We describe the sets of superhedging prices, formulate several no (risk) arbitrage conditions and explore connections between them. In the special case when multivariate positions are converted into a single fixed asset, our framework turns into the no-good-deals setting. However, in general, the possibilities of assessing the risk with respect to any asset or a basket of assets lead to a decrease of superhedging prices and the no-arbitrage conditions become stronger. The mathematical techniques rely on results for unbounded and possibly non-closed random sets in Euclidean space.


Prior work with competitive rational expectations equilibrium models indicates that there should be a positive relation between trading volume and differences in beliefs or information among traders. We show that this result is sensitive to whether and how transaction costs are modeled. In a specialist market with endogenous transaction costs we show that trading volume can be negatively related to the degree of informational asymmetry in the market. Our analysis highlights the dependence of volume on market structure, and our results suggest that the “volume effects” of corporate or macroeconomic events reflect a decrease, rather than an increase, in heterogeneity of beliefs or asymmetry of information.  相似文献   

This paper re-examines the profitability of the post-earnings-announcement-drift (PEAD) trading strategy using a practical simulation approach that aligns with a fund manager’s investment perspective. It allows us to calculate the break-even transaction costs of following a PEAD strategy, and permits the explicit incorporation of transaction costs. Using US data from 1974 to 2007, we show that the traditional event-study method understates the risk and overstates the abnormal return of the PEAD strategy. Accounting for transaction costs in a practical simulation framework, we show there is no abnormal return (alpha) from the PEAD strategy in multi-factor asset pricing regression analyses. These results are robust to sub-period analyses and alternative transaction cost measures. The effects of intraday timing and information risk on the PEAD strategy are also explored. Overall, our study shows that the practical aspects of implementing the PEAD strategy are vitally important to evaluating the risk and return of the strategy. We provide a practical, analytical tool that can be directly adopted by fund managers to study the PEAD strategy with their institutional parameters of transaction costs and market timing.  相似文献   

While monitoring borrowers, a bank obtains private information about its customers, giving the bank an informational advantage in the production of subsequent services. Competing theories exist on the way banks use this advantage in the pricing of subsequent services to the customer. If moral hazard limits the transfer of private information, the borrowing relationship transforms into an informational monopoly and can be characterized as a “wasting asset.” Alternately, if the banks' competitive environment necessitates that cost economies are shared, the relationship has “value.” Ordering pairs of successive loans made to a particular borrower as prior loans and subsequent loans, and controlling for environmental, borrower, and loan characteristics, we show that the subsequent loan is priced significantly lower than the prior loan.  相似文献   

交易费用、政府边界与财政体制改革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
将新制度经济学中的交易费用理论引入政府供给公共产品的分析,给出了政府供给公共产品的边界的理论模型。我国政府在供给公共产品过程中发生的交易费用:决策费用、实施费用和监督费用过高,制约了我国政府供给公共产品的效率。制度的一项重要功能是降低交易成本,改革财政分权体制是降低政府供给公共产品发生的交易费用的有效途径。  相似文献   

We obtain a closed-form solution to a rational expectations equilibrium model with transaction costs in the framework of Grossman and Stiglitz [1980. American Economic Review 70, 543–566]. Individual private information incorporated into prices is reduced due to suppressed trading activities by transaction costs. The fraction of informed traders in equilibrium increases (decreases) with transaction costs when the costs are low (high). The informativeness of prices decreases with transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the asset allocation problem of optimally tracking a target mix of asset categories when there are transaction costs. We consider the trading strategy for an investor who is trying to minimize both fixed and proportional transaction costs while simultaneously minimizing the tracking error with respect to a specified, target asset mix. We use imupulse control theory in a continuous-time, dynamic setting to deal with this problem in a general and analytical way, showing that the optimal trading strategy can be characterized in terms of a quasi-variational inequality. We derive an explicit solution for the two-asset case, and we use this to provide a sensitivity analysis, showing how the optimal strategy depends upon individual input parameters. We also use some theory for one-dimensional diffusion processes to derive analytical expressions for various measures of performance such as the average time between transactions.  相似文献   

We show how information technology affects transfer pricing. With coarse information technology, negotiated transfer pricing has an informational advantage: managers agree to prices that approximate the firm's cost of internal trade more precisely than cost-based transfer prices. With sufficiently rapid offers, this advantage outweighs opportunity costs of managers’ bargaining time, and negotiated transfer pricing generates higher profits than the cost-based method. However, as information technology improves, the informational advantage diminishes; the opportunity costs of managers’ bargaining eventually dominate, and cost-based methods generate higher profits. Our results explain why firms generally prefer cost-based methods, and when negotiated methods are preferable.  相似文献   

In a market with one safe and one risky asset, an investor with a long horizon, constant investment opportunities and constant relative risk aversion trades with small proportional transaction costs. We derive explicit formulas for the optimal investment policy, its implied welfare, liquidity premium, and trading volume. At the first order, the liquidity premium equals the spread, times share turnover, times a universal constant. The results are robust to consumption and finite horizons. We exploit the equivalence of the transaction cost market to another frictionless market, with a shadow risky asset, in which investment opportunities are stochastic. The shadow price is also found explicitly.  相似文献   

美国金融衍生工具市场的发展、运作及监管研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪70年代以来,以资产证券化为主的金融创新从供给和需求两个角度推动了金融衍生工具市场的发展,该市场对于降低交易成本、削弱信息不对称以及提高资源配置效率发挥了重要的作用,并促使商业银行经营模式的转变和金融体系结构的变迁。但由于监管的疏漏,衍生工具市场对金融稳定带来了巨大威胁。鉴于此,美国金融监管部门加强了对该市场的监管改革,但关于改革的必要性和力度成为学术界和业界争议的焦点。就我国而言,发展衍生工具市场虽然有助于多元化融资渠道的构建,但以审慎原则为基础构建相应的监管体系也是十分必要的。  相似文献   

We study the destabilizing effect of hedging strategies under Markovian dynamics with transaction costs. Once transaction costs are taken into account, continuous portfolio rehedging is no longer an optimal strategy. Using a non-optimizing (local in time) strategy for portfolio rebalancing, explicit dynamics for the price of the underlying asset are derived, focusing in particular on excess volatility and feedback effects of these portfolio insurance strategies. Moreover, it is shown how these latter depend on the heterogeneity of the insured payoffs. Finally, conditions are derived under which it may be still reasonable, from a practical viewpoint, to implement Black–Scholes strategies.  相似文献   

Traditional microstructural theories of asset pricing emphasize the role of volume as a trend indicator. With the availability of large transaction data sets, one has started recently to incorporate more information of the trades, such as the time between trades, to describe the multivariate dynamics of transactions. Without knowing a priori the relation between the observed components of a trade—price, duration between trades, and volume—one may follow the principle of ‘letting the data speak for themselves’. The goal of this paper is to evaluate the informational content of both volume and durations to predict transaction returns using explorative non-parametric methods. The empirical results for transaction data of IBM stock prices confirm the role of volume as a trend indicator. After a sell (buy) expected returns are decreasing (increasing) with volume and increasing (decreasing) with durations. A.forecasting exercise shows that the superiority of the non-parametric model over simple parameterizations carries over to out-of-sample prediction.  相似文献   

The value of an asset is equal to the present value of its expected future cash flows. It is affected by the magnitude, timing and riskiness, or volatility, of the cash flows. We hypothesize that if the expected values of two assets?? cash flows are equal, the value of the asset with more volatile cash flows will be lower. Furthermore, we examine the impact of the volatility of cash flows on the volatility of prices. We consider a simple experimental environment where subjects trade in an asset which provides dividends from a known probability distribution. The expected value of the dividends is identical in all experimental treatments. The treatments vary with respect to the volatility of dividends. We find that when dividends are more volatile, transaction prices are lower. We also find that the volatility of prices is lower in the treatment with highly volatile dividends. In addition, as expected, trading volume is lower when cash flows are less volatile.  相似文献   

We use the introduction of a financial transaction tax (FTT) in France in 2012 to test competing theories on its impact. We find no support for the idea that an FTT improves market quality by affecting the composition of trading volume. Instead, our results are in line with the hypothesis that a lower trading volume reduces liquidity and in turn market quality. Consistent with theories of asset pricing under transaction costs, we document a shift in security holdings from short‐term to long‐term investors. Finally, we find that moderate aggregate effects on market quality can mask large adjustments made by individual agents.  相似文献   

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