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Although the role of communication in franchise relationships is well recognized, it is not well understood. This paper proposes two higher‐order latent constructs—relationship positivity and relationship negativity—each of which is reflected in four first‐order constructs. The paper investigates the influence of communication on both positivity and negativity simultaneously. Authors collected data from 300 franchisees of a franchise system in Korea, and estimated a structural equation model to test the hypotheses. Results demonstrate the dual influence of communication—it enhances positivity and reduces negativity. More importantly, and somewhat surprisingly, communication is more effective at enhancing positivity in a relationship than at reducing negativity.  相似文献   

Trust relates not only to customer trust in individual companies (i.e., narrow‐scope trust) but also to the broader business context in which customer–seller relationships may develop (i.e., broad‐scope trust [BST]). Based on two surveys comprising 1155 bank consumers and 817 insurance consumers, respectively, this study investigates the moderating influence of BST on relationships between satisfaction, narrow‐scope trust, and loyalty and also examines the direct influence of BST on these variables. The results indicate that whereas BST negatively moderates relationships between satisfaction and narrow‐scope trust and between narrow‐scope trust and loyalty, BST positively moderates the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, it is demonstrated that BST positively influences customer satisfaction and narrow‐scope trust. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Utilizing theories of identity this article presents findings from a qualitative study regarding the significant role independent franchisee associations play within franchise systems. The data reveal that successful franchisee associations help manage the inherent tension that exists between cooperation and conflict in franchise relationships. A distinctive adaptive organizational identity provides an association the capability necessary to reframe its relationship with the franchisor as either combative or cooperative in response to changes in a franchisor's identity. Challenging the views of both franchisor stability and the dyadic form that franchisee–franchisor relationships assume, behavioral insight is provided into the actual functioning of franchise systems and new avenues are suggested for theory building in franchising.  相似文献   

This research examined the influence of financial well‐being on pawnshop use. Data from the 2015 National Financial Capability Study were used to construct a measure of financial well‐being, based on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's definition. A higher financial well‐being reduced the odds of pawnshop use by 17%, even after controlling for having a bank account, having a credit card, being financially overconfident, proximity to local pawnshops, and selected demographic characteristics. The authors make recommendations for future research based on changes in the pawnshop industry and its users.  相似文献   

Multi‐functionality is a currently fashionable argument, especially within the EU, for continued support of the farming sector. However, there is a substantial danger that this will be used, and be seen to being used, as a façade for continued traditional support and protection. If so, the current trend towards liberalised agricultural markets, on which much of the developing world depends, will be frustrated. Nevertheless, farming does matter to many communities, over and above its marketable surplus and the incomes so generated. It follows that any negotiations aimed at liberalising agricultural trade have to take these arguments seriously. To do so requires that the critical elements of the debate be widely understood. This paper outlines these critical elements, in the light of a previous contribution from Hodge (2000) . It argues that there are ways in which quasi‐market systems can be used to correct market failures implicit in the notion of multi‐functionality. It also argues that proper compensation to existing supported farmers is a necessary and separate condition for sensible policy reform. Much of the commentary on farm trade liberalisation confuses the two separate conditions for reform: multi‐functionality and compensation. This confusion threatens progress towards agricultural trade liberalisation, without generating any reliable benefits of a more multifunctional agriculture.  相似文献   

Involvement as a moderator of message sidedness effects has produced inconclusive and contradictory findings. This study examines these contradictions by investigating the conditions in which involvement moderates the persuasiveness of two‐sided advertising. Based on meta‐analytic results and using two experimental studies, the findings show that high involved consumers are influenced by the negativity of the message, while low involved consumers are influenced by the amount of information. Furthermore, the influence of negativity on high involved consumers is conditional when there are low degrees of negativity in the message. In comparison, varying the degree of negativity does not affect low involved consumers.  相似文献   

People's self‐regulatory focus may determine the effectiveness of stop‐smoking campaigns. An experiment with 226 young smokers investigated the persuasiveness of different emotional appeals for different self‐regulatory foci. A congruency effect emerges for attitude toward the advertisement and behavioral intentions: Young smokers with a promotion focus are more persuaded by sadness–joy than fear–relief campaigns, and the opposite is true for those with a prevention focus. As predicted by the regulatory relevancy principle, ad involvement mediates this effect.  相似文献   

Effective customer-related knowledge transfer can be seen as the cornerstone of customer value creation in collaborative relationships between professional service organisations and their customers. Our intention in this paper is to describe how different work groups within organisations (communities of practice) influence the perceived customer value. We approach this phenomenon from a relationship management perspective and use literature from relationship marketing, organisation research and knowledge management as a theoretical basis. Empirically the paper is based on an information-rich explorative case study of a professional service organisation, operating in the consultancy and training business, and its relationship with one of its customers.  相似文献   

This research examined how consumer–brand relationships change when one contrasts brands perceived as nostalgic with brands perceived as non‐nostalgic. Paired comparisons of brands in six product categories revealed that brand attachment, self‐brand connections, and storytelling, as well as, the propensity to offer the brand as a gift and collect brand‐derived products, depend on the nostalgic status of the brand. On a sample of 606 consumers, the results showed that a brand's nostalgic status has a positive effect on attachment, self‐brand connections, and storytelling. These effects had not previously been considered in nostalgia research. Furthermore, the nostalgic status of a brand has positive effects in terms of intention to purchase the brand as a gift and collect brand‐derived products. Moreover, ANOVA results illustrate that consumer relationships with nostalgic brands are systematically stronger than with non‐nostalgic brands. Finally, results indicated that product category moderates all of the dimensions of brand relationships while gender does not.  相似文献   

In analysing the impact of offshoring on the skill composition, previous empirical studies have established that offshoring firms employ more non‐production workers. However, not all non‐production workers are highly skilled. This paper disaggregates non‐production workers into the following three categories: (i) skilled non‐production workers, (ii) unskilled non‐production workers and (iii) non‐production workers with special skills for offshoring and other overseas business management. By linking our offshoring survey data with firm‐level data for Japanese manufacturing firms, this paper finds that the share of skilled non‐production workers tends to be significantly high in offshoring firms but that of unskilled non‐production workers is not. As offshoring has expanded from production to non‐production tasks, this result implies that the distinction between skilled versus unskilled workers becomes critical among non‐production workers. Using our unique data on supplier types in offshoring, this paper finds that the share of non‐production workers for the management of overseas activities tends to be high in foreign direct investment firms and in firms outsourcing to foreign independent suppliers, but not in Japanese firms outsourcing to offshore suppliers located abroad but owned by other Japanese firms. This difference indicates that coordination burdens are likely to be at least partly mitigated by common languages or shared business practices. These findings suggest that offshoring has different impacts on employment depending on suppliers and the worker’s skill. The principal results are confirmed robust even after various firm characteristics are controlled for in panel regressions, though we should not give any causal interpretations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to predict self‐service technology (SST) investment from the extents of service innovation capability (SIC) and electronic customer relationship management (e‐CRM) practices. This study proposes a theoretical framework that delineates the relationships among SIC, e‐CRM practices, and SST investment. The results indicate that SIC has positive impacts on e‐CRM practices, which in turn are positively related to SST investment. Moreover, e‐CRM practices have partial mediating effects on the relationships between SIC and SST investment as well as have partial moderating effects on the relationships between SIC and SST investment. © 2018 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The management of strategic buyer–supplier relationships is a critical concern for sourcing managers. The selection of key suppliers and how relationships with these suppliers are managed and incentivized can dramatically affect the buying company's performance. While the extant literature focusing on industrial buyer–supplier relationships is significant, the severe economic downturn beginning in 2008 tested buyer–supplier relationships in unprecedented ways, yielding new insights. The research presented in this paper uses dyadic cases to investigate transformations within industrial relationships during the economic downturn. Propositions are formulated that focus on why and how firms responded to the downturn. Three primary types of relationships are identified. The results indicate variation in the ways buying companies managed their key supplier relationships during the downturn: some firms behaved more cooperatively and found ways to jointly confront the effects of the downturn, while others responded by behaving competitively to maximize their individual outcomes. The results further suggest that researchers need to revisit existing models of relationship development and dissolution to understand how these relationships evolve or devolve. The research also raises questions about the value of physical and human asset specificity, and social investments in curtailing opportunistic behavior in times of severe economic stress.  相似文献   

An exchange perspective of franchising recognizes the important role that both the franchisor and franchisee assume in developing and maintaining sustainable relationships. However, should franchisees not perceive value in the quality of provided products or services, some incentive misalignment between agent and principal is likely (e.g. free riding, non-compliance with system standards), potentially resulting in greater perceptions of financial risk, diminished levels of franchisee satisfaction, reduced unit performance and conflict ( [Harmon and Griffiths, 2008] and [Kaufmann and Dant, 1998] ). A greater understanding of franchisee perceptions of value is very important if ongoing satisfaction in the franchising relationship is the goal. This paper, therefore, makes a significant contribution to such an understanding by empirically testing the dimensions of value that influence franchisee perceptions of risk and relationship satisfaction. Moreover, we make important comparisons across gender, the results of which provide rich information. In theoretical terms, we advance the literature in the context of value and franchising and, in practical terms, the results, by managing for performance (financial risk and relationship quality), assist franchisors in developing, delivering and managing what is of value to their franchisees. Furthermore, the findings of this study provide a solid platform for future research in this area.  相似文献   

Although consumption is a symbol of an individual's socio‐economic status, an increasing number of individuals voluntarily prefer to consume less. This phenomenon is called anti‐consumption and it mainly occurs in developed countries where consumption levels have reached excessive amounts. One of the main aims of individuals following an anti‐consumption lifestyle is to increase their own well‐being. However, researchers have yet to investigate whether anti‐consumption, indeed, leads to greater positive consumer well‐being. Hence, through this paper this gap in research is addressed by first deriving a conceptual framework and hypotheses, followed by developing an anti‐consumption scale, and then by testing the impact of anti‐consumption on consumer well‐being. The insights of our analysis highlight the implications for both academia and consumers.  相似文献   

Three experimental studies show that interpersonal relationships influence the expectations of negotiators at the negotiation table. That is, negotiators expect more generous negotiation offers from close others (Study 1), and when expectations are not met, negative emotions arise, resulting in negative economic and relational outcomes (Study 2). Finally, a boundary condition for the effect of interpersonal relationships on negotiation expectations is shown: perspective taking leads the parties to expect less from friends than from acquaintances (Study 3). The findings suggest that perspective taking helps negotiators reach agreement in relationships. The article concludes with implications for practice and future research directions.  相似文献   

Word of mouth (WOM) consistency can be readily observed in online product evaluations. Previous studies on the influence of WOM consistency on purchase intentions have showed contradictory results. In this research, we identify how stronger persuasiveness of WOM is achieved when consistency, product type, and review content work together. Study 1 shows that regarding search goods, highly consistent factual reviews are more persuasive. Study 2 shows that concerning experience goods and credence goods, highly consistent experiential reviews have greater persuasiveness. However, low WOM consistency can also achieve stronger persuasiveness under some circumstances. Moreover, in Study 3, we replicate our findings and explore the possible underlying mechanism. Copyright © 2014 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the positive effect of long‐term oriented marketing relationship on ethical conduct from the perspective of the service provider (i.e., the agent‐firm), by integrating the relevant literature from relationship marketing, ethics, and long‐term orientation domains. The paper proposes that service providers that build relationship quality with their clients will display increased ethical conduct toward them. Specifically, the study examines the positive influence of the dimensions of relationship quality (that are relevant to the offshoring services context) that the service provider firm's employees undertake and their impact on ethical conduct. Overall, the results indicate that the commitment‐only full mediation model of relationship marketing variables on ethical conduct is a better representation than both direct‐effects model and other competing mediating models examined in this study. Fundamentally, it means that customer service officers should incorporate long‐term orientation and commitment in their principal–agent relationships that will provide the impetus for undertaking ethical behavior. The article concludes with a discussion and implications of the findings.  相似文献   

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