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房价、地价与土地招拍挂   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
●就一定时期而言,决定房价的最重要因素是房屋市场的供求关系。土地只是构成房地产的一个生产要素,而要素价格取决于产品价格高低。当前一些城市房价上涨,原因是这些城市的房地产需求(有时候是假性需求)大于供给●招拍挂是采用市场竞争机制显化土地的真实价格,公开了开发商的隐形土地成本,使地价回归其真实水平,其本身不会改变土地供求关系,因此也不会人为抬高地价。之所以显得比协议地价高,一是招拍挂出让的大多是经营性用途的“熟地”地价,协议出让的大多是工业用地,且协议价格往往仅是政府获得的土地出让金,而土地出让金一般只占整个地价的1/4。二是招拍挂出让通过市场竞争剔除了过去协议出让的“权力寻租”部分,相应压缩了部分“关系开发商”的超额利润  相似文献   

近期,房价过快上涨成为社会广泛关注的焦点,而某些房地产开发商继“房价高是土地招拍挂制度造成”的鼓噪之后,又抛出房价高是“地荒”催生的所谓新论。剖析、辩明其中是非,堵住房地产市场的“乌鸦嘴”,以正视听,大有必要。所谓“地荒”说,其核心要点是,土地政策参与宏观调控,国家对土地实行了严管的政策,紧缩“地根”,形成了“地荒论”———所谓房地产用地供应不足,导致了房地产价格的大幅上涨。这种说法能否站住脚,且让事实来说话。2004年年初,针对固定资产投资增长势头过快、经济运行过热的苗头,国家提出了紧缩银根和调控土地市场、紧缩…  相似文献   

地价上涨是房价上涨的结果而非原因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
●近几年来的房价持续快速上涨,是在长期实行住房实物福利分配制度导致住房短缺而社会又快速城镇化的背景下出现的。巨大的住房潜在需求,在居民收入不断增长和银行住房消费信贷的支持下,转变为强劲增长的住房有效需求,成为拉动房价持续快速上涨的决定性因素。●土地作为形成住房产品的一个生产要素,其市场需求由住房需求所引致,土地价格属于引致价格。近几年来,我国城市房地产用地价格上涨就是由房价快速上涨所直接引致的,实行土地“招拍挂”只不过真实地显化了这种土地市场价格。●房价的二元特征决定了土地资源越稀缺,人口密度越大,住房需求越强,房价就越高,地价占房价的比例也就必然越高;房价和地价的这种关系说明,不能脱离开住房产品的市场供求形势和房价来空谈地价。●只有先行完善住房供应和保障政策体系,才能围绕住房供应和保障政策确定的目标,跟进完善土地供应、土地价格、金融信贷、规划管理以及公共投资等方面的政策。  相似文献   

房地产之所以会很快发展到近两年的高烧不退,是因为在特定时期、特殊环境下,房地产市场出现过旺的市场需求、过多资金的支持和过高的市场预期,积热太多难以发散。而实行招拍挂之时房地产已经热过了头,房价能不高吗?怎么能说房价高是因为招拍挂导致的呢?———作者观点房价高不怨招拍挂,如果是因为招拍挂使我们中低收入者买不起房,我们心甘情愿,倒是土地贱卖使我们连最低生活保障都得不到。———一位拆迁户如是说  相似文献   

江苏省徐州市地价与房价关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近几年徐州市经济发展迅速,房地产市场蓬勃发展,房价、地价逐年持续上涨,特别是自招标拍卖挂牌出让土地使用权制度实施以来,徐州市地价迅速增长。因此,有些人把房价的上涨归因于土地价格的上涨,进而归因于招标拍卖挂牌出让土地使用权制度的实施。本文从徐州市地价与房价的关系入手,对此问题加以深入探讨。  相似文献   

当前,社会上有关方面在寻找房价不断上涨原因时,有人说高地价推动了高房价,而高地价是土地使用权招拍挂出让的直接产物,所以招拍挂成了众矢之的.  相似文献   

2011年5月11日,国土资源部发布了《关于坚持和完善土地招标拍卖挂牌出让制度的意见》,文件对坚持和完善土地招拍挂出让基本制度,创新和调整土地招拍挂出让方式,促进城市房地产市场健康发展等提出了具体要求。然而,土地招拍挂制度该如何完善、该文件的出台能否有效抑制房价的攀升、房地产市场该如何规范等问题,仍值得深入思考。  相似文献   

房价、地价与土地供应的前因后果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,征地费用和拆迁费用越来越高,加大了土地取得成本,这种成本的升高,和土地出让方式是无关的。更重要的是,熟地价远远高于毛地价,由此导致的成本差异很大,对房价的影响迥然不同,不加区别地推论地价上涨对房价的影响是不科学的。就近期而言,土地供应量并没有大幅度减少。“三个暂停”以来,全国各地土地征占用数量有所减少,出现了“土地紧缩”,但是主导房地产开发的国有土地出让基本上没有受到影响,反而由于“8·31”大限,一些地区还呈现了大幅度增长的趋势。无论是协议出让还是招拍挂,都是土地市场中的资源配置方式,也可以说是一种形式。这种形式上的改革,充分体现了公开、公平、公正的原则。从对地价和房价影响的角度看,形式毕竟是形式,不会从本质上改变土地市场中最基本的供求矛盾,因而不能在根本上决定地价和房价的高低。  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的迅猛发展,城镇化率的迅速提高,人们的生活水平也得到了很大程度上的改善。然而,在当今社会中摆在人们面前最突出的是住房问题,房价居高不下,使得越来越多的居民买不起房子。针对房价与地价的关系,学术界也做了一定的研究。目前形成的观点主要有房地产开发商根据时间和区位等市场行情来决定住房价格而不是由土地等生产要素成本决定的;城市土地使用权有偿出让制度的弊端造成土地使用价格隐性上涨,从而导致房地产价格持续快速上涨;土地影响房地产价格,而土地价格是由房地产价格而形成的等观点。针对以上观点,本文拟从土地产权实现方式角度,利用西方经济学中的供需平衡理论来探讨房价与地价的关系,并对有效控制房价的土地政策提出了建议。  相似文献   

2009年下半年以来,随着房价地价攀升、"地王"涌现,被视为"阳光政策"的国有建设用地使用权招拍挂制度(以下简称"土地招拍挂制度")受到了越来越多的质疑和指责,对此.国务院和国土资源部有关文件提出了制度改革的要求.北京等地也开始探讨改革思路,采用"综合评标"、 "限房价、竟地价"及"限地价,竞政策性住房面积"等方式,抑制地价和房价的过快增长.土地招拍挂制度到底应如何改革,成为当前土地管理不可回避的一个问题.  相似文献   

This article presents new research on the impact and consequences of the incorporation of Puerto Rico into the American economic sphere of influence and how much change truly took place during the first decades of the twentieth century. As reconstructed here, Puerto Rico's social and economic structure did change after the American invasion. However, a closer look at the data reveals that, contrary to the generally accepted conclusions, land tenure did not become concentrated in fewer hands. Puerto Rico did experience profound changes with the rapid growth of US agribusiness and the penetration of American capital. In the process of arriving on the island, these two interests found a land tenure system in the firm control of local farmers (small, medium, and large). The American invasion and subsequent incorporation of the island into the American economic/political system as a non-incorporated territory provided the conditions for the numerical increase of farms and farmers in the island during the first three decades of the twentieth century.  相似文献   

In this short paper, I assess how COVID-19-related disruptions in transportation services, as well as new demands for transportation services, could impact Canadian agricultural supply chains. The brief analysis reveals that agricultural access to bulk ocean freight, rail movement, and trucking has generally improved in the pandemic, bolstered by the reduced demand for these transportation services by other sectors of the economy. The intermodal containerized movement of grains and food products has seen some disruption from the lack of empty containers in North America. The widespread consumer adoption of physical distancing measures has vastly increased the demand for retail food pickup and delivery services to the point where these services are being rationed by long wait times. From a policy perspective, there is an apparent need for (a) continued supply chain monitoring and industry engagement, (b) the proactive development of strategies to deal with absenteeism and other potential threats to the supply chain, and (c) an assessment of the economic and health merits of providing additional public resources to provide greater access to grocery pickup and delivery services.  相似文献   

Habit persistence is related to recurring food safety incidents in the context of the initial three cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in Canadian cows. We test Engel functions, using generalized method of moments procedures, to analyze the dynamics of monthly beef expenditure shares of a sample of Canadian households during years 2002 through 2005. From microlevel panel data which followed meat expenditures by Canadian households before and after the first three BSE cases, which were discovered in 2003 and 2005, it is seen that households’ reactions to these followed a similar general pattern: households reduced beef purchase expenditures following the discovery of BSE but expenditures subsequently recovered. Following the initial BSE event, we identify an immediate negative impact on beef expenditures. However, in the case of the second two BSE events, this negative impact was not evident until two months after the BSE announcements. The results suggest that habit persistence initially limited households’ reductions of beef purchases following the first BSE event. However, households with higher beef expenditure shares reduced expenditure more than others following the second two BSE events, suggesting that habitual patterns of high levels of consumption tended to change with the recurrence of these food safety events. La persistance des habitudes de consommation est liée aux incidents de sécurité alimentaire récurrents dans le contexte des trois premiers cas d’ESB décelés chez des bovins canadiens. À l’aide de la méthode des moments généralisés, nous avons estimé des courbes d’Engel pour analyser la dynamique des parts de dépenses mensuelles en viande de b?uf auprès d’un échantillon de ménages, au cours de la période de 2002 à 2005. D’après un panel de microdonnées sur les dépenses en viande des ménages canadiens effectuées avant et après la découverte des trois premiers cas d’ESB en 2003 et en 2005, la réaction des ménages semble avoir suivi une tendance générale similaire, à savoir une diminution des dépenses en viande de b?uf après l’annonce des cas d’ESB, suivie d’une reprise. Après l’annonce du premier cas d’ESB, nous avons observé un impact négatif immédiat sur les dépenses en viande de b?uf. Par contre, dans les deux autres cas, l’impact négatif ne s’est fait sentir que deux mois après leur annonce. Les résultats autorisent à penser que la persistance des habitudes a limité la diminution des dépenses des ménages en viande de b?uf après l’annonce du premier cas d’ESB. Toutefois, les ménages qui avaient une part des dépenses en viande de b?uf élevée ont diminué leurs dépenses plus que les autres ménages après l’annonce des deuxième et troisième cas, ce qui laisse supposer que les comportements habituels de consommation élevée ont eu tendance à changer avec la récurrence de ces incidents de sécurité alimentaire.  相似文献   

In this paper, threats to the world's wilderness areas are reviewed. The author argues for a global approach to this encroachment, so that countries struggling against adverse social and economic conditions are not forced to pay the price of mistakes made due to genuine ignorance or the greed of the more advanced nations. A classification of wilderness areas is given, and the threats facing them are outlined. The author then moves on to explain how ekistics, the science of human settlments, can be applied to the problem. In this way, he suggests, man's need to develop and the environment's need for protection can be united. The paper concludes with a plea for a multi-disciplinary approach and, more important, a general awareness that all environmental issues are related.  相似文献   

Agriculture, pesticides and the ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Economists have a good understanding of intra-economic interdependence and a mature methodology of modelling it. Ecologists focus on the complex and sensitive interactions of species in ecosystems. This paper’s objective is to suggest a new micro-foundation of ecosystem analysis based on economic methodology, to integrate the analyses of the ecosystem and the economy and focus on the interface of ecosystem-economy relations. Agriculture forms a major part of this interface. The basic assumption is that in the short run the individual organisms of all species behave as if they optimise their costly offensive and defensive activities given other organisms’ activities (Nash-behaviour).We consider an ecosystem with three species in a unidirectional food chain: buzzards feed on mice, mice feed on grain, and grain feeds on solar energy. A fourth species, humans, also feeds on grain. Humans intervene in the ecosystem in various ways. They can grow grain by using seed, farm labour, pesticides and possibly nature conservation measures to maintain buzzard habitat. Short-run ecosystem equilibrium is characterised, and it is shown, in particular, how this equilibrium depends on farming activities. We then link this ecosystem model to a simple model of an agricultural economy. Both systems are solved for equilibrium simultaneously. From an economic perspective the ecosystem induces positive and negative externalities in agricultural production and in consumer ‘green’ preferences.The inefficiencies of the competitive economy are identified and some possibilities to restore efficiency through corrective taxes or subsidies are briefly discussed. We also outline how short-run equilibria are connected through ecosystem stock-flow relationships. Due to the complexity of the inter-temporal analysis, the resulting ecosystem dynamics cannot be characterised in general analytical terms. It is a topic for future research to study the dynamics in numerical analysis to understand under which conditions the joint ecological and economic system is driven toward a (sustainable) steady state.  相似文献   

We derive a simple expression for the income-pollution path using the standard static model of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC). This expression makes it straightforward to identify the general characteristics of utility and pollution functions that lead to such a curve. We show that suitable preferences can always lead to an EKC while there is no technology that yields an EKC for all types of preferences, and we derive a sufficient condition for technology that leads to an EKC for almost all types of preferences. Our results hold for a model with multiple goods with different pollution intensities and for a production economy with nonconstant relative price of consumption and environmental effort. We derive our results without assuming specific functional forms and we encompass several other models as special cases.  相似文献   

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