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共同富裕是马克思主义的一个基本价值目标,也是自古以来我国人民的一个基本现实追求。马克思共同富裕思想深厚的哲学底蕴与中国传统“大同”思想久远的文化基因虽表达方式不同,但内涵与理念相通,其都是以“现实的人”作为出发点和落脚点,都是基于对当时不合理社会分配制度的现实批判,即使具有一些理想性的色彩,但不可否认的是随着社会的发展,二者都越来越具有可实施性,并能为新时代共同富裕的推进指明科学方向。推进新时代共同富裕要求物质文明与精神文明的协调发展,因此离不开对马克思共同富裕思想的创新与发展,也离不开对中华优秀传统文化的继承与弘扬。马克思共同富裕思想与“大同”思想有其独特的思想内涵,二者相互贯通,必然也能够为新时代扎实推进共同富裕注入动力。  相似文献   

王云 《价值工程》2010,29(36):98-98
共同富裕是社会主义的根本目的和基本原则,是社会主义的一个本质特征。毛泽东和邓小平作为中国共产党第一代、第二代领导集体核心,在社会主义建设的实践中如何实现共同富裕都进行了深刻的探索。邓小平在坚持毛泽东共同富裕思想正确成分的同时,抛弃了其错误的部分,系统地阐述了科学的共同富裕思想。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,为了让人民群众尽快摆脱贫穷与落后,为了加快社会主义现代化建设并实现共同富裕,历代党中央领导集体在理论与实践上都进行过艰辛的探索。从毛泽东时代的如何强国,到邓小平时代的如何富民,再到习近平新时代的如何实现共同富裕。三个不同时代的领导人拥有不同的发展构想,其核心内容不变,但又有其独特之处。表达了共同富裕思想的阶段性特征,反映出他们之间既有相同点,又有各自的超越与发展。因此,站在我党历代领导集体的共同富裕思想阶段性认识下,研究邓小平共同富裕思想的继承与发展,延续邓小平对于共同富裕的有关发展理念,对于正视现阶段发展问题,矢志不渝走向共同富裕的宽广大道具有重大现实意义。  相似文献   

张宝英 《活力》2022,(19):100-102
推进新时代共同富裕是中国共产党人坚守的初心和使命的生动体现,是实现满足人民美好生活的现实表达。为此科学地把握共同富裕的内容,就理论维度来看,马克思主义“每个人全面发展思想”奠定新时代共同富裕的基础;就文化维度来看,新时代共同富裕是对传统“天下为公”的思想的继承与发展;就实践维度来看,中国共产党致力于实现人民美好生活的需要的目标实现;就价值维度来看,新时代共同富裕对马克思主义中国化理论、中国共产党执政、中国经济发展起着重要作用。这四个维度为新时代推进社会主义共同富裕提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

唐战立 《企业经济》2007,3(1):190-192
所谓“共同富裕”,就是在我国经济改革发展过程中鼓励一部分地区和人先富裕起来,带动全国及全体人民走向共同富裕。邓小平“共同富裕”法律思想是邓小平法律思想中被我国法学研究者忽略的一项重要思想,其合理性从西方经济分析法学中可以找到一定的根据。但是,我们不能够一味地推崇西方经济分析法学,应该对其进行科学的批判使用。  相似文献   

共同富裕既是科学社会主义的范畴,也是空间科学的重要范畴。邓小平"先富、共富"思想和"两个大局"战略构想对共同富裕与空间均衡相互关系进行了分析,揭示了共同富裕对区域科学的重大贡献。  相似文献   

共同富裕是社会主义的本质要求,也是人民群众的共同期盼,中国共产党始终朝着实现共同富裕这一重要的奋斗目标而不懈努力。自十八大以来,面对错综复杂的经济形势,以习近平同志为核心的党中央总揽全局,以战略性导向团结带领全国人民,为实现共同富裕而不断奋斗。然而,新的时代背景赋予了共同富裕新的内涵和要求,通过深入挖掘新时代共同富裕思想的深刻内涵和本质要求,总结和探索共同富裕的实现路径,最终为实现共同富裕的伟大目标提供强大的动力保障和根本遵循。  相似文献   

共同富裕思想发展历程源远流长,新中国成立后,建立社会主义制度的初衷即为实现国家富强、人民富裕,故而共同富裕思想被赋予了更深的内涵。习近平总书记指出,目前我国正处于扎实推动共同富裕的历史阶段,强调基础性、普惠性、兜底性民生保障,其任务具有长期性、艰巨性、复杂性的特征,需遵循客观规律。国有企业作为党执政兴国的重要支柱,在保障民生、促进经济恢复、危机处理中起到关键性支撑作用,已成为名副其实的顶梁柱、稳定器和压舱石。基于此,应积极探索国有企业促进全体人民共同富裕的关键路径,发挥国有企业在实现共同富裕道路中的推动与引领作用。  相似文献   

共同富裕是中国特色社会主义的根本原则,构建橄榄型社会分配格局是实现共同富裕的必然选择。邓小平"先富共富"思想对当前我国构建橄榄型分配格局实践有多方面的启示。构建橄榄型收入分配格局的目标导向是共同富裕,实现过程要把握节奏、循序渐进,要加强制度保障。  相似文献   

共同富裕是社会主义的基本原则和本质内容之一,是社会主义区别于资本主义的重要特征.当前我国已开始构建社会主义和谐社会,进入加快社会主义现代化建设新的发展阶段,共同富裕不再只是一种理想,而是现阶段我国必须加以解决的重大课题.共同富裕经济思想作为邓小平理论的重要内容,对于社会主义的实践具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

浅谈高校二级学院办公室工作的管理艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张金华 《价值工程》2010,29(35):210-211
二级学院办公室是高校最基层的管理机构,其管理工作是多层次、全方位、综合性的。笔者提出,在高等学校这样一个具有独特文化气息的环境中,办公室管理工作要讲究管理艺术,文章从管理艺术概念的理解入手,多角度地对办公室的管理艺术进行了探讨。  相似文献   


This article presents a preliminary study of how civil servants in the United Kingdom understand accountability characterized by its emphasis on individual performance and accountability. Using the interpretive approach known as phenomenography, we interviewed ten civil servants who as Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) were accountable for the delivery of IT enabled business change programmes. Our analysis revealed five attributes of accountability, each conceived at three levels in a hierarchy of increasing richness and complexity. These results challenge the notion that accountability is a unitary concept and that there is conflict between traditional and newer forms of accountability.  相似文献   

International land-use concepts are transformed to suit local circumstances. What is truly common after local adaptation becomes arguable. This paper examines application of a British land-use planning concept, green belt, in the ex-colonial city of Hong Kong. Through examining its local history and planning decisions for village housing development within such zones, this study reveals the ambiguity and flexibility of this land-use concept in conserving the natural landscape and open countryside. It highlights the conflicts and compromises of green belt planning policy in connection with countryside protection, local politics and development pressures. The conclusion is that the green belt zone coincides with its overseas counterpart in name only; its substance and implementation are drastically diverse across cities.  相似文献   

保鲜物流及其发展研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
对比了普通物流与特殊物流在总体特征上的差别;介绍了易腐货物运输的特点与现状;在定义保鲜物流概念的基础上,对保鲜物流各环节的特点进行了分析;最后提出了WTO环境下保鲜物流的发展对策。  相似文献   

新型战略性城市增长极,作为本课题提出的创新性概念,不同于一般意义的城市增长极,是一个融合了经济、社会与环境等多元因素的综合概念。因此,对于区域经济与社会的协调发展具有重要意义。然而,在新型战略性城市增长极的培育与发展过程中,不可避免地会遇到诸多难题。深入剖析这些亟须破解的难题,对于制定科学的区域发展战略,转变区域发展方式,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article introduces the concept of Personal Professional Theories to refer to knowledge development within the context of vocational education. They are personal interpretations of formal theories, work process knowledge and notions about professional attitude in a specific occupational domain, and are assumed to be frames of reference for professional experiences and guides in action simultaneously. To make detecting development in personal professional theories possible, strategies need to be validated for revealing them. Two strategies [i.e., concept mapping (CM) and a combination of CM with stimulated recall (SR)] are compared, by grading them on three aspects of adequacy (i.e., richness, coherence and content), to see which one reveals personal professional theories better. The sample consisted of 16 students of two training courses. Both strategies succeeded in revealing personal professional theories: The constructed maps displayed personal interpretations of formal theories, work process knowledge and notions about professional attitude. However, the concept maps of the combined strategy did worse on all aspects of adequacy. The CM strategy appeared better for revealing personal professional theories. Several explanations are offered, which deserve further investigation. Hence, despite the project’s small scale, the outcomes provide in interesting clues to reveal personal professional theories.  相似文献   

项目进度管理的研究现状及其展望   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对项目进度管理的研究现状进行了总结,介绍了它的基本概念及其常用的几种计划控制技术,总结了项目进度管理的研究现状,主要分为三个方面:时间-费用(成本)优化、资源约束下的项目进度计划、作业活动时间的反映及其计划技术创新,指出了管理理念、管理方法、先进应用方式的提升是项目进度管理的研究方向。  相似文献   

A bstract . In T he T heory of B usiness E nterprise , Thorstein Veblen introduced a general theory of governmental failure in constitutional democracies based on the common man's delusion that policies benefiting businessmen also benefited him. This general theory runs consistently through Veblen's later works and was developed more fully in T he V ested I nterests and the C ommon M an . But other elements of an economic theory of government introduced in T he T heory of B usiness E nterprise were less durable. A briefly sketched economic theory of political parties was never mentioned again in any of Veblen's subsequent writings. A concept of governmental officials pursuing their own self interest did reappear in Veblen's wartime works, but was completely missing in A bsentee O wnership . The concept of a Leviathan-type government which pursued policies detrimental to the interests of both the common man and businessmen was repudiated in T he N ature of P eace . The conditions for its existence had been eroded by the influence of modern industrial technology on military operations  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of syncretism to articulate the construct of a novel theoretical approach that may help to accelerate progress in developing substantively more sustainable business activities. One reason why the integration of environmental and social responsibility in business has been so difficult to achieve in practice is that it is not just a battle of competing business logics but a battle of faiths. The concept of syncretism, with its roots in religious synthesis, may be far more relevant and useful than conventional approaches to combining the two, which rarely seem to rise above a “win–win” appeal to logic. The connectionist logic of syncretism may show us a way beyond paradigmatic conformity in business sustainability research so that scholars with diverse theoretical backgrounds might have a common ground for discussion, find constructive connections, and engage in potentially more insightful and creative interactions to develop our understanding of corporate sustainability.  相似文献   

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