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随着中国经济的快速发展,企业集团内部之间的交易越来越普遍,合理的定价转移能促进企业的发展,但有时候公司内部人为刻意使用定价转移给公司经营带来错误信息,带来了内部经营的混乱.作者在内部转移定价相关理论深入思考的基础上,探讨了S公司在事业部制改革过程中完善内部转移定价的实践过程,提出了转移定价一些思路. 相似文献
本文对内部资本市场和企业投资支出的国内外相关研究做了回顾和总结,发现多数研究表明:由于公司治理等因素影响,内部资本市场影响投资支出和投资效率的方向和程度不同。 相似文献
跨国公司不仅是一种特殊的经营组织形式,这种组织形式是为利润最大化目标而设计的,是对一揽子要素配置所做出的制度安排。跨国公司对外直接投资具有外部性,这种外部性无论对投资国,还是对东道国都存在,本文着重分析给东道国带来的外部性。 相似文献
本文从导致过度投资因素的角度研究了我国上市公司自由现金流量水平与过度投资之间的关系;同时从抑制过度投资的角度研究了股权结构、权益资本成本与过度投资之间的关系。研究发现,我国上市公司的自由现金流量与过度投资程度之间存在显著的正相关关系;引入权益资本成本和股权一股独大和多股同大变量后发现,随着权益资本成本上升和股权的集中,过度投资水平下降。表明,过多的自由现金流是致使上市公司过度投资的重要因素,随着企业综合风险增大企业权益资本成本提高股东要求回报的提高,降低了管理层进行过度投资的动机;同时上市公司集中的股权降低了所有者与管理层之间的代理问题,降低了过度投资水平。 相似文献
本文以中国石化为研究对象,依据资本资产定价模型(CAPM)分析了市场权重与权重股贝塔系数以及市场组合贝塔系数之间的关系。结论表明,根据CAPM计算得到的权重股的贝塔系数随自身市场权重的增加变化过程为先上升后下降;市场组合的贝塔系数随权重股市场权重的上升而减小。权重股的市场权重对上市公司自身以及市场其他组合贝塔系数都有显著影响,并会导致低估市场内市值较小的上市公司的资本成本。 相似文献
本文通过对商业银行传统贷款定价模式的梳理,分析其不足之处,推演商业银行在经济资本约束下的贷款定价模型,并提出我国商业银行合理确定贷款价格所需着手准备的工作。 相似文献
内部控制报告是企业内部活动的一种表现形式,外界似乎对其无法深入的观察,只能通过企业对外提供的内部控制信息的披露来对企业经营的实际情况进行了解,以此来保证企业经营和管理信息的有效性。只有保证内部控制报告的有效性,才能够为企业的管理者提供参考和依据,对企业未来可能面临的风险进行有效的预测与预防,及时的对投资策略进行调整,而这种调整最为直接的表现形式就是企业权益资本成本的变化。本文就对于内部控制报告与权益资本成本的相关性的问题进行简单的分析。 相似文献
公司的资本成本与投资理性——来自沪深上市公司的证据 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对我国上市公司的投资行为及其影响因素进行了实证研究。结果表明:(1)上市企业的投资决策受资本成本的约束显著,符合市场理性;(2)企业投资对内部现金流、外部负债融资和股权融资都具有敏感性,但回归系数依序递减,可能说明了不同融资形式的成本差异;(3)产品市场需求增长为企业带来了有价值的投资机会,具有拉动企业投资的显著作用。 相似文献
自美国经济学家发现人力资本对经济发展的巨大贡献以来,人们的注意力主要集中于阐述人力资本投资的高收益性,而人力资本投资的风险性却很少被论及。实现有效的人力资本投资,必须建立在充分认识人力资本投资特点的基础上,而规避人力资本投资风险的根本途径是明晰人力资本产权和建立人力资本市场。 相似文献
Restructuring the Scottish water industry has changed the way in which both project appraisal and capital investment decisions are performed. This article examines the project appraisal and subsequent capital investment decision in the case of a reed bed sewage treatment scheme which is compared with a more traditional scheme. Although the capital profiles of the schemes are similar there are major differences in the revenue costs. In addition, there are potential public benefits to the reed bed scheme. A comparison is made of management mechanisms in the pre-1996 water industry with that of restructured water authorities. In the pre-1996 water industry, local authorities had a broad remit which encouraged them to value these factors, in effect an implicit social account. The creation of water authorities with narrow remits and specific performance measures, constructed a framework that does not support the integration of social accounts into the decision making process. The paper demonstrates that investment appraisal is a product of the institutional framework in which the decisions are made. As that framework changes, mechanisms and measures of accountability shift in parallel. 相似文献
资产定价理论是现代金融理论的核心.本文通过对资产定价理论的综述,揭示了从传统资产定价理论到行为资产定价理论的演进脉络,并对各理论及相应模型的内涵和应用进行了描述,最后对传统资产定价理论和行为资产定价理论进行了比较,以期对我国金融理论和实践的发展有所帮助. 相似文献
Martin Lally 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2002,29(9&10):1301-1318
This paper shows that, when as usual the market portfolio is proxied by a share portfolio, then the conventional Ibbotson (1999) estimator of the market risk premium violates Miller–Modigliani (1958 and 1963) propositions II and III. A new estimator of the market risk premium is proposed which is free of these defects. In addition, across the range of market leverages experienced in the US in the period 1952–1997, it generates estimates of the market risk premium that differ from those generated by the Ibbotson methodology by up to 2.5 percentage points, and weighted average costs of capital for firms that differ by up to 2.6 percentage points. 相似文献
顾客转移成本与银行规模相关是前人在研究中发现的现象,出现这种现象的原因是网络外部性的存在使不同规模银行的顾客所获得的银行服务的价值不同,因而造成顾客的转移成本不同。网络所有者可通过价格手段将网络外部性内在化,并改变顾客转移成本。银行间差别定价就是一种内在化网络外部性的手段,采用这种定价政策可提高市场有效性,给银行提供按市场规律运行的环境,有利于向顾客提供多层次的银行服务,并有助于形成顾客在银行之间的合理分布。因此,根据银行规模差别定价是适合我国银行业现状的交易账户业务定价策略。 相似文献
在分析我国风险投资的现实发展及特点的基础上,分别研究和探讨我国风险投资机构的组织模式选择、我国风险投资业的组织结构设计以及我国风险投资资金来源等问题. 相似文献
Alan Gregory Richard D.F. Harris Maria Michou 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2003,30(1-2):213-256
It is now widely accepted that contrarian, or value investment strategies deliver superior returns. Gregory, Harris and Michou (2001) examine the performance of contrarian investment strategies in the UK and find that value strategies formed on the basis of a wide range of measures of value have delivered excess returns that are both statistically and economically significant. However, while value strategies appear to be profitable, the reason for their superior perform‐ ance is far from clear. Under the contrarian model, value strategies are profitable because they are contrarian to naïve strategies such as those that erroneously extrapolate past performance, while under the rational pricing model, value strategies are profitable because they are fundamentally riskier in some sense. In this paper, we discriminate between these two possibilities by undertaking a comprehensive investigation of the relationship between the returns to value investment strategies and various macroeconomic state variables that in a multi‐factor asset pricing model could reasonably be taken as proxies for risk. Moreover, we examine whether the returns to value strategies predict future GDP, consumption and investment growth over and above the contribution of the Fama and French (1993 and 1996) SMB, HML and market factors. While the SMB and HML factors behave in a manner consistent with the rational pricing model, we show that some value strategies in the UK are able to generate excess returns that do not seem to be related to known risk factors. 相似文献
托宾的Q投资理论与资本市场均衡机制 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
马冀勋 《中央财经大学学报》2008,(10):72-77
传统的企业投资理论一直忽略了资本市场的作用,但是托宾的Q投资理论却把企业与资本市场有机地结合起来。本文对既有文献的理论脉络进行了简单的总结,在此基础之上评述了托宾的Q投资理论,并对该理论与资本市场的关系进行了更深的挖掘与探讨。文章的最后以美国资本市场为例,阐述了托宾Q理论是如何对资本市场均衡进行评价与验证的。 相似文献
We compare risk premia (RP) inferred using the Ohlson-Juettner (RPOJ) and residual income valuation (RPRIV) models in three ways: (1) correlation with risk factors; (2) correlation with RP estimated by multiplying current realizations of risk factors by coefficients obtained from regressing prior-year RP on prior-year risk factors; and (3) correlation with ex post returns. RPOJ has expected correlations with risk factors, a modest correlation with RP estimated from prior-year regressions, and an economically significant association with ex post returns. RPRIV has generally higher correlations, but regression coefficients are sensitive to whether the industry median ROE is computed with or without loss firms. 相似文献