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This paper provides a detailed discussion of the similarities and differences between forward contracts and futures contracts. Under frictionless markets and continuous trading, simple arbitrage arguments are invoked to value forward contracts, to relate forward prices and spot prices, and to relate forward prices and futures prices. We also argue that forward prices need not equal futures prices unless default free interest rates are deterministic.  相似文献   

Optimal innovation of futures contracts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article presents a simple model of the innovation of newfutures contracts by transaction volume-maximizing futures exchangesin incomplete markets under uncertainty, with mean-variancepreferences and proportional transactions costs. We characterizethe set of Nash equilibria for a number of exchanges simultaneouslyor sequentially choosing contrasts. The optimal monopolisticcontract design is shown to be Pareto-optimal. An example showsthe failure of Pareto optimality for a particular Nash equilibrium.Likewise, in a monopolistic multiperiod setting, an exampleshows the failure of Pareto optimality given an incentive forthe exchange to induce turnover.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE)-traded Japanese 10-year JGB futures contract to hedge portfolios of Japanese bonds of differing maturity and credit quality. The bond portfolios examined are Government, AAA-, and AA-rated Eurobonds with maturities of 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, and 20 years. Consistent with the recent literature, the study employs univariate methods for calculating hedge ratios based on levels, first differences, and percentage change of each series. Out-of-sample forecasting is used to determine the effectiveness of the calculated hedge ratios for each of the bond portfolios and to determine which approach to calculating hedge ratios is the most effective. The results show that this particular futures contract does provide a good hedge, particularly for those bond terms closest to the 10-year term of the contract. There is some evidence, although not strong, that JGBs are better hedged than AAA and AA bonds. Investors should take some caution when using this futures contract to hedge bond portfolios of different maturities and credit ratings.  相似文献   

Futures trading volume data display strong quarterly seasonality due to the ‘rolling over’ of positions close to the expiry date of the near contract. This undermines the use of volume as a proxy for information arrival. By making explicit the relationship between trading volume and change in open interest, we provide an upper bound for this rollover. Empirical analysis of the S&P500, the UK Long Gilts and the Brent Crude contracts shows that our upper bound can be used to remove expiry-related seasonality from trading volume data.  相似文献   

This study examines pricing in the bank bill futures and forward rate agreement (FRA) markets. The study finds (i) the bill futures market is more transactionally efficient than the FRA market, and (ii) the unbiased expectations hypothesis generates more accurate estimates of bill futures and FRA yields than the cost of carry hypothesis. The first result reflects impediments to FRA market arbitrage such as illiquidity, minimum trade sizes and credit limits. The second result contradicts US evidence but is consistent with the leading role played by the bank bill and interbank dealers in New Zealand interest rate markets.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the adaptive market efficiency of the agricultural commodity futures market, using a sample of eight futures contracts. Using a battery of nonlinear tests, we uncover the nonlinear serial dependence in the returns series. We run the Hinich portmanteau bicorrelation test to uncover the moments in which the nonlinear serial dependence, and therefore adaptive market efficiency, occurs for our sample.  相似文献   

Hedging long-term exposures with multiple short-term futures contracts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article analyzes the problem facing an agent who has along-term commodity supply commitment and who wishes to hedgethat commitment using short-maturity commodity futures contracts.As time evolves, the agent has to roll the hedge as old futurescontracts mature and new futures contracts are listed. Thisgives rise to hedge errors. The optimal hedging strategy ischaracterized in a world where contracts of several differentmaturities coexist. The strategy is independent both of theagent's risk aversion and, under certain conditions, of beliefsabout expected returns from holding futures contracts. The methodologyis compared with approaches based on dynamic models of the termstructure. It is tested on data from the oil futures market.  相似文献   

We characterize the optimal job design in a multitasking environment when the firms use implicit contracts (i.e., bonus payments). Two natural forms of job design are compared: (i) individual assignment, where each agent is assigned to a particular job and (ii) team assignment, where a group of agents share responsibility for a job and are jointly accountable for its outcome. Team assignment mitigates the multitasking problem but may weaken the implicit contracts. The optimal job design follows a cutoff rule where only the firms with high reputation concerns opt for team assignment. However, the cutoff rule need not hold if the firm can combine implicit incentives with explicit pay‐per‐performance contracts.  相似文献   

In this paper we implement dynamic term structure models that adopt bonds and Asian options in the estimation process. The goal is to analyse the pricing and hedging implications of term structure movements when options are (or are not) included in the estimation process. We investigate how options affect the shape, risk premium and hedging structure of the dynamic factors. We find that the inclusion of options affects the loadings of the slope and curvature factors, and considerably changes the risk premium and hedging structure of all dynamic factors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the hedging effectiveness of the FTSE/ATHEX-20 and FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 stock index futures contracts in the relatively new and fairly unresearched futures market of Greece. Both in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performances using weekly and daily data are examined, considering both constant and time-varying hedge ratios. Results indicate that time-varying hedging strategies provide incremental risk-reduction benefits in-sample, but under-perform simple constant hedging strategies out-of-sample. Moreover, futures contracts serve effectively their risk management role and compare favourably with results in other international stock index futures markets. Estimation of investor utility functions and corresponding optimal utility maximising hedge ratios yields similar results, in terms of model selection. For the FTSE/ATHEX Mid-40 contracts we identify the existence of speculative components, which lead to utility-maximising hedge ratios, that are different to the minimum variance hedge ratio solutions.  相似文献   

Individual share futures contracts have been introduced in Australia since 1994. Initially, the contracts were settled in cash. In 1996, cash settlement was gradually replaced by physical delivery. This study investigates the effects of the settlement method change on Australian individual stock and its futures markets. Specifically, we examine whether return and volatility of each market, correlation between the two markets, basis behavior, and hedging performance of futures markets differ across cash settlement period and physical delivery period. We find that, after the switch from cash settlement to physical delivery, the futures market, the spot market, and the basis all become more volatile. However, each individual share futures contract becomes a more effective hedging instrument. The improvement in hedging effectiveness is particularly impressive for the most recently established individual share futures contracts.  相似文献   

Modelling CO2 emission allowance prices is important for pricing CO2 emission allowance linked assets in the emissions trading scheme (ETS). Some statistical properties of CO2 emission allowance prices have been discovered in the literature ignoring price jumps. By employing real data from the ETS, this research first detects the jump risk using a jump test and then verifies jump effects in modelling CO2 emission allowance prices by comparing the in-sample and out-of-sample model performance. We suggest a model which can capture the statistical properties of autocorrelation, volatility clustering and jump effects is more appropriate for modelling CO2 emission allowance prices. We establish a general framework for pricing CO2 emission allowance options on futures contracts with these properties and find that the jump risk significantly affects the value of the CO2 emission allowance option on futures contracts. More importantly, we demonstrate that the dynamic jump ARMA–GARCH model can provide more accurate valuations of the CO2 emission allowance options on futures than other models in terms of pricing error.  相似文献   

Loan sales, implicit contracts, and bank structure   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We document some recent changes in the market for loan sales. We then test the main implications of several prevailing theories, using a Tobit model to relate loan sales and purchases to bank size, capital, risk, and funding mode. The results, though not definitive, broadly confirm the Pennacchi funding cost model of sales. Other data cast doubt on the importance of mergers and acquisitions for this market and on the comparability of different data sources.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of LIFFE's introduction of individual equity futures contracts on the risk characteristics of the underlying stocks trading on the LSE. We employ the Fama and French three-factor model (TFM) to measure the change in the systematic risk of the underlying stocks which arises subsequent to the introduction of futures contracts. A GJR-GARCH(1,1) specification is used to test whether the futures contract listing affects the permanent and/or the transitory component of the residual variance of returns, and a control sample methodology isolates changes in the risk components that may be caused by factors other than futures contract innovation. The observed increase (decrease) in the impact of current (old) news on the residual variance implies that futures contract listing enhances stock market efficiency. There is no evidence that futures innovation impacts on either the systematic risk or the permanent component of the residual variance of returns.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a theoretical model in which a firm hedges a spot position using options in the presence of both quantity (production) and basis risks. Our optimal hedge ratio is fairly general, in that the dependence structure is modeled through a copula function representing the quantiles of the hedged position, and hence any quantile risk measure can be employed. We study the sensitivity of the exercise price which minimizes the risk of the hedged portfolio to the relevant parameters, and we find that the subjective risk aversion of the firm does not play any role. The only trade-off is between the effectiveness and cost of the hedging strategy.  相似文献   

The effect of the initiation of e-mini stock index futures (ESIFs) on the volatility components of S&P 500 stock index futures is herein investigated. The study decomposes S&P 500 stock index-related observed volatilities into unobserved fundamental volatility and transitory noise and utilizes the decomposition to test two hypotheses: the “clientele factor hypothesis” and the “information adjustment hypothesis”. The first hypothesis proposes that the ESIFs attract more noisy traders who prefer trading the friendly-size futures contracts. The second one proposes that the innovations of ESIFs improve the information flow of the futures markets. Using a stochastic volatility model, the empirical results are consistent with both of our proposed hypotheses.  相似文献   

This paper has two purposes. First, we examine the relationship between daily price volatility and trading activity one year before and after a change in contract size by examining the results of contract splits in the Australian share price index futures and the U.K. FTSE-100 futures contracts and a reverse contract split in the Australian Bank Bill Acceptance futures contract. Second, we evaluate the effect of the change in contract size on the use of the particular futures market. We find that after a contract size change, the change in total trading frequency has the power to explain the change in daily price volatility. Specifically, after a contract split, trading frequency increased, resulting in increased daily price volatility, and vice versa after a reverse contract split. Most of the average trade size variable has an immaterial impact on price volatility. However, decomposing the total trading frequency into four trade size classes, we find that the trading frequency for small and large trade size categories are highly significant in explaining changes in daily price volatility after the contract splits. Finally, we find the change in contract size for each futures market was successful because within three years following the change, the adjusted trading volume and open interest surpassed the levels prior to the change and have continued to increase thereafter.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(4):332-340
This paper extends the existing literature on managing house price risk. While previous work finds that a hedger would have reduced a large amount of variance in housing returns in Las Vegas, Nevada using Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) futures contracts, we show that neither static nor dynamic strategies would have maintained an effective hedge during the significant decline in housing prices. The inability to hedge house price risk using CME futures contracts ultimately calls into question the long-term viability of housing futures.  相似文献   

Futures contract specification usually allow the short position some variation as to when, where, how much, and what is to be delivered. In this paper we derive the optimal delivery policy for the Treasury Bond futures contracts, and find that our policy produces profits that are positive and statistically significant. This indicates that future prices are ‘too high’ in that the short position can earn profits by skillfully exercising his delivery options. We find the actual delivery policies of market participants depart substantially from the optimal strategy. The implications of these findings for futures traders and bond dealers are discussed.  相似文献   

Companies using futures contracts for hedging purposes need to roll over their contracts if the maturity of their exposure exceeds that of the futures contracts. This entails basis risk that can reduce significantly the effectiveness of the hedge. In this paper an alternative form of futures contract is proposed. the contract never expires and can be used for long-term hedging without the need for rolling-over into a new contract. the contract is shown to be equivalent to a portfolio of conventional futures contracts of differing maturities. Its price is determined by arbitrage against the underlying asset.  相似文献   

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