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In this paper asymptotic expansions are derived for the density functions of the TSLS and LIML estimates of coefficients in a simultaneous equation system when the sample size increases and the effect of the exogenous variables increases along the sample size. These approximations are used to compare the asymptotic moments of the TSLS and LIML estimates and the concentration of probability around the true value of the estimates.  相似文献   

The formula for the Full Information Maximum Likelihood Estimator for a linear simultaneous system (with finite variance, serially independent errors) is demonstrated to be an estimator generating equation for econometrics in that all presently known estimators are readily derivable from that formula if they are considered as numerical approximations to its solution. Further, the approach immediately classifies the resulting estimators into asymptotically equivalent groups. The method is then generalised to encompass the large class of estimators for dynamic systems with (vector) autoregressive errors. The very close relationship between estimation rules and non-linear optimisation algorithms is highlighted.  相似文献   

Hira L. Koul 《Metrika》2002,55(1-2):75-90
Often in the robust analysis of regression and time series models there is a need for having a robust scale estimator of a scale parameter of the errors. One often used scale estimator is the median of the absolute residuals s 1. It is of interest to know its limiting distribution and the consistency rate. Its limiting distribution generally depends on the estimator of the regression and/or autoregressive parameter vector unless the errors are symmetrically distributed around zero. To overcome this difficulty it is then natural to use the median of the absolute differences of pairwise residuals, s 2, as a scale estimator. This paper derives the asymptotic distributions of these two estimators for a large class of nonlinear regression and autoregressive models when the errors are independent and identically distributed. It is found that the asymptotic distribution of a suitably standardizes s 2 is free of the initial estimator of the regression/autoregressive parameters. A similar conclusion also holds for s 1 in linear regression models through the origin and with centered designs, and in linear autoregressive models with zero mean errors.  This paper also investigates the limiting distributions of these estimators in nonlinear regression models with long memory moving average errors. An interesting finding is that if the errors are symmetric around zero, then not only is the limiting distribution of a suitably standardized s 1 free of the regression estimator, but it is degenerate at zero. On the other hand a similarly standardized s 2 converges in distribution to a normal distribution, regardless of the errors being symmetric or not. One clear conclusion is that under the symmetry of the long memory moving average errors, the rate of consistency for s 1 is faster than that of s 2.  相似文献   

This comment presents a generalised derivation of the maximum likelihood estimator of the parameters in a simultaneous equation model which incorporates an important class of models not included in Hendry (1976), namely those which have singular error covariance matrices. In so doing it conveniently brings under the scope of Hendry's analysis those models associated with systems of demand equations, models with identities and the joint structural and reduced form formulations proposed by Court (1974).  相似文献   

Yuzo Maruyama 《Metrika》1998,48(3):209-214
In the estimation problem of unknown variance of a multivariate normal distribution, a new class of minimax estimators is obtained. It is noted that a sequence of estimators in our class converges to the Stein's truncated estimator. Received: March 1998  相似文献   

The TSLS and LIML estimators are evaluated by means of a new class of limited-information estimators, the so-called Ω-class estimators. Under certain assumptions the Ω-class estimator is a maximun-likelihood estimator. These assumptions are superfluous, however, if we view the Ω-class as a class of minimun-distance estimators; all the members are shown to be consistent under general conditions. Besides the TSLS and the LIML estimators some other interesting members are introduced, and it is shown that, under certain conditions, the Ω-class estimators are weighted averages of different TSLS estimators. The use of TSLS in small samples is criticized; an alternative estimator is proposed.  相似文献   

In our earlier paper [Srivastava, Agnihotri and Dwivedi (1980)] the dominance of double k-class over k-class with respect to exact mean squared error matrix criteria is established. It is observed that given a member of k-class, one can pick up a member of double k-class that will provide an improved estimator of the coefficients. This result prompted us to study the exact finite sample properties of the double k-class estimator. For this, we have considered a structural equation containing two endogenous variables and have investigated the properties of double k-class estimators of the coefficients of explanatory endogenous variables assuming characterizing scalars to be non-stochastic.  相似文献   

Several asymptotically efficient methods are suggested on both the full and the limited information approach to estimate the simultaneous equations model in which the lagged endogenous variables and the autoregressive disturbances coexist. They are two-step procedures and do not involve iterations. A method is suggested also for the case where any portion of the autoregressive parameter matrix is specified to be zero. Since the consistency and efficiency depend upon the asymptotic, local identifiability, the necessary and sufficient condition is derived for it. It does not depend on the exclusion of the lagged endogenous variables.  相似文献   

The celebrated local asymptotic minimax (LAM) theorem due to HÁjek (1972) also includes the statement that a LAM estimator Is necessarily asymptotically linear. A similar result. is true for semi-parametric models, but Hájek's result doesn't apply to this case as the efficient influence function is often not contained in the (proper) tangent space. This note gives a simple, elementary proof of both the LAM theorem and the necessity of asymptotic linearity of a LAM estimator sequence.  相似文献   

Summary The variance function of a linear estimator can be expressed into a quadratic form. The present paper presents classes of estimators of this quadratic form along the lines implicitly suggested byHorvitz andThompson [1952] while formulating the classes of linear estimators. Accordingly it is noted that there exist nine principal classes of estimators out of which one principal class is examined in detail. Furthermore to illustrate the theory an example is considered where the expression for a unique estimator variance of the best estimator in theT 1 class is derived.  相似文献   

In this note we consider the classes of quadratic estimators ofLamotte [1973] for estimating the variance components and derive the forms of the minimum norm quadratic estimators in the classes of quadratics not considered byC.R. Rao [1971a, 1972].  相似文献   

Summary Pseudo Bayesian estimators for the variance components based on Jeffrey’s Rule are derived for the mixed balanced incomplete block design and are compared with the usual analysis of variance estimators in terms of mean squared error (MSE) efficiency. Numerical results show that Pseudo-Bayesian estimators are more efficient in numerical results.  相似文献   

I. Strauss 《Metrika》1982,29(1):195-202
Summary With each unti of a finite population is associated an unknown variate value. We are interested in the variance of these values and consider (1) simple random sampling without replacement. (2) quadratic loss and (3) a one parameter class of estimators. We determine all admissible elements of the class. The usual unbiased estimator for the variance which is an element of the class considered turns out to be inadmissible.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estimation of the long-run variance of a stationary sequence. We extend the usual Bartlett-kernel heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimator to deal with long memory and antipersistence. We then derive asymptotic expansions for this estimator and the memory and autocorrelation consistent (MAC) estimator introduced by Robinson [Robinson, P. M., 2005. Robust covariance matrix estimation: HAC estimates with long memory/antipersistence correction. Econometric Theory 21, 171–180]. We offer a theoretical explanation for the sensitivity of HAC to the bandwidth choice, a feature which has been observed in the special case of short memory. Using these analytical results, we determine the MSE-optimal bandwidth rates for each estimator. We analyze by simulations the finite-sample performance of HAC and MAC estimators, and the coverage probabilities for the studentized sample mean, giving practical recommendations for the choice of bandwidths.  相似文献   

U. Stadtmüller 《Metrika》1983,30(1):145-158
As an estimator for an unknown probability density functionf, concentrated on a known intervalI, one can use a histogram smoothed by a suitable family of lattice distributions. For such an estimator a uniform weak consistency result and a central limit theorem with an error bound are given. Further for the global deviation of fromf the asymptotic distribution is developed.Partially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, grant A 2983, A4806, and A3988.  相似文献   

A nonstationary simultaneous autoregressive model \({X^{(n)}_k=\alpha \Big(X^{(n)}_{k-1}+X^{(n)}_{k+1}\Big)+\varepsilon_k, k=1, 2, \ldots , n-1}\), is investigated, where \({X^{(n)}_0}\) and \({X^{(n)}_n}\) are given random variables. It is shown that in the unstable case α = 1/2 the least squares estimator of the autoregressive parameter converges to a functional of a standard Wiener process with a rate of convergence n 2, while in the stable situation |α| < 1/2 the estimator is biased but asymptotically normal with a rate n 1/2.  相似文献   

The article describes a nonlinear three-stage least-squares estimator for the parameters of a system of simultaneous, nonlinear, implicit equations; the method allows the estimation of these parameters subject to nonlinear parametric restrictions across equations. The estimator is shown to be strongly consistent, asymptotically normally distributed, and more efficient than the nonlinear two-stage least-squares estimator. Some practical implications of the regularity conditions used to obtain these results are discussed from the point of view of one whose interest is in applications, Also, computing methods using readily available nonlinear regression programs are described.  相似文献   

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