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经过近十年的信息化实施,目前发动机大修厂的信息化应用已初具规模,但由于现场修理问题的复杂性,仅靠标准工艺是无法满足作为指导现场工作的工艺系统,通常现场临时出现问题是靠施工工艺(也称临时工艺,以下称工艺)来应对多变的现场修理出现的问题,因此如何充分利用现有标准工艺,建立基于参数化、结构化、流程化的快速工艺生成和变更系统,快速响应和解决现场出现突发性问题,是提升目前发动机大修信息化应用系统的重要内容。  相似文献   

Manufacturing firms with standard costing systems use accounting cost variance heuristics to measure the expost performance of the organization and control costs. This article shows that if the underlying technology of the firm is semi-translog then the data provided by a standard costing system can also be used to compute economic performance indices, such as Malmquist and Konus indices, without incurring additional information costs. These indices can be used either in place of or in conjunction with accounting variances to help control the costs of the organization by allocating responsibility over these indices to those managers who (partially) control them.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through S. Hackman.  相似文献   

冼进  贾德良 《价值工程》2011,30(24):131-132
以实验室现有的网络为依托,开发一套适合实验室内部管理的信息系统,用户通过网络浏览器操作界面,实现对学院实验室设备、人员、实验项目、实验信息、实验室文件、实验课程开设情况、实验课程安排等信息的输入、存储、更新和查询。提高实验室管理效率及管理水平,实现实验室数据安全共享。  相似文献   

Macroeconomic forecasting using structural factor analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of a small number of underlying factors to summarize the information from a much larger set of information variables is one of the new frontiers in forecasting. In prior work, the estimated factors have not usually had a structural interpretation and the factors have not been chosen on a theoretical basis. In this paper we propose several variants of a general structural factor forecasting model, and use these to forecast certain key macroeconomic variables. We make the choice of factors more structurally meaningful by estimating factors from subsets of information variables, where these variables can be assigned to subsets on the basis of economic theory. We compare the forecasting performance of the structural factor forecasting model with that of a univariate AR model, a standard VAR model, and some non-structural factor forecasting models. The results suggest that our structural factor forecasting model performs significantly better in forecasting real activity variables, especially at short horizons.  相似文献   

The performance of a workload dependent scheduling and due date assignment rule is investigated. The rule uses time-phased workload information and time-phased capacity information. Performance comparisons are made with a rule that uses only time-aggregated workload information. The performance for two methods of releasing jobs to the shop is investigated: an uncontrolled method where the jobs are released at random, and a controlled method where jobs are released to maintain a specific workload norm. Computer simulation is used as the research tool. The mean and standard deviation of lateness are used as performance measures.The results indicate that the use of time-phased workload information may decrease the variance of the lateness, as compared with the use of time-aggregated workload information only. However, the magnitude of the effect depends on the type of sequencing rule used. Furthermore, if time-phased information is used, control of the mean lateness requires that the amount of capacity available for loading used in the loading procedure differs from the amount of capacity actually available for production. It is shown that by selecting adequate parameter values, both a constant mean lateness and a small variance of lateness can be obtained with this type of assignment rule.These results are valid for both types of release situations. So even in the case where the workload of the shop is under strict control, and the mean operation flow time does not, therefore, vary, the use of time-phased workload information can decrease the variance of the lateness.  相似文献   

The need for the management accounting system (MAS) to support marketing decisions has been identified in literature and practice. Accordingly, several improvements have been suggested with the main intention of providing more detailed information on marketing segments. Yet, even with respect to these improved systems it has to be acknowledged that the quality of the information provided will not be identical for all marketing segments: it can be assumed that it will be more precise for existing segments, which are already served by the firm, than for new ones, with which the firm has comparatively little experience. Further, it has to be considered that the MAS will seldom be the only source of useful information, as the example of the good salesforce having gained a ‘deep understanding’ of the market while doing his job shows. A problem arises if the acquisition of this additional information is (personally) costly and unobservable and therefore has to be motivated by incentive compensation schemes. This paper emphasizes that standard compensation contracts, as recommended by literature and practice, may fail to induce goal-congruent behaviour. It is shown that ranking commission rates according to the profitabilities reported by the MAS may be dysfunctional and that a non-intuitive rank order may be necessary to motivate the salesforce to become better informed and to use this knowledge appropriately.  相似文献   

Survey Estimates by Calibration on Complex Auxiliary Information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last decade, calibration estimation has developed into an important field of research in survey sampling. Calibration is now an important methodological instrument in the production of statistics. Several national statistical agencies have developed software designed to compute calibrated weights based on auxiliary information available in population registers and other sources. This paper reviews some recent progress and offers some new perspectives. Calibration estimation can be used to advantage in a range of different survey conditions. This paper examines several situations, including estimation for domains in one‐phase sampling, estimation for two‐phase sampling, and estimation for two‐stage sampling with integrated weighting. Typical of those situations is complex auxiliary information, a term that we use for information made up of several components. An example occurs when a two‐stage sample survey has information both for units and for clusters of units, or when estimation for domains relies on information from different parts of the population. Complex auxiliary information opens up more than one way of computing the final calibrated weights to be used in estimation. They may be computed in a single step or in two or more successive steps. Depending on the approach, the resulting estimates do differ to some degree. All significant parts of the total information should be reflected in the final weights. The effectiveness of the complex information is mirrored by the variance of the resulting calibration estimator. Its exact variance is not presentable in simple form. Close approximation is possible via the corresponding linearized statistic. We define and use automated linearization as a shortcut in finding the linearized statistic. Its variance is easy to state, to interpret and to estimate. The variance components are expressed in terms of residuals, similar to those of standard regression theory. Visual inspection of the residuals reveals how the different components of the complex auxiliary information interact and work together toward reducing the variance.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding its widespread use in financial markets and well-documented profitability, technical analysis is still perceived to carry useless information. This paper provides a possible explanation for this puzzle that goes beyond the standard self-fulfilling prophecy argument. If at least some of the asset price fundamentals are not currently observable, the oscillator model is able to infer regime shifts in the process of these variables through past asset prices. From this point of view, technical analysis can be interpreted as a cheap proxy for Bayesian learning.  相似文献   

This paper presents efficient semiparametric estimators for endogenously stratified regression with two strata, in the case where the error distribution is unknown and the regressors are independent of the error term. The method is based on the use of a kernel-smoothed likelihood function which provides an explicit solution for the maximization problem for the unknown density function without losing information in the asymptotic limit. We consider both standard stratified sampling and variable probability sampling, and allow for the population shares of the strata to be either unknown or known a priori.  相似文献   

Macroeconomic forecasters typically report a single estimate per time period for each macroeconomic variable. But they rarely provide consumers of forecasts with information about the degree of confidence there is in the forecast or the likely range of dispersion of the actual outcome relative to the conditional forecast. Partly this is due to the non-linearity of the model and thus the cost of producing standard error bands. But there is also the problem that a mechanical stochastic simulation may misrepresent the degree of forecast uncertainty because forecasters use non-model information to produce a forecast which is more precise, at least for the immediate future, than the model alone. In this paper we propose a method for generating standard error bands which gives a truer reflection of the forecaster's uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a study into strategy content, consensus, and firm performance. It is argued that the content of consensus, i.e. what the agreement is about, is of importance, and that strategic priorities concerned with the extant strategy are constructs that are strategically relevant to the exploration of consensus--performance links. Whereas previous studies have used a statistical measure of consensus (summing standard deviations), in this study the managers' perceptions of strategic priorities have been plotted on two-dimensional graphs. We argue that in contrast to the use of means and standard deviations, by plotting the patterns of perceptions produced by a management group, more information is retained for subsequent interpretation and hence a richer picture of the extent and nature of shared perceptions within a management group can be developed. Using this approach, data from 32 strategic business units were analysed, revealing patterns of consensus and performance. The paper discusses the implications of these patterns, and suggests some avenues for further research.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect on medical malpractice litigation of the quality of the medical care provided by the defendant. Our data set includes measures of the quality of the defendant’s medical care. We explore the extent to which information about care quality or negligence is incorporated in three evaluations of the plaintiff’s claim, each based on a different amount of information: (1) the initial reserve, chosen by the risk manager when he first learns of the existence of the claim; (2) the mediation award, made after a hearing, and after pretrial discovery is under way or completed; and (3) the settlement payment, made after the parties have acquired all the information they think it is worthwhile to acquire. We develop a simple model of the correlation between estimates (1) and (2) and the settlement payment.We find that the initial reserve provides no information about care quality. Several alternative measures indicate that the mediation award includes substantial information about the quality of care, but less than that reflected in the settlement payment. Given the recent growth in the use of methods of alternative dispute resolution such as mediation, it is important to learn how well these methods determine whether the care at issue meets the legal standard. Thus our finding that the mediation award includes substantial information about care quality may be our most interesting result.  相似文献   

文章通过分析国内外标准信息专题服务现状,指出当前国内标准文献服务机构在服务过程中存在的问题。通过市场调查,推测出今后标准文献服务的发展趋势是通过对标准信息进行专题知识组织来开展多类型的专题服务,通过自身开展的试点研究总结出一套标准信息知识组织流程。  相似文献   

朱创录  钟东 《价值工程》2011,30(33):137-138
为了提高医院电子病历信息的共享,使用Web Services构建以临床文件架构(Clinical Document Architecture,CDA)为标准的电子病历交换系统,CDA文件提供了标准化医疗文件,并可在医疗院所之间进行病历交换,它使用XML定义了完整的医疗信息。通过Web Services的技术可使HTTP协议在分布式架构中达到不同平台的系统整合,改善现有医疗信息环境封闭性架构的限制与缺点,构建出一个可移植性、可读性、交换性的电子病历交换系统以确保病历的完整性并提升医疗系统质量。  相似文献   

COBIT是国际上公认的进行IT治理的最先进和最权威的标准。由于我国信息化水平的限制,目前尚不具备完全应用COBIT的条件。但仍可以借鉴COBIT中的IT治理思想,把它应用到对我国会计信息系统的治理当中来,制定出适合我国信息化水平的会计信息系统管理和控制标准,以提高对我国会计信息系统的管理效率。  相似文献   

基于XML的供应链信息交换体系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据XUL标准所具有的良好的数据交换特点和XML在实际中得到广泛应用,提出基于XML的供应链管理信息交换体系,以解决供应链节点企业之间的信息交换和信息共享的问题。  相似文献   

The extent to which private information should be used in planning for transportation infrastructure has not been fully resolved. To contribute to this debate, this paper discusses the argument for using private information by presenting a transportation planning case study in which the sample size required to detect a significant difference in two types of residential trip generation rates was reduced. One rate is based on ground counts and the other is based on household surveys. The number of vehicle trips generated by suburban dwelling units over a 24-h period is a critical element in the transportation planning process.When no-private information was used, the rates derived using the two methods were not statistically different. However, the use of private information might lead to different rates. Private information, described herein as individual transportation decisions, is defined by four characteristics: individually identifying (not anonymous); linked to another data source (not aggregated); available to a limited audience (not unlimited); and available for only a specific, socially legitimate use.The potential discrepancy between rates using ground counts and household survey data provides an opportunity to investigate the utility of private information. Simulations with an existing data set were performed to determine the extent to which additional private information could have revealed a discrepancy. The study concluded that the required sample size decreases substantially depending on the amount of private information available. The use of limited private information reduces the required sample size by over 30%. With more private information, the required sample size is reduced by over 90%. Thus, the use of robust statistical tests that is infeasible with only public information is possible with the availability of private data.The significance of this study is the approach presented to evaluate the utility of private information by documenting the tangible benefits, such as reduced sample sizes and reduced data collection costs, that will accrue if it is used. The political cost of acquiring the information can then be addressed, as can extending the approach to other situations where the use of private information is being considered.  相似文献   


A review of the International Trade literature suggests that uncertainty caused by the lack of perfect information and/or asymmetric information provides a motivation for countertrade (Hennart, 1990; Mirus & Yeung, 1986; Yavas & Vardiabasis, 1988). After presenting the most prevalent forms and examples of countertrade, this study shows how uncertainty can lead to some of the most common forms of countertrade; counterpurchase, buyback and offset. The paper compares and contrasts two strategies facing the management team of a profit-maximizing firm. The standard neoclassical mathematical model developed and presented shows that countertrade strategy may be superior to standard money-mediated trade strategy when there is uncertainty. Therefore, countertrade (particularly, buyback, counterpurchase and offset) may be a rational response to conditions that restrict standard trade. As such, countertrade can supplement standard money-mediated trade and contribute to the growth of international business.  相似文献   

陈森 《物流科技》2011,34(10):65-67
目的是探究一种适合蓄电池制造企业运行MRP的方法,并且推广成功的经验。只有把MRP作为反映业务数据及时性和准确性的重要考量标准,才能从根本上做好蓄电池制造业的信息化。其中使用了MRP相关的理论:安全库存、订货点法、产能计算等等。在成功实施了MRP之后,大幅提高了企业的运作能力,降低了成本。这些都说明,使用MRP来协调企业内部供应链,的确能给企业带来很大的效益,并从根本上提高企业的竞争力。  相似文献   

建立信息交换标准是解决电子商务标准化的一种有效思路。本文以支付信息交换标准为例,探讨整个信息交换标准的思路和方法,即在数据网格的思想基础上,以XML定义数据格式,以UML描述操作,以WSDL描述现有系统接口,同时定义公共接口和EDI的映射关系。  相似文献   

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