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Review of Accounting Studies - We examine how exogenous changes in analyst coverage influence (1) the likelihood that managers will voluntarily disclose customized (non-GAAP) performance metrics...  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether matching has differential implications for the accuracy of analysts' earnings and revenue forecasts. We construct a novel measure of firm-level matching and document that matching improves analysts' earnings forecasts to a greater extent than their revenue forecasts. We also document matching's differential impact on analysts' earnings and sales forecasts by proposing a new count metric capturing a wedge in the accuracy of earnings and revenue forecasts. In additional tests, we report that the differential impact of matching is less (more) pronounced in a situation where the balance sheet (income statement) orientation likely dominates. We also report that matching's differential role is weaker (stronger) when firms have high intangible intensity (analysts have appropriate resources or expertise). In short window tests, matching's role in analysts' forecast revisions is more pronounced for earnings than sales forecasts. Overall, these results show how analysts benefit from better revenue-expense matching.  相似文献   

Karen Hurley 《Futures》2008,40(7):698-701
Futures studies (FS) has not taken up food as a topic to any degree perhaps because of complexity, gender, urban bias, professional bias, cultural diversity, and fear. But there is a need and responsibility for FS scholars and practitioners to consider the growing and preparation of food in our work. Today's movements in food security, organic farming and Slowfood can direct us towards futures based in healthy, diverse, and joyful communities.  相似文献   

In examining the family-controlled business groups in Korea, prior literature shows that group-affiliated analysts’ forecasts are optimistically biased. This article investigates whether the group-affiliated analysts strategically time the level of accuracy and bias in their forecasts for the same group-affiliated firms due to the change in information asymmetry in the market. The results show that the group-affiliated analysts issue more accurate and less optimistic earnings forecasts for the affiliated firms when the level of information asymmetry is low; particularly, in April, which is right after annual earnings announcements.  相似文献   

Recent papers that have explored spot and futures markets for Bitcoin have concluded that price discovery takes place either in the spot, or the futures market. Here, we consider the robustness of previous price discovery conclusions by investigating causal relationships, cointegration and price discovery between spot and futures markets for Bitcoin, using appropriate daily data and time-varying mechanisms. We apply the time-varying Granger causality test of Shi, Phillips, and Hurn [2018]; time-varying cointegration tests of Park and Hahn [1999], and time-varying information share methodologies, concluding that futures prices Granger cause spot prices and that futures prices dominate the price discovery process.  相似文献   

This study examines whether geopolitical risk (GPR) exhibits an ability to forecast crude oil volatility from a time-varying transitional dynamics perspective. Unlike previous studies that assume an oversimplification of the fixed transition probabilities for crude oil volatility, we develop an asymmetric time-varying transition probability Markov regime switching (AS-TVTP-MS) GARCH model. In-sample estimated results show that GPR yields strong evidence of regime switching behavior on crude oil volatility and that the negative shocks of GPR result in greater effects on switching probabilities than positive shocks. Out-of-sample results indicate that the AS-TVTP-MS GARCH model containing the GPR index outperforms other models, suggesting that the consideration of GPR information and time-varying regime switching together results in superior predictive performance. Moreover, the predictability of oil volatility is further verified to be economically significant in the framework of portfolio allocation. In addition, our results are robust to various settings.  相似文献   

We study the dynamic response of gross capital flows in emerging market economies to different global financial shocks, using a panel vector-autoregressive (PVAR) approach. Our focus lies primarily on the potentially stabilizing role played by domestic investors in offsetting the response of foreign investors to adverse global shocks. We find that, while foreign investors tend to retrench from emerging markets in response to global risk aversion and monetary policy shocks, foreign asset repatriation by resident investors does not always follow suit. Local investors play a meaningful stabilizing role in the face of global risk aversion shocks, with sizeable asset repatriation largely offsetting the retrenchment of non-residents. In contrast, foreign investor retrenchment in response to global monetary policy shocks is not mirrored by asset repatriation. Finally, we find robust evidence that positive global real shocks tend to have a positive impact on net capital inflows to emerging markets. Our results shed light on the likely impact of the Fed's QE tapering on capital flows to emerging market economies.  相似文献   

The improvement of sustainable economic growth is a necessity. One issue facing policymakers is facilitating green innovation. This paper constructs a model and explores the relationship between R&D expenditures and green patents, and investigates the impact of financial constraints on green innovation output. Based on the theoretical model assumptions and the data of listed companies in China from 2007 to 2019, this paper draws the following conclusions after the empirical tests: First, R&D expenditure is significant and drives green innovation as measured by green patents. Second, contrary to the positive relationship between R&D expenditure and green patents, financial constraints discourage green innovation. Third, financial constraints facilitate R&D investment efficiency, which results in enhancing the positive effect of R&D on green innovation.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of financial regulation on financial inclusion in Sub-Saharan Africa, considering the moderating role of financial stability. By analysing the relationship between financial inclusion and the most prominent macro-prudential regulation (capital adequacy), we find that tightening prudential regulations could negatively impact access to finance, thereby conflicting with Sub-Saharan African economies’ financial inclusion goals. More specifically, the capital adequacy requirement tremendously reduces banks’ capacity to provide financial services and this could lead to credit rationing thereby reducing financial inclusion. The results also indicate that, the interaction of financial regulation with financial stability positively impacts financial inclusion. Thus, financial stability augments financial regulation to have an affirmative impact on financial inclusion. The practical implications of this paper are that, one of the ways central governments and policy makers in Sub-Saharan African countries can increase and get the most out of financial inclusion is to formulate policies targeted at reducing capital adequacy requirements of financial institutions and other constraints that limit the operations and efficiency of financial institutions. Such policies should also aim at creating an enabling environment to promote financial stability.  相似文献   

A major risk currently facing the Chinese economy is overcapacity, which affects the efficiency of social resource allocation (Xi et al., 2017; Huang et al., 2019). When a company is in crisis, the internal capital market often plays a propping role. This study approached this issue from the perspective of the controlling shareholder and examined whether controlling shareholders provide financial support to enterprises in industries with excess capacity. According to the data for China’s A-share listed companies from 2007 to 2019, companies in industries with excess capacity received more financial support from controlling shareholders compared with those in non-overcapacity industries. Analysis of the mechanism revealed that state-owned enterprises and companies with relatively poor financial status received more financial support from controlling shareholders. This study also examined the economic consequences of such support and found that it is conducive to enhancing enterprise value. This study enriches the literature on overcapacity and internal capital markets by demonstrating that internal capital markets play a propping role for companies facing industry-level crises. This finding has both theoretical value and practical implications related to supply-side reform and capacity reduction.  相似文献   

I provide evidence that investors overweight analyst forecasts by demonstrating that prices do not fully reflect predictable components of analyst errors, which conflicts with conclusions in prior research. I highlight estimation bias in traditional approaches and develop a new approach that reduces this bias. I estimate characteristic forecasts that map current firm characteristics into forecasts of future earnings. Contrasting characteristic and analyst forecasts predicts analyst forecast errors and revisions. I find abnormal returns to strategies that sort firms by predicted forecast errors, consistent with investors overweighting analyst forecasts and predictable biases in analyst forecasts influencing the information content of prices.  相似文献   

The stock market may respond to the difference between an analyst’s recommendation and that analyst’s previous recommendation and/or to the difference between the analyst’s recommendation and the consensus recommendation. We show that for the short-term market response the former is the clearer signal when both are examined simultaneously. We also show that the market’s reaction is strongly influenced by the analyst’s reputation, the divergence of opinion among analysts and the number of analysts following the stock. Previous studies have been hampered by having a low proportion of negative recommendations. We overcome this deficiency by studying the Australian market, in which institutional differences lead to analysts releasing many more negative recommendations.
Yew Kee Ho (Corresponding author)Email:

We investigate whether market competition affects the relationship between corporate transparency and firm value in the United States using a sample of 12,665 firm-year observations, representing 1,644 individual firms for the period 1996–2018. The results show that stronger transparency enhances firm value, and market competition has a significantly positive effect on that relationship. More importantly, we use hierarchical linear models further to explore the cross-level interaction impact of market competition, and we find evidence suggesting that the industry-level competition has a significant cross-level moderating effect. Additionally, consistent with the substitute perspective, we also find that the disciplinary power of competition on the relationship between transparency and value is more pronounced for firms with weak corporate governance. Overall, our evidence supports the “bright side” of the competition view and highlights the active external governance role that competition plays in the value promotion effect of corporate transparency at both the individual and the industry levels.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption on the accuracy of Chinese analysts’ earnings forecasts. We find that after IFRS adoption, the accuracy of Chinese analysts’ forecasts decreases rather than increasing as they do in developed countries documented by the extant literature. Further investigation finds that this decrease is associated with a fair value measurement of financial assets held for trading. Our finding provides empirical evidence supporting the argument that the effectiveness of IFRS adoption could be negative in a developing country depending on its setting and fair value measurement brought about by IFRS could contribute to the negative effect in this setting.  相似文献   

Three decades of accounting and finance research has extensively studied the outputs from financial analysts. However, there is sparse systematic evidence on what analysts do to generate their outputs in the form of forecasts, recommendations, and research reports. Livnat and Zhang (Rev Account Stud, 2012) provide interesting new evidence regarding the relative amount of value added that analysts produce by examining investors?? reaction to analysts?? forecast revisions issued promptly after firms?? public disclosures compared with those issued at other times. Their analysis shows that prompt revisions are associated with larger returns, which the authors interpret as evidence that analysts?? ability to interpret public disclosures is more valuable to investors. Three issues bear consideration in the interpretation of these findings.  相似文献   

Mark Wallis 《Abacus》2023,59(4):1074-1115
Accounting theory and accounting researchers stress the importance of clean surplus accounting and comprehensive income to corporate valuation. However, casual observation suggests that sell-side equity analysts routinely ignore other comprehensive income (OCI) in their forecasts and instead focus on forecasting earnings (before OCI). Using a sample of analyst reports, I first confirm that analysts normally omit forecasts of OCI or comprehensive income from their reports, consistent with analysts forecasting OCI as zero. I then predict and find that a zero forecast for OCI generally produces lower forecasting errors than alternative time-series models, such as a random walk or AR(1) model, suggesting a rational reason why analysts take this approach. Finally, I predict and find that although analysts’ point forecasts of future OCI are usually zero, their implied cost of equity estimates are consistent with analysts forecasting a positive variance for OCI.  相似文献   

This article is primarily directed towards examining the desirability of incorporating market signals in the process of supervision of commercial banks by regulators and insurers. But the ideas developed here can also be applied to the general problem of using market information to assess the solvency and safety of any financial or non-financial institution.Market prices and yields of securities anticipate actions by regulators, central banks, and other players due to the fact that such actions may materially influence the risk and the expected return associated with investment decisions pertaining to those securities. It is well known that the yield curve of government securities such as T-bills, T-notes and T-bonds reflect the market's consensus regarding the actions that the Federal reserve may take as they pertain to the valuation of such securities. The extent to which the market has already discounted the future actions of the central bank will no doubt play a role in the way in which the central bank may think about its actions, its actual effect and how it relates to its intended effects.The extent to which market prices can provide useful guides depends on the underlying market structure and the practices in the industry.While markets may do lot of the hard work in aggregating and incorporating future actions, the task of supervision and regulation can never be put on automatic pilot. Ideally, supervisory policies should effectively combine the market signals with initiatives that serve to maintain the safety and the soundness of the underlying markets. I will begin by exploring the extent to which equity prices may be used as a signal of bank credit risk. I will then explore the advantages and disadvantages of using subordinated debt securities to derive a market signal.  相似文献   

This study analyzes whether the publication timing of reports released outside trading hours affects subsequent price drift to determine if investors respond immediately to analyst reports. Significant price drifts are observed for revisions in target prices, especially when a report is released within two hours before the market opens. Furthermore, the influence of publication timing is crucial when investors must process information about earnings announcements and multiple reports. Conversely, the influence is irrelevant to the visibility of reports (e.g., broker size and star analyst status). The identified limitation of investors' response is attributable to their limited information-processing capacity.  相似文献   

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