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This study examines the effect of internationalization on the initial and long-run IPO performance of service firms. The study discusses that pre-IPO internationalization of service firms contributes to the explanation of long-discussed IPO underpricing phenomenon, and underperformance of IPOs in the long-run. Sample of the study includes 1822 IPO issues conducted by US service firms between 1980 and 2009. Findings of the study suggest that international service firms leave less money on table in their IPOs compared to domestic service firms by providing significantly lower first day returns to their investors on their first day of public trading. Moreover, our findings provide evidence that 3-year cumulative abnormal returns and 3-year buy-and-hold returns of international service firms are significantly higher than domestic service firms, and international service firms outperform domestic service firms in both operating return on assets and operating cash flows in the post-IPO period. Lastly, the study documents that survival rate of service firms subsequent to an IPO issue increases with pre-IPO internationalization.  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the effects of venture capital investment on selected firm governance and financing structures, we examined the post-IPO experiences of 190 biotechnology and healthcare firms (see appendix). Our study revealed that in virtually all cases, the involvement of venture capitalists reduced the role of the founder-entrepreneur in strategic decision making. This was illustrated by the larger proportion of outside directors when venture capitalists invested and the smaller proportion of entrepreneurs who remained officers or in board positions after the IPO. We also found that venture capitalists rarely invested alone, and preferred to structure deals in which venture capital partners share both risks and rewards.  相似文献   

We advance a two-stage theoretical model which contends that the export performance of emerging economy firms (EEFs) will depend both upon their firm-specific capabilities and their home institutional environments. Specifically, we argue that EEFs will be more likely to export when facing more uncertainty at home from greater political instability, substantial informal competition, and high corruption. Furthermore, we hypothesize that firms’ export intensities will be contingent upon specialized internal capabilities such as a skilled workforce, top managerial experience, and access to external technologies. We test these hypotheses using a dataset of more than 16,000 firms from the four BRIC economies (i.e., Brazil, Russia, China and India). Our results confirm that political instability and informal competition have robust effects on the export propensity of EEFs, whilst export intensity is contingent upon the availability of skilled workers and access to external technologies via licensing.  相似文献   

Scholars show continuing interest in top management teams (TMT). This line of research emphasizes their importance for organizational success. This study reveals a clear challenge for researchers; to better understand the relationships between TMT characteristics and firm performance, researchers should consider the firm's environment. Results suggest that environmental complexity moderates the relationship between TMT strategic consensus and performance in Mexican companies. Interestingly, the results contradict initial expectations; lower levels of consensus correlate with higher performance in simple, more than in complex environments. Higher levels of consensus correlate with higher performance, in complex environments.  相似文献   

陈文斌  陈超 《商业研究》2007,(4):147-150
上市公司良好的会计信息披露是资本市场健康运行的重要内容。从募集资金使用的角度对我国上市公司会计信息披露行为进行研究,提出信息披露的三个动机,包括公布好消息、再融资和降低代理成本。对我国股票市场1995~2000年上市的418家A股上市公司进行实证检验,发现以上三个动机对上市公司的会计信息披露行为都有影响,其中再融资动机的影响最为显著。  相似文献   

We propose that cross-listing is associated with better environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance, because cross-listed firms adopt ESG practices to mitigate the liability of foreignness (LOF) in foreign financial markets. Institutionalization processes have made ESG practices important for managing challenges associated with the LOF. With tests involving the S&P Global 1200 index, we show that cross-listing improves corporate social responsibility (CSR; i.e., social and environmental dimensions) but not corporate governance. The effects of cross-listing on CSR also depend on investor protection regimes of listing destinations: Stronger regimes correspond with poorer CSR performance, suggesting that they limit managerial discretion.  相似文献   


Based on a survey of 200 SMEs, this research investigated innovation’s influence on the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Harare, Zimbabwe. The study found that SMEs were somewhat innovative. The performance of SMEs was found to somewhat increase over the period SMEs were innovating. Innovation was found to positively predict the performance of SMEs. Organizational innovation and product innovation positively predicted the performance of SMEs while marketing innovation and process innovation did not. The influence of innovation on enterprise performance varied from industry to industry. The research has implications for managers and future researchers.  相似文献   

Technology and corporate entrepreneurship constitute an important source of competitive advantage for organizations, as they enable the development and exploitation of new opportunities. This study proposes a model to analyze the effects of top management support for technology on the promotion of technological skills, absorptive capacity, and technological distinctive competencies. The research also considers the impact of technological skills and absorptive capacity on the development of technological distinctive competencies, analyzing the influence of these variables on organizational performance through corporate entrepreneurship. The study tests these relationships empirically using 160 European technology firms. The paper ends with discussion of the findings and provides several theoretical and practical implications for future research.  相似文献   

Despite increasing research on outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by firms from emerging economies, our understanding of the relationship between domestic operations and international diversification of these firms is still limited. Using a unique dataset of Chinese listed firms, we examine the impact of domestic diversification on their international diversification. We find that international diversification is positively affected by firms’ domestic industrial and domestic regional diversification. We also find that top management team (TMT)’s previous international experience strengthens the impact of domestic diversification on firms’ international diversification, whereas TMT's prior political connections weakens the impact of domestic diversification on international diversification.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the death of firms and seizes a long-term perspective. It investigates the life spans of nearly 2,200 firms in seven birth cohorts of Swedish joint-stock companies, founded during seven separate years between 1899 and 1950. Research has traditionally emphasized individual- and micro-oriented factors in explaining post-entry performance, or has often focused on the influence of firm-specific structural factors (firm age and size). A less attended field recognizes environmental forces. This paper focuses on the interaction between the micro and macro levels, and combines structural and environmental factors. Employing a cohort approach, it relates firm survival to firm age and size, as well as to the effect of cohort affiliation and environmental change over time (period effects). During macroeconomic expansion, the risk of death decreases. Cohort effects are also evident. Firms founded during times of economic crisis exhibit lower survival rates. Consequently, cohort affiliation and environmental forces, i.e. period effects, can explain differences in death rates in different firm populations.
Marcus BoxEmail:

Strategic human resource management (SHRM) theory is predicated on the assumption that effective human resource management (HRM) processes have the capacity to contribute significantly to organizational effectiveness, expressed in terms of productivity, flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, return on investment, competitiveness, and ultimately, profitability. Earlier research studies have explored the overall value-adding potential of HRM processes as a whole. Few have focused on the links between strategic HRM, performance management systems and organizational effectiveness, and even fewer have examined these relationships in Southeast Asia. This paper addresses this gap in the literature by examining the perceptions of a split sample of senior managers in Singapore. It reveals an interesting gap between their rhetoric and the realities of their performance management systems, and suggests future research directions.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the state influences the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of hybrid state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China. Previous studies have provided conflicting arguments and empirical findings on the internationalization of SOEs, with some studies proposing a positive relationship between state ownership and OFDI, while others propose a negative relationship. In this paper, we argue that the mixed effects are due to different influences of different levels of state ownership and different types of political connections. We investigate our proposed hypotheses based on a sample of publicly listed hybrid Chinese SOEs between 2009 and 2016. We find an S-shaped relationship between state ownership and OFDI such that at low levels of state ownership, OFDI increases as state ownership increases; at medium levels of state ownership, OFDI decreases as state ownership increases; at high levels of state ownership, OFDI increases again as state ownership increases. We further find that executive-branch political connections between boards and top management teams of firms and the government have a negative effect on OFDI, while legislative-branch political connections have no significant effect on OFDI.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effects of entrepreneurial orientation and marketing information on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises. We build and test a causal model using data obtained from Singaporean entrepreneurs and find support for most of our hypotheses. The results indicate that entrepreneurial orientation plays an influential role on the acquisition and utilization of marketing information, and also has a direct effect on firm performance. The utilization of information regarding marketing mix decisions (particularly the Promotion and Place elements) positively affects firm performance, and it partially mediates the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. The implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Integrating signaling and institutional perspectives, we develop and test hypotheses relating institutions and corporate governance to foreign IPO success. Our investigation highlights the importance of three important drivers of foreign IPO success: home country legal institutions, corporate governance, and host capital market choice. This research demonstrates that board independence and country of origin effects are powerful signals. However, these factors do not have a universal impact on foreign IPO success. Instead, the value of home country institutions along with corporate governance signals are contingent upon the institutional environment in which international entrepreneurs choose to seek capital resources.  相似文献   

This study explores the efficiency of securities firms in Turkey and offers conceptual and managerial insights utilizing data envelopment analysis. Through a sample of local and foreign owned securities firms in Turkey, we examine the impact of liabilities of foreignness (LOF) and localness (LOL) upon knowledge intensive firm efficiency in an emerging market economy. We have extended this approach through our consideration of liability associated with market globalness (LOMG). Our findings indicate the importance of size for firm efficiency with bank affiliation and foreign ownership also having positive effects on efficiency. Our study makes a contribution conceptually, methodologically and empirically to a growing literature on emerging economies. We also make a valuable addition to the limited empirical work conducted on the securities industry to date. Finally, through our contextualization of Turkish securities firms as professional services firms (PSFs), our research extends the narrow focus on law and accounting which currently dominates the burgeoning research strand on PSFs.  相似文献   

Can host country selection affect the corporate social performance (CSP) of multinational enterprises (MNEs)? Using institutional distance as our theoretical lens, we propose and empirically examine the notion that greater institutional diversity can have disparate influences on the social performance of different types of MNEs. We conceptualize each MNE as a unique portfolio of locations and use that “footprint” to examine the impact of formal and informal institutional distances on CSP. We hypothesize and find (1) a moderating influence of greater formal institutional distance in the MNE portfolio that slows the rate of increased benefits associated with greater international scope; and (2) a direct influence of greater informal institutional distance that lowers the overall levels of CSP independent of the international scope of the MNE. Managerial implications for international location selection are discussed.  相似文献   

While the relation between equity-based compensation and firm performance has been widely discussed, the findings on how executive stock options (ESOs) affect firm value are still inconclusive. This research examines the risk-taking effect of ESOs on firm performance by taking into consideration managers' personal risk aversion. A three-stage-least-squares approach is adopted to examine a simultaneous system of equations describing option compensation, risk-taking, and firm performance. Evidence confirms that ESOs increase managerial risk-taking, but such risk-taking is constrained by managers' personal risk aversion. In addition, evidence indicates that managerial risk-taking induced by ESOs would increase both long-term and near-term stock returns. The negative impact on near-term and the positive impact on long-term returns on investment imply that it takes time for accounting performance to reflect the risk-taking effect of ESOs. These results further indicate that managers focus their concerns more on stock risk and return rather than near-term accounting results.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of ownership advantages affecting multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) entry mode strategies in developing countries. Although a few studies have focused on such effects, very little attention has been devoted to the ownership advantages generated from the institutional environment of MNEs’ home countries. To bridge this gap, this study concentrates on three types of ownership advantages: intangible asset advantages (IAA), advantages of common governance (ACG), and home‐country‐specific advantages (HCSA). Using a sample of 303 foreign affiliates, this study empirically examines the choice of MNEs between a wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) and a joint venture (JV). The data were collected from senior executives of MNEs’ subsidiaries operating in Syria and Jordan. The findings of this study reveal that MNEs’ choice of entry mode strategies is significantly influenced by intangible asset advantages, advantages of common governance, and home‐country‐specific advantages. Hence, senior executives perceiving an increased importance of these assets will opt for a WOS rather than a JV when entering a new market in the Middle East. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm performance having broad scholarly acceptance, researchers are now delving with increased focus into the contextual factors that change the nature of the relationship between EO and various manifestations of organizational performance. In this vein, this study adopts the resource based view and investigates the moderating influence of firm age and intangible resources on the EO-firm growth relationship among small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Japan. Further, we propose a three-way interactive model between EO, firm age, and intangible resources to better identify entrepreneurial configurations that promote superior SME growth.  相似文献   

Internationalization is an important entrepreneurial strategy for promoting the long-term growth and survivability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Family involvement in top management teams (TMTs) can explain the heterogeneous behaviors of these firms’ international entrepreneurship process. This paper analyzes the moderating effects of the family’s influence on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization with two TMT diversities found only in family firms: the family TMT ratio and generational involvement. An analysis of 191 Spanish family SMEs indicated that entrepreneurial orientation plays a significant role in explaining the degree of internationalization in family firms and that a diversely formed TMT shapes this relationship. A high concentration of family members in managerial positions hinders the international entrepreneurship process. This fact highlights the importance of hiring non-family managers to promote internationalization. The results also reveal that involving multiple generations in decision-making hampers entrepreneurial internationalization, generating control and coordination problems.  相似文献   

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