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We develop and test a mediation model linking job insecurity to affective commitment and psychosomatic complaints via two distinct theoretical mechanisms: fairness and energy depletion. Analyses were based on 6,268 Belgian bank employees facing organizational change. Results from structural equation modeling showed that fairness and exhaustion partially mediated the association of job insecurity with affective commitment and psychosomatic complaints, respectively. Multiple group analysis showed that the relation between job insecurity and fairness gradually decreased across the three change stages, and that the exhaustion process was most prominent amid the change. Implications and directions for future research are discussed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Fit is generally conceptualized as a dynamic construct, but most research on person-environment fit has focused on fit in the current moment. We addressed this oversight by examining the dynamic relationships among person-job (PJ) fit, demand-ability (DA) fit, need-supply (NS) fit, and employee work attitudes over time using a three-wave survey design over a 12-month period. Results from 168 employees revealed that change in PJ fit was significantly related to changes in job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. In addition, DA and NS fit changes were significantly and indirectly associated with job satisfaction and commitment changes through PJ fit change. We also found that increases in job demands and employee abilities significantly decreased DA fit, and increases in employee needs significantly decreased NS fit whereas increases in job supplies significantly increased NS fit. Finally, we examined age as an important moderator for employees’ reactions to PJ fit changes, and found that younger employees reacted more strongly to increases/decreases in PJ fit than did older employees.  相似文献   

Investment in vocational education and training is commonly regarded as a prerequisite of competitive success. Training is also seen as a cornerstone of management initiatives designed to enhance employee involvement and co-operation in the production process. Ironically, however, commentators have rarely sought to assess employee attitudes towards, and experiences of, training provision. the claims made by advocates of a high skills strategy with respect to employee commitment and motivation have not been empirically tested. This article seeks to fill the gap through a presentation of findings from a unique survey, undertaken by the authors, designed to examine the link between training and employee attitudes.  相似文献   

医院的任何创新都必须经由医院的员工完成,员工的个人创新绩效将对医院的整体创新产生重大影响,因此研究医疗行业中影响员工创新绩效的因素具有现实意义。通过实证检验发现:员工的工作满意度将正向影响员工的创新绩效;员工的工作满意度将正向影响组织的创新气候;组织创新气候将在员工工作满意度对员工创新绩效的作用中起到部分中介作用。  相似文献   

在现代高强度的工作环境下,企业竞争越来越依靠于人才的配置。为了吸引和留住人才,越来越多的企业更加关注公司员工的感受和需求,在提高员工满意度的同时提高员工的工作绩效,保障企业的高效低成本运作。员工满意度、组织承诺、工作绩效是企业能否长时间留住人才的主要指标,对于企业人力资源管理有着重要意义。从理论上来说,通过实证研究可以具体量化三者之间的关系;从实践上来说,对三者之间影响关系的清楚认识可以为企业人力资源部门提供制度和政策上的指导,从而降低企业的人力成本、提高企业运作的效率。研究的主要内容为通过问卷收集的方法,以各类企业员工为研究对象,探究员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效之间的相关关系,建立员工满意度、组织承诺和工作绩效三者之间的量化研究模型。根据研究结果,给企业人力资源管理部门提出具有建设性的建议,以在减少成本的同时促进企业的高效运作,使企业更具凝聚力。  相似文献   

This study examines four possible models of the causal relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment in models of employee turnover: (1) satisfaction precedes commitment, (2) commitment precedes satisfaction, (3) satisfaction and commitment have a reciprocal relationship, and (4) satisfaction and commitment have no significant relationship. Structural equation models with two-wave panel data reveal no significant effects between satisfaction and commitment, and the overall fit for each of the four alternative models is virtually identical. Although analysis of the alternative models suggests the relationship between satisfaction and commitment may be spurious due to common determinants, alternative explanations for these results and conclusions for turnover research are discussed.  相似文献   

本文基于五家民营企业273个样本数据,研究了薪酬分配公平感对员工离职意愿的影响,并分析了组织承诺的中介效应和外在工作机会感知的调节效应。研究表明:薪酬分配公平感对员工离职意愿有显著负向影响;员工组织承诺在薪酬分配公平感与员工离职意愿之间起完全中介作用;外在工作机会感知调节了组织承诺与员工离职意愿间的负向关系。最后讨论了理论意义和对民营企业的管理启示。  相似文献   

近年来,随着经济迅速发展,人力资源部开始通过不断尝试实施各种人力资源实践活动来改善并规范企业的管理,人力资源工作人员也逐渐意识到支持性人力资源实践的重要性。支持性人力资源实践包含公平奖惩,员工参与和成长空间三个维度,正能体现组织认同员工贡献、信任员工并对员工进行人力资本投资。本研究以我国珠三角地区企业为主要研究对象,基于339个研究样本,采用文献研究法、问卷调查法,并运用相关分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析和多元回归分析法等,来探讨支持性人力资源实践和工作绩效三者间的关系,并证明了支持性人力资源实践对工作绩效存在显著的正向影响作用。  相似文献   

随着我国医疗制度改革的不断的深入的进行,医院药师的工作环境也发生了巨大的改变,药师原本的工作内容已经不能完全满足当前医院药品管理的需要,因此医院药师的工作内容也要随之改革,从而更好的适应当前医院医药环境的变化,更好的为患者服务。文章分析了医院药师工作内容的变化,针对这些变化,提出了一些应对措施。  相似文献   

We propose a model of job passion that links two types of passion, harmonious and obsessive passion, to employees' work performance, via the mediating mechanism of cognitive engagement (comprising attention and absorption). Results from a survey conducted with 509 employees from an insurance firm indicate that employees with harmonious passion performed better at work, and that this relationship was mediated primarily by cognitive absorption, that is, the intensity of focus and immersion experienced by the employees when working. However, even though obsessive passion was negatively related to cognitive attention (i.e. the amount of cognitive resources spent thinking about work), it did not have a significant relationship to work performance overall. We identify and discuss research and practical implications for job passion and performance management.  相似文献   

基于社会分类和相似-吸引理论,探讨了在个体层面团队多样性对员工创造力的影响机制,并检验了挑战性-阻断性压力作为情境变量的调节作用.对317名企业员工的数据分析结果表明:员工感知的与团队成员之间的深层差异负向影响员工创造力;信息交换中介感知深层差异与员工创造力之间的关系.挑战性压力正向调节感知深层差异与信息交换之间的关系:当挑战性压力较高时,感知深层差异与信息交换之间的负向关系减弱.阻断性压力的负向调节作用没有得到支持.  相似文献   

随着全社会对人类主观幸福感的日益重视,越来越多的人群的主观幸福感影响因素被学者们深入研究,比如大学生、城市居民、教师、知识型员工等。本文以神华神东煤炭集团有限贲任公司为案例,开展了对煤炭企业员工这一特殊人群的主观幸福感影响因素的研究。研究发现影响神华神东煤炭集团有限责任公司员工主观幸福感的因素主要包括:生存、尊重、社会、发展四个层次的薪酬福利、劳动保护、后勘服务、管理方式、工作安排、自我家庭、培训发展、家属问题、工作成就九个因素,并得出了在目前神华神东煤炭集团有限责任公司发展阶段,影响员工主观幸福感的因素主要还是集中在外部因素的结论。  相似文献   

王燕林  林智 《价值工程》2011,30(24):252-253
各类就业困难群体中,高校毕业生就业困难群体人数众多,解决好他们的就业是解决高校就业问题的关键所在。本文就是在对高校各类就业困难群体简述的基础上,从高校、就业困难学生自身这两个角度去分析原因,并给予各类就业困难毕业生提出针对性的指导与帮助。  相似文献   

员工即兴行为是企业应对外部环境动态性、复杂性和模糊性的有效抓手。虽已有研究对包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间的关系进行了探究,但目前对二者之间的作用机制知之甚少。论文从社会交换理论视角出发,基于458份问卷数据,实证了包容型领导与员工即兴行为的关系,研究结果表明:包容型领导正向影响员工即兴行为,工作卷入在包容型领导和员工即兴行为之间起部分中介作用,员工主动性人格正向调节包容型领导和工作卷入之间的关系。  相似文献   


In organizational settings, employees learn mainly through performing their jobs and by attending training programs. Empirical evidences that compare on the types and extent of learning occur from these two methods, however, are lacking and thus worthwhile examining. Hence, a questionnaire-based survey was conducted among one hundred seventy-five employees from various firms in Malaysia. This paper reports findings from the survey which addresses two main research questions: (1) What are the differences and similarities in learning outcomes of job experiences and formal training programs? and (2) Which method is superior? The respondents were asked to rate, using a five-point scale, five learning outcomes attributable to formal training programs and job experiences: recognition, job knowledge, communication and interpersonal skills, job quantity and quality, and independence and flexibility. The mean rating shows communication and interpersonal skills as the first-ranked learning outcome from both methods. On the other hand, recognition was ranked the lowest. T-test results indicate a significant overall superiority of job experiences over formal training programs. These and other findings imply important considerations in designing job and training in organizations. This paper calls upon organizations as well as individual employees to re-examine their approaches to workplace learning in order to obtain a synergetic learning impact from both job experiences and formal training.  相似文献   

Meaningful work has become an increasingly important job outcome for individuals in recent years. Studies indicate that many employees lack experienced meaningfulness in their work and that organizations have not done a good job at creating meaningful and emotionally satisfying work experiences for employees. A person–job fit approach to meaningful work and employee retention is described that consists of matching individual self-concept with job tasks and behaviors. It is proposed that this self-concept–job fit will be strongly related to meaningful work. It is also proposed that meaningful work is related to important outcome variables valued by organizations, such as increased worker performance and employee retention. Path analysis supports the proposed relationships. Implications for human resource management activities and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

电力是国民经济的先行官,电力企业员工整体素质的提升,内训师是关键。作为电力企业内训师,应不断地探索新形势下适应各个层面职工的培训方法与途径,努力把培训工作做好、做扎实,为推进电力企业的发展提供强有力的支撑与保障。  相似文献   

Much is currently being written about the need to encourage employees to share knowledge in order for companies to maintain a role as an intelligent organization in a technologically sophisticated environment. However, there is little written of the relationship between employee rights to satisfactory employment conditions, employee responsibilities in decision-making, and employee willingness to share their knowledge collaboratively. This paper seeks to redress this gap by discussing the importance of the relationship between employee rights and responsibilities and employee willingness to share knowledge. The reaction of a group of employees (academics) employed in an Intelligent Organization (university) to a reduction in their rights and responsibilities is discussed in order to design a framework of employee rights and responsibilities required for knowledge sharing in intelligent organizations.  相似文献   

运用TSV模型和交易成本理论分析了台湾宏碁集团国际化初期的商务模式。研究发现:控制型国际化模式会造成组织成本边际递增;将内部交易外部化为市场交易,可消除代理成本,并能使市场化交易成本边际递减;合作式网络化的非控制型国际化商务模式有可能实现更低的模式成本。  相似文献   

技术创新是推动农业龙头企业不断发展进步的永恒动力,是温氏集团发展壮大的核心要素.通过对温氏集团技术创新的历程回顾,探索其技术创新的历史经验并分析其存在的不足,提出其技术创新的持续发展策略.  相似文献   

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