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本文从市场微观结构的角度,研究我国上市公司股票流动性和资本配置效率之间的经验关系,发现股票流动性有助于降低企业非效率投资,这种负相关关系具体表现为流动性有助于缓解投资不足并抑制过度投资;进一步研究表明,股票流动性主要通过降低代理成本和提升股价信息含量等机制改善资本配置效率。本文研究结论表明,只有继续优化股权结构与公司治理、规范信息披露制度并加强内幕交易打击力度,才能增强市场流动性并提高资本配置效率。  相似文献   

选取2000—2011年间沪深两市A股市场680家正常连续经营的非金融类上市公司为样本,研究区域经济发展对资本结构调整效率的影响,结果发现,区域经济发展与资本结构调整效率之间呈显著负相关关系,因为经济发达地区公司处于无融资约束状态,非理性的资本结构调整提高了代理成本,从而损失效率。  相似文献   

根据帕加罗的内生经济增长模型,资本市场可以通过影响一个地区的储蓄一投资转化率、资本产出率和总储蓄率等途径促进该地区的经济增长。本文利用内生经济增长模型对西安地区1991-2005年的相关数据进行实证分析.得出结果显示:西安地区资本市场规模和经济增长之间存在正相关关系。资本市场的发展促进了西安经济增长.但目前仍存在储蓄向投资转化渠道不畅、资金的使用效率不高、资本的边际产出水平低下等诸多问题,因此应进一步完善资本市场筹集资金和资源配置的功能,通过信托基金、资产证券化、产业基金等多种资本市场工具,提高西安地区的储蓄一投资转化率和资金的使用效率,建立多层次投融资体系与灵活有效的投融资运行机制,对于推进经济可持续快速发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

上市公司融资效率的高低直接关系到资本市场能否实现资源的优化配置功能,以及为投资者提供满意的回报,并关系到资本市场的健康持续发展。在借鉴国内相关研究成果基础上,构建了基于筹资效率、配置效率和治理效率三个维度的融资效率评价框架,以陕西省上市公司为样本,利用熵值法对上市公司融资效率进行了定量研究。研究发现目前上市公司融资效率整体水平较为低下、提升缓慢,建议从提高上市公司资金运营能力、调整公司资本结构和改善公司治理结构三个方面进行系统性变革,并藉此提升上市公司融资效率。  相似文献   

中国特色的市场环境下,市场化程度会对资本配置效率产生怎样的影响,以及在这样的市场环境中股市信息效率与资本配置效率间的关系又会产生怎样的变化,是值得深入探讨的课题。采用沪深两市A股非金融类上市公司为研究样本,借鉴Wurgler的资本配置效率模型,分别从地区及公司层面探讨中国市场环境下股价信息含量对资本配置效率的影响。实证结果表明,无论是在地区层面还是公司层面,较高的股价信息含量均有助于提升资本配置效率;进一步采用市场化指数检验表明,市场环境在股价信息含量影响资本配置效率中存在显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

我国资本市场深化的背景与途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王军 《新金融》2003,(3):2-5
一、资本市场深化的含义 所谓"资本市场深化",是与"资本市场抑制"这一概念相对应的. 资本市场抑制(capital market repression),是指政府以行政机制代替市场机制,在非市场失灵的部分,对资本市场进行直接的、过度的干预,主要体现在发行市场、交易市场、市场的准入和退出,券商的业务经营及市场的结构方面.这种对非市场失灵部分的干预进一步加剧了资本市场中所存在的各种市场失灵现象,使资本市场所传递的价格信号失真,各市场参与主体的行为发生扭曲,导致资本资源在市场上出现配置的错误和效率的降低,从而使资本市场对经济增长的作用机制发生传导性的梗阻,妨碍了经济增长的顺利实现.  相似文献   

国际学术界关于金融深化能促进经济增长和提高资本配置效率已达成共识,但国内学术界对于我国金融深化与资本配置效率的关系存在分歧。本文提出地区非国有企业负债占比以及地区非国有企业资产负债率与国有企业资产负债率的差额这两个新指标,以衡量地区金融深化程度。利用省际面板数据研究发现,地区金融深化程度的差异导致地区资本配置效率的不同,金融深化同时促进了地区第二、第三产业资本配置效率的提高。同时,我们还发现,经济周期会影响资本配置效率,第二产业在经济低迷期存在投资过度的现象,而第三产业在经济繁荣期投资相对不足;实际利率的提高有利于第三产业的投资增长从而提高资本配置效率。  相似文献   

文章以创业板市场诸多企业业绩"变脸"的现状为研究背景,并从委托代理关系角度出发,围绕企业成长性来探讨非效率资本配置问题。搜集整理了创业板上市公司2013~2015年的财务面板数据,实证检验了企业成长性与非效率资本配置的关系以及委托代理问题对此关系的调节效应与中介效应。研究发现:企业成长性与非效率资本配置呈倒U型关系,债权人介入与股权结构对此关系具有调节效应,而管理层道德风险具有部分中介效应并受到债权人介入的影响。进一步研究发现:绝对控股对企业成长性与非效率资本配置关系的调节效应大于非绝对控股,股权制衡对此关系的调节效应小于非股权制衡。上述结论对企业成长过程中的融资方式选择、股权结构设计与资本配置等方面具有积极的启示意义。  相似文献   

资本市场抑制是政府在非市场失灵部分进行不恰当的干预和管理,而抑制市场机制发挥作用的现象。其后果,会导致资本资源在市场上出现配置的错误和效率的降低,从而使资本对经济增长的作用机制发生传导性的梗阻,妨碍经济增长的顺利实现。为此,必须通过推行相应的资本市场深化政策,把政府干预建立在市场机制的基础上,培育并保护市场机制的积极作用,限制并纠正市场机制的消极作用。同时,对资本市场各项功能的完善还要与转变政府职能结合起来,以此来彻底消除“资本市场抑制”。  相似文献   

本文以2003-2006为数据窗口,选取我国资本市场上20个民营系属上市公司为研究样本,利用EWIEWS软件对企业系中ICM的配置效率进行了实证研究。研究结果表明:①我国民营系内存在着活跃的资本市场,民营对比公司的投资支出对现金流的敏感性要明显高于民营系属公司,说明企业系中的ICM发挥了重新配置资本的功能。②由于系属上市公司对托宾Q不敏感(系数为负),故系属上市公司中的资本并没有高效率地配置给市场前景较好的投资项目。  相似文献   

Capital budgeting and delegation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of our ongoing research into capital budgeting processes as responses to decentralized information and incentive problems, we focus in this paper on when a level of a managerial hierarchy will delegate the allocation of capital across projects and time to the level below it. In our model, delegation is a way to save on costly investigation of proposed projects. Therefore, it is more extensive the larger are the costs of such investigations. This delegation takes advantage of the fact that the lower-level manager's preferences are assumed to be similar (though not identical) to those of the higher level.  相似文献   

流动资金紧张一直是困扰我国企业的一个难题,但这一问题却不是仅仅依靠银行增加流动资金贷款供应数量就能解决的,其背后隐藏着深刻的经济和体制原因。本文从经济制度的转轨与变迁,以及社会资金配置方式与经济增长、发展的内在联系等宏观视角出发,深入分析了我国企业流动资金配置方式的变迁过程,揭示企业流动资金紧张与银行流动资金贷款高不良率等问题形成的逻辑,提出化解这些难题的整体战略思路:在宏观战略层面上,转变发展战略和改革社会资金配置方式;在微观操作层面上,改进企业、银行以及政府的微观机制,使其行为和相互关系更为科学合理。  相似文献   


In this paper we show how the optimal amount of economic capital can be derived such that it minimizes the economic cost of risk-bearing. The economic cost of risk-bearing takes into account the cost of the economic capital as well as the exposure to residual risk. In addition to the absolute problem of determining the amount of economic capital, we also consider the relative problem of how to establish the allocation of economic capital among subsidiaries. Because subsidiaries are juridical entities, they will also consider the absolute problem of economic capital allocation themselves. In an equilibrium situation, the relative allocation derived by the conglomerate and the absolute allocation derived by the subsidiaries coincide. We show that the diversification benefit that is typically obtained in a conglomerate construction creates a virtual economic capital for subsidiaries within the conglomerate. We show further that the approach we propose to solve the absolute problem of economic capital allocation also can be applied to the problem of optimal portfolio selection, extending the well-known Markowitz approach and providing a tool for management by economic capital.  相似文献   

We study the effects of capital account liberalization on firm capital allocation and aggregate productivity in 10 Eastern European countries. Using a large firm‐level data set, we show that capital account liberalization decreases the dispersion in the return to capital across firms, particularly in sectors more dependent on external finance. We provide evidence that capital account liberalization improves capital allocation by allowing financially constrained firms to demand more capital and produce at a more efficient level. Finally, using a model of misallocation we document that capital account liberalization increases aggregate productivity through more efficient capital allocation by 10% to 16%.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the use of the bootstrap in capital allocation. In particular, for the distortion risk measure (DRM) class, we show that the exact bootstrap estimate is available in analytic form for the allocated capital. We then theoretically justify the bootstrap bias correction for the allocated capital induced from the concave DRM when the conditional mean function is strictly monotone. A numerical example shows a tradeoff exists between the bias reduction and variance increase in bootstrapping the allocated capital. However, unlike the aggregate capital case, the variance increase of the bias-corrected allocated capital estimate substantially outweighs the benefit of bias correction, making the bootstrap bias correction at the allocated capital level not as useful. Overall, the exact bootstrap without bias correction offers an efficient method for determining allocation over the ordinary resampling bootstrap estimate and the empirical counterpart.  相似文献   

资本约束、风险管理与商业银行成长   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葛兆强 《金融论坛》2006,11(2):10-15
基于资本必须覆盖风险命题的要求,银行的风险管理能力决定了银行的资本规模和资本的配置,银行资本管理实质上等价于风险管理,资本约束实质上就是风险约束。资本软约束是制约中国商业银行成长的主要障碍之一,但仅仅致力于资本充足率问题的解决并不能保证我国商业银行的可持续成长,风险约束是制约我国商业银行成长的瓶颈。只有从制度、技术和经营战略等方面入手,不断提高风险管理能力,建立以资本约束为核心的业务增长模式和资源配置方式,尽快实现成长模式由资金约束到资本约束的转变,中国商业银行才能在效益、质量和规模协调发展的基础上实现持续成长。  相似文献   

基于资本必须覆盖风险命题的要求,银行的风险管理能力决定了银行的资本规模和资本的配置,银行资本管理实质上等价于风险管理,资本约束实质上就是风险约束。资本软约束是制约中国商业银行成长的主要障碍之一,但仅仅致力于资本充足率问题的解决并不能保证我国商业银行的可持续成长,风险约束是制约我国商业银行成长的瓶颈。只有从制度、技术和经营战略等方面入手,不断提高风险管理能力,建立以资本约束为核心的业务增长模式和资源配置方式,尽快实现成长模式由资金约束到资本约束的转变,中国商业银行才能在效益、质量和规模协调发展的基础上实现持续成长。  相似文献   

As part of our ongoing research into capital budgeting processes as responses to decentralized information and incentive problems, we focus in this paper on when a level of a managerial hierarchy will delegate the allocation of capital across projects and time to the level below it. In our model, delegation is a way to save on costly investigation of proposed projects. Therefore, it is more extensive the larger are the costs of such investigations. This delegation takes advantage of the fact that the lower-level manager's preferences are assumed to be similar (though not identical) to those of the higher level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of human capital mismatch on the innovation performance of knowledge-intensive service enterprises. Taking China's knowledge-intensive service industries (KISI) as our research object, we construct a human capital allocation measurement framework to evaluate the current state of human capital allocation of sub-industries in China using the 2007 and 2013 Chinese Household Income Project data and Chinese A-share listed company data. Results show that human capital mismatch do exist in China's knowledge-intensive service industries, which exerts inhibitory effect on the innovation performance of KISI enterprises. We further find that such an effect varies with regions and industries. Our study aims to provide useful reference for relevant departments in stimulating innovation and accelerating market reform.  相似文献   

Allocation of Capital in the Insurance Industry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: This article discusses and critiques the methods that have been proposed for allocating capital in financial institutions, with an emphasis on applications in the insurance industry. The author discusses the rationale for allocating capital by line of business and explains how capital allocation can be used to maximize firm value. The implications for capital allocation of regulatory risk-based capital and the capital asset pricing model are discussed. The advantages and disadvantages of using value-at-risk and insolvency put option criteria in capital allocation are analyzed. Finally, recently proposed methods of marginal capital allocation are evaluated. One conclusion is that using the insolvency put option is superior to value-at-risk for allocating capital but that both methods fail to account for diversification across lines in the multi-line firm. The primary conclusion is that marginal capital allocation methodologies based on option-pricing models that recognize the effects of diversification are the best approach for allocating capital in the financial industry.  相似文献   

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