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黄如良  王开科 《科技和产业》2010,10(9):19-23,27
光伏产业是代表未来清洁生产趋势的绿色新能源产业,其持续的技术经济性改进使得光伏产业已进入到了可大规模发展的阶段。在我国光伏产业快速发展的总体格局中,福建省处于相对劣势地位,起步晚、发展缓慢;但福建却具备发展光伏产业的自然资源禀赋、产业梯度差异、政策便利以及区位优势等条件,为其实现后发优势提供了可能。文章着重分析了福建省光伏产业发展的后发优势实现机制,并根据当前内外部环境以及福建省自身发展实际提出了实现后发优势的选择路径。  相似文献   

能源生产与利用方式所引起的环境污染已成为人们关注的一个热点问题。热电行业在能源消耗中占有重要的地位,如果在热电行业中有效地实施清洁生产,将改变目前采取“末端治理”为主的被动环境污染控制模式。以江苏省昆山市某热电有限公司为例,分析了其典型的清洁生产措施,并与热电行业清洁生产主要指标进行对比,评价该企业在国内热电行业的清洁生产水平,其成功的清洁生产措施可以为同行业开展清洁生产工作提供经验。  相似文献   

刘伟章  杨振刚 《特区经济》2007,225(10):254-255
我国中小企业初创期面临着严重的成长约束,主要表现在资金约束、信息约束、人才约束、行业选择约束、政策激励导向约束和社会化服务约束等六个方面。在此基础上,本文从政府政策层面的视角提出了完善中小企业初创期治理制度的五大基本构想:推进公正公平市场政策、融资服务政策、引导技术创新政策、开拓市场政策、改善社会化服务政策。  相似文献   

2020年3月,日本政府对《食物·农业·农村基本计划》进行了第五次修订。本次修订基于推动小农高质量发展的基本导向,设置了2030年日本农业在保障食物自给方面的奋斗目标,围绕该目标的实现,从增强食物供给能力、强化小农生产基础、激发偏远地区活力、推动小农绿色生产、提升小农抗冲击能力和检视农民组织改革成效等6个维度进行了未来10年的政策部署。本次修订对中国的启示是:立足小农、服务小农、强化小农是推动小农高质量发展的根本出路;确保粮食安全是推动小农高质量发展的第一要义;实现"人""地"和"技术"的高质量是推动小农高质量发展的关键;强化农村内生发展是推动小农高质量发展的重要方面;加大农业投入是推动小农高质量发展的重要手段。  相似文献   

It is agreed that agriculture provides avenues for impoverished households to produce and trade their way out of poverty. However, this requires market access and value chain integration of small-scale farmers. This paper explores the possibilities for integration of small-scale farmers into the mainstream commercial broiler value chain in South Africa. Production costs of small-scale producers are evaluated within the context of their commercial counterparts, with a case study approach. It revealed that small-scale producers pay more for inputs but also receive a substantial premium for sales of live birds in the informal market. This results in attractive gross margins for small-scale producers. There is, however, a production ceiling, due to demand and production considerations, associated with small-scale broiler production. This ultimately results in a dualistic industry with an informal (live sale) value chain at the one end of the spectrum and a sophisticated large-scale commercial value chain at the other. Given the salient production features and investment requirements associated with large-scale broiler production, organic growth from the small-scale value chain into the commercial value chain seems improbable. The dual nature of this industry should therefore be considered when developing policy geared towards development, poverty alleviation and value chain integration.  相似文献   

入世过渡期后我国农产品贸易的现状、问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入世过渡期后我国农产品贸易连续三年出现逆差,其逆差有收敛的趋势。当前我国农产品贸易主要存在农产品品质不高、生产成本下降较慢、技术壁垒威胁严峻、对农业国内支持不足、对农业科技的投入不高和发达国家调整农业补贴政策等问题。因此,我国农产品生产要贯彻以质取胜战略,建立和完善农业补贴制度,建设农产品质量标准体系,充分运用惠农支农政策加强对农业科技的投入、加强对农产品进口的调控等。  相似文献   

日本村落营农组织在解决农业小规模经营、兼业化、劳动力高龄化问题方面具有独特优势,在维持村落农业和村落机能方面发挥着重要作用.通过回归分析得出,经营所得安定对策及农业村落数对村落营农组织发展有着显著的影响.村落营农组织有助于增加农户收入、减少劳动时间、降低生产成本,效果明显,具有进一步展开的可能性,也为我国解决农业小规模、劳动力高龄化问题,提高农业经营效率,提供了一种可选模式.  相似文献   

The African industrial structure is characterized by firm‐size heterogeneity with the coexistence of small, if not micro, enterprises in the informal sector and large formal organizations operating with modern technology. In this paper, using the Data Envelopment Analysis production frontier methodology, we investigate the technical efficiency of Ivorian manufacturing firms in four sectors of economic activity: textiles and garments, metal products, food processing, and wood and furniture. Efficiency scores are adjusted to take into account the impact of the external operating environment. These scores are then broken down into three elements: the purely managerial effect, the impact of the scale of production, and a technological effect capturing the potential gain that could result from the adoption of modern technology by small informal organizations. Not only formal activities prove to be more efficient in scaling their production but also, they greatly benefit from their modem technology.  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代初,我国已开始推行清洁生产,并取得了一定的成效。但是,不少企业对清洁生产的热情始终不高,使得推行清洁生产的工作步履维艰。文章指出清洁生产推行中最大的障碍是企业缺乏对清洁生产的需求,在分析了需求不足的原因之后,提出从外部刺激企业产生清洁生产需求的对策和建议。  相似文献   

俞立平 《亚太经济》2020,(2):107-115,151,152
近年来,中国高技术产业出口占销售额的比重持续下降,在这样的背景下研究产业政策出口绩效尤为必要。本文在分析产业政策对高技术产业出口作用机制的基础上,基于高技术产业面板数据,通过在生产函数中引入技术进步变量,剔除全要素生产率中技术进步的影响,从而测度出广义的产业政策,再进一步采用面板数据模型、面板门槛模型、贝叶斯向量自回归模型研究产业政策对出口的作用。研究结果表明:产业政策对外贸出口同时具有正向和负向作用机制,高技术产业政策的绩效总体不高,出口额处于中高水平地区的产业政策绩效较好,产业政策水平较低地区的产业政策对出口绩效较差,劳动力成为促进高技术产业出口的重要因素。  相似文献   

This study aims to explain the changing pattern of productive efficiency of the Chinese iron and steel industry during the 1980s. By decomposing productive inefficiency into technical, allocative and scale inefficiencies, the effect of market-oriented reform measures on inefficient resource utilization is empirically tested. A consistent improvement is found in technical efficiency from different sized firms. An improvement in allocative efficiency of investment in upgrading and innovation from different sized firms is also found. Allocative efficiency of working capital was found to have hardly improved which could be largely due to distorted factor markets. Different sized firms exhibited scale inefficiency which could be due to segmented local production and the impact of a two-tier price system on the distribution of production share among firms.  相似文献   

随着农业的进一步发展,家庭分散经营因土地规模过小而效益不高的问题日渐突出.在我国市场经济和农业比较效益低的情况下,分散经营的农户经营规模过小,很难有效地参与市场竞争.于是,从节约交易费用出发,寻求通过交易的联合,形成规模效益,使内部交易费用小于外部交易费用,便产生了各种专业合作经济组织(简称专合组织).专业合作经济组织,是市场化取向改革和农业弱质性特点的必然结果.通过专合组织可以实现小规模经营农户间的联合,从外部扩大农户的生产经营规模,降低交易成本,提高农产品的竞争力.本文以四川省仁寿县文宫枇杷协会为例,从降低交易成本的角度来研究专合组织对农民收入增加的贡献.  相似文献   

阐述了清洁生产与ISO14000环境管理体系的丰富内涵,并比较两者的异同,提出了以清洁生产战略建立环境管理体系的观点和方法。  相似文献   

In 1986 a wide range of policy measures, known as Doi Moi, was introduced to promote Vietnam's transition to a market economy. This paper represents the first attempt to measure the effect of Doi Moi on Vietnam's GDP. In the paper the level of GDP actually reached is compared with the level that would have been reached had the policy not been implemented, i.e. without the improvements in productivity and the increases in investment ratio that can be directly attributed to Doi Moi. Cross-time changes in GDP were depicted by a production function of capital stock, economically active labour force and technical progress. It was found that, after a time lag, Doi Moi appeared to have a significant positive effect on productivity, which by 1998 accounted for a 42% increase in GDP.  相似文献   

矿产资源开发与清洁生产关系的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对矿产资源开发过程中存在的一些问题,提出实施清洁生产的思想,并对清洁生产的实施提出合理化建议.  相似文献   

通过对化肥企业实施清洁生产审核的实践工作,总结了在化肥企业实施清洁生产审核工作所取得的经验和存在问题,为化肥企业今后清洁生产审核和日常环境管理提供了借鉴经验.  相似文献   

清洁生产是实现可持续发展的重要战略,热电行业在国民经济中占有重要地位。分析了苏州地区热电行业清洁生产发展中存在的问题,概述了苏州地区热电行业提高清洁生产水平的必要性,并从几个方面提出了苏州热电行业清洁生产水平提高的具体措施,旨在促进热电企业清洁生产的大力推行与可持续发展。  相似文献   

在以往研究的基础上,本文提出产业集聚引发的外部性会提高整个产业的环境技术包括清洁生产和末端治理技术,并采用中国25个工业行业的数据进行了实证检验。结果证实了该假说,但仅限于产业集聚的当期指标。同时也发现由于清洁生产有明显的行业特征,且同时具有经济效益和环境效益;而末端治理不具有行业特征,并且仅具有环境效益,因此导致核心变量产业集聚、控制变量人均研发对清洁生产的影响更大一些,同时也导致资本劳动比对清洁生产影响显著为负,对末端治理不显著。  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(10):1737-1753
This paper addresses two questions: why are Romanian farmers continuing to place land in cooperative forms of farming when theory suggests that private farming is more productive and, are there efficiency gains to be had from cooperative farming endeavors? Results from an econometric selection model suggest that smaller, endogenously developed farming cooperatives, such as family societies, provide benefits over private farming strategies under certain conditions. This paper questions the wholesale rejection of cooperation around production and challenges policy to move away from the typically dichotomized presentation of agrarian structure as being a trade off between private small-scale farming and large-scale collective farming.  相似文献   

企业在开展清洁生产工作过程中存在的误区,对于清洁生产工作的实施与取得实效将产生一定的影响.通过对误区产生的原因及危害的分析,建设性地提出消除误区,使清洁生产工作步入正确轨道的保障措施,为企业的清洁生产工作的顺利开展及清洁生产相关部门具体工作实施提供科学的参考.  相似文献   

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