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纳米,是一米的十亿分之一.自从扫描隧道显微镜发明后,世界上便诞生了一门以0.1至100纳米这样的尺度为研究对象的前沿学科,这就是纳米科技.目前,纳米技术广泛应用于光学、医学、半导体、信息通讯等.科学家预言,纳米时代的到来不会很久,它在未来的应用将远远超过计算机工业,成为未来信息时代的核心.正如著名科学家钱学森所说的那样,纳米将会带来一次技术革命,从而将引起21世纪又一次产业革命.纳米材料自10多年前诞生以来,对人类社会和经济的发展有重要的影响.在新世纪,它将促进包括生物技术、信息技术在内的几乎所有技术的飞速发展,给人类社会带来巨大的回报.据统计,全球纳米技术的年产值已经达到500亿美元.预测表明,到2010年全球纳米技术创造的年产值将达到14400亿美元,相当于目前法国一年的GDP.  相似文献   

美国商务部副部长邦德在《2003年国家纳米技术计划》会议上的讲话,强调了纳米技术促进未来经济增长的潜力,并介绍了纳米技术研发的国际竞争。以下是邦德讲话的主要内容。正如人人听到博学者所称,纳米技术将决定未来经济增长和就业机会的创造。我们意在利用纳米技术的这种潜力。但是面对这样的前景,我们需要确保纳米技术的发展和应用符合美国的价值观。美国联邦政府每年对纳米技术计划的投入超过7亿美元,而且布什总统建议2004财年将纳米技术投入增加到8.47亿美元。与其他投资者一样,政府也希望从中获得丰厚的回报。我们相信,对纳米技术投资会…  相似文献   

美国总统的2005财年研发预算共1320亿美元,而2004年为1227亿美元。在民用研发方面,纳米技术、氢能开发、国土安全、空间探索等优先领域的预算增长幅度很大。在2004年创历史记录和自2001年以来年增10%以上的基础上,美国总统2005年预算申请要求提供前所未有的1320亿美元研发投资。2005财年,研发占可自由支配支出的13.5%,其中5.7%的可自由支配支出给予非国防研发,是25年中的第三个最高水平。全球科技经济望全球科技经济望1.纳米技术总统2005年的预算为《国家纳米技术计划》提供10亿美元,是2001年该计划开始时水平的2倍,年均增长超过20%。2005年…  相似文献   

以色列作为创新型国家发展道路及经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.以色列科技发展的国家战略及政策体系(1)科技发展国家战略以色列将生物技术和纳米技术列为两个国家战略,并在基础设施投入、工贸部的研发资助等方面予以倾斜。2001年政府通过了《2000—2010年生物技术产业规划》,其目标是以色列的生物技术产业在2010年将能够创造50多亿美元市值的生物技术公司和30亿美元的生物技术年产值(约占全球生物技术产业年产值的2%~3%);并同时创造其它相关领域的约150亿美元的年产值,大幅度提高相关领域的生产率水平。到2010年,以色列的生物技术领域的直接就业人数将达到14,000人(2000年底约为4000人)。采取的措施…  相似文献   

目前,世界许多发达国家正在积极将纳米技术的研究和应用作为未来发展的重要战略,争相开展纳米技术的研发工作.面对这一形势,加拿大政府于2001年8月正式宣布将投资12亿加元,在加拿大西部名城埃德蒙顿市的阿尔伯塔大学内建立国家纳米技术研究院(NINT).加拿大联邦政府将直接投资6000万加元,阿尔伯塔省政府自筹6000万加元,利用阿尔伯塔大学现有的纳米技术研发基础,集中全加的科技力量,计划在5年内建成具世界领先水平的纳米技术综合研发中心.整个项目包括1座18万平米的纳米技术实验室,计划于2005年竣工,招募200名不同领域的科学家和培养250名研究生.2001年11月14日,加拿大国家研究理事会、阿尔伯塔省和阿尔伯塔大学就共同建设国家纳米技术研究院签订了合作谅解备忘录.备忘录强调,未来的国家纳米技术研究院的宗旨是:高水平的研发项目,高质量的人才培养,高效益的技术转让.  相似文献   

文择 《经济世界》2001,(1):30-32
计算机被视为迄今为止影响现代生活方式最为重要的技术,但不信后人们会发现计算机在纳米技术面前将甘拜下风,因为“纳米”比之计算机给人类生活带来的震撼更深刻、更广泛也更持久。“纳米”将有望让当今困扰人类健康的诸多难题——癌、心血管疾病、环境污染、基因修复等迎刃而解。有专家预言随着纳米技术的推广,人的平均寿命可延长至 150到 200岁。什么是纳米 纳米是长度单位。是一米的10亿分之一,在这一尺度上进行设计、加工、组装的工程即纳米技术。一个原子一般只有10分之一纳米,纳米技术可称得上是“在针尖上跳舞”的技…  相似文献   

纳米技术商业化的近期前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
纳米技术被公认为有希望带来下一次技术革命.但是,由于其在技术上尚有难题未完全攻克,纳米技术的大规模商业化应用仍然是相当遥远的.2000年,全球纳米产品的市场总量只有3 3亿美元.不过,在某些领域,纳米技术有可能在近期内(2003年)取得局部突破,进入局部的商业化应用.具体来说,主要是新型材料、医药产品、微电子和光通信四大领域.  相似文献   

介绍纳米技术的相关概念及原理,分析纳米技术广泛的应用前景,着重探讨纳米技术在军事武器上的应用及其巨大价值,最后得出结论:我们必须紧跟世界科技发展的潮流,高度重视纳米技术及其军事应用。  相似文献   

德国政府于2011年年初推出了新的纳米技术五年计划:《纳米技术行动计划2015》。纳米技术是面向未来的技术,是企业创新的动力,具有极大的市场潜力,在德国高科技战略中占有重要地位,政府的支持力度也因此成倍增长。本文关注的是德国《纳米技术行动计划2015))的战略目标、研发现状与重点行动领域。  相似文献   

日美发展纳米 科技的国家战略 2000年6月,日本政府的科学技术最高决策机构─—科学技术会议在其“2001年度科学技术振兴重点指针”中决定,在2000年度提出的生命科学、信息科学技术和地球及环境科学技术等三个重点研究开发领域外,增加物质及材料领域作为新的重点。而在物质及材料领域中,又以纳米融合物质材料制造基础技术为重点。为此,日本政府在2001年度的国家预算中对纳米融合物质材料及相关的制造基本技术领域安排的研究开发经费达142亿日元,比2000年度增加了88亿日元。2000年9月又决定在科学技术会…  相似文献   

布什政府把国家纳米计划(NNI)指定为多联邦机构参与研发的计划,旨在通过各机构间的经费、研发以及基础设施等方面的协调,使联邦政府对纳米的研发投入回报最大化。自布什2001年进驻白宫以来,美国联邦政府给国家纳米计划的投入从2001财年的4.534G美元增至2008财年11.674G美元(以2001年美元值计算),增长了158%。  相似文献   

A new bibliometric technique enables one to distinguish high emergence topical content. This technique can be applied to sets of research publication abstracts reflecting a given technical domain (here, nanotechnology) to score cutting edge research terms. The resulting high emergence terms warrant special consideration in setting R&D priorities. The researchers (individuals, organizations, or countries) whose publications address those emergent terms heavily deserve consideration as possible leaders in that technical domain. This paper studies nanotechnology research publications using the new emergence scoring in conjunction with established bibliometric publication and citation measures. Findings challenge U.S. superiority in cutting edge nanotechnology research. China shows strongest at addressing emergent nanotechnology topics, followed by the U.S., South Korea, India, and, surprisingly, Iran.  相似文献   

纳米技术因其在众多领域的广泛用途及强劲的经济增长潜力,而被认为是未来技术创新的最基本工具和21世纪工业革命的发动机。许多国家的政府把纳米科技发展计划列为优先发展的战略技术领域。本文介绍了法国纳米科技研发战略、计划及政策措施、产业化现状及重点领域、R&D资源现状,以及对法国纳米科技研发优势的分析。  相似文献   

We seek to understand how nanotechnology can contribute to the development of a more sustainable society in general, and to investigate Swedish nanotechnology in particular. On the one hand, the research interest is on how nanoscience can be turned into used products, that is, innovation. On the other hand, we acknowledge that innovation itself is the main producer of risk in modern societies. Inspired by sociology and economics of innovation, we try to capture this by introducing the term 'reflexive system of innovation' to denote a system made up of heterogenous elements, such as discursive components (expressions of knowledge and normative and regulative stands) and organizational components (actors and knowledge), evolving in a non-linear way through external influences as well as self re-enforcing and self-regulating processes. We present the evolution of a Swedish nanotechnology system from the 1980s to the present, as it moves through phases characterized by different kinds of discourse and organization. Evaluating the Swedish case against the concept of a reflexive system of innovation, we find advanced academic knowledge production but a lack of interconnectivity between actors, few actors outside the research community entering the system and a weak function of anticipation, guidance and risk handling. Broad national nanotechnology initiatives (NNIs) may be important for the crystallization of the desired processes, but because neither innovation nor risk can be fully contained, an NNI may only be part of the input to a fully fledged reflexive system of innovation in nanotechnology.  相似文献   

欧盟是现代工业制造业的发源地,长期保持着世界工业的领先水平。欧委会根据全球高新技术发展态势和欧盟的发展需求及相对竞争优势,确定了欧盟工业可持续发展的六大关键势能技术(KETs)领域。纳米技术作为其六大关键势能技术之一,欧盟已为之制定了具体的优惠政策和行动举措给予重点扶持,以提升欧盟先进制造业的世界竞争力,促进经济增长和扩大就业。通过研究分析欧盟纳米技术工业的发展现状、研发创新、面临的挑战和未来发展趋势,旨在为我国战略性新兴技术产业的可持续发展,提供有益的线索和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

Medical and health care applications of nanotechnology have increasingly attracted research and innovation attention. Nano-biomedical science (NBMS) is a term we use to define this emerging domain. As China is one of the leading countries in nanotechnology, but lacks a long history as a biosciences leader, this paper explores the competitive positioning of China in the development of NBMS. Specifically, this paper profiles the research patterns of Chinese NBMS in comparison with the four other largest countries in NBMS, using bibliometric techniques. The results indicate that China is a leader in NBMS, leveraging its strengths in chemistry and physics in the broader nanotechnology domain. However, China's relative weakness in traditional biomedical disciplines, and its lack of presence in highly influential global journals, could prove to be limiting factors.  相似文献   

The recent developments in nanotechnology have simultaneously conjured up visions of utopia and dismal images of technological and biological catastrophes. Interestingly, the world of nanoscales has given rise to larger than life ethical dilemmas, challenging the basic assumptions that we hold about ethics, man-machine interface, adoption of new technologies and, fundamentally, the directions of human development. Given the divergence and uncertainties in the assessment of risks and benefits associated with nanotechnology, regulatory oversight in the future is likely to be partial and fragmented. Even where interests converge, the large time-frame needed for standardization of regulation coupled with the varying propensities of countries of the world to understand, assimilate and respond to risk issues increase the difficulties associated with creating appropriate regulatory regimes. In the absence of such controls, it may be necessary to rely on corporations behaving in a socially responsible manner by self-regulating when dealing with the conceptualization, development, use and disposal of nanoparticles. Caught between the reality and rhetoric, corporate managers need to manage trade-offs between corporate advantage and social responsibility in ways that may have a significant bearing on the survival of their firms and the future development of nanotechnology itself. This paper examines the tensions between the self-interest of corporations in exploiting the technology to bring innovative products to the market and self-restraint in exercising ethical choices to secure wider safety and salubrity in the face of scientific uncertainty and public insecurity  相似文献   

Lux Research estimates that more than $8.6 billion will be spent in 2005 on nanotechnology R&D worldwide and that the majority of funds are shifting from basic research to the development of applications. Little is known about the environmental and health risks of manufactured nanomaterials. In 2003 the European Union funded the NANOSAFT project to assess the technology's environmental and health risks. In July 2003 the US Environmental Protection Agency invited proposals to study environmental and health impacts of nanotechnology. The U.S. government has budgeted $39 million in 2006 for studies of environmental, health, and safety impacts of nanotechnology.The military is a major force in nanotechnology R&D; hence, it can play a key role in understanding and managing nanotechnology risks. As a result, the Millennium Project conducted a two-round Delphi to identify and rate important forms of nanotechnology-related environmental pollution and health hazards that could result from any military activities and to suggest military research that might reduce these problems. The full report is available in the CD Chapter 5 attached to the 2005 State of the Future report. An expert panel on these issues was asked its judgments on the full range of nanotechnologies of the present and future—from nanobulk-process nano (simple structures) and top-down nano (low-volume production) to nano-built nano (high-volume, low-cost, complex high-performance components and even whole products).  相似文献   

日本政府自1980年初即开始对纳米技术进行战略性支持,抢占纳米技术制高点.2000年以来更将纳米技术与材料作为重点领域纳入其国家科技发展基本计划,推行一系列促进纳米技术研究开发与产业化的重大举措,使日本在此领域保持世界领先水平: (1)建立最高决策、项层设计与综合协调的体制; (2)加大投入; (3)实施各类计划与项目;(4)产学官合作创造新产业等.  相似文献   


The aim of this article is to test national and sectorial technological and innovation capability factors, as well as social capability indicators, which could explain a possible conditional convergence across countries in nanotechnology within the context of a model of innovative technological knowledge β convergence. Based on growth convergence models, our proposal also takes into account the Schumpeterian theory, the National System Innovation –NSI– approach, and particularly the sectorial system of innovation and the technological catch-up hypothesis, as well as theoretical and empirical literature on conditional convergence. The findings allow us to confirm that new nanotechnology knowledge convergence is conditioned by a higher growth rate of technological capabilities in nanotechnology: growth from the initial level of patents granted, cumulative knowledge, and links to technological and scientific activities. Finally, as regards social capabilities, only the institutional weakness variable (corruption index) associates negatively with β convergence. As an emergent paradigm, we realize that convergence and catch-up are starting processes, which could allow less technologically developed countries to benefit from higher growth of some of the factors identified.  相似文献   

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