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Premiere Vision2004/2005秋冬季布料展示重点面料分别有:羊毛或混纺、针织和毛皮重点布料、印花与印花图案、丝/丝绸图案和印花、运动与活动服布料、棉织品与牛仔布等。  相似文献   

在服装界专业人士的眼中,PV始终是灵感的发源地、是设计的摇篮、创意的宝藏。所有活力的凝聚,所有丰富灵感的源泉形成了PV的巨大财富。这些财富激发了纺织业者的创意,更丰富了服装业者的创新。2005年秋季,PV在法国巴黎再次展示了最具创意、最令人震惊的服装面料。  相似文献   

对于纺织品行销,有一个新层面。随着时尚和舒适的要求,使穿着者舒心这一概念正被引入到服装面料的设计。如今借助混纺纤维,以及以前人们未知的一些天然纤维,服装面料可以帮助人体维持在一个舒适的温度。在Expofil纱线展与Premiere Vision展会中,人们可以看到许多纤维生产商的创新以及纺纱技术的发展催生了这一特殊“夹缝”市场。本期话题围绕着功能性面料的最新发展以及企业推出的功能面料系列产品进行报道,敬请关注。  相似文献   

刘兴 《中国纺织》2007,(6):153-153
日前,一场国际级奢华风暴席卷上海:6月1日至3日,由英国Shorex公司主办的Extravaganza(“国际品位生活展”)在上海国际会议中心内将奢华生活体验推至顶点,与此同时,上海展览中心也上演着一场奢华盛宴——来自荷兰的Gijrath Media集团将在此主办的Millionaire Fair(“富世生活中国峰荟”)打造成了一场为尊贵阶层、艺人名流和社会精英的项级奢华社交平台。  相似文献   

辛蝶 《中国纺织》2005,(10):126-127
首届上海国际时尚内衣展(Shanghai Mode Lingerie)将于将于2005年10月26日至28日在上海展览中心举办.本次展览是全球著名的"巴黎内衣展"和"里昂内衣展"的主办机构-法国欧罗维特公司,在法国针织工业协会、中国针织工业协会、意大利针织工业协会、香港内衣协会、法国内衣沙滩装协会、法国罗纳大区服装协会、法国对外经贸促进会、法国国际专业展促进会等资深专业机构的支持下推出的.此次展览的举办意味着全球内衣第一展在中国内地登陆.  相似文献   

刘姗姗 《中国纺织》2005,(3):118-119
于2005年2月4日到11日举办的纽约时装周圆满落幕,为我们展示了又一绚烂夺目异彩纷呈的时尚大餐.此次时装周不仅吸引了众多媒体的注意,还吸引了许多的明星前来观看.设计师争相展示自己的最新作品,为了创新发布会也是花样百出.甚至出现了专门为宠物犬举办的发布会.  相似文献   

由中国服装设计师协会时装评论委员会、<服装设计师>杂志社共同推举的"时尚中华--2004年度新闻"和"时尚中华--2004年度人物"将时装业界的2004年进行了一番的盘点.  相似文献   

她崇尚自由,喜欢旅行,把蝴蝶作为自己品牌坚持的灵魂,她的设计简约别致,第一次参加中国国际时装周便获得中国十佳时装设计师的称号,就像一只绚丽的蝴蝶一样,在时装周的舞台上破茧而出。  相似文献   

辩识,解释,展现,寻找,领会,实践是自然的诗学,也是PV的金科玉律. 三月的巴黎还是春寒料峭,但在法国第一视觉面料展览会上,来自世界各地的40,000名参观者却在感受着展商为2006年春夏季创造的热情. 现代科学技术与法国文化艺术气质的完美结合使这次的PV展览散发出迷人的气息,依旧构筑成一个色彩斑斓的世界.这是一个熔铸着"大设计"理念的展览.  相似文献   

罗斌 《中国纺织》2005,(4):80-84
辩识,解释、展现、寻找、领会,实践是自然的诗学也是PV的金科玉律。  相似文献   

The Woolmark Company returned to Premi6re Vision in Paris from September 16th to 18th, showcasing Wool Denim, The Wool Lab Autumn/Winter 2015/16 and continued to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Woolmark brand. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the iconic Woolmark brand and sees The Woolmark Company continuing to nurture and develop close relationships within the wool industry. As The Woolmark Company looks to the future it is looking to increase the market share of wool worn by an emerging segment of con- sumers who are experiencing a global trend towards casualiza- tion. New fabric innovations and developments are available to support this growing sector.  相似文献   

Researchers have cited significant gaps in our knowledge regarding the early stages of vision formation in the radical innovation context and have emphasised the importance of further investigation in this area. As such, this paper aims first to build on the extant literature on organizational, project and Market Vision in order to construct a measure for Technology Vision through theory construction, scale development and modeling. The second goal is to help firms to better understand what the underlying components of Technology Vision are in order to offer themselves the best possible chance of success with the development of radically new, high‐tech products. Based on samples of firms involved with radical innovation research and development in high‐tech sectors in North America and the United Kingdom, conceptual and measurement studies conducted herewith suggest there are five factors related to Technology Vision: Technology Vision benefits, Technology Vision efficiency, Technology Vision magnetism, Technology Vision specificity, and infrastructure clarity. The paper concludes with an examination of the implications of these components of Technology Vision and discusses the need to understand its relationship with Market Vision and the performance of the firm.  相似文献   


非常规天然气财税激励政策:美国的经验与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宇驰  郝洪 《国际石油经济》2011,19(11):33-36,110
在非常规天然气产业发展初期,美国政府对非常规天然气开发实施了包括价格激励和税收抵免在内的财税激励政策。这些政策增加了非常规天然气开发的经济效益,调动了生产商的积极性,促进了非常规天然气钻井活动和技术进步,对促进美国非常规天然气的发展起到了关键作用。财税优惠政策是政府在产业发展初期引导行业投资的重要手段。我国非常规天然气开发正处于起步期,急需相关政策和措施的支持与引导,有必要借鉴美国的做法,对非常规天然气进行定义和分类,制定相对统一的财税优惠政策。财税优惠的力度应该建立在对资源、技术和效益的分析基础之上,且优惠政策应该设置有效期和中止条件。  相似文献   

计算机视觉是当今研究的热点之一,一文较系统地介绍了计算机视觉研究的基本内容,计算机视觉的应用,以及目前计算机视觉系统研究的主要问题及解决思路。  相似文献   

Over the past few years, an increasing convergence can be observed between international and Indian initiatives towards cashlessness, often involving a broad range of actors and influences. Despite this convergence, it is also clear that the conceptualization and implementation, or goals and outcomes of cashlessness can vary considerably, which indicates the need for a closer look at the Indian case. In this introductory note to the special issue on cashlessness in India, we outline the variety of institutions, stakeholders (regulatory, financial and technological actors), technologies and policies involved. As we have observed, digital payments and financial inclusion are two significant planks of cashlessness in India. Perhaps as a result, digital payments have been intentionally defined in a broad manner in India – ranging from anti-cash to less-cash and now contactless payments in the aftermath of Covid-19. Considering the variety of legal, economic, social and technological concerns involved, this special issue adopts 2 complementary foci to study cashlessness in India: technological visions and the systems undergirding it, and practices of end users. The special issue includes four papers. The first paper argues that the Digital India programme may lead to the commercialization of bias. The second paper historicizes the Indian demonetization of 2016 and examines its stated and unstated goals. The next paper provides a conceptual model on technology adoption in the context of digital payments. The final paper argues that users strategically switch between multiple payments media based on the context in which the transaction is taking place.  相似文献   

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