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Consumer behaviorists faced with the task of segmenting markets increasingly turn to the study of consumer life styles. The life style concept and its role in predicting consumer decisions are analyzed here. One methodology known as AIO or life style research has proven especially useful in identifying heavy users of specific product categories. Three representative AIO portraits—for beer, eye make-up, and bank credit cards—are outlined. An evaluation of life styles as a systems concept suggests bright prospects for presenting research findings to clients, formulating creative strategies, positioning products and services and selecting media. C. W. Post Center, L.I.U. Doubleday Advertising Co.  相似文献   

This study examines marketing planning styles among a sample of organizations in the health care industry. A taxonomy of marketing planning styles—limited marketing planners, constituency-oriented marketing planners, and comprehensive marketing planners—is derived and then related to the literature on planning. Differences among the marketing planning styles are tested based on hypotheses relating to planning comprehensiveness. The results suggest that: (i) marketing planning styles differ fairly distinctly in their attention to selected elements of the environment; and (ii) the marketing planning style employed is related to the level of competition and to organization size and complexity.  相似文献   

梁启超与胡适关于年谱的理论与思想在年谱体例、年谱中的批评、年谱的价值、年谱与传记的关系等方面,既有共通之处,亦有相异甚至对立的地方,共同促进了年谱体裁的繁荣与发展。  相似文献   

A new product’s success in the marketplace largely depends on salesforce actions. Many B2B salespeople display conservatism when confronted with new products in their portfolio, such that they maximize their efforts to sell existing products before engaging in efforts to sell the new product. So far, it is unclear whether this conservative selling behavior (CSB) is harmful to new product selling performance, and how this behavior can be managed. Building on perceived risk processing theory, and employing multi-level structural equation modeling on a multi-source dataset, the authors empirically substantiate that salespeople’s CSB makes their effort to sell new products more effective. Remarkably, such effort is then valued less by sales managers. The authors also find that CSB is a result of a risk assessment and evaluation process, in which internal marketing efforts (i.e., providing salespeople with information on the new product) determine the weight of perceived performance risk (i.e., new product radicalness), social risk (i.e., managerial new product orientation), and financial risk (i.e., long-term rewards). Managers looking to control the levels of CSB in their salesforce should carefully align their information support activities with the perceived risk dimensions of the new product selling situation.  相似文献   

弃官华州后,杜甫寓居秦州三月。此时,他的处境较之前发生了较大改变。身体状况、经济状况与社会交往都不复往昔。他的思想感情也随着时局变动而变化。这些主客观因素促其诗歌风格产生流变,形成独具特色的秦州诗。本文试从生活经历、思想感情与艺术风格几方面对秦州诗作一论述,找出秦州阶段对杜甫诗歌其时及以后的影响,突出秦州诗的重要意义。  相似文献   

Four experiments investigate consumers’ moral judgments of a firm’s brand reputation when given information about an employee’s non-workplace transgression. To the extent that the employee is perceived to have power in the firm (i.e., control over resources and decisions), the employee’s offensive action damages the firm’s reputation and decreases consumers’ purchase intentions. These effects occur even though the action occurs in the employee’s private life and is unrelated to product quality. The results replicate for three types of products and three types of offenses. The employee’s perceived power in the firm provides the most consistent explanation of customers’ negative responses and is a better predictor than the alternative explanations tested (e.g., perceived status). Results also show that after an offense comes to light, firm reactions that decrease or eliminate the employee’s power in the organization—such as reducing decision-making responsibilities or firing the employee—can help restore the firm’s reputation.  相似文献   

Sales control systems represent an important managerial tool in directing the sales force for desired organizational objectives. However, the majority of prior sales control research has focused only on the main effects of sales control systems without explicitly considering their interactive effects and associated intervening mechanisms. Drawing on job demands–resources theory, the authors theorize differential interactive effects of outcome control, activity control, and capability control on job engagement (i.e., adaptive selling behavior and selling effort) and job stress (i.e., role ambiguity and role conflict), which subsequently affect salesperson performance. Empirical results using a sample of industrial salespeople find that (1) outcome control and capability control have positive interactive effects on adaptive selling behavior and selling effort while suppressing role conflict, (2) activity control and capability control have a negative interactive effect on role ambiguity, and (3) outcome control and activity control have a positive interactive effect on selling effort but negative interactive effects on adaptive selling behavior and role clarity. These results indicate that sales control researchers can benefit from considering the complex interactive effects of various control styles as well as the intervening processes, which provide a more refined understanding of this important managerial tool.  相似文献   

Substantial research has examined how stock market reactions to marketing actions affect subsequent marketing decisions. However, prior research provides limited insights into whether abnormal stock returns to a marketing action actually predict the future performance resulting from that action. This study focuses on new product preannouncements (NPPAs) and investigates the relationship between short-term stock market returns to an NPPA and the post-launch new product performance under various industry and firm conditions. Findings based on a dynamic panel data analysis of 208 NPPAs in the U.S. automotive industry between 2001 and 2014 reveal that stock returns associated with an NPPA are not an appropriate forward-looking measure of future product performance. However, under specific conditions (i.e., when the preannouncement is specific, the preannounced new product has low innovativeness, the preannouncing firm has a high reputation and invests heavily in advertising, and the preannouncement environment is less competitive), abnormal stock returns to NPPAs actually predict the future performance of new products. Thus, this study extends the marketing–finance and innovation literature with its focus on the conditions that affect the predictive power of immediate stock returns for the future performance of new products.  相似文献   

大学生社交焦虑及其相关因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷方式对大学生社交焦虑与应对方式的特点和相互关系进行分析,提出:不同性别大学生的社交焦虑无显著性差异,但在解决问题应对方式中表现出显著的性别差异;理科生与文科生在社交焦虑和幻想应对方式中差异显著,文科生和艺术生在幻想应对方式中的差异显著;社交焦虑与解决问题和合理化两种应对方式呈显著负相关,与自责应对方式呈显著正相关;通过多元线性回归分析,自责、合理化应对方式两变量对社交焦虑有显著的预测作用。指出大学生的社交焦虑和应对方式存在一定的相互关系。  相似文献   

学习风格与认知风格既有联系又有区别。在教学实践过程中应关注学生个体学习风格与认知风格的差异,努力创设适应每个学生特点的学习环境,满足不同学生的学习需要。  相似文献   

领导艺术和个人风格是维护组织系统正常运转、实现组织目标不可忽视的重要问题。领导艺术的基础在于其综合性、特殊性和有效性。个人风格是运用领导艺术的突出表现,个人风格适用于各种不同的领导环境。领导者应不断提升领导素质,提高运用领导艺术的水平和能力。  相似文献   

Prior empirical research suggests that consumers perceive pioneers as more prototypical (i.e., representative) of their product categories than me-too followers. This prototypicality advantage is believed to contribute to an enduring marketplace advantage for the pioneer. We extend research into pioneering prototypicality advantages by considering the ramifications of simultaneous product design (i.e., product attribute) evolutions. We hypothesize that the simultaneous evolution of product designs of both the pioneer and me-too will diminish the pioneer’s prototypicality advantage over the me-too, even though the me-too does not initiate the change. To test our hypotheses, we create an experimental environment consisting of four cells, each corresponding to a different marketplace scenario: a no-change condition; a simultaneous-evolution condition; a pioneer-updates-first condition; and a leapfrogging (i.e., me-too updates first) condition. The results suggest that simultaneous design evolutions can diminish the pioneer’s prototypicality advantage. As a result, me-too entry may be a more attractive strategy in the long-run than currently believed in product categories characterized by substantial design evolution.
Christopher JoinerEmail:

秒杀作为一种新兴的网络营销方式正日益受到关注,但对于秒杀情境中消费者购买决策的心理过程及行为机制还少有研究.基于理论研究和实证分析,文章分析了秒杀式营销下消费者的购买决策过程,指出消费者参与秒杀有求廉、求同和求新3种动机;秒杀式营销下的消费者簇群可以划分为冲动型、理智型和摇摆型;秒杀情境下消费者存在计划性秒杀和即时性秒杀两种购买决策型态.最后,针对理论分析,提出了企业开展秒杀式营销的策略建议.  相似文献   

通过采用CSFT和问卷调查相结合的方法对大学生的认知风格进行测试,场依存的认知风格更有利于习得听力,而场独立的认知风格更有利于习得阅读、词汇和完形。学生应该调整自己的认知风格以适应不同的学习任务。  相似文献   

不同的学生具有不同的气质特征,表现出不同的学习风格。提高教挚效果,教师应针对不同气质的学生采取不同的教学方法,并引导学生认识自己的学习风格,促使学生把学习风格转化为学习策略。  相似文献   

基于目前中国企业网站翻译质量不理想的现状。或可从创建可供全球化的中文网站、控制网站翻译质量、网站更新与翻译同步三方面进行改进,也就是说可以从这几方面入手:精简网页内容、以图表和链接代替文字、确定恰当的语言风格、细化翻译规范、确立试译和校审的规范工作流程等,以提升企业网站翻译质量的建议。  相似文献   

不同的时代产生不同的审美观及设计风格。在产品设计中,简洁之关符合当今社会的潮流,也是设计师追求的理想风格。简洁是产品品质的保障,并具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

A top priority among retailers is enhancing the consumer’s shopping experience. With the number of private label products increasing at the same time retailers are shedding slower moving products, understanding how private labels impact the consumer’s experience at the retail shelf becomes critical. While one might think that private labels, in particular those that look similar to their national brand counterparts (i.e., copycat private labels), may hinder the shopping experience by making it more difficult for consumers to choose a product, we find the exact opposite. Adopting a fluency perspective, we show that when copycat private labels are included in a shelf set, consumers with high knowledge of the category experience greater choice ease, and as a result they subsequently evaluate their chosen product more favorably. Importantly, the choice ease and evaluations of novice consumers are found to be unaffected. Consequently, this research provides insights for retailers and manufacturers on how and why copycat private labels positively impact an important aspect of the consumer’s shopping experience (i.e., choice ease).  相似文献   

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