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There is, to my knowledge, no work exactly corresponding to Professor Jutikkala's in any of the major languages. Uudenajan taloushistoria is a comprehensive and very skilful exposition of the economic development of the modern world and certainly much more than simply a good textbook in which material from generally recognized standard works, partial surveys, and particular investigations is brought together and rearranged. However much Professor jutikkala may have drawn upon the available modern literature, upon the writings of Heckscher, Clapham, Cole, Ashton, Ashley, Sombart, and other authorities, his book is stamped first and foremost by his own great familiarity with the vast field of his subject, by his own research and experience-especially in the field of agrarian and social history—and by his great versatility as a scholar. The author is not simply a historian with an economic training; he is also very conscious of the fact that economic development never occurs in society in forms which allow of a purely economic exposition. His method is—to  相似文献   


Since economic history became established as an academic discipline in the Swedish universities in the 1950s, more than ISO doctoral dissertations have been published. Of these, about 10% can be characterized as business monographs, while roughly another 10% deal with aspects of trade and industry, relying mainly on business archives. Business history, accordingly, has become an established part of economic history in Sweden. Most of the literature dealing with the history of firms does not, however, appear in the form of doctoral theses, a wide range of books has been published, from sometimes heavy, academic works by established scholars, to glossy anniversary pamphlets lacking scholarly interest.1  相似文献   

Concern in developed countries over human rights in the world has mainly focused on the first generation, or ‘civil’ rights, which circumscribe the actions of governments vis-a-vis the citizens. On the other hand, Third-World representatives have placed increasing emphasis on social, economic and cultural rights, which are really aspirations to be progressively achieved. With respect to these, because of scarcity of resources, choices often need to be made over the priority to be given to different aspirations (rights). These choices are similar to those involved in formulating development strategies, and (as with the latter) the concrete meaning given to these rights differs in different places. Much confusion has resulted from this, part of it deliberate and related to the fact that governments are parties to international agreements whose beneficiaries are supposedly the people, who may be repressed or exploited by those same governments. Though there is less ambiguity as regards the core of the ‘civil’ rights than over the ‘social’ rights, there are various reasons to emphasize the indivisibility of all human rights. In spite of the muddle, there is widespread consensus about the desirability of the progressive achievement of a widening range of such rights.  相似文献   


Women's history at the university level can be seen as an interdisciplinary movement, with researchers working in disciplines other than history itself, such as the history of ideas, sociology, anthropology and literature, among others. My initial wish here was to give a broad overview of the state of women's history in Sweden today, but this would have involved too long a discourse.1 But it needs to be stressed that the connections across the usual boundaries of the academic disciplines are many.2  相似文献   

本文系笔者近年来倡导并获准立项的中国经济学术史研究的一个重点考察。文章试图进行初步的学理阐述,基于大约120年以来中外相关文献的发掘梳理,首次重点考证中国经济思想史这一独具特性的学科在世界范围内的发端与发展,论述中国和日本相关研究的具体状况与研究内容,考察国人在不同历史时期进行该学科研究的代表性成果和主要学术特点,进而阐释中国经济思想史惟独在中国大陆作为理论经济学独立学科的特殊优势与发展前景,探寻丰富和发展传统汉学与理论经济学、经济史学的创新途径。  相似文献   

本年度中国经济史研究续有发展.学者们对史学理论与方法的研讨兴致未减,回溯上个世纪中国史学发展的热情空前高涨.另外,如何评价中国传统经济的发展也引起更多学者的关注.  相似文献   

总 论蓝 鸥  理论与方法 继蒋大椿著文指出唯物主义史观的基本原理存在理论缺陷 (《历史研究》2 0 0 1年第 4期 )后 ,《历史研究》(1)发表了吴英、庞卓恒的商榷文章《弘扬唯物史观的科学理性》。作者认为 ,从前苏联传过来的“唯物史观”是在上世纪 30年代为适应当时苏共所处的国内外环境和面临的任务而形成的理论模式 ,历史实践证实它确实有许多严重缺陷。但不能因此而否定马克思主义唯物史观基本原理本身的正确性。作者从唯物史观所主张的社会存在决定社会意识、生产力决定生产关系和社会历史发展规律三方面 ,阐释马克思的唯物史观 ,…  相似文献   

The article, which is a first step in writing a general economic history of Thailand, highlights the marked discontinuities between stagnation and growth, mono–crop culture and diversification, which occurred around the 1950s. While many factors were involved, an underlying theme was the transition from ‘expensive’ to ‘cheap’ labour caused by population growth and the closing of the rice frontier.  相似文献   

为推动宋代经济史研究向纵深发展 ,由河北大学宋史研究中心主办的“宋代经济史研讨会” ,于 2 0 0 1年 10月在河北大学举行。来自中国大陆、台湾及韩国部分唐宋经济史研究专家学者 6 0余人 ,围绕唐宋变革史与宋代经济史两个主题 ,或以提交论文形式 ,或以即兴发言的形式 ,进行了自由而热烈的讨论。兹将研讨情况简述如下 :一、关于唐宋变革史研讨的概述在中国封建社会漫长的历史中 ,中国古代经济、政治、军事、文化等各方面于唐宋时期发生了显著的变化。这一变化 ,早已为国内外学者所关注 ,相关成果颇丰 ,见解各异。著名的历史学家漆侠先生 (…  相似文献   


During the first half of this century a main interest in international economic history was the focus on towns and trade. This path of research derived support from both Adam Smith and Karl Marx, as well as, for example, Karl Bücher in the late 19th century and, of course, Henri Pirenne in the early 20th century.  相似文献   

总论中国经济史研究在文革结束后曾经经历过一个备受人们重视的黄金时期 ,2 0世纪 80年代中晚期以后经济史热降温 ,一些学者的兴趣转移到文化史和社会史方面去 ,但到了新旧世纪之交 ,经济史坛又呈现出一些令人欣喜的现象。一是人们探索经济史学理论方法和中国经济史重大理论问题的热情在增长 ,经济史研究出现一些新的趋向和新的生长点 ,研究在深入 ;二是经过多年的辛勤耕耘以后 ,一批重要的成果相继问世。经济史学的理论方法 《中国经济史研究》99 2设有“经济史学方法论笔谈”专栏 ,刊登了 1998年 8月中国社会科学院经济所、历史所、世界…  相似文献   

Social history as economic history in Sweden. Some remarks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

During the last two decades social history as a subject has developed rapidly, with regard both to the number of its practicioners as well as the general interest it attracts within the international academic community. In a book of some years ago D.C. Coleman even emphasized that its success has been so great that it has had a tendency to outcompete discourses of older and more distinguished standing; that is, political history as well as economic history. In several countries — particularly Britain — social history has acquired its own departments, and has thus created problems for the older and less buoyant disciplines which have had to compete with this vital and growing new subject for funding and students.1  相似文献   

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