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随着我国经济、文化的高速发展,政府在经济健康增长中所起的作用越来越引人注目。政府对社会服务的购买,作为政府稳定经济发展,进行宏观调控的重要手段,有助于加强服务领域法律法规建设,推进服务型政府建设,提高市场对资源配置的决定性作用。 相似文献
向社会力量购买服务是中国人民银行降低行政运行成本、提高金融服务效率的必然要求。本文结合中国人民银行履职实际,探讨了中国人民银行向社会力量购买服务的内容、方式、监督及评价等问题。 相似文献
针对十七届五中全会提出改革公共服务提供方式、扩大购买服务的政策要求.本文分析了我国政府购买社会公共服务的发展现状,指出了目前存在缺乏法律依据、社会参与度低、缺乏竞争和监管机制等问题.通过分析发达国家和地区政府购买社会公共服务的经验做法,提出了推动政府购买社会公共服务发展的相关政策建议。 相似文献
伴随着社会转型速度的不断加快,政府逐渐退出一些宏观和中观的职能领域,我国的社会结构也正发生着深刻的变化,传统的以政府为单一供给主体的公共服务供给模式已无法满足当前我国经济社会发展的需要。对于此情况,本文通过分析在当前社会背景下找出一些问题,针对这些存在问题,提出一些相应的解决措施。即需要在政府和社会组织的共同努力下,在不断提高自身能力的同时,推进我国政府向社会组织购买公共服务的规范化进程,不断的提升公共服务供给质量以及效率。 相似文献
审计机关的资源不足严重制约着审计全覆盖的实现,政府审计利用社会审计的资源成为实现审计全覆盖的重要路径。文章对政府审计购买社会服务的必要性、可行性、存在的问题及原因进行分析,并为促进审计机关向社会购买审计服务提出相应对策。 相似文献
尽管政府购买社会服务已经比政府独自承担社会服务的公共服务递送模式具有激发社会活力、调动社会资源、分担政府风险等方面的进步和优点。但就目前的政府购买服务而言,还存在着诸如:难脱"大政府、小社会"弊端,政府购买社会服务的动力不足;政府购买服务缺乏合理的定价机制等缺点。如同"新公共管理运动"的思想一样,如何让私营部门参与的话题再次进入了公共管理的视域,也就是期望通过政府、社会、市场三者协同机制的创新,探索一条更有效率的政府购买社会服务的模式,社会影响力债券因此得以孕育而生。简而称之,社会影响力债券就是通过发放债券的方式来解决社会 相似文献
党的十八大强调,要加强和创新社会管理,改进政府提供公共服务方式。新一届国务院对进一步转变政府职能、改善公共服务作出重大部署,明确要求在公共服务领域更多利用社会力量,加大政府购买服务力度。为此,9月26日国务院办公厅印发了《关于政府向社会力量购买服务的指导意见》。 相似文献
政府转移职能和购买服务是推进全面深化改革的一项重要工作。也是“十三五”期间的主要工作之一。政府转移职能和政府购买服务会成为社会新常态。本文从政策层面和社会组织自身能力提升方面探讨了社会组织如何成为承接政府转移职能的主体。 相似文献
《European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management》2002,8(2):97-109
The overall purpose of this research was to analyze internal communication patterns, service quality initiatives, supplier management strategies and internal performance in organizations providing high levels of service quality to their external customers. Data was collected from 118 purchasing executives of manufacturing and service organizations. Respondents were asked to assess external and internal service quality as well as identify a number of internal service quality-oriented activities employed in their firms. Data was summarized for respondents stating a high level of external service quality. Comparative information was also supplied for the respondents stating lower levels of external service quality. 相似文献
In the service of the society: The labour management practices of an Australian life Insurer to 1940
《Business History》2012,54(4):529-550
This article considers the labour management practices in use in the Australian life insurance industry during the inter-war period. Using the Australian Mutual Provident as a case study, it is argued that the specific human resource management practices evolved to deal with separate sets of problems arising from the functions of the life insurance business and the manner in which the principal/agent problem was manifested. The differing nature of work associated with the sales and management of life insurance fostered the development of primary and secondary labour markets in which the benefits flowing to one were superior to those accruing to the other. 相似文献
《European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management》1999,5(1):43-51
This research tested four hypotheses on the relationship of strategic purchasing to supply chain management. The hypotheses were tested with a survey of purchasing executives and the results were analyzed using a regression analysis. All of the hypothesized relationships were supported. The results indicate that strategic purchasing is positively related to supplier responsiveness, changes in the supplier market, supplier communication and the firm’s performance. Managerial and research implications are discussed. 相似文献
Consumers frequently browse online stores via mobile (m-) channels but seldom realize transactions through m-channels. Although this m-purchasing yields an attractive growth opportunity for online retailers, existing research still insufficiently explains m-purchasing (intentions). Hence, this research develops and empirically tests a model of m-purchasing intention. This study's findings suggest that both task-related (e.g., perceived security risk of m-purchasing) and m-channel-related (e.g., perceived security risk of m-channels) factors inhibit consumers' decision to use m-channels for online transactions. Prior experiences with m-purchasing moderate the effect of perceived m-purchasing security risk on m-purchasing intention; the effect is stronger for experienced than for inexperienced consumers. 相似文献
浙商文化中重商的价值观念和个人自主的文化观念、以小搏大的务实精神和开放的意识、和气生财的处世态度、诚信为本的商业道德、富而思进的责任意识等,在一定程度上激发了社会活力,推动着社会经济发展,促进了社会稳定,对和谐社会建设具有极大的推动作用;但浙商文化中的某些因素,如抱团意识、家族观念、极端务实演变的实用主义等对和谐社会建设产生了负面的影响,本文对此进行了深入探讨. 相似文献
This study explores the motivations and consequences of purchasing second-hand (SH) products by the rural and sub-urban (RSU) base of the pyramid (BOP) consumers using a qualitative phenomenological approach. This study has also examined the preferred purchase points for buying SH products by the RSU BOP consumers. Findings revealed that the RSU BOP consumers preferred their personal sources over offline and online retails while buying a SH product. The economic motivations, need for fulfilling aspirations, apathy towards cheap brands, need for social recognition, and pester power of school/college going children were found as the motivations behind the purchase of SH products by the RSU BOP consumers. This study has also identified that increasing consumption of branded SH products results in compensatory consumption, increased consumerism, and overwhelming recurring cost at the RSU BOP. This study has put forth a conceptual model leading to a comprehensive understanding of the purchase points, motivations, and consequences of SH purchase by the RSU BOP consumers. It has advanced the social comparison theory and the theory of compensatory consumption in the context of SH buying by BOP consumers. This study would fill the gap in the literature on consumer behaviour and BOP by examining such a novel issue. The practical and social implications of the study have been discussed. 相似文献
João Ricardo de Oliveira Júnior Ricardo Limongi Weng Marc Lim Jacqueline K. Eastman Satish Kumar 《心理学和销售学》2023,40(2):239-261
Storytelling can arouse consumers' emotions and affect purchasing behavior through desires and attitudes. While the marketing literature discusses storytelling, there is a lack of consensus because of the diverse conceptual and operational definitions used. To untangle the complexities and consolidate the fragmented knowledge about storytelling in marketing, this research examines how the marketing literature has addressed the influence of storytelling on consumers' purchasing behavior. The findings aid in understanding how the topic has been discussed from a marketing perspective in consumer behavior studies. Through a systematic literature review using a bibliometric analysis, we demonstrate that the marketing literature features four strands about the uses of storytelling to influence consumers' purchasing behavior. First, storytelling stimulates the consumer's identification with the brand. Second, storytelling allows consumers to experience emotional value. Third, storytelling supports engagement behaviors. Finally, storytelling has a downside in that it also propagates harmful speech. This study concludes with a roadmap for future research about how storytelling impacts consumers' purchasing behavior. 相似文献