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Program instability, low levels of capital investment and uneconomical production rates have been recognized as significant problems in defense acquisition programs. In this paper, we use a dynamic programming model under uncertainty to investigate the relations among these problems. We show that capital investment and production rates that appear to be too low may be the result of cost minimizing responses by contractors to program instability. Attempts to change the level of capital investment or production rate on defense programs without regard to the nature of program instability may hinder efficient resource allocation.The refereeing process of this paper was handled through J.F. Muth.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of when to optimally log a forest. The Faustmann model is modified to allow the age distribution of the forest to change. and to allow for variable average harvesting costs. The optimal harvesting plan is then shown to satisfy the Forestry Maximum Principle which is a maximum principle for processes with a delay. The usual Faustmann rotations are shown to be the steady states of this process and it is shown that if optimal harvesting plans converge, they converge to these steady states.  相似文献   

三百六十行,骗子为王。这番“赞誉”是经验之谈,但绝非没有道理。相比起街上那些以老头老太太、中小学生为对象的流浪骗子来说,坐堂的骗子要可怕得多,因为,坐堂的骗子有自己根据地,诸如,旗下有“象模象样”的经济实体,有数以百千万元、亿元计的资产,有所谓优势产品、生产规模或创新技术,有纳税模范户、杰出企业家、人大代表的知名度,等等。应该说,正是因为坐堂骗子有了根据地、有了资本、有了身份、有了架势,所以,他们才觉得自己有机会吃公粮,他们也才更喜欢吃公粮,尤以在银行家里白吃白喝为最爱。银行是坐堂骗子集中光顾的场所,同样,银行也…  相似文献   

成本性态又称成本习性 ,是指成本总发生额与业务量之间的依存关系。进行成本性态分析就是要考察成本发生额与业务量之间规律性的联系。按照成本对业务量的依存关系 ,我们通常将成本区分为固定成本、变动成本和混合成本三类。按照一定的方法把混合成本分解为变动成本和固定成本 ,叫做混合成本的分解。其分解方法有以下几种 :一、合同确认法合同确认法是通过检查与其他单位签订的合同中有关支付费用的具体规定 ,来确定成本中的固定成本和变动成本的。二、技术测定法技术测定法又称技术估算法 ,是通过技术测定与估算的办法来划分成本中的固定成…  相似文献   

A dual representation of a technology, e.g., a cost function, may not contain all of the technological information, but it will contain all of the information about input vectors that would be chosen by a cost-minimizing firm. At least this much is clear for deterministic technologies. The main question addressed in this paper is whether the same can be said about stochastic technologies and their dual representations. Despite some pessimism expressed in the stochastic frontier literature on this question, we argue that there is no extra cost imposed in the stochastic case. Thus, the conclusion of this paper is: Just dual it!  相似文献   

工程业的快速发展,为工程公司带来发展机遇的同时,也使其面临极大的风险与挑战。文章分析了国际性工程公司的发展现状,并对公司适应国际化的造价管理体系的建设提出了初步的探讨和见解。  相似文献   

银行分期等额偿还贷款是指银行要求借款人在贷款期限内分期偿还贷款,而每期等额偿还的金额是按照名义利率计算出来的本息加以平均求得的。在这种贷款方式下,借款人虽然一开始获得了贷款本金全额,但由于在贷款期内每期要偿还部分金额,因此实际可供借款人使用的资金将越来越少,这样实际上提高了借款人的资金使用成本。  相似文献   

Managers can analyze the true cost of their labor turnover with the help of these six formulas, and thereby rationally compute trade-off solutions between programs designed to reduce labor turnover and the true cost of labor turnover.  相似文献   

Buyers in many industries have, for the past 30 years, sought lower purchased prices of materiel by sourcing with foreign suppliers. Few companies have fully assessed the actual cost of purchasing and using these foreign goods and comparing these costs with those of domestic producers. This is a reexamination of the actual costs, not foreign source "bashing." The results may surprise you.  相似文献   

工程造价管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以提高建筑施工企业成本管理水平和施工项目经济效益为目的,对工程项目的成本管理进行了深入研究,并提出了项目成本控制存在的主要问题,可为工程造价管理过程中避免出现不利因素提供参考。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2020,44(2):17-19
  • ▪ Widespread lockdowns and social distancing in economies affected by the coronavirus outbreak are set to cause a massive negative short-term impact on consumer spending and GDP.
  • ▪ A large chunk of consumer spending is discretionary and so is very sensitive to being postponed or lost completely due to quarantines and social distancing.
  • ▪ The early evidence from China supports the idea that up-front effects will be large, with retail sales down 20% y/y in January–February and industrial output over 13% lower, thanks to widespread factory closures.
  • ▪ We estimate that a three-week lockdown affecting 50%–90% of a population would cut consumption in the three–month period featuring such a lockdown by 5%–8%, a six-week lockdown by 9%–16%, and a 12-week lockdown would slash it by 18%–32%.
  • ▪ Full-year effects depend on how quickly postponed consumption revives as outbreaks come under control. But even quick recoveries imply big full-year losses: An initial 18% slump in consumption would still imply a full-year loss of 9%, even if spending recovered to pre-pandemic levels in four quarters. If recovery took eight quarters, the full-year loss would be an enormous 14%.

同方环球(天津)物流有限公司在全面接管丰田在华汽车企业的物流业务后,在物流成本控制及管理方面建立了完善的体系,具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

铁路运输是物流系统中成本支出非常大的子系统。如何在维持甚至提高客户服务水平的前提下削减运输成本,是摆在物流管理者和决策者面前的重要问题。文中首先重点分析了铁路运输成本的构成及计算,接着从公司角度介绍了公司应支付给国家铁路部门的费用,最后针对如何降低运输成本,提出了一些措施和建议。  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of company environment cost, its classification and feature, and points out the difficulty for company to control environment cost actively. It offers the opinion that environment cost in regional economy development should be controlled by taking government as the center and discusses the control focus.  相似文献   

To analyze the welfare gain from allowing for differentiated patent protection across sectors, this study develops a two-sector quality-ladder growth model in which patent breadth is a policy variable and derives optimal patent breadth under two patent regimes. We show that (a) uniform optimal patent breadth is a weighted average of sector-specific optimal patent breadth and (b) sector-specific optimal patent breadth is larger in the sector that has a larger market size and more technological opportunities. To derive the optimal policy, we allow for an arbitrary path of patent breadth and derive the optimal path by solving a Stackelberg differential game. We find that the optimal path of patent breadth under each patent regime is stationary, time-consistent and subgame perfect. Finally, we perform a numerical investigation and find that even a moderate degree of asymmetry across sectors can generate a significant welfare cost of uniform patent protection.  相似文献   

物流成本及物流成本管理(二)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从阐述物流成本的概念入手分析了物流成本管理方法。  相似文献   

MAPI高级邮件编程机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章详细讲述了利用MAPI开发具有邮件功能的Visual Basic MAP应用程序的过程和方法。  相似文献   

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