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D. Brookfield 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1991,42(1):11-20
This paper examines the economic trading relationships underlying store livestock markets in the UK for beef steers, pigs and sheep. Economic decisions relating to store sales and purchases are set within the context of a dynamic, multi-period, market-clearing framework. A new approach to modelling store markets is introduced in which the rational-expectations methodology to forming model-consistent expectations is central. The results suggest how the store markets form part of a vertically integrated production system and reveal to what extent the beef steer, pig and sheep sectors exhibit econometrically identifiable relations. 相似文献
This paper describes analysis of data from the National Food Survey to determine the influences of household income and composition on household demand for foods in 1974, 1979, 1980 and 1982. The paper focuses on fats, cheese and carcase meats. The analysis uses household level data, regarding zero expenditures as arising because of infrequent purchasing and the expenditure-income relationship used in the Almost Ideal Demand Model. This is in contrast with the analysis reported by the National Food Survey Committee which uses a constant elasticity model and averaged income and expenditure data. 相似文献
Professor J. S. Marsh 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1985,36(3):325-343
This paper describes briefly arrangements for marketing potatoes in Great Britain. It discusses the ways in which the Potato Marketing Board has sought to influence the market and argues that in current circumstances it cannot insulate British growers from the effects of trade within the European Community. It may now be appropriate to look towards modified forms of operation in order to help the industry to compete. 相似文献
The paper investigates whether the changing pattern of meat and fish purchases, which has occurred in Britain since the 1960s, is due to changes in the structure of consumer preferences or is attributable to conventional economic factors (changes in relative prices and total expenditure). The analysis is based on two non-parametric tests, derived from revealed preference theory. These do not require the explicit specification and estimation of a demand system. The hypothesis that the data are consistent with stable preferences is accepted; in principle, all variations in consumption can be fully explained by price and expenditure changes. However, some caution is counselled. As with all hypothesis testing, acceptance is less conclusive than rejection; some structural changes in preferences may have gone undetected. 相似文献
我国水产品拍卖交易方式探析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实施拍卖交易是我国水产品批发市场交易方式创新的必然选择。鉴于我国水产品批发市场全面推行拍卖交易存在许多制约因素,当前仍可以采取拍卖交易与对手交易相结合的模式,逐步扩大拍卖交易范围,实现以拍卖交易为主的发展模式。 相似文献
Timothy E. Josling 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》1993,37(3):155-179
The recent trend towards the negotiation of free trade areas has potentially important implications for agriculture. Agricultural trade will increasingly be influenced by the treatment of agriculture within free-trade areas and other regional trade associations. Such blocs will have to deal internally with many of the same issues as face the GATT. This will tend to reinforce the move to less trade-disruptive domestic policies. Moreover, independent trade policies become difficult to maintain in a trade bloc, even if there is no common external tariff. This could lead to harmonisation of external policies. As a consequence, the inclusion of agriculture in free-trade areas could be an important part of overall trade liberalisation in years to come. 相似文献
吕国平 《中国国土资源经济》2001,14(11):33-36,48
文章对西部大开发的基本思路,从8个方面进行了全面论述,包括西部大开发与可持续发展、与依法治国、与科教兴国、与信息化、与市场化、与全球化、与城镇化、与结构调整等. 相似文献
勘查开发矿产资源为西部大开发战略做贡献 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
曹树培 《中国国土资源经济》2000,13(4):1-3
文章论证了矿产资源勘查开发在西部大开发中的地位.加强矿产资源勘查与开发规划、改善投资环境,加快改革步伐是资源优势转变经济优势的重大举措. 相似文献
西部大开发蓝图的轮廓与起笔 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冯剑萍 《中国国土资源经济》2000,13(3):15-18
本文对西部大开发的意义、开发模式的选择、开发的方针以及开发的程序和步骤提出了自己的看法和意见.目的在于参与讨论和抛砖引玉. 相似文献
试论农牧结合与中国农业的可持续发展 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
通过对农牧结合在中国农业可持续发展中的作用的分析,认为农牧结合是实现农业可持续发展目标的可靠保证:①有利于保障食物安全;②有利于提高资源利用率;③有利于稳定并提高地力;④有利于增加农民收入,促进农村经验综合发展。提出农牧结合的中心问题就是要围绕饲料供需矛盾,探讨解决饲料问题的途径,主要对策是:①将饲料作物纳入种植制度实行三元种植结构;②利用农业副产品开发饲料资源;③对畜群结构进行适应调整,发展草食 相似文献
K. Oustapassidis 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1988,39(2):231-242
The theory of the behaviour of the co-operative firm has greatly advanced in recent years though this has not been accompanied by a major resurgence of empirical study. This paper is aimed at a basic investigation of some of the structural features of the British cooperative movement over the period 1975-82. Using various concentration measures familiar in industrial economics it draws a sharp contrast between the requisite and marketing sides. It then focuses on economies of scale using Stigler's survivor technique concluding that there is little evidence of their existence in either sector. Diversification of activity is also considered, where again a contrast is evident. The paper concludes with a note on the policy relevance of the analysis. 相似文献
John Strak 《Journal of Agricultural Economics》1982,33(2):167-179
This paper presents, first of all, estimates of the rate of effective protection for particular livestock production activities in the United Kingdom over the period 1966–79. These estimates are used to construct a Relative Scale of Protection. Secondly, the sensitivity of the calculated rates and the Relative Scale to the incorporation of non-zero substitution elasticities in the formula for effective protection is examined. The results suggest that the Relative Scale is comparatively unaffected by substitution. It may be concluded that the rate of effective protection remains a useful concept for the empirical analysis of agricultural protection. 相似文献
我国西部地区具有丰富的国土资源,在西部众多可开发资源中,国土资源又占有明显的优势.国土资源开发在西部国民经济与社会发展中占有重要地位,是西部大开发的重要组成部分.西部地区的国土资源开发,要注意处理好多方面的关系,以保证西部国土资源的可持续利用和国家西部大开发战略的顺利实施. 相似文献