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2019深圳国际机器人及工厂智能化展览会---川崎机器人展台设计说明:深入解读川崎以及此次展会社会效应。巧妙的创意运用,突破地面、墙、顶等空间局限,让空间更加灵动、简约。同时以重复强调关键符号元素的方式加深受众对川崎的品牌印象。色调采用国际白色和川崎红为主色调,融入缤纷的辅助色,紧扣企业vi,凸显企业属性,力求以缤纷的...  相似文献   

This paper shows that in a world of ‘production of commodities by means of commodities’ there is not an unambiguous relation between the long‐period relative commodity prices and the sectoral total factor productivities. Consequently, the Harrod–Balassa–Samuelson effect is not verified and/or makes no sense.  相似文献   

The long‐term limit of zero‐coupon rates with respect to the maturity does not always exist. In this case we use the limit superior and prove corresponding versions of the Dybvig–Ingersoll–Ross theorem, which says that long‐term spot and forward rates can never fall in an arbitrage‐free model. Extensions of popular interest rate models needing this generalization are presented. In addition, we discuss several definitions of arbitrage, prove asymptotic minimality of the limit superior of the spot rates, and illustrate our results by several continuous‐time short‐rate models.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between the real wage rate and employment when we induce capital–labour substitution within a Post‐Keynesian Kaleckian model. To avoid the over‐determinacy problem, we consider a non‐homogeneous production function and cost minimization, in contrast to recent work that assumed a homogeneous production function and profit maximization. As a result, we find not only that increasing returns to scale are important in sustaining the long‐run stability condition, but also that if the increasing returns to scale are small, then it is more likely that employment will increase.  相似文献   

Recent social and economic trends affecting the development of fast-food systems are examined, and the effect of these changes upon the food industry and the home consumer is analysed. A system for categorising convenience foods is formulated which includes an analysis of the relationship between methods of preparation and methods of preservation and storage. The use of this system as a means of assessing a degree of convenience on a five-point scale related to methods of preparation is discussed, and definitions which are appropriate to both the industry and the consumer are suggested.  相似文献   

This paper studies under which conditions the share of profit in value‐added, financial constraints on investment and capital shortage may foster unemployment and may limit the growth of capital and/or the growth of aggregate demand, in a stock‐flow consistent model. The efficiency of demand‐side versus supply‐side economic policies (decrease of the real interest rate and/or of the real wage, increase of the leverage ceiling constraint) depends on capital shortage and credit rationing, which are not necessarily simultaneous due to the effects of investment on aggregate demand and supply.  相似文献   

This paper considers the implications of complex ecologic–economic dynamics for three broad, Post Keynesian perspectives: the uncertainty perspective, the macrodynamics perspective and the Sraffian perspective. Catastrophic, chaotic and other complex dynamics will be seen as reinforcing the conceptual foundations of Keynesian uncertainty. Predator–prey models will be seen as deeply linked to Post Keynesian macrodynamic models. Finally, certain cases in ecologic–economic systems will be seen as generating such Sraffian, capital theoretic conundra as reswitching. Ecologic–economic models considered besides predator–prey will include fisheries, forestry, lake dynamics and global climatic–economic dynamics.  相似文献   

Application of quantification theory shows that, at a given ambient temperature, students in Japan wear more clothing than students in England, whether these are British or from overseas. A direct relationship has been found to exist between skin fold thickness and the amount of clothing worn at a given temperature.  相似文献   

Male and female students prefer much the same ambient temperature in their study-bedrooms but it is noticeable that men wear significantly more clothing than women. The same is true of Japanese students even though the preferred temperature is lower than the English students find comfortable. Overseas students of recent arrival in England tend to keep their rooms at the same temperature as the English students but wear more clothing. After a longer period in England these overseas students wear less clothing but keep their rooms significantly warmer.  相似文献   

徐诣纯 《国际市场》2007,(11):42-43
大型零售商的产品范围包罗万象,可以说包括所有的日常消费品。本文所指的大型零售商包括百货公司(如西尔斯)、大型超市(如家乐福、欧尚、TESCO)、专业化大型超市[如LOWE'S(家居和室内装饰)、STAMPLE(办公用品及办公生活用品)、迪卡侬(体育用品)]等。  相似文献   

Studies of time-use in Japan were reviewed by Tanaka at the Uppsala Conference1. This paper intends to focus on time-input for household work as it relates to families, with data based on individual, group, and national studies, and with the following objectives to fulfil: first, to comprehend the nature of household work as a non-market production and the need to discover if the scientific measurement of time is useful in assessment of non-market labour; second, to present data on the utilization of time by members of families with focus on the problems of research methods and their comparability as presented by Stajkov2 and Aas3.  相似文献   

We develop a partial equilibrium dynamic model in which firms are risk‐averse. We analyse the determinants of the investment–uncertainty relationship by means of numerical techniques. When firms can borrow ‘outside’ resources at the riskless rate, an increase in price volatility depresses investment for realistic parameter values. In our model, portfolio considerations play an important role. When the marginal revenue of capital becomes more uncertain, the risk‐averse firm's owners reduce their ‘short position’ in the risk‐free asset, thus diminishing the firm's debt level. The contraction in leverage reduces the expected returns on investment because the expected marginal revenue product is higher than the user cost of capital. In turn, the reduction in expected yields tends to depress investment.  相似文献   

Fusai, Abrahams, and Sgarra (2006) employed the Wiener–Hopf technique to obtain an exact analytic expression for discretely monitored barrier option prices as the solution to the Black–Scholes partial differential equation. The present work reformulates this in the language of random walks and extends it to price a variety of other discretely monitored path‐dependent options. Analytic arguments familiar in the applied mathematics literature are used to obtain fluctuation identities. This includes casting the famous identities of Baxter and Spitzer in a form convenient to price barrier, first‐touch, and hindsight options. Analyzing random walks killed by two absorbing barriers with a modified Wiener–Hopf technique yields a novel formula for double‐barrier option prices. Continuum limits and continuity correction approximations are considered. Numerically, efficient results are obtained by implementing Padé approximation. A Gaussian Black–Scholes framework is used as a simple model to exemplify the techniques, but the analysis applies to Lévy processes generally.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the distributional impact of international trade when goods markets are oligopolistic and firms partially pass‐through changes in tariffs into prices and factor costs for differentiated products. Trade liberalization raises mark‐ups and profit shares in the export industry and lowers them in the import‐competing industry, while Stolper–Samuelson effects on real prices of primary factors are attenuated or possibly reversed. An extended model shows how ‘offshoring’ (trade in intermediate goods) can potentially increase mark‐ups for oligopolistic producers of final goods. The analysis illuminates why business interests generally support trade liberalization policies today, regardless of their countries' factor abundance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to measure the energy requirements of cooking vegetables in a minimal amount of water (‘waterless’) versus the conventional method of cooking vegetables and to determine the retention of certain vitamins and minerals. The vegetables used were potatoes (tubers), peas (legumes), carrots (roots), and cabbage (leaves). Nutrients analysed were ascorbic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, iron, zinc, and magnesium.  相似文献   

白山 《北方经贸》2005,(8):92-94
近年来,为提升金融业的实力、满足经济发展的需要和应对未来外资金融机构的挑战,中国政府加大了银行、保险、证券等金融机构的改革力度。但是,单纯地对金融企业进行改革,不涉及到其生存环境的改善,效果难以显现。文章借用生物学的生态环境概念,分析了中国金融生态环境的构成要素,强调在加强金融企业自身建设的同时,不应忽视外部生态环境的建设,并给出了改善金融生态环境的几点对策。  相似文献   

This paper studies subordinate Ornstein–Uhlenbeck (OU) processes, i.e., OU diffusions time changed by Lévy subordinators. We construct their sample path decomposition, show that they possess mean‐reverting jumps, study their equivalent measure transformations, and the spectral representation of their transition semigroups in terms of Hermite expansions. As an application, we propose a new class of commodity models with mean‐reverting jumps based on subordinate OU processes. Further time changing by the integral of a Cox–Ingersoll–Ross process plus a deterministic function of time, we induce stochastic volatility and time inhomogeneity, such as seasonality, in the models. We obtain analytical solutions for commodity futures options in terms of Hermite expansions. The models are consistent with the initial futures curve, exhibit Samuelson's maturity effect, and are flexible enough to capture a variety of implied volatility smile patterns observed in commodities futures options.  相似文献   

A total of 317 logistics and logistics‐related dissertations were published in Dissertation Abstracts between 1992 and 1998. Observations about these dissertation abstracts are offered and comparisons made with earlier research studies that examined dissertations published between 1970–1986 and 1987–1991. The number of dissertations published has plateaued although the number of colleges and universities granting doctoral degrees in the area have broadened, with several “new players” entering the arena. Some traditional topics within logistics are being researched to a lesser degree, while others such as supply chain management, general logistics, customer service/satisfaction, international logistics, and human resources/organizational issues, are being examined more frequently.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of nationalized industries upon the Retail Price Index. It shows that the prices of nationalized industries have increased at a faster rate than those for all retail prices and examines reasons for these differences. It also discusses why the prices of nationalized industries appear to play a role in determining consumer welfare larger than their statistical significance in household budgets.  相似文献   

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