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In this paper an investment demand function is estimated, making use of some particular characteristics of data on the sales of agricultural equipment in the UK. The characteristics are that, first, much of agricultural equipment is deliverable quickly from stock and does not appear to be supply-constrained, thus allowing equality of actual and desired capital stocks as a working hypothesis. Second, frequent replacement of machinery leads to depreciation rates which are high and variable. A method is presented to calculate a variable depreciation rate for each period and the resulting estimates are superior to the same model with a conventional, fixed depreciation rate.  相似文献   

随着中国城镇化进程不断推进,农村现代化加速运行,尤其是中国农村土地制度产生了重大的变革,中国农村需要面对的剩余劳动力转移与安置问题愈发严重。怎么将这些劳动力从农业转移到其它生产部门,在安置劳动力保证社会平稳过渡的同时,实现农村经济长期可持续发展,是我国在实现农业现代化与新型城市化中必须要解决的问题。文章为研究我国的富余劳动力安置问题,从中国农村土地流转改革与新型城镇化发展这一重要现实背景出发,分析目前与未来中国产生大量农村富余劳动力的转移安置与可持续发展的前景,在产业不断优化转移的大趋势下以农村电商的发展为突破口,从目前我国农村电子商务的现状、问题以及农村电商的发展出路进行了分析,得出农村电商将成为中国农村剩余劳动力的重要安置路径之一。  相似文献   

The economic surplus of an industry is defined as the difference between its real product, and the real income accruing to it. The surplus from U.K. agriculture measured at 1964/65–66/67 prices is estimated to have risen by about 20 million per year in recent years. The absorption of this surplus by other sectors is identified and an approximate indication is given of the equivalent surpluses and deficits of other industry groups. The economic surplus from agriculture is transferred principally through changes in relative prices, the necessity of which tends to create an unavoidable minimum rate of inflation. There is an international equivalent of these transfers of real income through price changes, but without the institutional constraints on the market which in the domestic economy preserve some measure of equity in the distribution of income.  相似文献   

The foundation of the demand for water in agriculture is the water response functions of the various crops grown. As the productivity of water is largely determined by the lime at which a crop is irrigated, both intra-seasonal and seasonal demand schedules for water exist for the firm and so for the region. The efficient interregional allocation and pricing of water between users may be assessed using spatial equilibrium models. While a profit maximising objective may be valid for the firm, as the level of an analysis moves to the regional or the inter-regional complex, increasing attention must be paid to non-economic goals which must be incorporated within societies' objective. La demande ?eau dans ?agriculture se base sur les fonctions du besoin ?eau des récolies différents. Tandis que la productivité de ?eau est déterminé en grande parlie selon la saison pendant laquelle une récolle est irriguée, des programmes de demande intra-saisonnier et saisonnier pour ?eau existe pour ?exploitation, ainsi que pour la région. ?allocation efficace au niveau inter-régional et ?établissement ?un prix pour ?eau parmi les utilisateurs peuvent être évalués en se servant de modèles ?equilibre spatial. Tandis qu'un but de maximisation de profit peut être valide pour ?exploitation. au moment ou une analyse comprend le systems régional ou inter-regional, il faut aussi considérer les buts non-économiques qui doivent etre incorporés dans les objectifs sociaux.  相似文献   

分析了近年来农业剩余劳动力滞留加剧的态势与原因,论证了农业剩余劳动力滞留加剧是农民收入增长缓慢的根本原因,认为农民增收的根本途径在于推进农业剩余劳动力转移与转化,实现劳动力的充分就业。  相似文献   

[目的]在国家为实现工业化和现代化而大力推行城镇化的背景下,农村剩余劳动力转移问题受到多种因素的影响,劳动力的就业问题层出不穷,亟待解决。[方法]文章以农村剩余劳动力的就业途径为研究对象,分析农村剩余劳动力就业面临的问题,剖析其就业影响因素与就业方式,并对促进农村剩余劳动力的就业提出建议。[结果]研究结果表明,我国农村剩余劳动力自身竞争力弱,且社会保障和劳动力市场机制不完善是目前农村剩余劳动力就业存在的主要问题;受教育程度、外出务工经历、年龄、求职成本是影响农村劳动力就业的主要因素;农村劳动力就业方式更倾向于通过亲人或朋友介绍。[结论]针对我国农村剩余劳动力就业现状,提出完善农村劳动力的培训管理机制、大力发展乡村特色生态旅游产业、加强就业服务体系建设、强化土地制度和户籍制度改革等建议。  相似文献   

成功转移农业剩余劳动力,是解决"三农"问题、实现经济健康发展的关键。该文从农业剩余劳动力转移的滞后性、阶段性以及内部转移的非均衡性3个方面对云南省农业剩余劳动力转移的特征进行分析,从而为云南省4类不同地区农业剩余劳动力转移政策的制订提供依据。  相似文献   

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