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文章以GDP中第三产业的比重,加工贸易出口额占总出口额的比重和汇率比价为解释变量,分析了它们对1981—2011年我国出口依存度的影响。结果表明:GDP中第三产业的比重越高,汇率比价越大,出口依存度越高。而传统观点认为的对出口依存度产生正向影响的因素—加工贸易出口额占总出口额的比重作用并不明显。  相似文献   

本文分析了1995~2009年OECD国家的税收结构随经济发展而发生的变化。研究发现,用人均GDP衡量的经济增长对OECD国家的税收结构没有显著影响,而旅游收支、失业率和资本形成等代表经济结构的变量以及代表政府政策取向的政策变量对税收结构的影响显著。从总体来看,OECD国家的税收结构目前处于稳定状态,开始于20世纪70年代的发达国家税制结构改革已基本完成,"双主体"的税制结构已基本形成。  相似文献   

近年来,金砖五国——中国、巴西、俄罗斯、印度与南非经济飞速发展,五国GDP占世界总GDP的18%。本文利用国际贸易中常用的指数以及引力模型分析金砖五国对OECD国家的出口。结果表明五国之间的贸易密切程度逐渐增强,而对OECD三十国的出口所受影响因素不同。通过五国的分析找出对中国贸易经济转型的启示,有利于中国长远发展。  相似文献   

文章利用PRS发布的ICRG中“一带一路”沿线56国的国家金融风险数据,探讨国际金融风险对中国在“一带一路”沿线国家直接投资的影响,实证结果表明国际金融风险各因素对中国OFDI存在显著影响,但影响方式存在较大差异。具体而言,东道国债务偿还能力对中国OFDI具有显著正向效应,汇率稳定度和外债占GDP的比例对中国OFDI具有显著负向效应,经常账户余额占总出口百分比在不同模型间存在显著差异,我国对沿线国家的投资存在明显的“逆向选择”现象,面临的国际金融风险较高。为有效防范对外直接投资面临的国际金融风险,应继续深化国内金融改革开放,增强国际金融风险应对能力;加强事前、事中和事后投资监管,提升跨国企业金融风险防控水平;积极推动区域金融合作,共同应对国际金融风险冲击。  相似文献   

本文根据经济结构转型中部门劳动生产率和产品价格的变化规律,通过理论分析汇率决定的供给面因素,得出汇率决定与结构转型和部门产品相对价格存在二次函数关系。通过对经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家的数据回归,证实经济增长中的结构转型对实际汇率水平存在长期影响,并分析预测在此影响下实际汇率水平的变化趋势。最后,提出了应对建议。  相似文献   

随着全球一体化水平的日益提高,出口贸易逐渐成为促进一个国家或地区经济发展重要的推动力量,而人民币汇率的变动通常会对某一地区的出口贸易产生一定影响。本文采用了2007年1月—2018年6月的有关数据,运用VAR模型和脉冲响应函数研究了人民币汇率变动对沈阳市出口的影响。最终的结论是人民币汇率变动对沈阳市出口贸易增长存在一定的正冲击作用但并不强烈,即人民币汇率的变动并不是影响出口额的主要因素。  相似文献   

随着我国改革的深入,经济得到飞速的增长,而金融风险发生的概率和影响也随之增大。金融风险逐步成为了社会各界关注的一个大话题,而且上升到了影响社会稳定的高度。本文对金融风险进行了论述和探讨,并且结合我国的发展特点,对当前防范我国金融风险机制的建立进行了一定的探讨。  相似文献   

林炜 《商场现代化》2008,(11):350-351
经济发达国家100多年经济发展的实践,证明了瓦格纳法则的正确性:即随着人均GDP的增长,财政支出占GDP比重也相应随之提高。因而瓦格纳法则成为广为引用的分析财政支出增长的最为经典的分析;皮科克和威斯曼强调财政支出的增长呈现出一种阶梯增长的特点,而战争之类的社会剧变是财政支出步上新台阶的主要因素;马斯格雷夫在瓦格纳观点的基础上提出了更为详细的假说,即财政支出的增长在不同的阶段具有不同的特点;就政党竞争对财政支出的影响而言,梅尔泽和理查德的分析证实了更大的不平等程度是导致财政支出日益增长的原因;我国财政支出占GDP比重的发展变化具有本身的特殊性,本文对影响我国财政支出规模的各种因素进行了深入的分析研究。  相似文献   

我国贸易发展与汇率变动的实证分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在开放经济中,汇率政策成为一个重要的经济调节工具。20世纪80年代以来我国对外贸易稳定持续增长;汇率大幅贬值。通过建立汇率与进出口的模型进行计量回归,我们发现。从长期来看无论哪种汇率对我国进出口贸易都有影响,但其影响程度有限;影响贸易差额的主要因素是人民币兑美元汇率的低估状况,影响进口增长的主要因素是我国GDP的增长。  相似文献   

梁丽娟 《科技转让集锦》2013,(21):239-239,243
本文利用1990-2009年的时间序列数据,运用偏最小二乘法,建立模型确定CPI波动与GDP增长指数、M2增长率、美元外汇储备、原材料燃料动力购进价格指数、美元兑人民币汇率、第一产业占GDP比重、第二产业占GDP比重之间的函数关系。并证实了我国居民收入差距不是推动CPI波动的显著巨因素。  相似文献   

This paper studies how financial development affects the volatility of GDP growth through the channel of sectoral reallocation. For 28 OECD countries over the period 1970–2007, we construct a benchmark industrial portfolio that minimizes the economy's long-term volatility for a given level of long-term labor productivity growth. We find that financial development substantially increases the speed with which the observed industrial composition of output converges toward the benchmark. To overcome endogeneity concerns, we exploit sectoral sensitivities to financial deepening and exogenous liberalization events.  相似文献   

我国农产品遭遇他国技术贸易壁垒的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用计量经济学及多元统计学的方法,对我国农产品遭遇技术贸易壁垒的原因进行了实证分析。结论表明,如果贸易国是世贸组织成员国,农业人口比重较大,人均国民收入较高或农民的经济地位较高,则该国实施技术贸易壁垒的可能性会降低。而如果贸易国越是属于农业型国家、GDP越大,则该国实施技术贸易壁垒的可能性会增高。进一步的分析还发现,农业GDP比重,农业人口比重,人均国民总收入,农业人均GDP和GDP总量对贸易国是否对我国实施技术贸易壁垒有着重要影响.  相似文献   

The challenge of providing qualitatively competitive higher education to an ever increasing percentage of the population, despite the limited availability of public funds, has led many countries to grant broader administrative and financial autonomy to higher education institutions in an attempt to improve results by means of better incentives. Can a correlation be shown between this autonomy and scientific output? The preliminary evidence presented here (using OECD data for 7 Western European countries) provides some support for a positive answer to this question.  相似文献   

刘春季 《商业研究》2011,(10):118-122
国际金融危机爆发以来,降低利率、增加流通中货币成了各国政府解决金融危机的共同做法,货币对于经济的积极作用再次引起人们的关注。过于宽松的货币政策能持续多久,会不会造成严重的通货膨胀,进而破坏经济的健康发展,也同样引起人们的关注。本文对我国1978-2009年的流通中货币、利率、物价指数对GDP的影响进行了实证研究,结果表明流通中货币不是实际GDP增长的格兰杰原因,货币是中性的;GDP的实际增长率是实际利率的格兰杰原因,名义利率和GDP没有因果关系;GDP和物价指数没有格兰杰因果关系,通货膨胀不能促进经济的增长。  相似文献   

We test theories that examine how economic and financial development affect cross‐country industry growth patterns. Finance theory suggests that financial development affects growth by lowering the cost of external finance. This has the implication that industries in more finance‐hungry sectors will grow faster in countries where financial markets are more developed. In addition, if financing constraints are lessened when stock market performance is high, firms in sectors more dependent on external finance should grow more rapidly following periods of good stock market performance. Trade and development theories, on the other hand, imply that a country's product‐mix and the pattern of industrial growth reflect which stage of development it is in and its factor endowments. Thus, one implication of trade/development theories is that countries that are close to each other in terms of GDP per capita should have similar patterns of industrial growth. Our tests find support for each of these theories.  相似文献   

In this study, we construct a directional global financial network using portfolio investment data from more than 200 countries during the first two decades of the 21st century and analyze the properties of the network. Through macroscopic analysis, we show that the network became denser and could be divided into central and peripheral groups. Microscopic analysis shows that, in addition to well-known financial-central countries, relatively less well-known countries played important roles in the global financial network. Further, each country's per capita GDP is positively correlated with its centrality in the network, and the correlation is stronger when measured with inbound investments than when measured with outbound investments.  相似文献   

This study assesses the impacts of the recent global financial crisis on the relative attractiveness of 125 countries between 2007 2011. Using a strategic model of international expansion that quantifies incorporates countries’ market potential (population size, gross domestic product [GDP] growth, per capita GDP), market risks (economic, political, legal, regulatory), distance (cultural, geographic), it confirms that some countries have become significantly less attractive (Ireland, Greece, Japan, etc.), while others have become much more attractive (Taiwan, Korea, etc.) as expansion markets for international companies. This study underscores the need for a strategic approach to international expansion decisions. The model can be used by business executives as a risk management tool in international expansion decision making. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In Europe and North America there are increasing calls for an industrial policy that would foster innovation and technological development. The advocates of industrial policy warn that without active government support national firms will succumb to unfair foreign competition and that there will be an irreversible weakening of their technological capacity. OECD countries already spend 2–3% of their GDP on direct subsidies to industrial production, investment and R&;D. Is more public spending justified especially now that capital is needed for the reconstruction of Eastern Europe?  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relation between taxation and the share of self-employed in two data sets. First, in a panel of OECD countries a strong negative correlation is found between the tax burden and the share of self-employed in total employment. Unfortunately the OECD data contains a number of measurement problems, and too few observations to allow a reliable detection of reverse causation. Therefore the analysis is complemented with regressions on the relation between the income tax and the share of self-employed using a panel of Swedish counties over the previous two decades. Here again there is a strong negative correlation between the tax burden and the share of self-employment. This survives simultaneous equations estimates and tests of Granger causality. Both samples indicate that reducing the tax burden by 10 percentage points (of GDP) increases the share of self-employed by about 3 percent of total employment.  相似文献   

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