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张孝锋 《现代商业》2006,(11X):78-79
电子商务给消费者带来便利的同时,又不可避免的使消费者权益保护工作面临着许多新问题。通过法律构建可靠的电子商务运营环境,树立消费者的信心,这已成为各国立法者的共识。我国应当参照国际立法经验尽快完善相关法律制度,加强对网络消费者的权益保护。  相似文献   

电子商务给消费者带来便利的同时,又不可避免的使消费者权益保护工作面临着许多新问题。通过法律构建可靠的电子商务运营环境,树立消费者的信心,这已成为各国立法者的共识。我国应当参照国际立法经验尽快完善相关法律制度,加强对网络消费者的权益保护。  相似文献   

张孝锋 《现代商业》2006,(12):78-79
电子商务给消费者带来便利的同时,又不可避免的使消费者权益保护工作面临着许多新问题.通过法律构建可靠的电子商务运营环境,树立消费者的信心,这已成为各国立法者的共识.我国应当参照国际立法经验尽快完善相关法律制度,加强对网络消费者的权益保护.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国金融消费市场日趋活跃,金融业迅速发展。近年来,金融消费者的概念也被广泛接受,但金融消费者合法权益受损的案例频发,立法者、金融机构、监管部门、金融消费者本身对金融消费者合法权益保护和维权的意识和力度显著欠缺。有鉴于此,针对金融消费者的知情权等核心权益,以及金融消费纠纷解决机制中最普遍、高效的内部纠纷解决机制,有的放矢地进行国内外法律保护制度的细致比较。借鉴国外经验后再结合中国的国情得出对中国金融消费者权益保护有益的启示。  相似文献   

陈颖 《中国市场》2014,(33):39-40
金融自由化和金融全球化的潮流正向全球发展,人们在享受金融开放程度提高带来的弥补资本短缺、获得技术外溢和制度的进步好处的同时,也遭受了金融危机、GDP锐减、社会动荡的损失,使其对金融开放产生了一定的怀疑。本文主要通过对中外Chinn-Ito指标、对外金融资产负债总额/GDP和对外金融净资产/GDP指标的比较,分析出当前中国金融开放度与国际的差别,并就此现状展望了中国未来金融开放的选择。  相似文献   

2008年的次贷危机使得金融消费者保护得到了人们的重视,该文将金融消费者保护聚焦于需求方,发现提高消费者的金融素养能够有效保护其合法权益,这就需要政府加强金融教育。该文借鉴发达国家在此方面的经验,结合我国基本国情,提出了改善我国金融教育现状的具体措施。  相似文献   

随着互联网金融和普惠金融的发展,我国低收入者及小微企业接触到了金融资源。然而要发挥好金融资源的实效作用,还应该辅以金融素养这一普惠包容机制。本文从论述金融素养的现状角度出发,分析了居民金融素养存在的问题,提出了提升我国居民金融素养的对策。  相似文献   

刘冰 《商》2014,(1):259-259
我国金融业从行政转向市场只有短短的20多年,随着金融业的开放与发展,金融经营者与消费者之间的纠纷正在逐渐增多,我国对金融消费者的保护凸显不足,保护制度不健全,法律缺失,金融消费者的知情权、选择权、公平交易权、隐私权、受教育权、赔偿权等屡受侵害。借鉴国外保护金融消费者的成熟经验,立足我国实际,对我国金融消费者应采取横向立法规制和多元化的保护机制。  相似文献   

姚戈 《现代商业》2014,(26):17-18
我国的经济体制改革在逐步的深化,市场经济环境也发生了较大的改变,尤其是金融消费方面,消费者的意识以及观念都与过去大不相同,权利意识在不断的增强。文章便针对当前我国金融行业中,有关侵权问题进行了分析,并从消费者权益的角度上分析侵害引发因素,并再次寄出上提出了相关建议,用以提高金融消费者的权益保护质量。  相似文献   

吕喜臣 《商》2014,(20):8-8
随着金融业的快速发展,金融消费日益渗透到人们的日常生活领域,随之而来的是各类金融消费纠纷也呈逐步增多趋势。为有效保护金融消费者合法权益,美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本以及我国台湾地区和香港特别行政区等金融发达国家和地区都构建了多元化的金融消费投诉处理机制,为我们提供了有益借鉴。完善我国金融消费投诉处理机制的政策建议(一)构建完善的金融消费者保护法律体系。结合我国立法程序和现实状况,近期来看。  相似文献   

在我国虽然于1994年进行了分税制改革,但是由于受多种因素的制约,没有相应的建立起规范的财政转移支付制度,导致未能有效实现财政的横向与纵向平衡。我国应借鉴世界各国的成功经验,从财政转移支付制度的理论研究入手,结合我国实际情况,加快完善财政转移支付的制度,形成一套具有中国特色、符合中国国情的财政转移支付制度。  相似文献   

This study analysed the level of financial literacy among university students in Estonia, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation and Turkey. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of financial literacy among university students, and to find out the relationship between financial knowledge and demographic characteristics of students. Online survey instrument was used to collect data. 409 fully completed questionnaires were accepted for analysis. Logistic regression was used to analyse of impact of the demographic characteristics on financial literacy. Overall mean of correct answers for the survey was 72.2%. This result represents a medium level of financial literacy about personal finance. Results indicate that male students, business major students, PhD students, those who live in a rental house, those whose parents have high level income, those who get advice on financial matters from their friends, those who took financial course before, those who get financial information about financial issues from university education, and students from Poland are more knowledgeable on personal finance. More financial courses should be provided in university education programmes, which could help more students handle their finances better and improve their financial wellbeing. It should be taken into consideration that in recent years, environmental and technological influences on financial literacy may be more important than parental influence.  相似文献   

The growth of products available in the consumer financial market has provided more choice and formal control over household financial decisions than ever before. Financial literacy education programs are generally assumed to improve consumer behaviour in relation to financial products and services. However, there is scant evidence that demonstrates the causal link between education, literacy and behaviour. Through the use of a sample study, we show that the actions of individuals who are financially literate do not necessarily mean they will demonstrate good financial behaviour. We propose that in order to improve the financial behaviour of consumers, two critical areas need to be addressed. Firstly, the objectives of financial literacy programs should be not only to educate consumers about financial markets and products but highlight to individuals the psychological biases and limitations that they as humans cannot easily avoid. Secondly, the regulation of financial products sold to consumers needs alteration to meet the aim of protecting retail consumers from complex financial products that are confusing, ambiguous and inappropriate. We propose regulation and redesign of product information offerings using techniques employed in ecological interface design models to derive a suitability test for consumer financial products.  相似文献   

Given the paucity of comprehensive summaries in the extant literature, this systematic review, coupled with bibliometric analysis, endeavours to take a meticulous approach intended at presenting quantitative and qualitative knowledge on the ever‐emerging subject of financial literacy. The study comprises a review of 502 articles ‐ published in peer‐reviewed journals from 2000 to 2019. Citation network, page‐rank analysis, co‐citation analysis, content analysis and publication trends have been employed to identify influential work, delineate the intellectual structure of the field and identify gaps. The most prominent journals, authors, countries, articles and themes have been identified using bibliometric analysis, followed by a comprehensive analysis of the content of 107 papers in the identified clusters. The three major themes enumerated are—levels of financial literacy amongst distinct cohorts, the influence that financial literacy exerts on financial planning and behaviour, and the impact of financial education. Additionally, content analysis of 175 papers has been conducted for the last four years’ articles that were not covered in the co‐citation analysis. Emerging themes identified include financial capability, financial inclusion, gender gap, tax & insurance literacy, and digital financial education. A conceptual framework has been modelled portraying the complete picture, following which potential areas of research have been suggested. This study will help policy‐makers, regulators and academic researchers know the nuts and bolts of financial literacy, and identify the relevant areas that need investigation.  相似文献   

两次金融危机下我国能源国际贸易的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当1998年亚洲金融危机已经逐渐脱离人们关注之时,时隔10年,2007年美国次贷危机爆发,以迅雷不及掩耳之势蔓延到全球。2008年,此次金融危机在世界范围内愈演愈烈,波及数个领域。能源产业也未能逃过此劫。我国是一个能源消费大国,随着我国经济的快速发展,对石油、煤和天然气的需求也逐渐增加,同时能源的对外依存度也不断提高。当前金融危机对能源企业,尤其是石油行业的影响巨大,对其产量、价格和进出口贸易等都产生了深刻影响。石油作为国家的一种非常重要的战略储备,关系国计民生。因此,当前经济背景下,我国石油产业如何在"危"中寻找"机",积极开展新一轮的能源国际贸易,对于推进石油产业和整个能源产业的发展具有重要意义。本文通过将当前经济形势对我国能源的国际贸易带来的影响与10年前亚洲金融危机的背景进行对比,揭示本轮金融危机下我国能源国际贸易面临的挑战与机遇。  相似文献   

中美金融服务国际贸易竞争力对比及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国开放金融服务市场后,国内金融机构将面临国外同行的激烈竞争。文章在对我国金融服务国际贸易竞争力进行时序比较分析的基础上,与美国进行比较。研究发现.美国金融服务国际贸易占据强大技术优势,处于比较成熟和稳定的状态中,而我国国际金融服务贸易波动剧烈,竞争力非常低。若毫无保护地完全放开中国金融业。会极大地威胁到中国金融的安全。故须从宏观和微观层面上共同努力,才能保证我国金融服务国际贸易竞争力的稳步增强。宏观上需要科学控制金融市场自由化的进程,保证金融服务发展需要的开放和保护均衡的大环境:微观上,必须全面结合信息技术,提升金融部门的业务创新能力,满足多元化的金融需求。  相似文献   


Based on the premise that financial literacy take place in networks to influence the level of financial inclusion, the study examined whether networks moderate in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion among poor households in rural Uganda. Studies have revealed that financial literacy affects the level of financial inclusion. However, these studies have failed to incorporate the moderating role of networks in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion. The results showed that networks positively and significantly moderates in the relationship between financial literacy and financial inclusion with both financial literacy and networks having direct and significant effects.  相似文献   

从国际比较看我国消费品流通渠道的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对中国、美国和日本流通渠道的国际比较发现,美国流通渠道以零售商为主导,并以扁平化为特点,日本流通渠道实现了以制造商为主导的纵向一体化,而我国流通渠道尚未与工业化大生产的分销需求相匹配。因此,我国需要遵循流通渠道的演变规律,根据生产发展适时调整渠道结构,顺应消费升级趋势创新流通渠道,维护公平环境构建和谐渠道关系,应用新型技术手段提升渠道效率,从培育批发商主导模式、零售商主导模式和生产企业主导模式三条路径入手,优化我国消费品流通渠道。  相似文献   

经济全球化不断深化促进了各国之间的经济联系,也使得国际金融危机引发的国际化风险在各国之间加剧传导扩散。面临宏观环境风险、行业环境风险和企业内部风险的困扰,跨国公司的对外直接投资会发生什么样的变化并未在已有的研究文献中受到关注。文章通过以管理者国际化风险感知、企业资源优势和跨国公司的对外直接投资决策构建的齿轮互动模型详细分析了国际金融危机引发的跨国公司国际化风险及其传导扩散。最后以国际金融危机前后加拿大跨国公司对华直接投资的数据,探究了加拿大跨国公司对华直接投资的变动轨迹,并通过实证分析揭示了其变动机理。  相似文献   

环境会计的国际国内比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张劲松 《商业研究》2006,(18):161-163
在可持续发展的大背景下,如何充分发挥环境会计的作用,已经引起了社会各界的广泛关注。就我国现状而言,由于环境套计的理论研究与实践起步较晚,因此,借鉴西方发达国家的先行经验自然成为一种现实选择。在对西方国家和我国环境会计的比较研究中,发现我国与西方国家在其研究现状、研究视角和研究方法上都存在差距。因此,通过总结经验可以推动我国环境会计理论研究与实践的进一步健康发展。  相似文献   

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