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我国农村合作医疗经历了近50年的发展,曾被世界卫生组织和世界银行称为"以最少的投入获得最大健康收益"的中国模式。文章从公共政策的系统要素和过程两方面来考量其制度变迁的进程,分析其繁荣发展和逐渐衰败的内因以及该制度在实施过程中的问题,以期得到有利于新型农村合作医疗制度的发展与完善的启示。  相似文献   

陆改红  赖文燕 《特区经济》2013,(12):177-179
"三农"问题一直是广东经济发展的障碍,现代远程教育在建设社会主义新农村、构建科技型新农业、培育高素质新农民的过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用,在对广东远程教育服务"三农"现状调研的基础上,分析了现代远程教育视角下了广东省科教兴农运行机制制约因素,构建了现代远程教育视角下广东省科教兴农运行机制,加快广东解决"三农"问题的进程。  相似文献   

近年来,村镇银行在政策的引导和扶持下取得了长足的发展,特别是在支持"三农"和小微企业发展中发挥了积极作用。但目前较多的村镇银行并不能精准确定自身的市场定位,更难于在"贷农贷微"上形成竞争优势。文章以桂林国民村镇银行为例,在村镇银行市场定位和微贷业务特点的基础上,运用SWOT分析法剖析了村镇银行开展微贷业务的优势、劣势、机会和威胁,在此基础上提出了村镇银行深入发展微贷业务的实施路径。  相似文献   

International assistance agencies have turned increasingly to integrated rural development policies in an attempt to ameliorate the inequitable distribution of economic growth plaguing Third World nations since World War II. This paper reviews the functionally and spatially integrated investment strategies of the World Bank, USAID and the United Nations, outlines their objectives, perceptions of the problem, basic assumptions and programmes, and evaluates them in terms of potential difficulties for implementation. Those factors crucial to making integrated development policies operational — knowledge of human ecosystems in rural areas, analytical ability, operational procedures, arrangements for local participation, subsistence systems indicators and administrative capacity of local and national governments — are discussed and assessed.  相似文献   

土地问题是"三农"问题的核心,解决"三农"问题的关键在于农村土地制度创新。农村土地管理制度改革涉及农民切身利益和整个社会的和谐稳定。加快农村土地流转是统筹中国城乡发展的重要举措。目前我国农村土地使用权流转有了一定程度的发展,但是其保障制度仍很不完善,这是阻碍农村土地健康有序流转的主要因素。为了切实有效地维护农民的土地权益,促进农村土地使用权健康有序地流转,更好地解决"三农"问题,必须加大力度完善有关土地流转的法律及配套制度。  相似文献   

曹洪珍 《特区经济》2012,(6):142-144
近些年,随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,人民生活水平的稳步提高,在国家"三农"政策的支持下,乡村旅游得到了一定程度的发展。随着重庆市南川区乡村旅游如火如荼地发展,极大地丰富了都市居民的休闲生活,增加了农民收入,但一些影响其发展的问题也逐渐显现出来。如何解决南川区乡村旅游发展存在的问题,促进南川区旅游业的健康发展和实现南川区的可持续发展,是南川区乡村旅游发展必须要解决的主要问题。  相似文献   

旷健玲 《特区经济》2011,(1):182-183
"农民真苦,农村真穷,农业真危险"直指我国"三农"问题的存在,也呼吁着"三农"问题的解决。大力发展农村物流,直接关系到"三农"问题的解决,是关系国计民生的大事。本文通过对国际上农村物流发展成功经验的分析和对我国、发达国家的农村物流进行对比,找出我国农村物流发展的差距,并提出对策,以促进我国农村物流的发展。  相似文献   

明治维新以来日本的农业和农村政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在明治维新后开始实施农业和农村发展政策。二战后,日本农业和农村政策的重点转到保证农民收入和推进农村综合发展方面。日本农业和农村政策的形成和发展,主要原因是日本农民的斗争、农业组织的发展、强有力的基层政府以及有利于农村的政治选举制度等。  相似文献   

Many of the national measures introduced by the Malawi Government following the UN Conference on Least Developed Countries (1981) accord with the Substantial New Program of Action (SNPA), agreed to at the Conference. These include improving the performance of the productive sectors, especially agriculture, and strengthening key institutions. But demand management policies for financial stabilization as part of World Bank/IMF loans, with level funding for development expenditure, and cuts in recurrent expenditure do not provide the basis for an SNPA. The international community has failed to fulfil its commitments in the SNPA since aid to Malawi has fallen. Lessons of this experience are drawn for other Least Developed Countries.  相似文献   

《World development》1999,27(1):215-224
From the perspective of someone who has observed the private and public sectors in emerging economies for many years, it is interesting to recall that in the past it was the World Bank that supported the development of state-owned utilities and industrial enterprises in developing countries, especially Latin America. It is also in Latin America that the World Bank became a convert to and promoter of privatization. A key lesson of privatization in emerging markets is the importance of competition, not only in the sale process but in the subsequent operation of privatized enterprises. Protective devices, such as core shareholders and areas off-limits to foreign investors, are counterproductive. Privatization has spawned a new generation of entrepreneurs and been especially beneficial to the development of domestic capital markets.  相似文献   

近年来,为有效支持农户发展生产,推动农村经济发展,各地涉农金融机构均不同程度地建立了农户信用档案,为农户提供信贷支持,但因重复建设也造成了资源的极大浪费。为使农户信用信息早日纳入全国统一的人民银行个人征信系统,实现全国农户信用信息的共享,本文借鉴浙江丽水市、重庆巴南州等内地发达城市的先进经验和作法,结合新疆农村和农户发展实际,对建设新疆农户信用信息基础数据库的可行性进行了客观分析,认为新疆可以以省为单位,以人民银行总行《农村信用体系建设基本数据项指引》为指导,以农户家庭为单位建立由农户基本情况、贷款归还情况、为他人担保情况、涉农金融机构对农户的授信额度等指标组成的电子信用档案,并建立与农户信用等级评定配套的农户信用评价指标体系,在此基础上建立“新疆农户信用信息基础数据库”,从而统一信用信息的采集和评价标准,为新疆的“三农”经济发展服务。  相似文献   

新世纪伊始,日本政府出台了一系列承前启后的农业策略,主要体现在农业保护、农业立法、粮食安全、比较优势、有机农业和饮食结构等方面,鉴于中日两囤三农领域较多的相似之处,这些策略对当前我国政府发展农业、改造农村、扶助农民等极富有启示意义,  相似文献   

黑龙江省农村劳动力转移的动因、制约因素与发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实证分析方法讨论了黑龙江省农村劳动力转移的动因、制约因素与发展趋势,认为在未来,我国农村劳动力转移的总趋势必然更加顺畅,将实现从农业向非农产业转移,从农村向城市转移,随着现代农业分工水平的进一步提高,还会出现农业和农村内部的劳动力转移,但也面临着农业、农村空壳化现象,威胁粮食安全。受国际金融危机影响,作为劳务输出大省的黑龙江,农民转移就业也受到影响。但挑战与机遇同在。  相似文献   

Agricultural economics is an applied discipline with a broadly based application to development theory. The importance of agriculture in economic development has led to pressing demands on the role which agricultural economists are required to play. At all stages, a major part of the planning and implementation input is contributed by agricultural economists. The development of agricultural economics was therefore dynamic as well as problem related. Within the Southern African development context, the agricultural economist has had a long standing involvement. For example, Professor F R Tomlinson chaired the important Tomlinson Commission in the 1950s, while Dr Simon Brand is the Chief Executive of the Development Bank of Southern Africa. Both are agricultural economists. In general, agricultural economics has contributed to the fields of research and training, smallholder and rural development, project planning and management, and the formulation, planning and analysis of macro‐policy.  相似文献   

South Africa's high prevalence of malnutrition severely affects children's well-being and ability to learn. According to the World Bank, malnutrition is found in households from all spheres of life, since caregivers are not well informed about healthy food choices and feeding practices. A long-term solution to the problem is to encourage people to grow food and improve their incomes, but a quicker solution is to provide health and nutrition education and services to encourage healthy food choices. This paper describes the development of nutrition education tools (NETs) as part of a nutrition education programme for primary school children (Grades 1 to 3) from low-income households in South Africa. The study used the Food and Agriculture Organization's framework for nutrition education to develop simple, cost-effective, appropriate and applicable NETs.  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移和流动始终是发展经济学关注的一个重要且复杂的问题。刘易斯的二元结构模型、拉尼斯-费景汉的推拉模型和托达罗的预期收入模型等,都从宏观角度阐述了劳动力从农业部门转出的基本原因。文章从发展经济学人口流动模式的理论基础出发,结合我国当前农村人口流动的现状,探究了影响农村人口流动的制度因素,提出要加速农村人口流动应加大农村人力资本投资、加强工业化和城市化发展以及制度创新等。  相似文献   

谢江  吕学芳 《乡镇经济》2009,25(8):68-72
农业产业化发展是调整农业产业结构、推动传统农业向现代农业转变,推进社会主义新农村建设和增加农民收入的重要途径,是传统农业向现代农业转变的必由之路。近年来,湘西自治州农业产业化发展取得了一定效果,但发展过程中仍面临诸多困难。湘西自治州农业产业化发展需要引入新的农业产业化评判指标体系,通过建立农民专业合作社,健全农村支农金融服务体系,以龙头企业带动农户参与互动的方式,实现规模经济效益。  相似文献   

邱林洁  敬翰 《特区经济》2014,(5):153-155
本文在分析"三农"问题的现状及产生原因的基础上,对当前农村、农业、农民的问题进行了重新认识和梳理,提出了认识和解决"三农"问题的核心观念,即在农村问题上要抓住农村经济组织的建设和强势发展;在农业问题上要大力推进乡镇域经济的构建和发展;在农民问题上要建立产权清晰、流转自由的农村土地制度,激发农民的生产积极性以提高土地的使用效率。这三个问题当属目前"三农"问题的三个核心问题。  相似文献   

李娟 《特区经济》2010,(12):93-95
随着世界银行的活动范围不断扩大,它通过贷款的形式参与成员国国内的社会经济建设,影响了成员国平民百姓的生活。如果平民百姓的生活受到不利影响,世界银行就得承担责任,监督世界银行承担责任的监察组就应运而生。世行是在我国许多地区有着重要贷款业务的国际金融组织。它的监察组的监督作用对我国利用世行的贷款有着直接而且重要的影响。  相似文献   

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