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在当今市场环境下,企业组织不断发展,管理理论也在不断进步,企业社会责任的履行不仅是一种被社会认可的理念,更在不断变成企业主动承担,并借以获得竞争优势的行为.大量的研究表明,消费者对企业社会责任行为有一定的感知动机和相应的期望.本文基于Mohr、Heider以及Kelly的归因理论,提出消费者对企业社会责任的归因过程模型,并分析消费者对企业社会责任动机的归因,以为企业正确开展社会责任活动提供有利借鉴.  相似文献   

当前日趋激烈的市场竞争中,消费者满意对于企业的重要意义是毋庸置疑的.本文提出对消费者满意进行过程化分析并运用到企业的营销活动中,能使企业获取更多的竞争优势,促使企业能真正以消费者为中心,构筑企业市场竞争的根本优势.  相似文献   

曹望华  谢玲 《全国商情》2008,30(2):28-29
企业服务竞争内涵着伦理的机制和要求,它以诚信、公平为伦理竞争环境,以谋利于消费者为伦理核心,以合作为伦理方向.企业服务竞争能够形成一种具有深刻道德蕴涵的竞争优势,从而推动着企业服务走向卓越的境界,是一种伦理的竞争形式.  相似文献   

程武 《企业家天地》2005,(10):29-29
《禁止传销条例》的出台,划清了“直销模式”与“传销模式”的界线。通过禁止传销行为,全面维护消费者的权益。直销模式作为惟一合法的模式将成为对企业有利、更对消费者有利的健康营销模式,使消费者能更加放心地享用直销“奶酪”。  相似文献   

自古以来,将帅带兵打仗就非常注重造势,做企业也是一样。在激烈的商战中,只有善于造势,才能营造极其强烈的商业氛围:做好市场定位是谋求有利地势;降低成本是提高企业竞争的内部优势;实施差别化是提高企业竞争的外部优势;铺天盖地的广告是营造舆论攻势;给产品赋予文化内涵是占据消费者的心理优势;打造名牌是创造新的优势。企业如能形成“善战人之势”,其产品销售就会畅通无阻。  相似文献   

人类进入21世纪,消费者不仅重视物品和服务,更渴望获得体验的满足.力图满足消费者体验需要的体验营销应运而生.企业应在深刻把握消费者所需体验的基础上,制定相应的体验营销策略,并通过多种途径向消费者提供体验.只有尽快把体验营销这一新的营销理念付诸实践,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得主动的竞争优势.  相似文献   

本文主要分析新时期市场营销观念,认为实现诸目标的关键在于正确确定目标市场的需要和欲望,企业在开发一种产品时,更需要引导和培育消费者观念或者直接去依照消费者的观念去和创新.在开发时还要在消费者的观念中树立名牌.并且比竞争对手更有效、更有利地传送目标市场所期望满足的东西.  相似文献   

随着中国经济发展进入新常态,消费者需求正由量向质转变.在市场竞争日趋激烈、产品安全法律法规逐步完善、消费者质量安全意识不断加强的当下,企业应对产品伤害危机关系到消费者、供应链合作伙伴、行业组织和政府等利益相关者.因此,企业精准选择产品伤害危机应对策略,优化多方效益,实现消费者权益最大化,才能获得可持续竞争优势.胡海菊的...  相似文献   

在品牌竞争时代,培育品牌权益成为轿车企业获取竞争优势的重要途径,而轿车企业的关系营销努力也是形成品牌权益的重要前因,关系理论运用于品牌权益研究可以为轿车企业品牌建设和品牌管理提供新视角.轿车企业的广义品牌关系存在从关系形成、关系发展和关系维持的发展层级,通过文献整理和消费者小组访谈发现,影响到关系层级发展的因素包括消费者层面的显性因素和企业层面的隐性因素.基于此,轿车企业可以通过关系理念渗透和关系策略培育轿车品牌权益.  相似文献   

企业道德是企业伦理的内化,通过对伦理拔河模型的论述,提出企业伦理道德是企业在竞争中取得优势的本原.剖析了作为市场机制伦理基础的企业道德对构建企业文化的特殊价值以及对企业营销能力的潜在动力作用.并从企业与消费者、政府和社区关系的角度,指出了企业道德塑造的社会意义.  相似文献   

This article proposes two new donation strategies that focus on either the amount or the frequency of corporate donations, and verifies that consumers have very different perceptions of and behavioral responses to firms that adopt these different donation strategies. Through three lab experiments and two field studies with adult consumers, the authors show that an amount-focused donation strategy leads consumers to generate more resource- and capability-related associations about the firm’s endeavor in helping charities, whereas a frequency-focused donation strategy leads consumers to generate more commitment- and persistence-related associations about a firm’s endeavor in helping charities. Furthermore, consumers tend to perceive a donation as more instrumental in helping charities and are more likely to purchase from the donor firm, pay a higher price for the donor firm’s products, and make referrals when the firm adopts a frequency-focused (vs. amount-focused) donation strategy to support an approach-oriented (vs. avoidance-oriented) charitable goal. The findings hold important implications for corporate donation strategies regarding how firms should allocate their philanthropic budgets and strategically communicate their donation efforts.  相似文献   

基于品牌拉力的供应链博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当经济在微观上进入买方市场,宏观上进入过剩经济后,消费者的选择和购买成为了市场中的主导力量,品牌成为了在价格等条件下影响消费者选择行为的关键因素.供应链的终点必然是最终消费者,消费者的选择和购买成为整个供应链的拉力,拉动整个供应链的价值实现与循环.供应链中的厂商通过采取面对终点消费者的品牌建设,将使得该厂商在与该环节的其他厂商的竞争和与其上下游的厂商的博弈中占有优势,而这种博弈也使得该厂商比不做品牌时获得的利益更大.  相似文献   

Consumers may have learned to generalize from usage experiences that nationally advertised, name-brand items tend to be higher in quality than unadvertised brands. Such generalization may have prompted the substitution of brand-name evaluations for search in quality assessments of nondurable experience goods. This paper offers theoretical arguments which suggest that if some consumers do not search, all firms in nondurable, experience goods markets can increase their profits if some substitute dissipative advertising (i.e., advertising which ignores information about product performance characteristics) of brand names for product quality enhancements. Undersearching by consumers invites firms to downgrade value in nondurable, experience goods markets. In support of the hypothesized substitution by consumers of brand-name evaluations for search in nondurable, experience goods markets, this paper reports results of a field experiment in which the influences on quality assessments of brand name and product composition were studied in two categories where dissipative advertising is heavily relied upon. Results suggest that branding is relied upon more heavily than search to assess quality, even when brand cues are inconsistent with actual quality levels and search is costless, suggesting that dissipative advertising can be extremely effective.  相似文献   

Consumer perceptions of organizations that use cause-related marketing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates gender and proximity effects in cause-related marketing (CRM). Attitudes of a cross-sectional sample of adult consumers were analyzed Females were more favorably inclined than males toward firms that employ cause-related marketing. The hypothesized proximity effect was nonsignificant.  相似文献   


Companies are increasing their use of cause-related marketing as a means of communicating their commitment to corporate social responsibility while accomplishing their strategic goals. Although prior studies suggest that consumers react positively to cause-related marketing programs, understanding of their impact on financial performance remains limited. To address this gap, the authors employ an event study to examine the effects of cause-related marketing announcements on shareholder value using a sample of firms that appeared on Fortune’s Most Admired All-Star list between 2005 and 2017. Study results show that announcement of these initiatives results in a significant loss of shareholder value. These losses are most pronounced for firms making monetary-only contributions, in comparison to those that make in-kind donations. In addition, the negative effects are mitigated for firms that have stronger reputations, have greater resource slack, and operate in more dynamic industries. Moreover, low-reputation and low-slack firms benefit most from in-kind contributions.


修改Hotelling(1929)模型的基本假定,假定厂商边际生产成本为正,交通成本由消费者负担,厂商区位可以为内生变量,也可以为外生变量,在此假定前提下,分析厂商的最优的区位—价格策略,以探讨最大差异原则或者最小差异化原则何时成立,或者不成立。  相似文献   

The services marketing literature has traditionally characterized intangibility as the most critical distinction between services and goods, but in practice service production and consumption often involve both intangible and tangible elements. While prior research has examined and debated service intangibility from the firm’s perspective, what is missing is an understanding of how consumers weigh the relative importance of intangible versus tangible attributes in their service evaluation. Drawing on construal level theory, the authors propose that consumers with a high (vs. low) construal level rely more on intangible (vs. tangible) attributes in service evaluation. Furthermore, the effect of construal level on service evaluation is mediated by imagery vividness, with service type (e.g., experience vs. credence services) serving as a boundary condition. The authors conduct two field studies and two lab experiments and find that under a high construal level, consumers rely more on intangible attributes in their service evaluation and choice formation; under a low construal level, consumers rely more on tangible attributes in their service evaluation and choice. The findings not only offer new insights to help reconcile the disparate perspectives on service intangibility in the literature but also have practical implications on service firms’ positioning strategies that vary across time (e.g., advance selling vs. on-site selling) and space (e.g., near vs. distant outlet), as well as which attributes to emphasize in their marketing communications.  相似文献   

网络购物产业已越来越兴盛。对于业者而言,除了能够提高顾客满意外,其最终目的以顾客能否推荐他人购买或自身能再度购买为主要目标。本研究以价值、满意、态度忠诚、与行为忠诚等四构面,探讨彼此间的关性;并试图验证价值的认知与其满意,是否是影响顾客态度忠诚与行为忠诚的重要要素。研究结果显示,价值会对于满意、态度忠诚与行为忠诚等,分别产生正向且显著影响。而满意亦会正向且显著影响态度忠诚,态度忠诚亦会正向影响行为忠诚。但满意对于行为忠诚则无达正向显著影响。  相似文献   

企业的盈利能力不仅取决于其生产率(即产出与投入之比),而且也取决于消费者满意度(即消费者对其产出质量的感知)。但由于消费者满意度与生产率二者之间未必相容,致力于一者可能会阻滞另一者,从而影响企业的盈利能力。文献中也确有不少关于消费者满意度、生产率与盈利能力之间关系的研究结果并不一致,这就使企业无法认定哪些研究结果是正确的,以及什么样的策略是有效的。本文旨在理清消费者满意度、生产率与盈利能力之间的关系。我们认识到同时提升消费者满意度与生产率是否可行取决于企业的类型,因此我们建议用统计回归方法建立一些模型,根据企业的消费者满意度与生产率模式把它们分成若干种类型,据此我们就可以探讨哪种类型的企业适合于同时提升消费者满意度与生产率、哪种类型的企业需要在消费者满意度与生产率之间做出平衡以增强盈利能力。本文提出的研究框架预期会对丰富相关的市场营销及企业管理理论提供新的思路,并有助于不同类型的企业制定更有效的市场竞争策略,更好地平衡消费者满意度和生产率,从而实现更高的盈利能力。  相似文献   

技术领先是高技术企业成功的关键,而由技术转化成的产品(或服务)能否得到消费者的认同则是最重要的,以营销为导向的技术是高技术企业管理的新战略。  相似文献   

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