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This article provides an in-depth review of the state-of-the-art and describes methodological advances in the design and evaluation of road network pricing schemes. A number of paradigm shifts from the two polar cases of the marginal social cost pricing of road traffic congestion and revenue-maximizing road toll pricing are analyzed, as induced by the need to address realistic design complexities and constraints. The crucial role of the joint consideration of pricing strategies with optimal capacity provision and several network management measures is manifested and an integrated evaluation framework is suggested to incorporate a wide range of road pricing impacts into the scheme design process.  相似文献   

针对情报处理系统因缺乏数据难以开展多源融合算法研究、融合处理试验、融合效能评估等问题,分析了典型情报处理系统对仿真评估环境的需求,采用了基于目标特性参数进行想定推演、基于量化计算进行效能评估的技术方法,实现了战场多源情报信息仿真评估系统。多种场景的仿真试验验证了技术方法的可行性和系统仿真评估的灵活适用性。  相似文献   

伴随着中国经济体制改革的深入和现代企业制度的推行,企业并购的经济交易行为不断增多,企业价值评估的应用空间得到了极大的拓展,已经不仅仅应用于产权的交易,还可以为投资方的定价决策提供依据.本文结合项目实际探讨价值评估如何应用于项目财务评价中并为项目的定价决策提供依据.  相似文献   

大力发展房屋租赁市场,是目前国家维护楼市稳定、解决流动人口居住问题的重要举措,长租公寓市场即将蓬勃发展。本研究采用关联矩阵法结合实例对长租公寓市场的投资环境进行评价。反思关联矩阵法中一致性检验的必要条件及关联矩阵法中评价尺度的局限性,在此基础上运用科学的方法对传统的关联矩阵法进行改进,得到一种更具普遍意义的长租公寓投资环境的评价方法。  相似文献   

浅议现阶段财务人员绩效考核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
财务人员是每个企业、事业单位的重要成员,是不可缺失的岗位,在每个单位中起到核心地位.现阶段各个企业、事业对本单位内部的员工进行绩效管理,财务人员的绩效考核便随之诞生.企业要正确认识对财务人员现阶段的绩效考核指标是否正确、是否适应公司的现状,企业要重视公司财务人员的绩效考核.  相似文献   

目前国内工程建设项目中关于编制评标方法需要遵循的法律、法令较多,除了招标投标法之外,国家各部委、地方也分别颁布了许多关于详细操作的具体文件规定.如何在不违反各项法律、法规、法令的前提下顺利按时完成招标采购任务,是摆在所有工程建设招标采购人员面前的一项难题.  相似文献   

The Third Lomé Trade and Co-operation Convention between the European Community and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries was signed on 8th December 1984. It is valid for the period from 1.3. 1985 to 28.2. 1990 and incorporates an extension of SYSMIN, the special financing facility for mining products created five years earlier under Lomé II. Now that Lomé III has passed its mid-term it is time to take stock of what SYSMIN has achieved and to begin thinking about improvements to be negotiated for Lomé IV.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国金融体制的不断改革,对金融行业不良资产的评估处置工作也得到推进,但现有的金融资产不良评估机制已不符合我国金融业发展的趋势.本文将在阐述金融资产评估要素及方法的基础上,提出我国金融行业不良资产存在的一些问题及对我国未来金融行业不良资产评估的对策分析.  相似文献   

由于中国地域面积大,建筑市场很大,就造成了各地执行的标准不一,有的地域建筑技术比较落后,管理还很不规范.建筑商和承包商为了自身的利益,采取各种手段,使不合格建筑进入市场.因此,建筑工程施工质量评价标准就显得格外重要.本文主要是对建筑工程施工质量评价标准的具体做法进行了探讨,希望能为相关人士提供参考.  相似文献   

芯片物理指纹(Physical Unclonable Function,PUF)技术可用于构建新型可信认证体系,具有小型化、低功耗、高安全特性。通过对芯片物理指纹认证性能的研究,提出了对芯片物理指纹可用性相关概念的量化表征。基于芯片物理指纹实测数据进行了更多样本数据的模拟,分析了芯片物理指纹认证参数设置与安全性要求的关系,实现了对芯片物理指纹的可用性的有效评估,为芯片物理指纹技术进一步实现工程化应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

This study investigated time-dependent attributes; that is, those not known during use but where the passage of time reveals information about the attribute. In a lab experiment, subjects were asked to try out a new home banking system. Two independent variables were manipulated: (a) the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of a bank transaction, and (b) whether the information about accuracy was revealed immediately or after a delay. An unknown time-dependent attribute (i.e., accuracy of fee charges) was evaluated more favorably when a highly correlated attribute, transaction accuracy, was also evaluated positively. When the attributes were not highly correlated, there was an interactive effect of information about transaction accuracy and the time when this information was revealed on evaluations of time-dependent attributes. Generally, information that was received with delay influenced the evaluation of time-dependent attributes, but information received immediately did not. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the tremendous growth of recycled and recyclable products in recent years, there exists very little research on how consumers evaluate such products. An experiment was conducted to examine whether consumers' reactions to recycled products is product specific and cognitive or affective and not product specific. Results indicated that consumers are favorably influenced by the presence of recycled material regardless of the type of product, thus supporting an affective evaluation process. Results also indicated that the positive effects of recycling held only for established brands and not for new brands. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

入网设备的身份认证是工业互联网、物联网安全运行的基础。通过分析物理不可克隆函数(Physical Unclonable Function,PUF)作为入网设备的身份凭据应具有的特性,建立了其性能的多层指标体系。按照性能指标的重要性分为必要指标、重要指标和应用指标,对每项指标及其评估方法进行了说明,并给出了可用于PUF选型的综合评估方案。实验结果表明,该PUF性能指标体系和评估方案在工程上是可行的。  相似文献   

In the early years conglomerates were seen as the financial concept of the future. More recently their economic advantages have been seriously questioned. This article reviews the existing literature on conglomerate performance and extends the investigation through the early seventies. While conglomerates provide investors with less variability from market movements than do nonconglomerate firms, they provide less diversification than closed-end investment companies and mutual funds. Furthermore, risk adjusted performance measures of conglomerates did not differ significantly from those of other firms of portfolios. Thus, conglomerates should be viewed simply as another category of investments that plot along the security market line.  相似文献   

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