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在供应链管理中,对供应商的合理选择对于保证企业生产运作活动正常进行和尽量降低采购和库存总成本是至关重要的。本文基于对供应商的分类,对企业对不同类别采购物品的供应商关系选择进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

在国际采购业务中,采购商与供应商对产品规格正确、清楚的描述至关重要。采购商首先依照产品规格来衡量供应商的产品是否符合其采购需求,以确保可以获得想要的物料。供应商除正确描述自身产品的规格外,必须清楚理解采购商的产品规格描述。  相似文献   

笔者从服务采购商和供应商的经验中发现,原料供应商并不总是能为采购商着想。本文就管理供应货源的角度分析其中的原因,并提出采购商如何降低采购成本、提升创新能力和竞争力。  相似文献   

采购部门是直接向供应商采购还是通过中介者采购(Intermediaries)?这取决于采购部门具有多少特殊的全球采购知识,以及预期寻找的货源总量和次数等因素。目前,在激烈的市场竞争环境里,采购商借助中介者提供的服务,能更好地满足价格、质量和性能等要求,从而提高采购效率和效益。  相似文献   

近年来,中国技术和制造水平的提高使在华采购逐渐成为跨国公司经营的战略热点,跨国公司在中国建立的采购中心以及采购总额都呈现指数增长。与此同时,如何保证对整个采购链进行全面评估,成为众多供应商和采购商关注的焦点。  相似文献   

张冰 《市场周刊》2007,(6):33-33
国内许多零部件供应商反映,由于不了解国际采购商选择供应商的套路,与他们接触了很长时间也不见对方下订单,不知究竟是什么原因。为此,美国博格华纳中国区采购总监李东来和美国伊顿全球采购有限公司上海代表处采购经理蔡炜就各自公司对供应商要求提出了具体细则。  相似文献   

离国务院批准召开的首届中国(上海)国际跨国采购大会的日子眼下已进入倒计时。采购商纷纷抢滩,供应商参展踊跃。200个国际采购商拟设摊位,迄今全部爆满。全球500强企业中,西门子、福特、美国铝业、沃尔玛、家乐福和欧图等著名跨国公司捷足先登。有的采购商表示,一个摊位不够,要求增加。国内供应商更是把跨采大会视为推销产品的巨大商机。全国各地约万名供应商报名要求参展、设摊。本届大会首次推出的跨国采购高峰论坛更让跨国公司情有独钟,不少外商要求在会上发言。  相似文献   

杨科 《现代商业》2013,(27):178
本文研究了在合作博弈视角下供应商与采购商的采购批量策略的制定问题,两者应该达成共识并做到信息资源共享,保持诚信协作保持战略伙伴关系,最终实现优势互补共同发展。还重点阐述了如何在合作博弈视角下制定采购经济模型,要综合考虑多种制约因素实现供应商与采购商的双赢局面。  相似文献   

在供应链环境下,采购商与供应商之间的关系已经发生了深刻变化,双方之间开始形成合作共赢的关系。在供应链环境下,采购活动已转为以订单驱动方式进行,采购管理的重点转向了外部资源管理,并且促进了采购流程增值,库存管理方式也发生了重大改变。在供应链环境下,采购管理策略的制定应考虑价格等关键因素;要深刻认识采购方与供应商间的建立战略合作关系;库存管理应趋向精细化发展。从而更好地提高企业竞争力、降低总成本,实现采购方和供应商的双赢。  相似文献   

2004跨国采购洽谈会(中国上海)-中国最具影响的跨国采购洽谈会,将于2004年9月22日-24日再度在上海举行。海内外许多采购商和供应商对这次跨国采购洽谈都十分关注,纷纷要求了解详情。我们特别作了一个专辑,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Whilst there is much research material on buyer and supplier performance assessment and management, a relationship perspective can bring an added dimension, especially to the performance of close, mutual relationships. This article aims to bring a relationship performance understanding to the study of buyer–supplier exchange. Unfortunately, business-to-business relationships are assumed to enhance performance but what little research has been conducted is limited to a few dimensions reflecting a narrow theory or practice assumption. To remedy this we investigate a relationship performance definition that incorporates both non-financial and financial dimensions. The results are developed from seven qualitative interviews followed by a postal survey incorporating the views of 200 industrial buyer respondents in the UK. To examine the relationship among the performance variables, factor analysis was conducted on 21 dimensions of performance included in the research. On this basis, key dimensions of relationship performance are grouped and implications drawn for defining relationship performance and its measurement. The authors conclude that it is meaningful to take a relationship performance position when managing buyer–supplier interactions. However, not all the dimensions identified may be available to all types of relationships.  相似文献   


The Internet is the newest, most-rapidly changing and fastest-growing buying medium existing today. Its markets are increasing in number and complexity, more nearly reflecting the population in general. A valuable academic model for Internet marketers to consider when developing a business plan is an early buyer behavior model developed by Phillip Kotler, his Input-Output Model. Internet marketers should investigate outside influences on the potential buyer (Kotler's Inputs), means of reaching the prospect effectively (channels), the buyer's frame of mind (processor), and the choices available (outputs). Current “e-tail” examples are given for each of the four components in Kotler's model. Consulting companies that can assist marketers in attracting buyers have found the following techniques helpful: developing or fine tuning Internet sites, developing site-partnering strategies and online focus groups, as well as providing programs that watch prospects as they peruse a site.  相似文献   

供应链管理可以分为功能内的协调、功能间的协调和组织间的协调三个维度。采购在供应链中起着十分重要的作用。通过采购价值链的分析可以帮助企业降低成本并获利;采购价值链包括制定年度计划、定义需求、拟定采购策略、评估并选择供货商、取得原料以及管理与供货商的关系等环节。  相似文献   

Purpose: The importance of brand value has been increasingly recognized in business-to-business (B-to-B) marketing settings. Leek and Christodoulides (2012) proposed a comprehensive B-to-B brand value framework based on qualitative examination, which has yet to be quantitatively examined. As such, the objectives of this study are twofold: first, to quantitatively investigate Leek and Christodoulides’ (2012) B-to-B brand value framework and reveal the relative importance of the various attributes/elements; second, to explore whether the attribute/element priority in Leek and Christodoulides’ (2012) value framework differs for various types of buyers with respect to supplier characteristics, environmental factors, and situational factors. The research context is small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Taiwan. For industrial marketers, a better understanding of attribute/element priority pertaining to brand value is helpful in terms of marketing efficiency and success probability.

Methodology/Approach: Based on data from 22 SME buyers in Taiwan, a cluster analysis was performed to classify SME buyers into different buyer groups based on supplier characteristics, environmental factors, and situational factors, while an analytic hierarchy process was used to indicate the preference structure under different buyer groups.

Findings: The results reveal that the functional value items outperformed emotional value ones; further, quality, technology, and after-sales service were the top three elements of brand value. However, the attribute/element priority varied across different buyer groups. In general, the importance of functional value items was greater than that of emotional value items for most SME types. Top attributes/elements that exceeded 10% importance weight were almost all function-related, aside from emotion-related credibility—the primary concern (20.3%) of forced SMEs that held pessimistic perceptions regarding the economic environment, and procured within a highly concentrated market structure.

Originality/Value: This research study contributes by indicating the relative importance of brand value attributes/elements in the SME context and examining whether the attribute/element priority varies for distinct types of buyers. Based on the results, a target marketing strategy is provided for B-to-B marketers to effectively design marketing offerings and create brand value for their business buyers.  相似文献   

Markdown selling (i.e., price reductions over the course of the selling season) is a strategy to implement price discrimination and to manage market uncertainty that has been widely adopted by retailers. This paper explores the potential advantage of introducing an additional tool to the arsenal of retailers, probabilistic selling (i.e., offering consumers a choice to buy a product that can turn out to be any item from a predetermined set of distinct items). We show that both probabilistic and markdown selling strategies serve as price discrimination tools by offering buyers an option to purchase a “damaged” good (an uncertain product under the former and delayed consumption of a product under the latter). However, the two strategies segment markets based on different types of buyer heterogeneity: buyer preference strength under probabilistic selling and buyer patience under markdown selling. Our analytical model reveals that, compared with markdown selling, probabilistic selling can (1) improve margin management by increasing revenue from full-price sales and reducing the magnitude of discounts; and (2) improve inventory utilization by reducing stockouts and the amount of excess inventory. We identify the conditions required for probabilistic selling to be more profitable than markdown selling.  相似文献   

This study extends the theory of value co-creation by investigating how collaborative orientation advances value co-creation drivers that benefit both buyers and sellers in competitive markets. With direct field research, conducted in a real-life context, the authors interviewed (using a mirrored, semi-structured protocol) buyer–seller respondents at multiple levels in 1 seller and 10 buyer firms. Ten cases developed from these data reflect how buyers and sellers develop value and share resources to advance value co-creation during a formal buyer–seller relationship effort. Our findings suggest four propositions and identify four drivers that may advance value co-creation in buyer–seller relationships: (a) mutual understanding of industry problems through continuous interactions during the relationship period; (b) ability to develop and leverage knowledge and resources; (c) share asset-specific investments; and (d) shared long-term goals. This article extends previous resource-based models and provides novel insights into value co-creation.  相似文献   

Consumer involvement in online shopping can play a moderating role when explaining Web site effect on satisfaction and trust. This study proposes a set of hypotheses based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion, a conceptual model that explains the formation of individual attitudes that are prompted by central and peripheral cues. The model proposes the use of central signals when the buyer is highly involved and peripheral signals when the buyer is less involved. Nevertheless, the results of this study would suggest that these relationships are not so clearly defined in the case of online buying, which implies that certain assumptions associated with the ELM need to be revised to take the particularities of the online context into account. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The organic food category, while still small in terms of world food production, has continued to grow in many markets in the developed world. This article focuses on understanding the barriers and facilitators to purchasing organic food at the final hurdle: the point of purchase (POP). A qualitative study has identified seven factors that influence buyer behavior at the POP, and these are consumer intention to purchase organic food when entering the retail outlet; habit; availability; false assumptions; visibility and access of organic food; visual and olfactory cues; and price. These can often be the final hurdle to consumers choosing (or not) organic food at the POP.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to illustrate an effective coordination process in the B-to-B section of a supply chain. In particular the paper focuses on the interactions between a supplier of raw materials and a buyer processing them into end products in the food industry. These interactions are governed by a delivery contract. Under the terms of the current contract a season's entire crop is purchased at time of planting at an unit price per pound regardless of volume and quality delivered. This simplicity of the contract is an attractive feature of the interaction in the B-to-B section. It is shown that the supply chain's optimum cannot be realized with a single price. From several alternatives a pricing scheme is proposed in which prices are related to quality. The goal is to determine prices which facilitate the supply chain's maximum performance assuming rational behaviour of the supplier and the buyer. Conditions for realizing the supply chain's maximum are formulated and an approach is presented which generates a significant improvement in performance. The authors thank an anonymous referee for his/her constructive suggestions.  相似文献   


Although auctions have been around for centuries, online auctions are still a relatively new phenomenon. This paper examines the phenomenon of online auctions, specifically on a pricing option known as “Buy It Now.” With this option, a buyer can purchase merchandise immediately at a stated price and truncate the auction process. Auction items sold with a Buy It Now price tend to be at a higher price than the high bid price for an identical item sold through an ascending-bid auction. In addition, Buy It Now prices tend to attract risk averse bidders while high bidders of ascending-bid auctions tend to be less risk averse or risk neutral bidders. On the other hand, we found more experienced sellers sell their items with a Buy It Now price while less experienced sellers sell their items through an ascending-bid process. Thus, experience and risk are factors in choosing a Buy It Now price for the seller and buyer.  相似文献   

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