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Using counterfactual competitive prices, the effect of the north‐east coal cartel on prices is estimated at 13–17 per cent between 1816 and 1845. Non‐cartel producers were highly responsive to price changes, and their threat to the cartel was made credible by market integration facilitated by canals. The spread of railways had little impact on the cartel's market power. Highly inelastic demand and responsive supply from other regions meant that deadweight losses from the cartel were insignificant throughout this period.  相似文献   

In the South African agricultural (specifically grain) markets an interesting phenomenon exists: where futures and options on grain products exist (i.e. white maize, yellow maize, soy beans, wheat, and sunflower seeds) price discovery in the spot (also known as “cash”) markets is poor, whereas price discovery in the futures markets is considered respectable. Consequently, whenever a spot deal is undertaken, this price is “derived” from the relevant futures market. This severely anomalous phenomenon will be evident: futures are generally labeled “derivatives” because their prices are “derived” from their spot markets, whereas here we have a situation where spot prices are derived from their futures price (specifically the price of the near – as opposed to far – future). Because of this unusual phenomenon the mathematics involved is not readily available in the literature; this article is an attempt to briefly outline the phenomenon and to present the relevant mathematics.  相似文献   

Agricultural supply has traditionally been assumed to be relatively inelastic. Time series estimates have generally supported this hypothesis. Estimates based on cross‐sectional observations have generally yielded higher elasticities. It has been argued that cross‐sectional analyses are more appropriate than time series analyses for estimating long‐run elasticities. A cross‐sectional analysis was done on South African data. Quantity supplied was shown to be a function of output/input price ratios, land quality, average rainfall and time. The long‐run supply elasticity appears to be approximately 0,92. This has important implications for agricultural price policy. Policies based on the assumption of very low supply elasticities are likely to distort markets and production.  相似文献   

Policymakers are increasingly using whistle-blowing incentives aimed at curtailing illegal or unethical behavior. We theoretically and experimentally investigate one version of whistle-blowing incentive: leniency programs aimed at curbing anticompetitive activities by firms, by reducing the punishment faced by a cartel member who reports the cartel's behavior. The theoretical model captures the two important effects of whistle-blowing incentives: the direct effect, a reduction in the stability of cartels, and the counterproductive indirect effect, an increase in the incentives to form cartels in the first place by lowering the cost of exiting them. As these point in opposite directions, the net theoretical effect is indeterminate. Our laboratory experiment compares two leniency programs—full immunity from fines and partial immunity—against a baseline with no whistle-blowing incentives in place. We find evidence of the direct effect but not the indirect effect, and thus both programs reduce the extent of price fixing and the damage associated with it.  相似文献   

Despite a well‐established literature examining possible impacts on competition in oligopolistic markets from multimarket contact (MMC) among diversified firms, only recently have trade theorists considered the possible effects of MMC among exporters in limiting the anticipated procompetitive role of imports. This article presents a first effort to test the empirical importance of a measure of this MMC, called “exports‐at‐risk,” on import prices (unit‐values). Suggestive evidence of anticompetitive impacts of MMC among exporters is obtained for highly traded four‐digit harmonized system (HS) products within the broad category of “fats and oils.” Exporters in fats and oils seem to price higher in markets where they meet rivals with the ability to retaliate against their “exports at risk.”  相似文献   

We study the effects of trans‐Atlantic passenger shipping cartels on tourist/business and migrant traffic. Collusion had a smaller effect on first and second class service relative to third class service. Its effects were proportionately stronger eastbound, but less important in absolute numbers given smaller eastbound traffic. Collusion‐driven consumer substitution across classes was small but non‐negligible. Thus, collusion affected migrant traffic far more than tourist/business traffic. We also confirm that collusion led to higher fares across all cabin classes, especially for steerage. We construct and calibrate an analytical model and show that the pattern of observed prices and volumes are consistent with a profit‐maximizing cartel, thus buttressing the hypothesis that the collusion effects were causal. Finally, we document that collusion led to positive selection of migrants, as measured by literacy rates and financial resources.  相似文献   

In industries like telecom, postal services or energy provision, universal service obligations (uniform price and universal coverage) are often imposed on one market participant. Universal service obligations are likely to alter firms' strategic behavior in such competitive markets. In the present paper, we show that, depending on the entrant's market coverage and the degree of product differentiation, the Nash equilibrium in prices involves either pure or mixed strategies. We show that the pure strategy market sharing equilibrium, as identified by Valletti, Hoernig, and Barros (2002), defines a lower bound on the level of equilibrium prices.  相似文献   

Using a model of sequential search, we show that announcements to price‐match raise prices by altering consumer search behavior. First, price‐matching diminishes firms’ incentives to lower prices to attract consumers who have no search costs. Second, for consumers with positive search costs, price‐matching lowers the marginal benefit of search, inducing them to accept higher prices. Finally, price‐matching can lead to asymmetric equilibria where one firm runs fewer sales and both firms tend to offer smaller discounts than in a symmetric equilibrium. Price increases grow in the proportion of consumers who invoke price‐matching guarantees and in the level of equilibrium asymmetry.  相似文献   

This article reports the findings of a study of two unique microdata sets, which are the unit level basis of South Africa's measured Consumer Price Index and Producer Price Index, over the period December 2001‐December 2007. In particular, based on techniques that have been used in comparable international studies, findings are reported on the frequency and magnitude of price changes, the duration of prices, and heterogeneity in pricing. The results for South Africa are compared with the stylised facts for pricing conduct, which have been presented in recent international studies. The article offers an illustration of how microdata‐based findings on pricing conduct may impact on the modelling of monetary policy by introducing micro‐founded results into an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for the South African economy. The article concludes by identifying areas for further research, where it has not as yet been determined how South African pricing conduct compares with certain stylised pricing facts identified in the international literature.  相似文献   

A basic tenet of microeconomics is that for a competitive industry in equilibrium the market price of a product will be equal to its marginal cost. This paper develops a model framework and a corresponding empirical inference procedure for estimating long‐run marginal cost in industries where production costs decline over time. In the context of the solar photovoltaic (PV) module industry, we rely primarily on firm‐level financial accounting data to estimate the long‐run marginal cost of PV modules for the years 2008–2013. During those years, the industry experienced both unprecedented price declines and significant expansions of manufacturing capacity. We compare the trajectory of average sales prices with the estimated long‐run marginal costs in order to quantify the extent to which actual price declines were attributable to reductions in production costs. The trajectory of estimated product costs is then extrapolated to forecast an equilibrium trend line for future PV module prices.  相似文献   

The South African residential housing market experienced high growth in the previous decade, in line with international trends. Traditional methods of documenting this trajectory use the average prices of only properties that are sold in given periods and regions. A critical assumption of these approaches is that houses remain homogenous across time and space. This paper constructs a micro‐level hedonic price index to account for changing attributes of heterogenous houses. It illustrates that returns may have been overstated, and that much of the growth recorded in this market is driven by attribute inflation, particularly in the high price segment.  相似文献   

This paper documents some of the main features of price‐setting behaviour by retail outlets in Lesotho over the period March 2002 to December 2009. These features include the frequency, size, duration and synchronisation of price changes. In addition, the paper compares price‐setting behaviour in Lesotho and South Africa using a comparable set of products. The findings reveal considerable heterogeneity in price‐setting behaviour across products, outlets, locations and time. Variations in inflation are strongly correlated with the average size of price changes, but rising inflation raises the frequency of price increases and reduces the frequency of price decreases. Price decreases constitute an important determinant of inflation movements. Surprisingly, the frequency and size of price changes in Lesotho differ substantially from those in South Africa, despite the presence of common retail chains and their joint membership in a customs union and common monetary area. These findings open up opportunities for further research into the sources of heterogeneity across products and Lesotho and South Africa in the setting of prices.  相似文献   

South Africa's apartheid‐induced cities are on the threshold of a critical restructuring in the changing South Africa of the 1990s. The reform and planning of an effective post‐apartheid city require careful consideration of possible international similarities and links. This article seeks to provide answers to the following questions: What are the form and structure of international cities; what are the general characteristics of the South African city; and where do our cities fit in this international framework? Research has shown that the South African city corresponds to a multi‐faceted international profile of First World prosperity. Second World central intervention and Third World deprivation. While the South African city displays numerous similarities to international city form, it has obtained a unique character as a result of the legal enforcement of apartheid. Restructuring the post‐apartheid city will have to take account of the reality that the present South African city is intrinsically a deviant version of the colonial Third World city and that it is likely to revert increasingly to that city form as legal apartheid disappears.  相似文献   

We study information flows across four wheat futures markets on four continents: Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange (ZCE), South African Futures Exchange (SAFEX), Euronext/Liffe and Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT). Three approaches for studying information flows among non‐synchronous markets are applied: cointegration techniques, vector autoregressive analysis and multiple regression proposed. Although comparable underlying assets are traded in the four markets, our results indicate that no long‐run links exist among them. ZCE is by far the most endogenous market, and Euronext/Liffe is the most exogenous one. Finally, the model points to KCBT as the most influential and sensitive wheat market. Our findings indicate that the relative openness of the SAFEX wheat market supports information flows and linkages from KCBT and Euronext/Liffe. Therefore, our results suggest that more supportive policies to incentivise higher wheat production in South Africa are required to mitigate the impact of price shocks emanating from the global wheat markets.  相似文献   

Since the early 1960s, the Pan‐Pacific coal trade has underpinned East Asia's industrial development. While the genesis of this trade lay in investment decisions by United States‐based companies that pioneered exports from Australian and western Canadian mines, its development was largely shaped by the strategies of the Japanese steel mills who acted as a buying cartel. By the early 1980s, this cartel had engineered an oversupplied market characterised by constantly falling prices. By 2001, however, this strategy proved counterproductive, as exports of coking coal in particular were concentrated in the hands of an oligopoly of super‐efficient producers that drove up prices.  相似文献   

When a durable good of uncertain quality is introduced to the market, some consumers strategically delay their buying until the next period, with the hope of learning the unknown quality. I analyze the monopolist's pricing and waiting strategies when consumers have strategic delay incentives. I show when the monopolist offers introductory low prices in pooling equilibria. I also find two types of separating equilibria: one where the high‐type monopolist signals its quality by choosing a different price than the low‐type monopolist in the first period and another where the high‐type monopolist announces the product in the first period and waits to sell only in the second period. Waiting creates a credible cost for signaling; hence, the monopolist uses it as a signaling device.  相似文献   

The law and finance theory essentially states that legal origins are a significant determinant of financial development. The conclusion from the law and finance theory is that countries whose legal traditions derived from British Common Law have better developed financial markets than countries following French Civil Law. This study conducted an empirical investigation of the law and finance theory for African countries. Our empirical results showed that legal origins are insignificant in explaining financial development but rather, legal effectiveness significantly explains cross‐country differences in financial development in Africa. We concluded that the law and finance theory does not hold in African countries.  相似文献   

The study seeks to re‐investigate the role of price, income and health awareness in the evolution of South African cigarette demand over the period 1996 to 2006. At first glance, rising cigarette prices appear to have played an important role in reducing cigarette consumption over the sample period, especially during the late 90s. But how dependent is the impact of price increases on general economic conditions and overall health awareness among smokers? Health awareness, in particular, has not received sufficient attention in the South African context, due to a lack of data. Previous estimates of price and income elasticities of cigarette demand are based on long annual time series data, which do not allow for changes in underlying tastes and preferences. The paper attempts to disentangle the forces of price, income, health awareness and policy intervention using a quarterly data set. In addition, the study also cautions against the upward bias in estimates derived from formal cigarette sales data – in the light of increasing illicit cigarette volumes in South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the pattern of inbound tourists' consumption in South Africa, examining four main intercontinental markets and five different tourism goods. The empirical investigation develops an almost ideal demand system (AIDS) model and it extends recent research by allowing tourists to base their spending decision on the real effective price differences between South Africa and their home country. The results show that tourist spending in South Africa is a luxury good, and tourists react normally to a change in the relative price of goods. The cross‐price elasticities suggest that the preferences of different markets influence their view of substitutability and complementary effects between various products in South Africa.  相似文献   

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