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产业集群与供应链管理的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业集群和供应链管理是提升地区或产业竞争力的两种重要途径.通过对两种竞争战略进行比较分析得出结论:产业集群和供应链管理具有相当大的兼容度和互补性,将两者结合在一起,可以最大化地获得分工经济和规模经济的效果,提高地域专业化和集聚水平,分享全球分工优势.  相似文献   

Formal organizations have a division of labor and some form of co-ordination. This paper explores how these social structures could be generated by an exchange process that governs work flow through an organization. Specifically, the exchange process controls how work tasks are assigned and carried out, and how members receive rewards for participating in a work group of the organization. A discrete-event simulation model is used to explore how the exchange process generates division of labor and co-ordination networks. The model contains members, called bureaucrats, with two kinds of skills: skill at referring work to others; and skill in completing work tasks. Both kinds of skills are distributed differentially across bureaucrats. Two types of rational exchange are explored: independent exchange and pooled exchange. For independent exchange, rewards go the bureaucrat who completes the task; in pooled exchange rewards are shared with the bureaucrat who referred the task. Both exchange processes generate a division of labor in a work group, with pooled exchange exhibiting the most pronounced division of labor. Also, pooled exchange leads to more efficient processing of work than independent exchange.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of the extensive and intensive margins of labor input in the context of a business cycle model with a financial friction. We document significant variation in the hours worked per worker for many emerging-market economies using manufacturing data. Both employment and hours worked per worker are positively correlated with each other and with output. We show that a search-theoretic context in a small open-economy model requires a small wealth effect to explain these regularities at the expense of a smaller wage response. On the other hand, introducing a financial friction in the form of a working capital requirement can explain the observed movements of labor market variables such as employment and hours worked per worker, as well as other distinguishable business cycle characteristics of emerging economies. These include highly volatile and cyclical real wages, labor share, and consumption.  相似文献   

The Soviet Economic Decline   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Soviet growth from 1960 to 1989 was the worst in the world afterwe control for investment and human capital; the relative performanceworsens over time. There is some evidence that the burden ofdefense spending modestly contributed to the Soviet debacle.The declining Soviet growth rate from 1950 to 1987 can be accountedfor by a declining marginal product of capital with a constantrate of growth of total factor productivity. The Soviet relianceon extensive growth (rising capital-to-out-put ratios) was nogreater than that of market economies, such as Japan and theRepublic of Korea, but a low elasticity of substitution betweencapital and labor implied especially acute diminishing returnsto capital compared with the case in market economies.  相似文献   

We explore the stability properties of interest rate rules granting an explicit response to stock prices in a New Keynesian DSGE model where the presence of non‐Ricardian households makes stock prices nonredundant for the business cycle. We find that responding to stock prices enlarges the policy space for which the equilibrium is both determinate and E‐stable (learnable). In particular, the Taylor principle ceases to be necessary, and determinacy/E‐stability is granted also by mildly passive policy rules. Our results appear to be more prominent in economies featuring a lower elasticity of substitution across differentiated products and/or more rigid labor markets.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts real effective exchange rate (REER) measures based on different deflators (consumer price index, GDP deflator, and unit labor cost) and discusses potential implications for the link—or lack thereof—between the REER and the external balance. We begin by comparing the evolution of different measures of REER to confirm that the choice of deflator plays a significant role in REER movements. A subsequent empirical investigation based on 35 developed and emerging market economies over 1995–2017 yields comprehensive and robust evidence that only the REER deflated by unit labor cost exhibits contemporaneous patterns consistent with the expenditure-switching mechanism. Finally, we show that a standard open-economy model with nominal rigidities and trade in intermediate goods is able to generate these aforementioned patterns.  相似文献   

This paper relies on a high-frequency identification approach to provide new insights into monetary policy spillovers by major central banks. Our long and broad sample (1999–2019, from four major economies to 47 advanced and emerging market economies) allows us to accurately identify the properties of spillovers and to shed light on different transmission channels. We find that spillovers by the Fed to foreign interest rates are economically large, but more surprisingly, document an intensification of spillovers by the European Central Bank over time. Spillovers are more significant to bond yields in advanced economies than they are to those in emerging markets. Differentiating across key spillover channels, we find strongest support for a financial links channel, but weaker evidence for the macroeconomic links channel and foreign exchange regime channel.  相似文献   

Asia’s rapid population aging fortifies the case for strengthening human capital investments. Further, the experience of the newly industrialized economies suggests that human capital investments will be a vital ingredient of the transition from middle income to high income. Those investments can also affect equity and public finances. In this article, we use data from the National Transfer Accounts to empirically analyze the effect of human capital investment in Asian countries on economic growth, inequality, and fiscal balance. Our empirical evidence suggests that human capital investments have a positive effect on labor productivity and, hence, output. The positive effect is stronger for poorer households and, hence, beneficial for equity. We also find that such investments can generate sufficient tax revenues to improve the fiscal balance. Overall, our evidence points to a positive effect of human capital on growth, equity, and fiscal balance in Asia.  相似文献   

美国财政部下设外汇稳定基金,通常与美联储共同进行外汇市场操作;欧盟理事会有权缔结汇率体系协定及制定汇率政策方针,外汇操作全部由欧洲央行出资;英国财政部通过外汇平衡账户进行外汇操作,英格兰银行也出于货币政策目的进行干预;日本财务省设立外汇基金专项账户,日本银行无权自主进行外汇市场操作。上述制度安排具有如下特点:(1)财政部负责汇率政策和主导外汇市场操作;(2)分为财政部出资、央行出资和共同出资三类;(3)财政部出资不涉及基础货币的投放与回笼环节,但涉及本币的融资环节;(4)进行货币互换和发行外币债券是筹集外汇的基本方式。  相似文献   

We analyze the effectiveness of exchange rate interventions for a panel of 18 emerging market economies during the period 2003–2011. Using an error-correction model approach, we find that on average, intervention is effective in moving the real exchange rate in the desired direction, controlling for deviations from the equilibrium and short-term changes in fundamentals and global financial variables. Our results are robust to different samples and estimation methods. We find little evidence of asymmetries in the effect of sales and purchases, but some evidence of more effective interventions for large deviations from the equilibrium. We also explore differences across countries according to the possible transmission channels and nature of some global shocks.  相似文献   

A large sample of developed and emerging economies is utilized to investigate import exchange rate pass-through. Panel models reveal that various economic aspects of the destination country can explain about one third of the total variation in pass-through elasticities and the remaining variation comes largely in the form of unobserved country-specific effects. Inflation, exchange rate volatility, openness and relative wealth play a clear role as drivers of emerging markets’ pass-through whereas the output gap and protectionism appear influential more generally. Nonlinearity regarding large-versus-small changes in the exchange rate is quite pervasive. Our evidence challenges the widely-held view that pass-through has been universally falling in developed markets and that it is higher for emerging markets. The economic drivers are shown to play a role as out-of-sample predictors of pass-through. The findings confirm pricing-to-market theories and have implications for the optimal conduct of monetary policy.  相似文献   

为了跨越"中等收入陷阱",应将普惠金融与经济转型升级有机结合起来.由于普及性普惠金融局限性明显,所以,为了实现进入发达经济体的目标,有必要大力发展开发性普惠金融.与普及性普惠金融的"供血功能"不同,开发性普惠金融是一种"造血式"融资并提供相关金融服务,着眼于社会不同层级经济主体之间的生产分工合作,能提高劳动生产率并共享经济增长的成果.基于发达经济体愿景,提出了发展开发性普惠金融的基本框架,旨在促使整个产业链的价值提升,调整社会收入分配结构.  相似文献   

Emerging economies (EMEs) have different credit and labor market structures relative to advanced economies. We document that economies with larger self-employment shares tend to exhibit less countercyclical leverage dynamics. We build a model where formal credit markets, input credit relationships, and the structure of labor markets interact that (1) captures a comprehensive set of EME business cycle regularities and (2) rationalizes our new fact. The interaction between firms’ net worth, interfirm input credit, and self-employment underlying our framework is critical for explaining our fact and is supported by the data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and estimate a model of bank costs based on a theory of the branch cost function. First, we show that convenient branch location is important to banking customers and implies that banks do not necessarily operate branches at minimum average cost. This theoretical result provides a rationale for including branch variables in the bank cost function. Second, we estimate a statistical cost equation derived explicitly from assumptions about the branch cost function and including branch output variables. Our empirical results suggest substantial economies of scale at the branch level, but no economies from expansion by branching. Finally, we show that the resulting cost structure of the banking industry does not imply that a highly concentrated banking structure is necessary for efficiency. Thus, economies of scale would not be expected to force small banks out of the market, even if current restrictions on interstate banking are liberalized.  相似文献   

Backus, Kehoe and Kydland (BKK 1992) demonstrated that if international capital markets are complete, consumption growth correlations across countries should be higher than their corresponding output growth correlations. In stark contrast to the theory, however, in actual data the consumption growth correlation is lower than the output growth correlation. By assuming trade imperfections due to non-traded goods, Backus, D.K., Smith, G.W. [1993 Consumption and real exchange rates in dynamic economies with non-traded goods. Journal of International Economics 35(3–4), 297–316] showed that there is an additional impediment at work that can lower the consumption growth correlation. While their argument was successful in partially explaining the puzzlingly low cross country correlation of consumption growth rates, it contributed to generating another puzzle because the data forcefully show that consumption growth is negatively correlated with the real exchange rate, which is also a violation of the theory. Using data for OECD countries, we decompose real exchange rate growth into its nominal exchange rate growth and inflation differential components, and find that nominal exchange rate movements are the main source for the Backus-Smith puzzle. We demonstrate the robustness of this finding by examining sub-samples of the data, by allowing for imperfect risk sharing due to ‘rule of thumb’ consumers, and by examining intranational data across the U.S. states where the nominal exchange rate is fixed.  相似文献   

This study examines the operating performance of privatised firms in three Central European Transition Economies between 1990 and 1998. Overall, we find no evidence of a significant improvement in operating performance for the first six years after privatisation. Contrary to the increasing empirical evidence for non‐transition economies, our privatised firms experience no improvement in profitability, capital investments, efficiency, and output, a significant drop in employment, as well as a significant increase in leverage. The most important determinants of the performance changes following privatisation were country effects, timing of the privatisation sales, industry classification, and state ownership after privatisation. Our findings are consistent with the empirical evidence that the transition process proved to be more difficult than expected and that, although necessary, privatisations do not necessarily produce equal efficiency gains in transition economies ( Megginson, 2005 ; Havrylyshyn and McGettigan, 1999 ).  相似文献   

Trade credit has been shown to be an important source of short-term finance for smaller firms but small firms are also suppliers of trade credit. There is little empirical evidence on the credit granting decisions of small firms. Previous empirical work (Petersen and Rajan, 1997; and Ng, Smith and Smith, 1999) has focused on credit granting and investment in accounts receivable in larger firms. In this paper we look at the influences on credit granting for the smallest firms, using a sample of firms with an average of 10 employees. As in previous studies we find that product and demand characteristics influence credit terms. Moreover, we find evidence that firm size affects credit extension choices directly by setting limits on the possibilities for economies of scale, but it also impacts indirectly by affecting the firm's access to finance and its bargaining strength vis-à-vis suppliers. The dominant position of larger customers in bargaining with small suppliers constrains the impact of other factors on the firm's choice of credit terms. Small firms are also under pressure to conform to industry norms, although lack of resources can be a limiting factor. Constrained firms may make use of two-part terms in an attempt to improve their cashflow.  相似文献   

Monetary authorities intervene in the currency markets in order to pursue a monetary rule and/or to smooth exchange rate volatility caused by speculative attacks. In the present paper we investigate for possible intervention effects on the volatility of nominal exchange rates and the estimated equilibrium behaviour of real exchange rates. The main argument of the paper is that omission of intervention effects – when they are significant – would bias the ability to detect any PPP-based behaviour of the real exchange rates in the long run. Positive evidence for this argument comes from the experience of six Central and Eastern European economies, whose exchange markets are characterised by frequent interventions.  相似文献   

Replicating the flexible price allocation in models with nominal rigidities and labor market frictions that lead to an inefficient matching of unemployed workers with job vacancies, even if feasible, is generally not desirable. We characterize the tax instruments that implement the first best allocation and examine the trade-offs faced by monetary policy if these tax instruments are unavailable. Our tax interpretation helps explain why the welfare cost of inefficient labor market search can be large while the incentive to deviate from price stability is small. Gains from deviating from price stability are larger in economies with more volatile labor flows.  相似文献   

We develop a theory of incentives, wages, and employment in the context of team production. A central insight is that specialization and division of labor not only improve productivity but also increase effort and the sensitivity of effort to incentives under moral hazard. We show that employment and incentives are complements for the principal when the positive effects of specialization and division of labor outweigh the increase in risk associated with additional employment and are substitutes otherwise. We provide new characterizations of the partnership, the firm, and the role of the budget‐breaker that are quite different from the classical literature.  相似文献   

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