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消费者权益对公益诉讼的呼唤   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
颜运秋 《消费经济》2004,20(5):52-55
我国传统消费者诉讼暴露出诉讼主体制度不健全、诉讼效益不经济和举证责任不均衡等问题,导致司法在维护消费者权益方面收效甚微。我们有必要遵循公平与效益的法治理念,把握消费纠纷的公益属性,领会消费者权利的法律属性,对传统诉讼中的原告资格、诉讼费用、举证责任和诉讼激约机制等进行适当变革,构建科学合理的消费者权益公益诉讼制度。  相似文献   

消费创新方兴未艾,正在悄然改变着消费者的消费方式,是当下消费领域的突出特点,为消费者权益保护提供了新机遇与挑战。在新的消费模式下表现出了新的消费侵权特点,展望党的十八届三中全会对市场的愿景,在消费者权益保护中着重完善立法、加强市场监管实现消费者权益的事前保护;根据目前新的消费模式下对效率的需求,增加消费者公益诉讼制度,提高法律保护效率显得异常必要。  相似文献   

市场经济背景下,每个个体都不能脱离消费活动而单独存在。无论是日常生活中与小摊小贩交易还是与垄断经营企业打交道,遇有交易价格问题双方难免产生摩擦或纠纷。但由于起诉成本过高,消费公益诉讼便应运而生。2013年《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》将消费者协会提为公益诉讼适格主体,但该制度的设置并未有效解决消费民事公益诉讼案件数量稀少以及关注度低的状态。现代型交易活动本身附有的高度信息不对称问题,更加剧了消费者的劣势地位,增加消费者作为消费公益诉讼原告主体,可以有效扭转消费公益诉讼劣势,积极回应消费者权益保护不足的现实痛点。  相似文献   

略论消费公益诉讼的制度缺位与立法构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费公益诉讼制度的建立能为消费者创造良好的消费环境,有利于维护消费领域的公共利益。但我国现行民事诉讼法规定的原告一元化和民事判决拘束力的相对性,容易导致消费公益诉讼案件的审判盲区。我们应从立法上完善传统的民事诉讼制度,建立原告主体资格多元化的机制,健全消费公益诉讼的物质保障,合理分配举证责任,适当扩张消费公益诉讼既判力的范围,为消费公益诉讼提供法律制度保障。  相似文献   

李俊蕙 《中国市场》2011,(35):159-160
《消费者权益保护法》是保护消费者合法权益的基本法律,是国家出于对消费者弱势地位的考虑而给予消费者的一种特别保护。自颁布实施以来,在消费维权方面发挥了巨大作用,但随着经济和社会的发展,新型消费关系、消费形式不断涌现,消费者权益受到侵害的情况日益严重,特别是近几年食品、药品行业接连发生的群体伤害案件,逐渐暴露出我国消费者权益保护法律制度上存在的不足与缺陷,消费者权益难以得到充分而有效的保护。因此需要通过修订与完善法律予以解决。  相似文献   

2020年,笔者接受安徽省消费者权益保护委员会的委托,作为代理人参与了该消保委提起的9起消费民事公益诉讼案件,该批案件均属于假冒注册商标的假酒案。不良商家用低价吸引消费者,冒充高档酒,通过商场、超市、饭店等渠道销售,消费者购买后,用于举办婚宴、庆生宴以及个人消费,受害的消费者众多且身份难以确定,其以假充真、以次充好的行为,严重侵害了众多不特定消费者的权益。  相似文献   

2013年10月25日由全国人民代表大会常务委员会通过的《关于修改<中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法>的决定》将消费公益诉讼确立在新的《消费者权益保护法》中,赋予了部分消费者协会提起消费公益诉讼的权利,这不仅是对《民事诉讼法》中公益诉讼制度的回应,也是消费诉讼自身的重大突破。本文拟从《消费者权益保护法》中的公益诉讼是否实现了与《民事诉讼法》的良好衔接、消费公益诉讼的尚存的不足及其改善等方面进行探讨,以期实现我国消费者的合法权益得到更为全面的保护。  相似文献   

我国已颁布实施了《消费者权益保护法》等一系列法律、法规,对保护消费者权益无疑发挥了巨大作用。但随着经济和科学技术的发展,新型消费关系不断出现,消费者权益受到侵害的情况日益严重,逐渐暴露出我国对消费者权益保护制度上存在的不足与缺陷,消费者权益难以得到充分而有效的保护。近几年食品、药品行业接连发生的群体伤害案件,也反映出了我国相关制度的缺失和不足。因此,对消费者权益保护制度的完善需要进一步探讨和研究。  相似文献   

美国的破产重整制度对其他国家的破产重整制度的立法和司法产生了深远的影响。文章分析了美国破产重整司法制度的特点和基本做法,提出审理破产案件的法院、法官要进一步树立尊重企业、尊重企业家、尊重商人的司法理念;逐步探索设立专门审理破产案件的审判机构;完善加强债权人的利益保护机制;配套建立合格的破产管理人队伍和科学合理的指定管理人机制。对完善我国破产重整立法和司法提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

在高度发达的商品社会里,经常会发生侵犯消费者的合法权益的事件.特别以消费者受到小额的侵害最为常见.我国消费者面对此类问题通常不选择诉讼解决方式,主要原因是诉讼的解决不经济.为使消费者能够接近司法,有效预防和制止不法侵害,笔者建议在我国建立小额诉讼程序并完善群体诉讼机制,使消费者易于获得司法救济.  相似文献   

网络点击合同的效力不等同于传统格式合同效力,从主体缔约能力的确定、意思表示的真实性、电子格式条款的效力判定分析有助于维护消费者权益,实现网上交易的公平。设立网店实名制度和撤销权制度等配套制度、规制网络点击合同电子格式条款是网络消费者权益保护的法律应对措施。  相似文献   


The emergence of a more reflexive and discerning customer has created inter alia a demand for ‘better’ food (i.e. quality and ‘authenticity’) in terms of sourcing, processing, and specialist distribution/retailing. As a consequence, the food production/distribution industry is under pressure to change many of its practices. One manifestation is the emergence of farmers' markets and the associated emphasis on ‘local’ food. This paper aims to identify the extent to which ‘conscious’ consumers are committed to buying local foodstuffs and supporting local food producers, especially from farmers’ markets. Given the exploratory nature of this research, a qualitative approach was undertaken using in-depth interviews with ‘conscious’ consumers. The results reveal that ‘conscious’ consumers recognise their own limitations (i.e. time, convenience, and price) but also demonstrate that integrating ethical considerations into their consumption behaviour is a complex and flexible task. A number of strategic actions for farmers’ markets are proposed to help differentiate their provision, particularly in terms of capitalising on perceptions of authenticity and locality.  相似文献   

设立简易程序,旨在节约司法资源,提高诉讼效率,使轻刑案件能够及时得到处理,从而保证司法  相似文献   

农民失地是工业化和城市化的必然产物。由于受制度缺陷等因素的影响,我国失地农民的权益严重失衡.产生了较大的社会危害。只有在改革土地产权制度、建立市场补偿机制、规范征地程序的基础上,通过立法、司法和执法的联动,构建起多层次的法律保护体系,才能切实保障失地农民的合法权益。  相似文献   

为更好的保护消费者合法权益,规范市场主体生产经营行为,构建和谐的消费关系,我国消费者权益保障制度应当与时俱进,大胆吸纳公益诉讼制度;进一步优化完善商品召回制度;承认"职业打假人"的法律地位;强化消费者协会的职能;才有助于在全社会营造出商业诚信文化氛围,最终成为扩大内需,拉动经济持续增长的内在动力。  相似文献   

强制性侦查措施涉及到公民人身、财产、隐私等多项宪法性权利。我国目前强制性侦查措施的采取,是由公安机关自身按照完全的行政运作模式进行的,而外在监督不可或缺。但目前我国对公安机关的强制性侦查措施的法律监督,存在着监督内容和范围不明确、缺乏有效的监督手段、侧重于事后监督、无统一的监督标准、监督的效力不强、监督救济程序缺位等问题。因此,应从监督主体、监督范围、监督手段、监督标准、监督程序、司法救济以及法律后果方面,来构建适合我国国情的强制性侦查措施的法律监督制度,以利于实现私权的保障和公权的制约。  相似文献   

The Health Care System in Bulgaria is in a period of transition and is undergoing profound changes in financing, organization and ownership. A priority of this reform is to shift the focus of healthcare to the primary sector and to emphasize general practice. New legislation in support of this health care reform has been passed over the last few years. However, this legislation, although consistent with the global aims to be achieved, has proven to be contradictory in terms of its practical implementation. This has had a negative impact on health care consumers’ interests and rights. This paper evaluates the effects of primary health care reform in Bulgaria from the perspective of patient satisfaction. For this purpose, a major task to be fulfilled is to identify the contradictions emerging between the legislation outlining the reforms and the realities of practical implementation with respect to its impact on consumers. The methods applied include: a review of the legislation, a review of the practical progression of the reform process, and an assessment of the new developments in health care consumers’ interests and rights. Considerable contradictions have been found between the legal framework of health care reform in primary care and existing experiences, traditions and expectations. The legislation is inconsistent with the existing realities of healthcare provision. This is leading to turmoil in the health care system during its present transformation and is infringing upon consumers’ rights. Problems emerging in the process of reform need to be identified, and solutions need to be found and worked out as the reforms progress. An assessment system has to be developed to monitor the overall reform process and to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the changes introduced. The impact on consumer and patient satisfaction should be an area of prime concern during these assessments.  相似文献   

我国的精神损害赔偿制度是随着《民法通则》的公布实施而建立的一项新的民事法律制度,在保护民事主体合法权益方面发挥着重要的作用,但由于《民法通则》的规定过于原则,缺乏操作性,在实践中使得各个部门在各自的职权范围内制定的有关行政法规以及司法解释难以和谐统一,文章拟在精神损害赔偿的法律体系、适用范围、适用程序等基本问题方面进行分析并提出立法上的建议。  相似文献   

Determining the best way to persuade consumers to consume more healthy foods is challenging. In Bangladesh, however, daily newspapers consistently show that various hazardous chemicals (e.g. calcium carbide, sodium cyclamate, cyanide and formalin, etc.) are mixed with or added to foods and foodstuffs. These chemicals are very dangerous to humans. This present study examines the reasons behind the use of hazardous chemicals in foods as well as the extent to which food producers/sellers use such chemicals. In addition, this study assesses consumer perceptions of and attitudes towards these contaminated food items and explores how adulterated foods and foodstuffs affect consumer health. The empirical data were collected from 110 consumers, 25 sellers or producers, seven doctors and seven pharmacists in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. This study shows that nearly every consumer (93.7%) is aware that various foods and foodstuffs contain hazardous chemicals, and that 95.5% of consumers are aware that these adulterated foods and foodstuffs are harmful to their health. This paper explores the myriad reasons why consumers nevertheless feel compelled to consume such chemically treated foods.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly certain that the success of e-commerce in any country depends mainly on the predictability and suitability of the legal framework and whether such framework copes sensibly with the needs of online consumers. For e-commerce to reach its full potential, consumers must have effective protection when shopping online, and their primary rights must be adequately protected. This paper thus explores the way in which the Electronic Transactions Law deals with such rights and determine whether or not this law gives due attention to consumer protection in an online environment. Furthermore, this paper encourages debate of what such law should be in order to enhance legal certainty as well as increase trust in e-commerce in Jordan. This paper, however, is not intended to provide the final answer to all questions and challenges in this regard, but to identify the main components, and provide perspectives on how to deal with such issue.  相似文献   

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