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This study examines how cognitive and non-cognitive skills are valued in the labour market in Mexico. It uses a novel dataset which includes a wide array of cognitive and non-cognitive skill measures. Non-cognitive skills are rewarded in the market even after controlling for family background and educational attainment. Returns to non-cognitive skills are similar between men and women. However, controlling for educational attainment and family background, only men are rewarded for their cognitive skills.  相似文献   

This article aims to extend the literature about the role played by socio-economic and family background in educational outcomes by comparing the determinants of two different dimensions of educational output: academic achievement and non-cognitive traits. To do this, we explore the information provided by a self-report survey developed specifically for the purpose of this research. This will provide us with an innovative measure of non-cognitive performance based on particular personal traits, such as responsibility, effort, motivation and critical capacity, as well as a common measure of cognitive proficiency. We use a Bayesian approach to estimate the potential influence of multiple individual and family variables on both dimensions of educational output. From our results, we find that, despite some similarities, there are several important divergences with regard to some socio-economic variables that have been traditionally considered to be the most influential determinants of academic achievement which do not appear to have a significant impact on non-cognitive outcomes.  相似文献   


How international trade fosters firm innovation is crucial in understanding how economic integration boosts productivity growth. This study uses the Chinese Employer-Employee Survey data set, which contains detailed, firm-level information on exports, imports, and innovation. The study documents several stylized facts characterizing the interaction between international trade and innovation among Chinese firms. The main findings are that exporters and importers are exceptional in production and innovation; exporters are more inclined to import material and machinery inputs; domestic and private firms do not seem to be more innovative than their counterparts.

Abbreviations: CEES: Chinese Employer-Employee Survey; FIE: Foreign investment enterprise; NBS: National Bureau of Statistics of China; SOE: State-owned enterprise  相似文献   

While income is generally considered an important determinant of health, little evidence has been offered on the reverse relationship, particularly for developed economies. This paper considers the effect of self-assessed general and psychological health on hourly wages using longitudinal data from six waves of the British Household Panel Survey. We employ single equation fixed effects and random effects instrumental variable estimators suggested by Hausman and Taylor (1981), Amemiya and MaCurdy (1986), and Breusch, Mizon and Schmidt (1989). Our results show that reduced psychological health reduces the hourly wage for males, while excellent self-assessed health increases the hourly wage for females. We also find the health variables to be positively correlated with the time-invariant individual effect. Further, we confirm the findings of previous work which suggested that the majority of the efficiency gains from the use of the instrumental variables estimators fall on the time-invariant endogenous variables, in our case academic attainment, and add further support to the hypothesis of a negative correlation between educational attainment and individual characteristics which affect wages. First version received: January 2000/Final version received: October 2000  相似文献   

Some studies on child labor have shown that, at the level of the household, greater land wealth leads to higher child labor, thereby casting doubt on the hypothesis that child labor is caused by poverty. This paper argues that the missing ingredient may be an explicit modeling of the labor market. We develop a simple model which suggests the possibility of an inverted-U relationship between land holdings and child labor. Using a unique data set that has child labor hours it is found that, controlling for child, household and village characteristics, the turning point beyond which more land leads to a decline in child labor occurs around 4 ac of land per household.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) on wages, using Turkish firm-level data from 2003 to 2010, a period which coincides with significant FDI inflows both in manufacturing and service sector firms in the region. We explore the possibility of increased foreign presence translating into shifts in either labor demand or supply curves thereby resulting in changing the total wage bill or wage per worker in the host country. To empirically test this relationship we employ a dynamic specification of the wage equation. After addressing endogeneity concerns, the results reveal that foreign presence measured in terms of intra- and inter-sectoral linkages is related to higher wage bills in the host economy, hence strengthening the argument for attracting greater foreign investment to enhance labor welfare.  相似文献   

This article empirically analyses the link between market potential and regional wages in the enlarged EU. We contribute to the existing literature in several ways: (1) we analyse the link between market potential and wages for the EU27 and (2) deconstruct total market potential into several geographical components and analyse their respective contributions to explaining the geographical wage structure. We correct for existing spatial autocorrelation and endogeneity by using an instrumental variable generalized spatial two-stage least squares (IV GS2SLS).  相似文献   

Immigrants are newcomers in a labor market. As a consequence, they lack host-country-specific labor market knowledge and other country-specific and not directly productive valuable assets affecting their relative bargaining position with employers. We introduce this simple observation into a search and matching model of the labor market and show that immigrants increase the employment prospects of competing natives. To test the predictions of our model, we exploit yearly variations between 1998 and 2004 in the share of immigrants within occupations in 13 European countries. We identify the impact of immigrants on natives׳ employment rate using an instrumental variable strategy based on historical settlement patterns across host countries and occupations by origin country. We find that natives׳ employment rate increases in occupations and sectors receiving more immigrants. Moreover, we show that this effect varies depending on immigrants׳ characteristics and on host country labor market institutions which affect relative reservation wages.  相似文献   

The importance of estimation techniques that allow for nonrandom selection of workers into the public and private sectors has been established in the theoretical and empirical literature. A separate body of work has explored the contribution of cognitive and other basic skills to earnings. This article brings together these two strands of empirical literature using Adult Literacy and Lifeskills (ALL) survey data for Norway and Bermuda. In the case of Norway, results from both Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and a switching regression model agree that cognitive skills are rewarded more in the public sector and that, in both sectors, the main effect is the direct effect of skills on earnings. In the case of Bermuda, however, switching regression estimates are substantially different with respect to the how skills affect earnings; furthermore, controlling for cognitive skills changes the nature of selection and, hence, the estimates of sector wage differentials.  相似文献   

Yuan Cao 《Applied economics》2019,51(9):889-910
This study provides new evidence on on the causal effect of fertility on maternal labor supply in rural China, using the fact that in some parts of rural China couples are allowed to have a second child if their firstborn is female. Estimates show that a second child reduces maternal labor force participation by 4.6 percentage points, labor supply intensity (hours worked conditional on employment) by 1.4 h per week and monthly income by 54.5 Chinese Yuan (18.7 percent). Further, the labor supply of mothers whose husbands are rural-to-urban migrants is the most sensitive to having an additional child, likely because they have more difficulty balancing farming and childcare. Conversely, labor supply is not reduced by fertility for mothers living in three-generation families, most likely because grandparents can provide both time and money to help with childcare.  相似文献   

This article explores the differentiated effects of health insurer market concentration on net compensation of employees across distinct firm sizes. Consistent with the existing literature evaluating insurer market concentration and the theory of compensating differentials, we find evidence of higher premiums and reduced net compensation for employees in markets with more concentrated insurers. Furthermore, we find evidence that the magnitude of these effects is distinctly smaller for large employers. This implies that mergers of large health insurance companies may have a significant impact on small businesses but that the effect is mitigated for larger employers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of retirement on cognitive functioning by gender in urban China and investigates the underlying mechanisms. Based on data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study, the paper uses the mandatory retirement ages and different policy enforcement between the public and private sectors as instruments for retirement status. The analysis finds substantial gender heterogeneity in the effect of retirement on cognition, with a positive and significant effect for males, but a negative and less significant effect for females. The beneficial effects on cognition are stronger for male blue-collar workers, who are likely to pursue a more active lifestyle at retirement. Further investigation shows that the results are partly driven by differential behavioral changes at retirement, and the gender difference in retirement ages may also play a potential role.  相似文献   

We conduct an economic analysis about the impact of human capital on an individual’s potential of becoming a leader based on data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies Survey (PIAAC). Our human capital indicators include not only traditional measures such as education and experience, but also various measures of cognitive and noncognitive ability. Our cognitive ability measures include numeracy, literacy, and problem solving abilities, and noncognitive ability measures include perseverance, motivation to learn, and social trust. We specifically investigate the effect of measurement error and reverse causality on the estimation results. We find that problem-solving ability is the most important in affecting leadership among cognitive ability measures, and perseverance shows the strongest impact among noncognitive ability measures. As a leader supervises more employees, the role of cognitive and noncognitive ability becomes more critical.  相似文献   

本文利用2015年中国企业—员工匹配调查的数据,从企业家年龄的角度研究了企业家创新精神的变动,并分别采用OLS和3SLS回归,对企业家年龄与其创新精神之间的因果关系进行了稳健性检验。结果表明,企业家年龄和企业家创新精神之间存在显著的U型关系。通过进一步测算U型拐点发现,对于50.8~52.7岁的企业家群体而言,其创新精神显著低于其他年龄分组,存在中年创新瓶颈的问题。因此,应推动制度企业家向创新企业家的转型,增强企业家群体的换血功能,以助力中年企业家尽快冲破中年创新瓶颈。  相似文献   

Hong Zhang 《Applied economics》2013,45(56):6021-6033
Gender differences in the labor market have attracted significant attention from economists, who focus on gender differences not only in wages but also in promotions. However, the research on gender differences in promotions within the internal labor market is scant, especially in China. By taking advantage of rare personnel administration data from a large firm in China, this paper explores different aspects of the gender promotion gap, and then further discusses the contribution of several individual and organizational variables in accounting for gender differences in each aspect of promotions.  相似文献   

Recent theories have provided a persuasive account of a key stylized fact of mature economies: the common long-run trends of average real wages and labor productivity, and the ensuing stationarity of functional distribution. Central to these theories is the notion of directed technical change, which claims that a rise in labor costs sparks the adoption of labor-saving innovations. This paper empirically examines a core prediction of these theories, namely that shocks to functional distribution elicit compensatory adjustments in real product wages and labor productivity. Using two disaggregated data-sets of manufacturing industries (EU-Klems and Unido), I find evidence of cointegration and two-way, long-run Granger causality between these two variables. These findings suggest that directed technical change is indeed key for producing stationarity in functional distribution, and they complement the recent empirical literature on distributive cycles and productivity growth. Preliminary evidence from the Unido data-set also suggests the importance of directed technical change in developing countries. To illuminate the empirical procedure, I present a theoretical model of growth and distribution with directed technical change.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the effects of goods market segmentation on interregional labor mobility using data from National Population Surveys in China. The findings reveal that a one-standard deviation increase in the goods market segmentation index reduces interprovincial migration by 4.0%. Restraining interregional trade and improving industrial specialization are the two mechanisms at work. Further analysis indicates that the restrictive effect of goods market segmentation is greater on highly educated laborers and the labor flows from poorer to richer regions. The heterogeneous analysis also implies that migrants are more concerned about educational resources and consumption diversity.  相似文献   

In this paper, we go beyond traditional measures of cognitive abilities (IQ) in explaining labor market and social outcomes in developing countries. We exploit a rich dataset from Ghana that provides information on demographics, labor market outcomes, and a direct measure of cognitive ability along with other test scores to construct a measure of sustained attention. Our work is therefore related to the broader literature in psychology on the importance of executive function on individual behavior and outcomes. We find that, at least for the case of Ghana, after controlling for IQ and other covariates, higher levels of sustained attention are associated with higher educational attainment and a higher likelihood of being employed in a white‐collar job.  相似文献   

This paper tests whether wages in Japan’s labor market are determined by current or past labor market conditions. The empirical results are consistent with a model suggesting that labor market mobility may be limited and costly in Japan for men.  相似文献   

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