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This paper is directed at understanding the factors which caused mortgage demand to fluctuate to the degree witnessed in the 1980s. We model the mortgage choice decision as involving simultaneous options on both the term and the amortization choice, by cost minimizing risk averse borrowers. The model is estimated using a bivariate ordered probit methodology. An extensive database containing details on the financial and demographic characteristics of households is used. We find that, contrary to the dominant model of mortgage demand, borrowers react to market conditions in a risk averse and cost minimizing manner.  相似文献   

The aims of this research are twofold; first, to determine which human resource (HR) functions are most commonly outsourced in Australian organisations and second, to explore the motivation to outsource these HR functions. Results from a nationwide survey identified recruitment and selection, training, occupational health and safety, payroll and employee benefits as the top five outsourced HR functions. The three common reasons to outsource these functions were to acquire specialised HR capabilities, improve quality and efficiency, and to free resources to concentrate on the strategic role of HR. Four main outsourcing drivers–resources, learning, cost saving and political–were identified, which offer explanations for the most commonly outsourced HR functions. Apart from the learning factor, these are consistent with motivations for outsourcing in non-HR areas.  相似文献   

A bstract . A section of the informal credit market in an agrarian society is explored, namely the usufructuary land mortgage , a type of money-lending contract that is common in rural economies of South Asia. In this type of transaction, the lender charges no explicit interest on the loan, but since the mortgagee is free to utilize the land for his own cultivation , net income from the land is, in effect, an implicit form of interest payment. Issues relating to the determination of the rate of interest and the oft-found phenomenon of undervaluation of the collateral are discussed. A model is provided that shows the proper relationship between undervaluation of collaterals and the high implicit usufruct rates of interest. This relationship can only be understood by defining the opportunity cost of money in terms of purchasing new land. It is shown that, for any rate of default less than 100%, return from money lending is lower than return from land purchase under certain circumstances. It is then argued that undervaluation of collateral may be a mechanism to compensate the lender for the opportunity cost of his funds.  相似文献   

美国反向抵押贷款发展历程及对我国的启迪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国老龄化问题的日趋严重,引进国外已经开办的反向抵押贷款产品以缓解整个社会的养老压力,目前已经纳入议事日程.但这一产品应当如何运作,借鉴美国开办反向抵押贷款业务的现成经验,并给予本土化改造就很有必要.本文对美国反向抵押贷款的发展历程做了较为深入、全面的分析,以对我国反向抵押贷款业务的开办及相关政策制定、产品研发等有所启迪.  相似文献   

The present article discusses the problem of separating the motivation conceptempirically from other relevant concepts in research on mass media audiences.For about half a century, audience researchers use questionnaire items with adistinct format as measurements of motivations for media exposure. It isargued that these motivation items grammatically reflect the nature of themotivation concept as a theoretically intermediate variable between behaviourand its social or mental background, thus constituting the most plausibleindicators of the concept. However, it is also argued that these questionnaireitems are double-barrelled and that any measurement of motivations based onthe items can largely be considered an ambiguous mixture of behaviour and itssocial or mental origin. A study is presented that provides empirical support for this position.  相似文献   

Little attention has been given to the role of the initial discount in the pricing of adjustable-rate mortgages. Only recently has the importance of the initial discount in the selection of adjustable-rate mortgages been recognized. This study finds that the initial discount plays a central role in the pricing process. It is shown that the initial discount is related to the features of adjustable-rate mortgages, such as the points, the caps, and most importantly the margin, the interest rate environment, and the demand for adjustable-rate mortgages.  相似文献   

论会计师事务所行业专业化经营的动因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过理论分析,论证了会计师事务所行业专业化经营能有效纾缓审计风险,传递高质量产品信号,进而获取特定领域的竞争优势,最终促进事务所的规模化发展。  相似文献   

Enterprise system (ES) adoption can bring many benefits, but may also put tremendous strain on an organisation or business, sometimes with disastrous outcomes. The specific motivations and expectations that lead to ES adoption may impact the success or failure of these endeavours, and understanding these motivations may be useful in predicting the success of ES projects. Most of the published research on ES adoption motivation has been in the context of highly developed countries. The social, cultural, economic and political conditions in developing, emerging and transition economies make for a different business environment, and insights obtained from developed countries may not always transfer to these settings. This study seeks to identify and help understand the motivations for ES adoption specifically in transition economies, as these economies play a significant role in the global market, but have not been receiving adequate research attention. Drawing on the experience of 129 ES adopters in Poland, a transition economy, this study categorises motivations into coherent groups of issues and evaluates the influence of discovered motivations on ES adoption success. Further, motivations revealed by this study are compared with motivations reported by prior research conducted in developed countries.  相似文献   

This study examines the motivations for imitation in retailers' online channel entry. Extant literature suggests that legitimacy and efficiency are the primary motivators for firms to imitate. We develop hypotheses that center on the belief that not all firm types would use the same motivator for deciding to imitate and enter the online market; legitimacy would be the driving force for some retailer types whereas efficiency would be the motivator for others. We test our hypotheses on unique data collected from multiple sources. Our findings confirm that the motivators for imitation vary across retailer types. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There is a long, interdisciplinary tradition of examining why organizations remove privileges from members as a part of disciplinary action. In contrast, little is known about why organizations return privileges after disciplinary action has occurred. Nonetheless, such reinstatement is ubiquitous in organizations. This paper provides a starting point for a theory of reinstatement by using the emerging theoretical domain of relationship repair. Treating reinstatement as relationship repair highlights the importance of causal attribution, social equilibrium, relationship structure, and power as means of relationship repair. The paper uses these four bases of relationship repair to develop a series of specific motivations for why managers might reinstate privileges.  相似文献   

如今越来越多的消费者通过C2C电子商务平台购其所需的同时,将其闲置不用的商品或转卖、或交换。在界定职业卖家与非职业卖家概念的基础上,依据动机与目的的不同将非职业卖家的销售动机划分为有计划或无计划的全新商品销售行为、有计划或无计划的非全新商品销售行为等四种不同类型,并对其行为进行分析发现,通过无计划销售形式推动商品有效流通和提升有计划销售者的专业水准增强市场引领能力,可以有效规范电子商务市场,为商品市场带来新的变化。  相似文献   

现有研究认为项目武(BPO)是复杂产品系统(CoPS)实施最适合的组织结构,然而在项目实践中多数CoPS项目均未完全采用这一组织结构。本文以此现象为研究对象,主要采用文献研究和案例研究方法,借助问卷调查和访谈等手段,比较分析了四个典型复杂产品项目实施过程中组织结构的动态调整的过程。研究表明,在复杂产品系统需求分析、系统结构设计、模块开发阶段,项目的组织结构形式是从弱矩阵式逐步过渡到强矩阵式进而发晨为对接式项目团队,在系统集成阶段,进一步演化为项目式组织结构。  相似文献   

杨博 《价值工程》2010,29(19):106-107
在梗丝生产过程中,投料控制程序的稳定以及烟梗质量的好坏直接影响着成品烟丝的质量,因此,烟梗筛选除尘是制丝线生产的关键步骤。从切向分离器在生产中堵料的实际问题入手,通过在切向分离器中滚网下面加装了一套可调节式喷吹管装置,有效解决了烟梗在进入切向分离器之后,夹杂在烟梗中的灰尘和杂质滞留在滚网上,造成网眼的大面积堵塞,风力不能有效的输送,最终导致堵料的问题。改造后的切向分离器性能良好,运转稳定,保证了梗丝生产的顺利进行。  相似文献   

土耳其是国际反倾销的新兴使用者,在1995年-2008年间,反倾销诉讼数量达到百起的十个反倾销大国中,土耳其反倾销诉讼总量排位第九,但是其对华反倾销诉讼强度却居十国之首。文章通过对土耳其反倾销应用的新趋势及其影响因素的实证分析发现,土耳其反倾销诉讼同时受到宏观经济因素和报复性动机的影响。  相似文献   

李晓燕 《价值工程》2013,(28):66-67
降低火力发电厂的供电煤耗,对缓解燃料的供应和促进国民经济的发展有着十分重要的意义。笔者以某电厂为例,从提高汽轮机效率、锅炉效率、降低厂用电率等方面探讨降低供电煤耗率的途径。  相似文献   

陈嘉伟  邱杰 《当代会计》2021,(1):117-119
继浑水发布做空报告后,LK公司于2020年4月自曝2019年年度审计期间发现相关业务数据巨额造假,引起社会广泛关注.企业战略,尤其是商业模式,已经成为管理层产生财务报表层次重大错报风险的重要诱因.文章以GONE理论作为工具来识别和预判财务舞弊的倾向和风险,解释了企业管理层进行财务舞弊的动因.做空机构基于企业战略层面的潜...  相似文献   

描述利率动态行为的GARCH-JUMP模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在利率的动态行为中,结合考虑利率的跳跃与异方差特征,在引入一个利率自回归条件跳跃密度的前提下,推导出一个GARCH-JUMP模型,从而对利率动态变化中的正常波动与跳跃波动行为进行描述。  相似文献   

高校教师个人所得税的纳税筹划   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高校教师收入水平的不断提升,国家税务总局明确提出将高等院校作为个人所得税征管的重点。高等院校应根据高校教师收入的特点,设计合理的薪酬体系、福利制度,在合理合法的限度内尽可能降低高校教师的税收负担。本文简要阐述了高校教师收入及其薪酬体系的基本情况,在此基础上提出了高校教师个人所得税纳税筹划的途径,希望能在一定程度上降低高校教师的税收负担。  相似文献   

财务报告舞弊动因分析与警戒信号识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舞弊风险的评价是注册会计师在财务报告审计中能否有效查出舞弊的关键环节。学术界对这个方面已作了大量的研究,发现舞弊警戒信号可以帮助注册会计师提高准确评价舞弊风险水平的能力。本文主要就财务报告中的舞弊动因与警戒信号等问题作深入探讨。  相似文献   

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