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一、当前国内旅游业发展的新常态 2014年5月,习近平总书记在河南考察时第一次提出了“适应新常态”.这种国内经济“新常态”是相对之前的“常态”而言的一种阶段性概念,表现出几个主要特点:一是速度,“从高速增长转为中高速增长”;二是结构,“经济结构不断优化升级”;三是动力,“从要素驱动、投资驱动转向创新驱动”.旅游业作为国民经济的重要产业,新常态也将给中国旅游业转型升级带来新的发展机遇.  相似文献   

中国经济正式迈入严峻的中高速增长的“新常态”时期,国内旅游业“却像冬天的腊梅,逆势增长、鲜艳夺目”,对消费、投资和出口的拉动作用越来越强劲,成为中国应对“新常态”的有力杠杆.然而,在既有经济形势之下,面对大数据、云计算、物联网、“互联网+”等信息化、智慧化浪潮,以及“一带一路”、“亚投行”等宏观战略,如何应对挑战、把握机遇,进而推动中国旅游业提质增效、转型升级,实现其杠杆作用最大化,是一大难题.国内外发展经验表明,智库已经成为国家软实力的重要构成和表现之一,是推动国家发展的“思想之手”,是独立于立法、司法、行政之外的“第四权力”,影响着国家公共政策和公共决策趋向.因此,有效解决上述难题,建设中国新型旅游智库,加强基础理论研究和创新,形成科学的公共政策和公共决策,以促进旅游业和国民经济更好发展,尤为关键和重要.  相似文献   

新冠疫情对全球邮轮旅游业产生了严重的影响,改变了邮轮网络的地理空间格局。本文主要分析了疫情前期、疫情初期和疫情后期3个阶段的邮轮网络格局和空间特征,研究发现:(1)疫情前期,邮轮网络呈现出全球性的线状分布格局;(2)疫情初期,邮轮网络呈点状分布,在区域层面、国家层面和港口层面具有显著的集聚性特征;在企业层面,因企业船队规模的大小差异,邮轮网络分别呈点状散布和集聚分布;中国-东亚区域邮轮网络呈现出空白化特征,主要源于出入境管理和港口布局的差异。(3)疫情后期,全球邮轮经历了尝试性复航到部分复航,邮轮网络由单一区域到多区域的渐进变化。最后,基于疫情发展和邮轮网络演进特征,从未复航区域和已复航区域两个方面,重点讨论了东亚、澳新等区域邮轮网络可能的重构格局和已复航区域邮轮网络未来的扩展变化,以期为后疫情时代邮轮运营商的网络组织、全球邮轮网络的演进提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

技术溢出、空间差异与旅游业增长趋同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用相关经济理论的分析框架,利用地理权重回归模型等进行分析表明,2000-2013年我国省域旅游经济及其子行业增长存在β趋同现象,技术溢出是增长趋同的主要原因.绝对β趋同过程中,总体旅游经济、旅行社、酒店和景区行业都在以不同的速度趋向区域均衡.各区域内部的绝对β趋同过程具明显的空间集聚特征,区域之间的趋同速度则呈现出较强的空间差异性.在趋同机制上,资本深化除对酒店行业在总体上产生了显著作用之外,对总体旅游经济及其他行业的增长趋同并未产生显著作用.技术溢出的显著作用及其空间集聚性特征,体现了相对落后地区通过对先进地区的快速学习和模仿,区域旅游业增长在日益趋向均衡.转变增长方式、提升资本深化的促进作用与溢出效应等,将有利于区域旅游业在动态均衡中实现可持续增长.  相似文献   

近年来,我国旅游业的发展发生巨大的变化,国家旅游局原副局长杜一力将其精辟地概括为以下4个方面②:一是旅游由少部分人的生活追求变成为大多数人的生活要素,中国进入大众旅游时代;二是中国人的旅游脚印越走越远,不仅走遍中国,还“玩转世界”,全球进入中国旅游时代;三是旅游者自身,正从原来的观光饱眼福阶段,进入身体放松、心灵放空的休闲度假时代;四是旅游业和信息科技产业两个领域的主体交汇,旅游发展进入了互联网时代,游客行为发生了翻天覆地的变化.  相似文献   

运用GIS技术结合探索性空间数据分析方法,选取2001年、2005年和2010年3个时间断面数据,探讨了转型时期泛长三角城市旅游经济空间集聚及异质性空间格局演化特征,并基于半变异函数进行了空间异质性格局的模拟。结果表明:泛长三角城市旅游经济空间集聚态势明显,人均入境旅游收入、人均旅游总收入及其增长空间格局集聚态势差异显著,以上海和南京为中心的集聚区表现异常凸显。同时,空间滞后模型检验发现,最小二乘法估计的F统计量均大于100,拟合优度在0.8以上,最小二乘法估计的残差通过1%检验.经济发展水平、交通发展程度对城市旅游经济发展起到了较大的促进作用,旅游经济中心的极核作用越来越显著。结构化梯度引起的关联效应呈现上升态势,控制旅游经济发展的全过程,结构性因素和随机性因素的综合作用,共同促进了旅游经济的整体提升,随着区域旅游合作机制的不断深入,异质性格局将呈现弱化态势。  相似文献   

在中国旅游业快速发展的背景下,旅游地理学研究成果始终结合国家战略需求,为中国旅游实践提供重要的理论支撑。中国旅游地理学者在此进程中形成了突出影响,在“绿水青山就是金山银山”这一重要理念的支撑下,旅游业是将资源环境优势转化为生态经济优势的重要途径,通过建立生态产品价值实现机制,构建“绿水青山”转化为“金山银山”的政策制度体系;凭借资源优势,发展旅游业成为落后地区摆脱贫困的重要手段,通过对旅游多维减贫效应的测度和分析,有助于更加精准地识别贫困,进而研究旅游发展对于贫困地区经济、社会、文化和环境的多维减贫效应。交通运输系统作为我国国民经济中基础性、先导性、战略性产业和重要的服务性行业,其要素的变动对旅游发展及多尺度旅游空间结构带来了巨大的影响,通过对新时期交通影响下旅游空间格局的演化、旅游影响区域的差异、旅游交通空间行为等的研究,可以为旅游交通的可持续和高质量发展提供一定的理论支撑。面对国家战略需求和工作重点,旅游地理研究实践须与国家需求有效结合,来拓展广阔的学术天地。  相似文献   

休闲经济时代的旅游资源分类与评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李红玉 《旅游学刊》2006,21(1):11-11
随着知识经济时代的到来和社会人群消费能力的增长,发达国家和地区正在进入休闲时代,在中国都市地区和旅游城市,休闲也成为一种主流时尚文化,并相应产生多种市场需求,在旅游业和娱乐业基础上发展起来休闲经济,形成了地区新的经济增长点,很多城市的经济增长模式已经由依靠单一产业转向依靠休闲业及其相关产业.休闲经济内容涉及旅游、房地产、文化娱乐、交通、餐饮业、社区服务等以及由此连带的产业群,休闲产业是指建立在休闲的大众化基础之上,由休闲消费需求和休闲产品供给构筑的经济.未来学家指出:"休闲是新千年全球经济发展的五大推动力中的第一引擎","休闲业正在发展成为世界最大的产业".  相似文献   

基于空间生产理论的研究视角,本文以广东省江门市蓬江区“环五邑华侨广场商圈”夜间经济集聚区为案例地,运用深度访谈和文本分析等质性研究方法,尝试从消费者的角度探讨城市夜间经济集聚区消费空间的生产过程。研究发现:消费者感受到来自政府和规划设计者的权力规训和引导;空间形象塑造和规章准则作为开发运营商主要的资本规训因素对消费者及经营服务者产生影响,消费者表现出“认同、顺应”的行为策略,但消费者在空间感知的基础上与权力、资本规训展开博弈;权力话语主体和消费话语主体在夜间经济集聚区空间中同时进行生产,营造出新的空间实践。文章旨在推动城市后现代消费空间的塑造及夜间经济的发展。  相似文献   

文章使用2005-2012年全国各省份的旅游业相关数据作为样本,运用系统矩估计方法,实证分析了产业集聚对旅游业全要素生产率的影响,并探讨了产业集聚对全要素生产率的作用机理.结果表明:第一,我国旅游业的年均全要素生产率增长为8.4%,其中技术进步实现增长10.2%,但是技术效率退化了1.6%,表现在纯技术效率和规模效率的恶化.第二,旅游业产业集聚对各省旅游业的全要素生产率具有显著的正向影响,产业集聚程度较高的地区,旅游业的全要素生产率也较高.第三,旅游业产业集聚对旅游业的技术效率具有显著为正的影响,但是对旅游业的技术进步影响并不显著,产业集聚对旅游业全要素生产率的促进作用主要是通过改善旅游业技术效率实现的.第四,产业集聚能够有效促进旅游业规模效率和纯技术效率的提升,但是二者在程度上存在较大差异,其对规模效率的促进作用小于其对纯技术效率的影响.  相似文献   

This article addresses the extent to which the opportunity to enter into a sexual relationship with Western female tourists poses a challenge to the vast number of self-employed young men in Indonesian tourism destinations. The areas compared in this article (Lombok and Yogyakarta) differ in terms of Butlers resort area cycle. Whereas Yogyakarta is about to enter the consolidation phase, Lombok has only started to develop tourism. The position in the area life cycle affects the opportunities and restrictions that self-employed young males encounter in their participation in the informal tourism sector and, as a consequence, their expectations regarding relationships with female tourists.  相似文献   

The current literature on volunteering in tourism is very Western-centric, and volunteering in different cultural contexts needs to be further explored. This study is devoted to exploring the local understanding of tourism-related issues in China so as to give critical tourism by engaging local epistemology. Through a qualitative design, this research explores how volunteering is conceptualized in the context of tourism in China. Findings identify that the highlight of voluntary spirit, serving others by giving time/skills/knowledge and mutual help are three dimensions of conceptualization. It indicates that there are different meanings of volunteering in the Chinese context. This research takes a further step and reflects the applicability of the Western conceptualization of volunteering in the Chinese tourism context. This research presents a contribution to the epistemological decolonisation of tourism knowledge production in Chinese context.  相似文献   

This paper explores the phenomenon of conflict in tourism development in rural China. Four cases were selected and analyzed as part of this exploration. The study identified eight major conflict issues: land expropriation, ticket revenue distribution, vending rights, tourism management rights, house demolition, house building, entry restrictions, and village elections. The conflict evolution process indicates that these issues are dynamic and connected rather than static and isolated. Local government was found to be the most important conflicting party for local people due to its authority and economic interests in tourism development. In addition, an often-ignored conflicting party, villagers' committees, was found to have limitations in maintaining local people's interests. The findings of this study shed light on this complicated and sensitive tourism conflict phenomenon in rural China. A couple of practical implications for local authorities and UNESCO are outlined at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The article examines the case for involvement of government in the tourism sector in developing countries and makes definitional distinctions between passive and active involvement. It is argued that in most developing countries government involvement in tourism is required not only to attain long-term objectives but to compensate for the absence of a strong and tourism-experienced private sector. Five areas of concern for government involvement are discussed, and conclusions relate to the need for government-private sector cooperation for development purposes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the factors influencing community participation in ecotourism and how this affects conservation in the Nature Reserves of Mombacho Volcano and Datanlí-El Diablo in Nicaragua. Information was collected using individual structured and semi-structured interviews and focus groups, with local people, farmers and tour operators, combining quantitative and qualitative techniques. The farmers in the two communities are engaged in the protection of the reserves because of environmental concern and also because their own welfare is at stake. In different ways, the farmers and communities benefit from ecotourism, but not enough. Either they are excluded from the management system, or they lack resources to promote the sites and improve infrastructure. Community participation is to a large extent dependent on the management system, but it is not the only aspect required to make ecotourism successful. A minimum of governmental support to infrastructure and local entrepreneurship is required. In the case presented, there are direct economic benefits from ecotourism, as the records of visitors illustrate. But there are many differences between the two reserves and their communities, illustrating that ecotourism development is complex and demanding, and demonstrating that ecotourism is not a “one size fits all” approach to sustainable development.  相似文献   

This literature review of the research in strategic management in the hospitality industry covers the 2 year period of 2002–2003. Using a contingency model framework for the analysis the research reported in refereed journals in the field of hospitality is reported. Additionally, research that considered the context of the hospitality industry but published in non-hospitality refereed journals was also included. Key issues and needs in the area are provided at the conclusion.  相似文献   

The sporadic development of hotel facilities in a developing West African city like Accra in Ghana, coupled with their consumption of natural resources and generation of waste has implications for environmental sustainability. This article therefore seeks to ascertain hotel managers’ attitude towards environmental management and to examine their commitment to environmental management through the implementation of environmental policies and programs. The study took the form of a survey of managers of 200 hotels, ranging from budget to four-star rated, employing the stratified random sampling procedure. Though a greater number of hotel managers had a positive attitude towards environmental management, it was the upscale and larger hotels that were more committed to environmental management especially in terms of having; a designated officer responsible for environmental management, written environmental policy statement, environmental action plan, a history of implementing environmental programs and ecolabelling or environment related certification. The article proposes interhotel collaboration in environmental management so that smaller hotels could profit from the experiences and resources of larger hotels.  相似文献   

There is limited research published on the significance of volunteer tourism in assisting host communities in the recovery of a tourism destination and its industry after a disaster. Our paper addresses this research gap with reference to a case study of Nepal's tourism recovery after the country's 2015 earthquake. We argue that a clear post disaster volunteer tourism framework could validate volunteer tourism's potential role to ensure that communities do not miss out on any form of assistance that may be of use in re-establishing destination or community lifestyle. Our paper provides an initial exploratory understanding of how post disaster volunteer tourism might be effective; it uses a disaster management framework to conceptualise the phenomenon.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differences between the leisure time activities of members of the minority and majority populations of Estonia. Because people only meet when they undertake similar activities, it is important for social cohesion to identify the kinds of activities that different ethnic groups engage in during their free time. The data for this study were obtained from the Estonian Time Use Surveys of 2000 and 2010. In this paper, we analyse rates of participation in various cultural events, entertainment activities, outdoor recreation and sport. Our analysis reveals important ethnic differences in almost all leisure activities that partly stem from the uneven distribution of minorities over settlement types. Less than half of the differences relate to socio-economic status and individual wealth. The rest of ethnic segmentation in leisure activities can be attributed to preferences, differential residential patterns of ethnic groups over Estonia’s regions and the feeling of being a stranger in leisure time places where other ethnic groups are already over-represented.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the gendered economy of ethnic minority souvenir vending in Thailand’s urban and coastal tourist areas. Increasing numbers of the Akha minority group have migrated towards tourist hotspots to engage in urban souvenir vending. Ethnographic research shows that according to the Akha gender division of labour, souvenir production and distribution are considered women’s work. Peddling on foot, female Akha souvenir vendors are at the bottom of the informal tourism economy. It is shown that urban ethnic tourism primarily reproduces gender asymmetry in the division of work and that contestations of gender roles prove to be difficult. Mobile street vending enables ethnic minority women to become breadwinners of households but simultaneously reinforces gender inequality.  相似文献   

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