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李洁  郭晓希  李扬 《西部旅游》2023,(20):72-74
<正>京津冀地区非物质文化遗产资源丰富,其地缘相接、人缘相亲、地域一体、文化一脉、交往半径相宜,具有一体化发展的基础。在新时代文旅深度融合发展和京津冀协同发展的背景下,合理活化京津冀地区非物质文化遗产资源,推动演艺类非物质文化遗产实现高质量、可持续发展,是一项极其重要的任务。  相似文献   

<正>非物质文化遗产是在社会发展的过程中形成的,是带有地方特色的智慧结晶。在河南省实施文旅文创融合发展战略的背景下,非物质文化遗产与旅游业正逐步走向深度融合。河南省非物质文化遗产资源丰富、项目众多,在非遗与旅游融合发展方面取得了一定的成就,但也存在一些问题。河南省应抓住非遗与旅游融合发展的机遇,丰富非物质文化遗产与旅游融合发展的模式,全面满足河南“非遗+旅游”深度融合发展的现实需求,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

方栋 《西部旅游》2022,(20):58-60
山东省潍坊市地处山东半岛中部,非物质文化遗产众多,且乡村旅游资源丰富,但是乡村旅游产品同质化严重,发展受阻。基于此,如何将潍坊市的非物质文化遗产融入乡村旅游产业,成为当下需要思考的重点问题。文章首先总结了潍坊市非遗融入乡村旅游产业取得的成绩,并分析了潍坊市乡村旅游发展过程中存在的问题,然后以井塘古村为例,运用赫芬达尔指数法对非遗与乡村旅游的融合度进行研究,最终得出潍坊市非物质文化遗产融入乡村旅游产业的对策。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产与旅游的不解之缘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据联合国教科文组织通过的《保护非物质文化遗产公约》中的定义,非物质文化遗产指被各群体、团体、有时为个人所视为其文化遗产的各种实践、表演、表现形式、知识体系和技能及其有关的工具、实物、工艺品和文化场所。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产与中国目的地营销   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期以来,中国作为目的地营销的主要旅游资源是文化遗产,中国拥有悠久且连续的文明发展史,对境外市场而言,中国是具有独特东方文化魅力的旅游目的地.不过,在营销过程中,我们过分重视了像长城、秦兵马俑等物质文化遗产,而对丰富的非物质文化遗产的营销,未能给予足够的重视.在旅游业发展中,非物质文化遗产作为旅游目的地重要的吸引要素,在目的地营销中理应占有重要的地位.  相似文献   

黄亚 《西部旅游》2023,(18):32-34
<正>饮食类非物质文化遗产是非物质文化遗产的重要组成部分,是文旅融合背景下旅游资源开发的重要基础。贵州拥有众多饮食类非遗,独具特色,且蕴含丰富的文化内涵。文章在研究饮食类非物质文化遗产内涵的基础上,分析贵州饮食类非物质文化遗产的价值,发现贵州现有的饮食类非遗存在与旅游的融合发展方式单一、品牌影响力不足、缺乏整体规划、产业链不完整等问题,进而提出政府积极引导、构建品牌体系以及加大宣传力度等应对措施,促进贵州饮食类非遗与旅游融合发展。  相似文献   

近年来,徐州的休闲农业旅游得到了长足的发展,但产品特色不足,经营者又缺乏专业能力,这成为制约徐州休闲农业发展的瓶颈.因此,本文的目的就是并通过市场细分找出徐州休闲农业的特定目标市场.本文运用STP目标营销模型来细分徐州休闲农业市场,以此供徐州休闲农业经营者作为市场细分、吸引游客及改善休闲农业景点环境设施的依据,从而也使得经营者更明确地掌握市场方向,以达到满足徐州居民旅游需求,并创造经营利润的双赢局面.  相似文献   

四川凉山州拥有丰富独特的非物质文化遗产资源,目前已被列入国家、省、州级非物质文化遗产名录的共包括民间文学、民间音乐、民间舞蹈等八个领域近百个项目;该州在申报和保护这些项目方面虽取得了较好成效,但现实中仍面临着严峻挑战.在陈述该州非物质文化遗产资源概况的基础上,比较深入地分析了保护现状,有针对性地提出了合理化建议,以更好地促进当地非物质文化遗产的保护.  相似文献   

杜行行 《西部旅游》2022,(20):76-78
非物质文化遗产承载着中华文化的发展历史,是中华优秀传统文化的重要组成部分,而文化生态环境的快速更新使得部分非物质文化遗产面临生存、传承窘境。文章通过人力资源管理的相关理论及机制模型,不断完善非遗传承人培养模式与薪酬管理制度,以期提升非物质文化遗产的保护传承能力。  相似文献   

This paper aims at testing the effectiveness of using an image-based approach to segment the cultural tourism market. Identifying 14 image attributes of cultural attractions, Taiwan's inbound tourists were then surveyed to rate the importance of these attributes. Applying a factor–cluster segmentation approach, four discrete image segments were identified, including arts and museum, heritage, living culture, and resulted in a sample of 954 respondents. The research findings reveal several theoretical and empirical implications, including the propositions of cultural distance, omnivorous/univorous, experiential and informational familiarity of destination and the two-dimensional model of cultural tourist typology.  相似文献   

The heritage tourism market has developed from being regarded as a small niche segment to a mainstream market of considerable size. In Taiwan, diversified heritage resources hold considerable appeal to the international tourism market. Little research has been completed on international heritage tourists to Taiwan, so this study utilized Taiwan as a case study and examined international tourists to the destination. It first employed cluster analysis based on activity participation to segment the market and test for the existence of “heritage tourists”. Three groups of international tourists to Taiwan were identified and they were labelled as “heritage”, “shopping” and “non-specialists”. The heritage group had a high participation rate in visiting heritage relics (90.6%). The study also profiled tourists according to the reasons they travelled to Taiwan and socio-demographic variables. The heritage tourists and other activity participation groups were compared to reveal the major motivational and socio-demographic differences involved. The findings showed that “international heritage tourists to Taiwan” were a group of visitors with relatively younger ages, middle levels of income and higher educational levels. The study defined heritage tourists who indicated visiting heritage sites as part of their reason for visiting Taiwan as “motivated heritage visitors”. Other heritage tourists who participated in heritage activities, but did not list heritage tourism as a reason for visiting Taiwan, were defined as “heritage site visitors”. Finally, the study profiled the two groups of heritage tourists and compared them, with significant differences being found in ages and nationalities.  相似文献   

Tourism represents a principal sector of the economy of Taiwan. Consequently, the government is currently focusing on developing the country as a major tourist destination in Asia. Thus, the primary aims of this research were to explore factors related to tourists’ motivations to visit Taiwan as well as the demographic segmentation of these foreign tourists. Using a convenience sample, 249 surveys were collected and analyzed. The results show that five push (enlightenment and reputation; unusual and affection; freedom; interpersonal communication and sharing; and family and friends relationship) and six pull factors (attitude and quality of service; cost, shopping, and tasting; diverse attraction; culture connections; sport facilities, wildlife and events; and accessibility) play important roles in the motivations of foreign tourists. Furthermore, foreign tourists can be clustered into five groups based on motivation (scenery/knowledge seekers, accessibility/expenditure seekers, relaxation/relation seekers, novelty/experience seekers, sport/service seekers) and five demographic groups (gender, age, marital status, nationality, and income). According to these results, suggestions are made as to how Taiwan could effectively develop tourism policies and marketing strategies to attract international tourists.  相似文献   

In 1991, Ayutthaya, the former capital city of Thailand and now an archaeological park, was inscribed on the World Heritage List. Currently, it receives some one million international visitors a year, mainly day-trippers from Bangkok. Despite this, the on-site interpretation put in place in 1992 (largely signage in Thai and English) has never been assessed in terms of the content of the signs and the reactions of visitors. This paper pertains to one part of the first extensive study of the interpretation employed at Ayutthaya, a study that included a visitor survey that was both a demographic study and an initial investigation into the cross-cultural dimension of interpretation at Ayutthaya. The international visitation to this World Heritage Site is overwhelmingly Western and, therefore, a critical issue arises: what do non-Asian, non-Thai and non-Buddhist visitors gain from the experience? If the visitor is not of the same culture being experienced, and if cross-cultural translation itself is a highly complex and sometimes contentious and problematic process, then it is likely that the deeper cultural significance of the site cannot be well understood in a one-day visit. If the deeper meanings of Ayutthaha remain elusive, does it follow that appreciating the cultural and heritage values of the site is, in direct proportion, an unattainable goal? The study points towards what may be possible when heritage interpretation, in an age of unprecedented global travel, is regarded as a negotiation of a cultural divide.  相似文献   

This paper utilises a motive-based segmentation to understand tourists to cultural heritage sites in Arizona, USA. The data for this study were collected through mail survey from a representative sample of 671 tourists to three Native American cultural heritage sites. Using cluster analysis based upon motives for cultural history learning, three distinct segments were found: (1) ‘culture-focused,’ (2) ‘culture-attentive’ and (3) ‘culture-appreciative’ tourists. These groups differed significantly in terms of behaviour, experience and interpretation. The culture-focused segments spent longer at the sites, stayed more nights away from home, considered visiting archeological sites as their primary activity, and placed more importance on interpretation. In addition, the culture-focused groups were more satisfied with their trip, appreciated the preservation of archeological resources and reported more learning experiences. Overall, the study supports the notion that heterogeneity exists within cultural heritage tourist markets. Implications of these findings in conceptualisation, management and marketing cultural heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

The tourism industry plays a key role in regional and destination development. As negative environmental and socio-cultural impacts of mass tourism become more common, the appeal of alternative forms of tourism, especially ecotourism, continues to increase. With rising demand, ecotourism operators are facing the task of meeting expectations of diverse consumers of ecotourism products. Accordingly, the need to define and distinguish ecotourists from other types of tourists has become important. The importance of using a behavioral approach to distinguish ecotourists from other types of tourists is emphasized by tourism scholars. This study developed distinct motivational and behavioral profiles of visitors to forest-based ecotourism sites in Sri Lanka. Results identified four different types of tourists based on their behavioral and motivational characteristics: ecotourists, picnickers, egoistic tourists, and adventure tourists. Broad implications of visitor profiling are also discussed. This approach can help ecotourism operators to better tailor marketing strategies and increase visitor satisfaction.  相似文献   

Studies on market segmentation based on travelers' push motivation have been conducted without implementing a statistically validated procedure for establishing the segmented markets. The purpose of this study is to identify validated traveler market segments by examining what travelers' push motivation dimensions are among the heterogeneity of travelers to a major metropolitan area. The six push motivation dimensions were extracted from the 20 motivation items by conducting factor analysis (i.e., Social/Interaction, Excitement/Fun, Relaxation, Sightseeing, Family/Friends, and Sports). Cluster analysis identified the three homogeneous groups of travelers. Subsequent discriminant analysis verified the existence of the three travelers' markets in the metropolitan area. Managerial implications are suggested for the three push motivation‐based segments.  相似文献   

Motivational responses of four hundred backpacker visitors to the Wet Tropics region of Northern Australia were examined in conjunction with enjoyment expectations, preferences for the company of other tourist and negative experiences encountered while at the destination. Levels of Maslows (1954) hierarchy of needs motivations. Positive motivations were inferred form anticipated positive experiences, whereas negative motivations were inferred from anticipated negative experiences at this destination. Most likely positive motivators were friendships/relationships and personal fulfillment whereas most likely negative motivators involved accommodation and food/drink. Examination of patterns of association between motivational levels and enjoyment levels, preference for company and reported negative experiences suggest important theoretical associations. Implications of these findings for this growing segment of visitors have been explored.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of cultural distance on the behavior of international pleasure tourists who visited Hong Kong. It analyzes data drawn from the Hong Kong Tourism Board's Visitor Profile Report, and tests whether cultural distance has a similar impact on behavior as noted in previous studies examining physical distance. The study concludes that cultural distance exerts a modest impact on such attributes as demand, travel party composition, trip profile, behaviors, expenditure and satisfaction.  相似文献   

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