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金融全球化是一个动态的发展过程,其程度随着跨国公司的对外资本扩张、机构投资者的投资规模扩大以及各金融主体之间依赖程度的提高而不断加深.在不同发展阶段的国家都不同程度地参与其中,分享金融全球化带来的利益,同时分担由此而产生的风险.文章在对金融全球化与国际资本流动的关系,趋势特征进行概述的基础上,分析了我国国际资本的循环结构并提出建议.  相似文献   

对内幕交易的研究始于证券监管的历史,近年来,随着理论的发展和数据的充足以及越来越多的国家加强对内幕交易的监管,内幕交易已成为金融市场理论中的热点研究领域。本文在综合国外研究成果的基础上,着重从理论、模型及实证三个方面对其发展进行了深入论介,最后对其未来的发展方向和研究重点提出了展望。  相似文献   

Market Power and Emissions Trading: Theory and Laboratory Results   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Policymakers are concerned with market power being exploited by dominant firms in emission permit markets. Two types of market power may emerge: simple and exclusionary manipulation. Simple manipulation should result in reduced pollution‐control cost relative to command‐and‐control regulation. Exclusionary manipulation may result in increased cost. The paper reports results of an economic experiment to determine whether (i) such opportunities are successfully exploited when a dominant firm has the opportunity to do so, and (ii) the resulting outcomes are serious enough to merit consideration by regulators. Market power outcomes emerge and market efficiency is far below predicted levels.  相似文献   

排污权交易政策的评价标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
排污权交易政策的相关问题在我国学术界、政府环保决策部门已成为热点。结合美国排污权交易政策的演进特点,对排污权交易政策优劣的一般评价标准进行分析,研究建立我国高效排污权交易制度的基本要求。  相似文献   

Complexity economics has quickly become a powerful research program for real-world economics in recent years. This article provides an overview of complexity economics, and argues that it is incompatible with the “equilibrium” and “optimality” conceptions of the mainstream and its “market economy.” Instead, it develops older heterodox — including evolutionary-institutional — issues like self-organization, emergence, path?dependence, idiosyncrasies, lock-ins, or skewed power distributions. Also, the space for emergent institutions through the “intentionality” of agents, including their improving collective performance, reducing complexity, and others, is investigated. This article considers complex adaptive systems through “games on networks” in an “evolution-of-cooperation” perspective. Moreover, a surge in policy implications of economic complexity has emerged, even if still rather general. With some more specific implications derived, the article again reveals the close similarities with long-standing heterodoxies: namely, pragmatist policy conceptions in this respect.  相似文献   

Open-Economy Macroeconomics: Developments in Theory and Policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper views developments in open-economy macroeconomics through the lens of the debate over European monetary unification. The empirical tendency for nominal exchange rate regimes to affect the variability of nominal and real exchange rates alike can be rationalized by sticky-price theories or models of asset-market liquidity effects. But plausible liquidity models have difficulty generating enough persistence to match the data. Thus, the macroeconomic stabilization costs of forgoing the exchange-rate realignment option seem pertinent. It is argued that our theories of efficiencies due to a common currency remain unsatisfactory, despite recent advances. The paper concludes by reviewing theories of currency crisis  相似文献   

张成思 《金融评论》2011,3(1):20-43
货币政策的有效传导对提振市场信心、促进经济发展以及平抑经济波动具有重要意义。本文对货币政策传导机制的理论发展进行了系统梳理和评述,并有选择性地对已有理论所揭示的传导机制进行了实证检验。在此基础上,文章根据全球新型金融危机与货币政策之间的紧密联系,提出货币政策的金融市场传导渠道,并基于全景分析视角,将金融市场传导渠道与其他传统渠道共同纳入全景分析中的综合传导体系内,从而形成一个完备的货币政策传导机制的综合理论分析框架,为新形势下我国货币政策的现实选择提供新的理论基础。  相似文献   

Transparency of Monetary Policy: Theory and Practice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Transparency has become one of the main features of monetarypolicymaking during the last decade. This article establishesstylized facts and provides a systematic overview of the practiceof monetary policy transparency around the world. It shows muchdiversity in information disclosure, even for central bankswith the same monetary policy framework, including inflationtargeting. Nevertheless, the study finds significant differencesin transparency across monetary policy frameworks. The empiricalfindings are explained using key insights distilled from thetheoretical literature. Thus, this article aims to bridge thegap between the theory and practice of monetary policy transparency.(JEL codes: E58, D82)  相似文献   

This paper looks at recent advances in the study of aggregate fluctuations. The emphasis is on three prominent areas of research: the stochastic growth model, economies which exhibit macroeconomic complementarities and models that emphasize heterogeneity. Each section of the paper outlines the theory, examines relevant empirical evidence and then discusses some policy implications of the analysis.  相似文献   

加快产业结构调整和技术创新对于充分激发碳交易政策的区域碳减排潜力具有重要推动作用。基于2005-2017年中国内地30个省域面板数据,采用DID和PSM-DID方法评估碳交易政策对碳排放和碳排放强度的影响,在SFA模型测算技术创新效率的基础上,从产业结构高级化、合理化和技术创新效率两个方面探讨碳交易政策的作用机制,同时运用固定效应模型进行分区域验证。结果表明:碳交易政策能推动试点和非试点地区协同减排;不同经济发展水平地区,从东部、中部到西部,碳交易政策的碳减排效应逐渐减弱;产业结构调整中,产业结构高级化更多受益于碳交易政策,产业结构合理化作用较弱,技术创新效率提升效果也较为明显。基于此,从完善碳市场建设、制定差异化政策、注重产业结构调整和技术创新协同减排等方面提出相应政策建议,旨在促进区域绿色高质量发展。  相似文献   

近期国外关于货币政策透明度的研究表明,政策透明度的提高将有利于正确引导公众预期,从而保证货币政策的操作效果。如在西方国家近年来的政策实践中,一些国家通过设定利率走廊或利用公告操作来增加政策透明度,不但可以降低货币政策的操作成本,同时有助于中央银行顺利实现既定的政策目标。正基于此,我国有必要进一步增加政策透明度,从而建立一个操作更为简单透明、效率更高的政策调控框架。  相似文献   

We present a common analytical framework for evolutionary and institutional economics, conceived as the study of systems that do not tend toward, nor necessarily fluctuate around, a steady state. Using an evolutionary equation, we derive an analytical theory of the relation between resource abundance and the rate of return available under differing institutional structures. We suggest that the recent political and financial turmoil around the world reflects incompatibilities between existing institutional structures and the increasing scarcity of resources. We apply this idea to the most fundamental determinant of any society's prosperity, profitability and even long-term survival, namely its fertility and rate of population growth.  相似文献   

现代中央银行制度是一国宏观经济治理的重要内容,现代中央银行政策是现代中央银行制度及功能的主要体现。中央银行在演变过程中逐渐具备了为政府提供贷款、货币发行、最后贷款人、制定货币政策、制定宏观审慎政策等现代中央银行的功能。现代中央银行政策作为现代中央银行制度的核心构成,其理论框架主要包括最终目标、操作目标、政策工具、传导机制等。由于现代中央银行政策具有目标多元、工具复杂、从工具到目标间接传导等特征,因此提高政策精准度至关重要。中国构建了较为完整的现代中央银行政策框架,但在金融适度分权改革环境下,地方政府、企业、银行、居民等市场主体的行为选择使现有的中央银行政策需要进一步改进和完善,尤其是需要提高政策的精准性,包括提高政策基准变量计算的精准性,提高货币政策工具和宏观审慎政策工具的精准性,提高"双支柱"政策与财政政策、产业政策、国际金融政策等政策工具组合的精准性。  相似文献   

Social scientists have developed several theories for understanding or evaluating policy change over time. Since all costs or benefits are not internalized owing to positive transaction costs, policymaking is always implemented under cost underestimation conditions and, therefore, is imperfect. I call this trait policy failure in this article. Furthermore, I show that a new framework combining the social costs approach and the legal/economic approach in institutional economics is suitable and can be applied to evaluating how past policy failures affect present policy, providing as an example the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.  相似文献   

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