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DEA模型实证分析表明,湖南省部分地市农村土地流转效益由于区位、流转后的土地经营使用、市场条件及经济发展程度不同而呈明显差异,且土地流转效益并非随土地流转规模扩大而提高,这缘于土地流转中的各种风险。鉴于此,未来湖南省农村土地流转应该统筹规划、完善农村流通市场、规范相关法律法规及尊重民意稳步推进等。  相似文献   

The economics of land transfer and title insurance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the presence of uncertainty over the title of land (due to fraud or error), a legal system can protect either the current (innocent) owner, or a previous owner who claims title. The predominant system in the United States generally awards title to the latter in the event of legitimate claim. Thus, current owners frequently purchase title insurance to provide indemnification in the event of a loss. In contrast, the Torrens system awards title to the current owner, but provides for indemnification of any legitimate claimants. We evaluate these two systems and argue that if transaction costs are low, both promote efficient assignment of title (according to the Coase Theorem), but if transaction costs are high, the Torrens system is more likely to award title to the party that values it the most (namely, the current possessor).  相似文献   

Properties can be bought by government agencies, land trusts, or private entities for conservation and preservation purposes, such as farmland preservation, wildlife refuges, other conservation, and cultural and historical preservation. There is variation in the dollars paid per acre across properties and across buyer type. An option value model based on future potential land uses is used to explain much of this variation. The data used in our analysis is sales transactions data for conservation and preservation purposes from throughout the United States. We find that much of the value of conservation properties is derived from future potential land uses, including housing, timber, recreation, and conservation. We confirm that public versus private buyers value options differently, which makes sense from a public good point of view, if markets are thin.  相似文献   

This article examines statutes that limit the liability of landowners who open their property for recreational use. We ask whether landowner immunity promotes efficient provision by owners and efficient entry by recreational users. We examine these questions in several contexts, depending on whether the land is developed or undeveloped, privately or publicly owned, and whether or not the owner charges an entry fee. Our main finding is that, for both privately and publicly owned land, owner immunity is more efficient than owner liability when the land is undeveloped, but this is not true when the land is developed.  相似文献   

Land Values, Land Use, and the First Chicago Zoning Ordinance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines whether the pattern of urban land use should have been regulated by local government in the 1920s, the decade in which many cities adopted their first zoning ordinances. The study is based on the assumption that land values are influenced by the mix of land use on the block. Conditions for land-value maximization are derived, and the circumstances under which land-use zoning can increase land values are discussed. Empirical land-value and land-use functions are estimated for Chicago in 1921, two years before the first Chicago zoning ordinance was adopted. The empirical results for land values imply that the land-use zoning system adopted in 1923 could not have brought about a general increase in land values. The empirical results for land use document the regularities in the use of land prior to the introduction of zoning.  相似文献   

A hedonic price equation of structureless farmland prices in New York State are fitted to 458 land transactions between 1982–1985. No capitalization is found of the state's Agricultural District farmland preservation program, which combines current-use property taxation with several development-inhibiting features. It is hypothesized that landowners avoid joining the program when it would threaten profits from a development sale, and that those who do participate gain little because agriculture is the highest value use of their land.  相似文献   

国外农村土地信托:研究现状及借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国外关于农村土地信托的研究主要涉及土地信托的产权基础、土地信托的目的和作用、土地信托中的公私关系、组织形式和运作模式几个方面,主要以土地所有权私有化为前提,但已将研究重点从所有权转移到使用权和控制权,且成果主要集中在农村土地改革和土地资源保护方面.因此,通过对国外上述研究成果综述和简要评论,可以为我国在该领域的研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

雷曜 《浙江金融》2020,(2):15-26
得天独厚的资源禀赋和市场配置机制,再加上其土地制度的设计几乎没有历史包袱,是最接近"理想"条件的产物,使美国土地市场以及相关的金融市场高度发达,并具有吸收泡沫的一定深度和韧性。土地资源通过金融体系与资本密切结合,使美国工业化和城市化得到了有效支撑。但是,美国金融监管对土地开发与信用扩张之间强正反馈关系警惕不足,历史上反复出现土地或房地产投机引发的资产泡沫;美国农业仍存在过度补贴和补贴非市场化的问题,对土地要素的市场化形成制约;美国的土地征用、分区规划等政策工具使用也曾带来了严重的社会问题。  相似文献   

本文在一个包含金融加速器的新凯恩斯动态一般均衡模型中引入土地财政和政府隐性担保融资机制,借此考察在土地财政体制下土地价格的波动特征、驱动因素和对宏观经济的影响机制,同时使用2004Q1到2016Q1的中国宏观经济数据对模型进行贝叶斯估计。方差分解的结果表明,在样本期间,土地需求冲击、土地供给冲击和货币政策冲击是驱动中国土地价格变动的主要因素,货币政策冲击和土地供给冲击是引起短期土地价格波动的主要因素,土地需求冲击在长期中驱动了土地价格波动。数值模拟结果发现,土地财政对宏观经济波动具有放大效应,正向的土地需求冲击将推高土地价格,并通过抵押约束机制引起宏观经济波动,地方政府对土地财政的依赖将放大该效应,并进一步对土地价格形成正向反馈,从而引起宏观经济更大的波动;在土地财政体制下,正向的土地供给冲击有助于抑制土地价格上涨,并减少宏观经济波动。  相似文献   

In the search for solutions to complex real-world problems, the benefits of transdisciplinary research (TDR) have been widely heralded. Land use science appears to be a designated field for TDR. However, to date, the additional expenses of TDR are accompanied by a so far not proved added value, and empirical findings are claimed to be scarce and dispersed over several disciplines and case studies.We reviewed 299 articles obtained from a structured literature search to (1) investigate the current differences between theory and practice, (2) identify empirical findings, and (3) ascertain the contributions of TDR to promoting sustainable land use management.Our results demonstrate that, in spite of an increasing conceptual consistency in the theoretical discussion of TDR, the implementation of TDR remains a substantial challenge, in part because of the gap between theory and practice. In addition, research on TDR is science and process centred. The benefits of TDR in addressing real-world problems within the field of land use remain unproven.  相似文献   

我国农村土地归村农民集体所有已经不能适应形势发展的需要,存在的主要问题有:土地盲目流转,侵占农民利益;耕地保护不利,乱占耕地.究其原因主要是农村土地产权不到位,耕地保护缺乏真正的主体,因此必须明确农村土地的所有者及其代理者,我国农村土地的真正所有者应该是国家,而代理者应该是农民.由农民代表国家行使土地所有者权力,与规模经营、农业现代化并不矛盾,但是,应该防止土地兼并,国家应该从法律上予以规范.  相似文献   

在全球气候变暖的背景下,经济社会发展方式向低碳模式转变已成全球共识。农地利用在碳循环中的作用决定了一国需要科学合理的农地利用管理政策。在我国目前经济社会演化变动阶段,农户家庭依然是农地利用主体,收入最大化条件下的农户家庭的农地利用行为并不一定符合低碳经济的发展要求。尊重碳循环和市场经济规律,加大研究力度,制定并执行科学合理的国土空间主体功能区规划,控制农用地转用规模,通过财政补贴等手段引导农户家庭合理利用农地,保持农地各种利用类型比例适当,持续加大农地经营投入,对我国解决碳减排和经济社会发展之间的矛盾、实现低碳经济发展模式转变具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We conduct tests for the contribution of speculative bubbles to farmland prices. These tests are carried out under the hypothesis that farmland investors rationally form expectations. The outcome of tests reported here allows us to infer whether farmland prices are determined by market fundamentals-discounted returns from the highest economic land use-or whether rumors about farmland price movements are self-fulfilling. The tests are stationarity and cointegration tests relating farmland prices to rents. The tests are carried out using data from three farm production regions-the Corn Belt, the Northern Plains, and the Lake States. In each region, we find little evidence to reject the hypothesis that market fundamentals determine farmland prices.  相似文献   

随着经济市场化的不断加深,土地出让金收入成为地方财政的重要资金来源,在解决地方财力不足、缓解地方财政支出等方面发挥了重要作用。但是,对延边州的调查表明,土地出让金收入在征收、使用和管理等方面还存在较多问题。为此本文针对延边州土地出让金收入的情况进行分析并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

徐尚昆  王璐  杨汝岱 《金融研究》2022,504(6):133-152
本文以《农村土地承包法》在省一级层面的实施作为政策冲击,研究稳定的农村土地承包经营权对农业生产效率等的影响及其作用机制。主要研究结论如下:第一,稳定的农地承包经营权能够增强经营主体对未来的确定性预期,保障各方市场主体的合法权益,活跃土地流转并有效提升农业生产效率;第二,《农村土地承包法》的实施促进了农户转出而非转入土地,农业生产效率提升主要源自稳定产权的直接激励效应以及由此带来的资源配置效率改进,稳定的农地产权能够促进土地有效流转,优化农户农业生产与劳动配置决策;第三,地权稳定性改革有效缓解了因人口流出与区位劣势造成的农业生产效率损失,显著提高了农户的务工收入以及整体收入水平。本文研究结论表明,合理的制度设计能够提升农业生产效率,提高农村土地和劳动力资源的配置效率。清晰的产权设计、合理的预期管理是实现市场化资源配置的必要条件。  相似文献   

对基于权利束分离城市土地金融之思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从土地财产形成的三个阶段的划分为出发点,在界定在土地财产形成不同阶段的土地权利形式的基础上,依托地租理论,尝试在土地财产权利表现形式的不同时序,进行权利的剥离,进行金融创新,论述政策性土地金融和市场性土地金融,旨在显化、强化国家土地所有权的收益形式,并以此指导土地市场的有序发展,促进城市存量土地的集约、节约利用.  相似文献   


China’s family responsibility system, introduced in 1979, resulted in equal distribution in land, allowing identification of how land abundance affects development. We measure land abundance as quality-adjusted farmland per capita. We find robust evidence that higher quality-adjusted farmland per capita has a significant negative effect on growth, even after controlling for land quality and population density. Therefore, quality-adjusted agricultural land abundance confers a type of “resource curse,” which elucidates an important causal determinant of the contemporary substantial differences in the standard of living across Chinese provinces.  相似文献   

土地问题是中国社会问题的核心。从中国的"二元经济"结构入手,研究土地银行是非常有意义的课题。本文研究发现,二元分割的经济结构对土地产权的交易更容易产生"败德行为",并加深"二元经济"的对立;不完整的产权制度造成了比较混乱的"多中心主体"的利益格局,出现"弱化一方,增强另一方"的经济权利的现象,造成土地资源配置的低效率;"土地货币"却是政府对土地定价权独占的衍生物,通过控制"土地货币"的发行量来增减财政收入。但它们严重地妨碍了土地资本化的深化,并且不利于土地银行业务的拓展。  相似文献   

We model and examine the financial aspects of the land development process incorporating the industry practice of preselling lots to builders through the use of option contracts as a risk management technique. Using contingent claims valuation, we are able to determine endogenously the land value, presale option value, credits spreads and the effects of presales on debt pricing and equity expected returns. We show that using presales options effectively shift market risk from the land developer to the builder. Results from the model are consistent with the high rates of return on equity observed in empirical surveys; they also suggest that developers may be justified in pursuing projects with substantially lower expected returns to equity when a large number of lots can be presold. Additionally, we show that presales reduce default risk dramatically for leveraged projects and can support a considerable reduction in the cost of construction financing. Large debt risk premiums are justified for highly levered projects, which helps explain the use of mezzanine financing in the land development industry to reduce expected default costs.
Steven H. OttEmail:

Mahmoud Ezzamel 《Abacus》2002,38(2):235-262
This article examines the role of accounting in running the household economy and private estates in ancient Egypt. Drawing on translations of original accounts and business letters dating back to the Middle Kingdom, a number of diverse accounting roles are isolated. Firstly, the accounts and business letters shed interesting light on the determination of rations for individual members of the owner's household during a period of hardship caused by high Nile inundation. Accounting calculations were an instrument of both planning the economy of the household and underpinning a specific pecking order of the relative standing of individual members of the household. Secondly, the accounts and business letters were used as a means of facilitating the 'management at a distance' of the affairs of the private estate, while the owner was absent having entrusted its day-to-day running to his agents. Not only were targets of performance set for the expected crop from the cultivation of the land owned, but also of land to be rented for cultivation. Finally, calculations were made to account for the manufacture of textiles from flax. The quantification produced by accounting calculations rendered the activities of human agents visible to the owner acting at a distance. Moreover, even when dealing with concrete, visible commodities, such as grain, the intervention of accounting sharpened this visibility by converting the concrete into an abstract theoretical value via the use of 'monies of account' to attain a measure of economic and social reciprocity.  相似文献   

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