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We determine the incentives for compatibility provision of firms that produce network goods with different intrinsic qualities when firms do not have veto power over compatibility. When network effects are strong, there are multiple equilibria in pricing and consumer decisions. We show that in some equilibria, it is the high‐quality firm that invests in compatibility, whereas in others, the low‐quality firm triggers compatibility. The socially optimal compatibility degree is zero, except under very strong network effects, where one of the equilibria has all consumers buying the low‐quality good. In this case, a partial degree of compatibility is optimal.  相似文献   

This study examines the endogenous choice of strategic contracts in a duopoly composed of firms that produce goods with network externalities with some sort of compatibility. We adopt two types of expectations—active and passive—as consumers' expectations for each firm's equilibrium market share. In addition, we take into account the managerial case and entrepreneurial case with and without separation between ownership and management, as firms' internal structures. We derive the properties in the Cournot competition and the Bertrand competition as the equilibrium market structures under both passive and active expectations under imperfectly compatibility of networks.  相似文献   

面对中国市场的消费升级,消费需求出现多样化、复杂化。为了满足这样一种变化的需求,企业需要不断推出功能多样的新产品,来应对激烈的市场竞争。如何把握消费者对于产品属性的偏好、预测他们的选择行为,对于企业具有重大意义。文章选择了消费类数码相机(以下简称数码相机)市场,采用联合分析方法,对于数码相机产品属性对消费者产品选择影响效应进行分析。通过文章的研究可以发现,消费者在选择数码相机时,他们最关心的属性是价格,其次是像素、颜色、变焦倍数和品牌,最后是LCD大小,消费者对于数码相机各个属性的不同水平也表现出一定的规律。这一研究可以估计消费者对于不同属性组合的消费类数码相机的效用大小,从而为企业进行决策提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

This paper contends that there is an important distinction between governance structure and contractual form, and that organizational boundaries, defined by governance structures, need not explain contractual form. The basic idea is that governance refers to the general environments and instruments that structure and ‘govern’ specific terms of trade negotiated in ‘contracts’. Problems of verifiability and observability of contractual performance are hypothesized to drive the differential effects on governance structure and contractual form. Specifically, transaction cost factors known to result in employment as a general governance structure do not automatically result in contracts characterized by the payment of fixed‐wages. Instead, incentive pay and the delegation of decision‐making authority to workers may be preferred by firm owners. The paper proposes that the relationship between a firm and a worker involves a two part decision‐making framework in which one choice is the type of governance that structures the second choice regarding the specific characteristics of the contract linking the worker to the firm. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

网络消费行为的研究成果众多,但影响消费者网络购买决策的关键因素仍不明确。本文从商品品类视角来研究消费者网络购买决策的关键影响因素。首先根据消费行为理论和前人相关研究成果构建了本文的研究假设模型,然后利用基于淘宝网和问卷星调研平台的全国性调查数据进行相关性分析和回归分析。通过对logit模型的分析,验证了假设模型,得到了在线商品网络购买决策关键影响因素,且发现针对不同商品品类其影响因素存在着差异性。  相似文献   

Products with a superior environmental performance, such as a high level of energy efficiency, are typically subject to information asymmetries. Therefore these product attributes are often undervalued in purchase decisions. Signaling, e.g. energy labeling, can overcome these asymmetries, with positive implications for effective consumer decisions, competitive advantage for suppliers of energy‐efficient goods, and for societal goals such as mitigating climate change. However, there is a scarcity of research investigating how energy labels actually influence consumer choice. The recent revision of the European Union energy label provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of energy labeling in a quasi field‐experimental setting. We show that the proposed extension of the seven‐point A–G rating scale by adding new classes A+, A++, etc. will result in a lower perceived importance of energy efficiency in consumer decision‐making. Based on a stated preference survey investigating 2244 choices by German consumers, we conclude that the revision actually undermines the label's ability to overcome information asymmetries, hence potentially contributing to market failure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

We use individual‐level health facility choice data from urban Senegal to estimate consumer preferences for facility characteristics related to maternal health services. We find that consumers consider a large number of quality‐related facility characteristics, as well as travel costs, when making their health facility choice. In contrast to the typical assumption in the literature, our findings indicate that individuals frequently bypass the facility nearest their home. In light of this, we show that the mismeasured data used commonly in the literature produces biased preference estimates; most notably, the literature likely overestimates consumer distaste for travel.  相似文献   

We introduce “trusting effects” to market complexity strategy and, through modeling, measure the decision‐making behavior of financial institutions' complexity choices as online and offline finance develops into different stages. We find that the complexity of financial products is not only determined by the intrinsic value and structure of products but also largely influenced by the behavior of investors. In addition, the characteristics of financial institutions, as well as different investor structures, also affect the complexity of the products and the equilibrium. Therefore, financial institutions attempt to exploit investors' biases and cognitive limitations through complexity strategies and ultimately obtain excess returns.  相似文献   

We analyze why some firms advertise product quality at a level different from the actual quality of a product. By considering the interacting effects of product quality and advertising, we develop a dynamic model of consumer expectations about product quality and the development of brand goodwill to determine the optimal values for the decision variables. The model parameters are determined based on prior literature and we use numerical techniques to arrive at the solution. We then derive conditions under which a firm will find it optimal to overstate or understate product quality. The results suggest that quality may be overstated in markets characterized by high price sensitivity, low quality sensitivity, low brand loyalty, and high source credibility, suggesting the need for vigilance on the part of consumers, upper level managers and regulatory authorities in such market conditions. This is important because current regulatory resources are insufficient to reduce deceptive advertising practices (Davis JJ. 1994. Ethics in advertising decision‐making: implications for reducing the incidence of deceptive advertising. Journal of Consumer Affairs 28 : 380–402). Further, the law of deceptive advertising prohibits some advertising claims on the ground that they are likely to harm consumers or competitors (Preston IL, Richards JI. 1993. A role for consumer belief in FTC and Lanham Act deceptive advertising cases. American Business Law Journal 31 : 1–29). Also, Nagler (1993. Rather bait than switch: deceptive advertising with bounded consumer rationality. Journal of Public Economics 51 : 359–378) shows that deceptive advertising causes a net social welfare loss and a public policy effectively preventing deception will improve social welfare. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analyzing the effect of local government decision‐making competition on regional carbon emissions is important for reducing carbon emissions in rapidly urbanizing areas. Taking the energy rebound effect into account, this study analyzes the effect on carbon emissions of competition between local governments in decision making. Focusing on China's three urban agglomerations, this study further discusses how to avoid this influence. The results show that local government decision‐making competition is one of the main causes of the regional “green paradox”; the effect of local government decision‐making competition on carbon emissions has significant regional heterogeneity and spatial dependence, and the short‐term energy rebound effect is greater than the long‐term energy rebound effect; and local government decision‐making competition has three effects on carbon emissions that also have interaction and substitution effects between them: factor market distortion, investment bias, and the “race to the bottom” of environmental policies. However, four measures can reduce the effect of local government decision‐making competition on carbon emissions: one, improving the performance evaluation system of local governments; two, promoting the marketization of factor prices; three, improving both the energy efficiency and upgrading of industrial structures; and four, introducing macro emission reduction policies that allow the central government to intervene directly.  相似文献   

We incorporate ambiguity (Knightian uncertainty) into a classic model of entrepreneurship to analyze, among other things, its effects on the optimal level of business startups, the relation between total assets and the size of the entrepreneurial investment, the effects of increasing ambiguity on developing new ventures, and the decision to self‐select into entrepreneurship for an indifferent decision maker. We first show that, under the monotone‐likelihood ratio property, the introduction of ambiguity negatively affects the optimal entrepreneurial investment, something that is consistent with most experimental evidence about entrepreneurial choice under ambiguity. Then, we show that the classical explanations for the positive correlation between total assets and business startups based on decreasing absolute risk aversion preferences and prudent behavior can be challenged when ambiguity is incorporated into the analysis, and we provide the conditions that guarantee that the traditional comparative static result under risk is replicated under ambiguity. We also show that increases in ambiguity aversion reduce entrepreneurial activities. Finally, we discuss our results under alternative ways of modeling ambiguity.  相似文献   

In general, consumer utility of network goods is affected by the entire network size. The socio-cultural-economic affinities of consumers influence the network externality processes. In this work, we treat a consumer decision as a consumer decision dynamic process. We then formulate a dynamic structural representation of a consumer network structure, structure of utility function and decision rule under the influence of local network externality concept. This formulation generates a mathematical model for a consumer decision dynamic process. The byproduct of the dynamic model leads to an agent-based simulation model. The simulation model is used to investigate different types of consumer decision dynamic market equilibriums. Moreover, prototype illustrations are given to exhibit the association between network attributes and its market equilibriums.  相似文献   

In consumer theory, the principles of Lancaster's characteristics approach and hedonic pricing appear to offer the most promising insight into choice when qualitative aspects are important. The paper reconciles these principles with the family of non‐parametric frontier estimation methods known as data envelopment analysis. It is shown that, with some straightforward adjustments, DEA is entirely consistent with the characteristics view of consumer choice found in the economics literature. In making Lancaster's ideas operational, the paper also addresses the theoretical concern voiced by Lancaster about combining indivisible products. The principles are illustrated with a case study involving the comparison of diesel cars. The paper concludes that the user will ultimately have to apply some judgement in choosing between competing efficient products. However, the analysis should help to restrict the number of products to be assessed to manageable proportions. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We explore a possible decision‐making process in which mixes of rational and non‐rational factors affect the choice made by a firm's management to invest in corporate responsibility. We propose that the rational factors affecting the decision‐makers' investment choice are: (a) moral choice; (b) risk management; (c) consequential changes that would be required in corporate structure or production processes; and (d) long‐term versus short‐term considerations. The non‐rational behavioral biases that we suggest affecting the decision‐makers' investment choice are: (a) attitude to risk, (b) status quo bias, (c) subjective discounting, and (d) myopic loss‐aversion. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Research in ethical consumerism has concentrated on attempts to either categorize ethical consumers or to uncover their decision‐making processes, but to‐date there have been few investigations into the key ethical drivers behind the decision‐making process. This study attempts to identify these ethical drivers within their particular product groups by means of a survey of self‐proclaimed ethical consumers distributed via a questionnaire placed in the Ethical Consumer Magazine. The findings indicate that environmental issues are ranked above human rights and animal rights/welfare issues and that the ethical consumer considers the product groups to have differential importance ranging from the food products goods group, being the most strongly associated with ethical issues, to the ‘brown goods’ group (electric goods such as stereos and TVs), which proved to be least associated with these issues. An examination of the ethical drivers within each group suggests that ethical consumers consider each product group on the basis of its bundle of ethical attributes, with differing levels of importance placed on each ethical issue within the purchase decision. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This study builds upon March and Simon’s proposition that individual‐level differences must be considered when explaining decision‐making performance. We extend their discussion on the importance of decision‐makers’ attention to explain heterogeneous patterns of exploration and exploitation within the same uncertain environment. We develop a model of decision‐making under uncertainty in which ‘working memory’ – i.e., the ability to hold multiple elements in mind to actively process them – explains the emergence of heterogeneity in exploration‐exploitation choice patterns. We validated the model in a laboratory study and two replications involving 171 individuals. Our findings show that differences in working memory allow us to identify individuals who are more likely to choose exploration over exploitation appropriately, and thus achieve higher performance. We discuss the implications for management theories, and re‐propose the work of March and Simon as a unifying framework that still can be used to generate and test managerially relevant hypotheses.  相似文献   

Business strategies involving sustainable product disposal have focused mostly on technical aspects but neglected to adequately incorporate the nature of consumers' behavior. The current study addresses this void. We study consumer product disposal behavior and subsequently offer insights to businesses on how to incorporate consumer input into their strategic decision making in the light of opportunities to mitigate environmental impacts. Consumers' redistributing of unwanted but still useful products to others by reselling, passing along, or donating, rather than hoarding or throwing away, contributes to product lifetime extension and waste management. We study factors influencing product redistribution and explore profile of consumers who engage in various disposal behaviors. Findings from two online surveys, on mobile phones and sunglasses, reveal that specific waste attitudes, that is, waste minimization and waste aversion, rather than general environmental concern, are key determinants of product redistribution choice. Product cost is positively related to reselling and giving behaviors. Furthermore, product quality and product self-image congruency significantly reduce the odds of throwing away. The method of product redistribution is also influenced by consumers' demographic characteristics including age, education level, and income. This paper advances extant literature on product disposal from the perspective of the consumer and provides input into development of business strategies that incorporate consumers' sustainable disposal behaviors. We also offer input to policy makers on how to curb or delay waste and pollution.  相似文献   

Team decision‐making on organizational and strategic changes is pervasive. Yet, little is known about determinants of teams' change preferences. We analyze how composition with respect to personality traits associated with (pro‐)active behavior (locus of control and type‐A/B behavior) influences self‐managing teams' preferences for the likelihood and magnitude of changes, and whether participative decision‐making and team monitoring as core features of group decision‐making counteract or reinforce change tendencies. Results from a business simulation with 42 teams largely support predictions. Stronger type‐A orientation increases the likelihood of (drastic) changes. Teams dominated by internal locus of control members are highly responsive to performance feedback in their change preferences. Participative decision‐making encourages, whereas team monitoring restricts tendencies towards extreme magnitudes. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

创新协同网络组织通过优势互补协作创新,能加速科技成果的产出和转化。其产出和转化的绩效很大程度上决定于共享网络组织成员间知识共享和知识溢出。在这个过程中,网络组织合作伙伴之间的信任至关重要。基于信任的视角下,合作伙伴关系能缩减成本、增加收益,并加强彼此之间的长期伙伴关系。研究结果表明:声誉、兼容性、品牌影响力、结构保证、开放程度和学习心态是影响创新协同网络组织成员间信任的主要因素。在进行合作伙伴的选择时,则可以从组织环境、知识产出质量系统、业务结构和创新能力等几个方面进行评价。  相似文献   

Recent developments in behavioral economics have prompted interest in identifying how product perceptions and beliefs influence decision making. Using a branded discrete choice experiment for beer, this article uses the control function approach and plausible instruments to correct for the endogeneity problem in a way that is applicable in a wide range of circumstances. Even after correction, we find that perceptions substantially affect consumer choices. In the context of brand equity for beer brands, we find that the perceived taste and brand familiarity are key determinants of choice.  相似文献   

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