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Ardeshir Anjomani   《Socio》2002,36(4):239-265
The current study examines a simultaneous equation model of interstate migration using income growth, employment growth, unemployment growth, population growth, gross migration, and employment in manufacturing as endogenous variables. The results show that neither the growth of employment nor the growth of income in the destination location has been directly important determinants of migration flow. However, an indirect effect through the population variable can be discerned for these variables, and this has important policy implications. A key feature of this migration model is that it incorporates most of the determinant factors as rates of change over time. The study sheds light on the joint and indirect effects of migration and other endogenous variables and draws some important policy implications pertaining to growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new framework which generalizes the concept of conditional expectation to mean values which are implicitly defined as unique solutions to some functional equation. We call such a mean value an implicit mean. The implicit mean and its very special example, the quasi-linear mean, have been extensively applied to economics and decision theory. This paper provides a procedure of defining the conditional implicit mean and then analyzes its properties. In particular, we show that the conditional implicit mean is in general “biased” in the sense that an analogue of the law of iterated expectations does not hold and we characterize the quasi-linear mean as the only implicit mean which is “unbiased”.  相似文献   

土建工程造价指标包括价值性指标和数量性指标两大类;土建工程造价关联数据包括工程量间相关性数据、价值间的相关性数据、工程造价与建筑体量及建筑结构特征因素的相关性影响或数据等。对于个人来讲,掌握指标和关联数据是资历、经验、能力的最直观的一种表现形式;对于企业来讲,掌握指标和关联数据更是一种资历积淀、核心竞争力的体现。造价指标和关联数据,在审核工程预结算的正常性、快速估算造价、优化设计等方面发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

In this paper we study the asymptotic properties of least squares estimates of parameters in a stochastic difference equation. The difference equation is assumed to be linear with constant real coefficients. Moreover, the roots of the associated characteristic polynomial are all assumed to have absolute value different from one. Finally, the difference equation is assumed to be non-homogeneous with fixed (i.e., non-random) initial values, and to have ‘error terms’ that are independently and identically distributed with mean zero and finite variance. We show that under these conditions the least squares estimates of the coefficients of the difference equation converge with probability one to the true values.  相似文献   

安艳 《价值工程》2011,30(7):238-239
名师培养模式作为职业学校教师教育的重要途径与形式之一,对教师教育和引导、职业学校的改革与发展产生了积极的作用与影响。根植于深厚的教育学、心理学、管理学理论土壤,使得名师培养模式的理论基础非常扎实,这些基本理论也成为了该模式的创建和实施的依据。上述理论从不同的维度对名师培养模式的内涵、价值、机制等问题进行了解答,提供了有力的理论支撑。除此之外,相关的名师培养实践活动也提供了宝贵的参考和借鉴,从实践的角度进行了直观的阐释和说明,通过具体的实例为名师培养模式的整体规划(可行性、基本流程、效果反馈等)提供了依据。  相似文献   

用离子-电子法配平氧化还原反应方程式时,无论在什么介质下反应,配平时先按酸性介质进行配平,然后再根据实际介质,采取在反应式两边添加一定数量OH-的方法进行转变。该方法化难为易,易于掌握,特别是对于在碱性和中性介质中进行复杂的氧化还原反应方程式的配平尤为简便快捷。  相似文献   

用离子-电子法配平氧化还原反应方程式时,无论在什么介质下反应,配平时先按酸性介质进行配平,然后再根据实际介质,采取在反应式两边添加一定数量OH-的方法进行转变。该方法化难为易,易于掌握,特别是对于在碱性和中性介质中进行复杂的氧化还原反应方程式的配平尤为简便快捷。  相似文献   

偏心零件经常会在普通车床或数控车床上进行加工,但如何快速的进行装夹找正,是一个技术难题,尤其是如何使新手能够快速的学习并且掌握好此项技术,至今没有合适的解决方法。本文介绍的辅助找正工具,是充分结合机械结构及电子显示的综合体,可以将测得的数据快速准确的显示出来,同时给出偏心找正中的变化量及变化方向,使初学者也可以迅速掌握偏心找正的一种工具。  相似文献   

周畅 《价值工程》2011,30(29):18-18
证明函数有且只有一个零点,通过构造方程,转化成方程有且仅有一个实根的问题,然后利用闭区间上连续函数的性质以及微分中值定理或函数单调性即可证明。  相似文献   

Modeling and forecasting international migration are significant research areas since migration forecasts are vital in decision making and policy design regarding economy, security, society, and resource allocation. The methods for modeling and forecasting migration rely on strict subjective or statistical assumptions which may not always be met. In addition, lack of a universally accepted definition of the term “migrant” and the ambiguities in data due to recording and collection systems result in inconsistencies and vagueness in migration modeling. Considering these, in this paper, a fuzzy bi-level age-specific migration modeling method is proposed. The bi-level structure embedded in the model makes use of the well-known Lee-Carter method as well as fuzzy regression, singular value decomposition technique, and hierarchical clustering to reflect the general characteristics of the country of concern together with the distinct emigration and immigration behaviors of the age groups. Bayesian time series models are fitted to the time-variant fuzzy parameters obtained through the proposed method to forecast future migration values. The proposed method is applied on female and male age-specific emigration and immigration counts of Finland for 1990–2010 period and Germany for 1995–2012 period, and the future values are forecasted for 2011–2025 and 2013–2025 respectively. The method is compared with an existing Bayesian approach and the numerical findings display that the proposed fuzzy method is superior to the existing one in modeling and forecasting age-specific migration values within significantly narrower prediction intervals.  相似文献   

郭占苗  田国杰  尹小莉 《价值工程》2010,29(14):215-217
单片机常用于实时控制,具有极其广泛的工程应用价值,对培养学生的工程实践能力起积极作用,但是由课程内容本身比较繁杂以及传统教学模式相对封闭的特点,在单片机教与学的过程中有相当的难度。为了解决此问题,使学生能够更好掌握该课程,应在教学中充分采用开放式教学模式,把学习主动权交给学生。通过我院学生编写发光二极管点亮这一经典程序的实例,具体总结出采用开放式教学模式的优点,即,通过营造平等交流平台、宽松学习氛围,提高学生学习积极性,使学生能够系统掌握单片机工作过程,培养学生创新能力、动手能力和自我学习能力。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method for obtaining quantitative measures of the value of a community environment in terms of the change in income which would equalize utility across locations. It is applied in a longitudinal study of factory workers. The evaluations of community are presented both as changes in weekly wage income and as the present discounted value of the changes over the subject's future work life. The evaluations are substantially greater than the tangible costs of migration (e.g., moving expenses). Results are examined by race, sex, age, income, and homeownership. Analysis of the end-period data on the actual migration trends of the sample support the reliability of the measures.  相似文献   

Production and operations planning in organizations quite often is a multi-level sequential process, involving aggregate planning, master production scheduling, and detailed operations planning and scheduling. To obtain good planning results, it is desirable to have a proper planning horizon for each level of planning. There have been a considerable number of studies dealing with planning horizons for aggregate planning or production smoothing problems. There are also many planning horizon studies for single-item lot sizing problems. No study has addressed the issues associated with the planning horizons for master production schedules (which is a multi-item lot sizing problem in nature), particularly with respect to the relationship to the aggregate plan.This study addresses the issue of planning horizons for companies employing a make-to-stock competitive strategy facing a seasonal demand for their products. We formulate the aggregate planning problem and the master scheduling problem as two separate mathematical programs to approximate the two-stage process that typically takes place in practice. Rolling planning horizons are used to approximate the periodic updates of the plans commonly done in practice. The models also incorporate resource requirements planning concepts to estimate loads on the critical work centers.The planning process is simulated as a single pass procedure where the results of aggregate planning are passed to the master production scheduling model once per month and the results of the master scheduling model (i.e., the portion of the master schedule actually implemented) are passed back to the aggregate planning model for the next planning session.The experimental results show that when the planner faces extreme cost structures such as high smoothing costs/high setup costs or low smoothing costs/low setup costs, the planning horizon effects are reduced to a minimum. Master schedule planning horizons need not be as long as aggregate planning horizons. Alternatively, non-extreme cost structures such as high smoothing costs/low setup costs and low smoothing costs/high setup costs should be handled with equal planning horizons for both aggregate planning and master scheduling.It is also found that the firm's cost structure has an impact on the appropriate planning horizon for both aggregate planning and master scheduling. Some cost conditions allow for smaller master schedule horizons. The best horizon choice seems to be equal planning horizons for both aggregate planning and master scheduling, even though the cost savings is slight in some cases.Finally, the proper length of the planning horizon for master scheduling is affected by the planning horizon of the aggregate plans.  相似文献   

鞠淑范 《价值工程》2012,(27):225-226
高等数学在经济研究中起着基础性作用,只有学好高等数学才能更好的理解剖析经济现象掌握经济知识。本文主要用数学分析、常微分方程、高等代数、概率与数理统计等课程的相关知识来说明高等数学在经济中的应用。  相似文献   

In this paper some further remarks are formulated on a general systems model of movement developed by Alonso. In particular, implicit relations between systemic variables are derived, which results in the proportionality of all systems push and pull effects and the choice of a reference unit as numeraire. This results in a simplified reduced form equation. The approach is illustrated empirically using data on interprovincial migration in Canada.  相似文献   

万用表的使用方法是电工技术实训教学的重要内容,更是考取电工上岗证的必考内容。万用表的学习和考核是电工技能综合实训课程的重点内容,把万用表的学习和考核贯穿电工技能实训始终,通过技能综合实训,讲练结合,重在多练,学以致用,贯穿始终的教学方式,让学生反复多练、分阶段考核,以达到熟练掌握,为后续的课程学习和就业打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

There is a good consensus on the strategic value of service-oriented architecture (SOA) as a way of structuring systems, and a common trend is to migrate legacy applications that use outdated technologies and architectures to SOA. We study the effects in the resulting Web Service interfaces of applying two traditional migration approaches combined with common ways of building services, namely, direct migration with code-first and indirect migration with contract-first. The migrated system was a 35-year-old COBOL system of a government agency that serves several millions of users. In addition, we provide a deep explanation of the trade-offs involved in following either combinations. Results confirm that the ‘fast and cheap’ approach to move into SOA, which is commonplace in the industry, may deliver poor service interfaces, and interface quality is also subject to the tools supporting the migration process.  相似文献   

万用表的使用方法是电工技术实训教学的重要内容,更是考取电工上岗证的必考内容。万用表的学习和考核是电工技能综合实训课程的重点内容,把万用表的学习和考核贯穿电工技能实训始终,通过技能综合实训。讲练结合,重在多练,学以致用,贯穿始终的教学方式,让学生反复多练、分阶段考核,以达到熟练掌握。为后续的课程学习和就业打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

王越 《价值工程》2014,(18):247-248
本文分析在新的软件技术环境下对人才的需求与培养以及如何通过创新的思维模式和平台设计,建立符合工程硕士培养的通道,提升工程硕士的实践应用能力,体现人才优势和社会价值。  相似文献   

Governments are increasingly using public–private partnerships (PPPs) to deliver public infrastructures and facilities. The prime motivation to embark on these partnerships is often to deliver products and services on time and on budget. It is generally assumed that by transferring project risks and responsibilities to private‐sector actors, governments can achieve better value for money. This article provides a novel perspective on the standards applied in PPP endeavors as it examines the tensions between the public management rationale behind value for money on the one hand, and conceptions of design and city building on the other. We focus on planning practice in the Canadian province of Ontario to show that governments apply different understandings of value in PPPs which, in turn, affect the way the design process is run. Architects, who are used to playing the role of master builder in a traditional public infrastructure project, are shifted into a less influential position and struggle with their new role. Furthermore, a different set of priorities applies in the new procurement process. The increasing use of PPPs can thus have significant consequences for city building.  相似文献   

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