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温家宝:要使整个中国制造成为中国人民放心、世界人民放心、有信誉的产品引子:在经历了烟酒行业、桶装水行业假冒伪劣等诸多事件之后,中国企业的诚信建设被推到了风口浪尖。在2008年天津夏季达沃斯年会上,温总理的发言中特别提到,我国在发展过程中应该尤其重视企业道德、职业道德、社会公德,  相似文献   

防伪背景伪造、假冒的违法犯罪活动自古就有,是商品市场竞争中的必然现象,只要有市场经济,有利益主体间的差别,假冒活动就难以避免。当今世界各国的商品市场,没有不受假冒伪劣产品冲击者。伪  相似文献   

品牌依恋、品牌隔离、品牌断裂都是描述消费者与品牌之间的关系,但三者的内涵、测量方法及所描述的情感关系各不相同,本文从定性和定量两个角度试图厘清三者之间的关系。  相似文献   

丁邦清 《广告大观》2008,(4):137-137
推行品牌管理制度化,首先应该是给品牌管理“立法”,这样品牌管理才能“有法可依”。没有品牌立法.品牌就像行驶在一个没有航标的航道上。如果遇到经验丰富、目光锐利的船长,可能一时平安无事,如果换了一个新手或是悟性差的,就可能马上触礁,船毁人亡。  相似文献   

新官上任三把火,常常会涉及品牌、伤及品牌,很可能把原来的品牌资产烧得一干二净。如果品牌管理没有制度,那么品牌常常因为企业领导人的更换而改变。结果就是,企业的决策者一换人,品牌核心价值也必定随之更换,之前建立起来的品牌认知、品牌个性也就面目全非了,品牌资产也渐渐流失。  相似文献   

丁邦清 《广告大观》2008,(3):153-153
许多国际品牌资产高达数百亿美元,现在我们很多企业的品牌资产价值也已经大于其固定资产的总和,也就是说品牌已经成为了企业最大的一块资产,至少是很重要的一块资产。但是,我们经常很遗憾地发现,在一些企业内部。几元钱、十几元钱的一支笔、一张纸、一次的士费用这些细小的账目都有专门的制度和专人去管理,  相似文献   

Consumption of luxury brands has been rising significantly, particularly in emerging economies.While some aspects of luxury consumption may be consistent across cultural settings, certain key differences may prevail; with particular attention to the relational and experiential aspects that characterize consumer-brand engagements. The purpose of the current research is to address this previously underexplored area and study the impact of consumer-brand dyadic attributes – incorporating brand experience, brand resonance, brand trust, and consumer involvement on the pursuit of luxury brands within the Indian context. Data was gathered using a survey distributed to 413 luxury brand consumers in four major metropolitan cities in India, employing Smart-PLS for analysis. In addition to the main effects, the moderating impact of gender, geographic location, and generation were explored. The results reveal that brand experience and brand resonance are both essential for luxury consumption, with an additional moderating role of generation and gender. Furthermore, consumer involvement is found to mediate the relationship. Implications for scholarship and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

董婧 《广告大观》2009,(12):38-42
台下,很多来自美国本土的品牌营销领域的著名专家学者专心致志地听讲并快速地记着笔记,他们不时拧紧眉头沉入思考,继而抬头凝视着台上从容演讲的中国嘉宾,互动对话时间他们一个个或善意或尖锐或带着一丝质疑的语气的提问,让我们有着时空错乱之感,中国同行给他们带来的坦率与自信震撼着会场上所有的与会嘉宾……这一幕,发生在2009年10月20日至21日在美国芝加哥洲际酒店举行的"2009全球品牌峰会上(2009Global Brand Summit,简称GBS)"。  相似文献   

陈海超 《广告大观》2009,(11):39-42
在采访上海家化的副总经理王茁的时候,谈到佰草集的中草药定位,王茁显得很有一丝骄傲:“佰草集是独一无二的。中草药配方的定位对于化妆品行业而言,具有鲜明的品牌特征。”他说,“对于目前的品牌建设自言.无论是中国抑或西方品牌,中国元素都成为一种风尚,这也成为了佰草集,抑或其他中国本土品牌‘走出去’的最大契机。”  相似文献   

Festival organizations must often balance commercial and artistic priorities when providing a platform for creative expression and regional identity building. However, research on the complex relationship between festival brand metrics and visitor attendance is limited. This relationship is particularly relevant to local governments, tourism boards, and festival organizers because, without reach and visitors, regional branding and identity building are likely to fall on deaf ears. Using data collected from 136 Dutch music festivals, as well as hierarchical regression analysis, this study confirms that a balancing act is necessary with respect to brand popularity, brand similarity, and brand diversity and that being too unique as a festival brand can become a double-edged sword. This finding is particularly relevant because many festival organizers often highlight innovativeness and uniqueness in their requests for funding, regional marketing support, and community engagement. The implications for festival organizers, destination marketers, and local governments are discussed.  相似文献   

Combining survey data with real-market data, this research investigates brand awareness from three perspectives. This study examines the relation between brand awareness and market outcome and explores the relation between brand awareness and brand equity. The study also investigates the effects of marketing mix elements on brand awareness. Results reveal consumers' brand usage experiences contribute to brand awareness, implying experience precedes awareness in some contexts. The results also confirm positive association between brand awareness and brand equity. Lastly, the current work demonstrates the importance of distribution and price promotion in building brand awareness in a consumer-packaged goods category.  相似文献   

Proficient brand management, including retail brands, is crucial for the success of the firms or retailers. One area of interest is consumers’ negativity towards brands (e.g., hate) due to negative consumer-brand relationships. The present article examines the relationships between brand anxiety, brand hatred and obsess, and illustrates the impacts of age and brand affection on these relationships. Data were collected through an online survey, and partial least squares path modelling was used to test the proposed paths on a sample of 416 consumers. The findings revealed that brand anxiety influenced obsess directly and indirectly through brand hatred. It was also evident that age moderated the path between brand anxiety and brand hatred, while brand affection strengthened the relationship between brand hatred and obsess. Theoretical contributions and managerial implications are discussed subsequently.  相似文献   

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