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制度因素会对美国经济冲击及传导产生影响,本文把美国供给冲击、需求冲击和货币冲击纳入同一个分析框架,通过建立稳健性的计量模型探讨了美国经济冲击对东亚地区经济波动的影响,并结合东亚地区具体的汇率制度和资本开放度等因素进行了综合分析。研究发现固定汇率制度和中间汇率制度使美国货币政策加剧了对东亚地区经济波动的冲击,但浮动汇率制度下的美国货币冲击却能平抑东亚经济的波动;资本开放度对东亚经济的波动会产生滞后效应,滞后一期的资本开放度会加剧东亚地区的经济波动。  相似文献   

为量化分析经济政策不确定性对我国宏观经济波动的影响,本文在一个基于标准宏观经济理论的SVAR模型中,构建了一种由常规符号约束条件和特定零约束条件相结合的混合识别法,以同时识别出政策不确定性冲击和需求冲击、供给冲击、货币政策冲击等三种传统结构冲击.研究发现:(1)经济政策不确定性冲击并不是中国经济波动的主要因素,但它表现出类似于负向需求冲击的特征,且呈现通胀效应强于产出效应的中国特色;(2)样本期内,需求冲击是驱动中国经济波动的首要因素,供给冲击次之;(3)供给冲击是引致价格水平上涨的主要原因,货币冲击起到“推波助澜”的作用,而政策不确定性冲击则抑制了价格水平的进一步上升.本文研究为有关经济政策不确定性的宏观经济效应讨论提供了来自最大发展中国家的经验证据,也为“宏观经济政策要稳”的政策基调提供了支持.  相似文献   

本文对改革开放30年来三个阶段的经济增长动力进行了研究,认为投资波动是造成经济波动的主要原因,指出,在不同阶段,引起投资波动的原因存在差别,80年代和90年代主要是市场主体和地方政府与宏观调控政策之间的博弈造成的。进入新世纪后,技术进步和外部冲击对我国经济周期的影响更加显著。总体来看,前两阶段更多表现为需求因素影响下的经济波动,第三阶段则更接近由供给因素造成的真实周期。  相似文献   

随着中国参与国际市场分工程度的加深,外部需求冲击与本国经济波动的关联已非净出口所能涵盖,投资已成为净出口之外传导外部需求冲击的重要路径。从因应外部需求冲击的角度对1997年以来中国投资波动进行结构分析,运用OLS回归与ARMA组合模型和Granger因果检验识别外部需求冲击传导的投资路径。结果表明,总投资中的出口引致性投资对于外部需求冲击的反应是敏感的,外部需求与政府预算内投资、外商直接投资以及自筹资金投资之间存在着"冲击—传导"关联。  相似文献   

本文比较分析了货币冲击、供给冲击和需求冲击在不同时期对人民币、日元和韩元实际汇率波动的影响。依据经济发展、汇率体制发展等方面的相似性,本文选取日元和韩元作为参照货币,使用汇率超调的宏观经济学模型来分析汇率决定机制,对中国、日本和韩国这三个国家在不同历史时期的宏观经济同度量进行比较研究。在此基础上,本文测算了不同类型的冲击对三种货币实际汇率的影响,揭示了人民币汇率未来波动的潜在可能性与原因。计量结果表明,货币冲击对这三种货币的实际汇率波动都有重要影响,供给冲击对人民币和韩元实际汇率波动的影响大于对日元汇率波动的影响,需求冲击对人民币汇率波动的影响最大。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放的不断发展,外国直接投资已成为他国经济波动影响我国经济增长的一个重要经济变量。本文运用基于VAR模型的广义脉冲响应函数法与方差分解法,从美对华直接投资的角度考察了美国经济波动对我国经济增长的长期动态影响特征。冲击响应分析结果表明,我国经济受美国经济冲击比美国经济受我国经济冲击的强度更大且时间更持久;方差分解结果显示我国经济对美国经济的贡献大于美国经济对我国经济的贡献。  相似文献   

教育财政支出对基尼系数影响的理论分析与实证检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育对个人收入有重要影响,从而也对基尼系数有影响。模型分析发现,在非理想状况下,教育财政支出的变化将在短期和长期中,通过产生供给冲击和需求冲击对基尼系数产生不同影响。实证检验表明,在中国,短期教育财政支出的变化所产生的需求冲击,会使支出与基尼系数呈负相关关系,其增加有利于改善收入分配状况;而长期支出的变化同时产生的需求冲击和供给冲击,会使收入分配改善在长期中得以维持,并且两种冲击对于基尼系数的影响相互抵消,教育财政支出与基尼系数没有表现出显著的相关性。  相似文献   

本文以2018年发生的中美贸易摩擦为背景,通过构建跨国投入产出网络模型刻画了关税冲击的传导机制。研究发现,关税冲击导致本国出口下降,同时加征的关税作为转移支付会提高外国的家庭收入并扩大本国消费品出口,此一负一正两种初始效应沿跨国投入产出网络向上游传导,最终形成负向的直接需求侧效应和正向的间接需求侧效应;关税冲击还通过影响相对价格增加下游行业的成本,这种效应沿跨国投入产出网络向下游传导,最终形成负向的供给侧资源再配置效应。在此基础上,本文就四轮关税加征对中美两国就业和福利的影响进行了模拟分析。结果表明,冲击在投入产出网络中的传导使得各行业关税升幅与就业损失之间存在不一致性。同时,虽然两国的总就业和福利均有所下降,但二者降幅在两国间存在非对称性,中国的福利损失高于美国,而美国就业下降的百分比高于中国。  相似文献   

基于SVAR模型的居民消费、固定资产投资与经济增长研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于结构向量自回归(SVAR)模型,研究我国居民消费、固定资产投资变动和经济波动之间的动态关系。实证结果表明,尽管我国居民消费、固定资产投资变动和经济波动之间存在正动态冲击效应,但持续性不强,并且居民消费、固定资产投资带动经济增长单位效率差。此外,扩大居民消费对经济增长的效力强于扩大固定资产投资产生的效力。  相似文献   

王建斌 《江苏商论》2008,(5):154-156
本文考察了我国1978-2002年经济波动的特点,并利用计量分析方法分析了经济波动的主要因素,分析结果表明,国内消费、投资的波动是经济波动的主要原因,政府支出、财政支出和广义货币供给对经济波动也起着正向作用。  相似文献   

本文利用1994年1季度至2012年2季度产出和价格的季度数据,建立了基于长期约束的SVAR模型,用以分析总供给冲击和总需求冲击对我国经济波动的影响,考察经济增长和价格对总供给冲击和总需求冲击的动态响应。实证研究表明,总供给冲击和总需求冲击标准差均较大,而且总需求冲击波动性要大于总供给冲击的波动性,说明我国经济在样本数据期内存在波动性。脉冲响应分析发现,总供给冲击对于产出具有正向长期趋势,而总需求冲击对于产出具有正向短期影响;对于价格而言,总供给冲击对价格产生负向长期影响,而总需求冲击对价格产生正向长期影响。2011年以来我国经济增速持续放缓,主要在于供求冲击为负,供给负冲击更为显著。  相似文献   

This paper develops a basic model for output fluctuations in traded and non-traded sectors under two alternative monetary policy regimes; exchange rate targeting (or monetary union) and inflation targeting. The conventional wisdom from one-sector models says that inflation targeting gives better output stabilization than exchange rate targeting when demand shocks occur, but the opposite when supply shocks occur. In a model with a traded and a non-traded sector, we show that the conventional wisdom holds for the non-traded sector. However, for the traded sector, we show that inflation targeting destabilizes output compared with exchange rate targeting when both supply and demand shocks occur. The only shocks where inflation targeting provides the better output stability for the traded sector are shocks to world market prices. The two-sector structure introduces new mechanisms that may turn around earlier results for aggregate production. For instance, a demand shock may induce higher aggregate output fluctuations with inflation targeting than with exchange rate targeting. Furthermore, a positive demand shock may prove to be contractionary under inflation targeting.  相似文献   

开放经济条件下国际金融危机所带来的传染和溢出效应是当下国际宏观经济学的热点和核心问题,而随着中国经济改革开放正在向纵深发展,在危机传染机制下的中国经济正在经历各种外部条件的冲击。金融危机的传染机制对中国经济产生了显著的负面波及效应,文章基于开放经济的视角,构建了一个动态均衡模型并对中国经济波动特征进行了研究,模型引入了反映国际经济传导的两类关键冲击,即国际贸易条件冲击和国际融资利率冲击。参数校准后的数值模拟显示,开放经济模型能够较好的匹配我国实际经济的主要二阶距波动特征,进一步的波动性分解发现国际贸易条件冲击和国际融资利率冲击对中国经济波动有很强的解释力。政府在开放经济框架下应该加强对经常账户和国际资本流动的监管,使得中国经济在改革开放走向纵深的背景下稳定增长。  相似文献   

This study explores the co-movement among oil and the stock, bond, and housing markets of the U.S. and major developed countries across Europe and Asia. The results indicate that oil is long-run integrated with each asset class, and that the extent of convergence has increased after the onset of the 2007–2009 global financial crisis (GFC). Moreover, oil contributes most heavily toward the common trends, implying that oil is the “leader” sector that drives each asset class toward long-run equilibrium relationships. Short-run analyses indicate that oil shocks induce a negative response in stock and housing returns and a positive reaction in bond returns, showing a tendency to become more intense and persistent after the GFC. When oil shocks are disentangled, the results indicate that supply and demand have heterogeneous effects on the three global asset classes. Over the long-run, demand shocks make the most significant contribution to the common trends and “lead” the other asset classes, whereas supply shocks have either a negligible or a weaker impact. Over the short-run, demand shocks positively impact the stock and housing markets and negatively impact bonds, while supply shocks induce negative and weaker impacts on all three asset classes.  相似文献   

This paper studies the economic sources underlying the co-movement of real stock returns in Latin America. Following the literature on structural vector autoregressive models (SVARs), I use long-run restrictions to identify three structural shocks: demand, supply, and portfolio shocks. For some countries, portfolio shocks are important factors behind real stock returns. Furthermore, these shocks seem to be important in explaining cross-country co-movement patterns. However, these findings are not statistically strong due to the degree of uncertainty about the estimates of the importance of each structural shock and the cross-correlation coefficients. Therefore, macroeconomic shocks (supply and demand) cannot be neglected in accounting for the dynamics of real stock returns.  相似文献   

Wage hikes affect production costs and hence are usually analysed as supply shocks. There is a long‐standing debate, however, about demand effects of wage variations. In this paper, we bring together these two arguments in a Kaldorian model with group‐specific saving rates and a production technology that allows for redistribution between workers and entrepreneurs following a wage hike. We thereby pinpoint the conditions under which (a) wage variations affect aggregate demand and (b) the positive demand effects of wage hikes may even overcompensate the negative supply effects on aggregate employment (‘purchasing power argument’). We conclude by noting that, whereas demand effects are very likely to occur, the conditions under which the purchasing power argument does indeed hold are very unrealistic.  相似文献   

Consequences of economic hysteresis are illustrated based on a standard market model which is extended by hysteresis dynamics. Hysteresis is implemented in a simple linearized way, similar to ‘mechanical play’. As a novelty, both cases, hysteresis in supply and demand, are analysed separately as an explicit part of a supply and demand model. Explicitly modelling supply versus demand side hysteresis has two advantages. (1) Since (hysteretic) supply or demand is only a subsystem of the entire market, persistent endogenous feedback effects on price and quantity are addressed. (2) Differences in the remanent effects of transient shocks between demand and supply hysteresis become obvious.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relation between trade flows and cross-country symmetry of supply and demand shocks using data from the EU-27 countries. Increased bilateral trade intensity is found to have a positive impact on the correlation of both demand and supply shocks. Intra-industry trade is found to be positively linked to correlations of supply-side shocks but negatively linked to correlations of demand shocks. Our results thus provide support for the argument that aggregate demand spillovers and intra-industry trade, rather than specialization, dominate in the process through which trade flows affect the cross-country transmission of shocks in Europe. At the same time, our estimates suggest that monetary-policy convergence in Europe (the circulation of the euro), while having increased symmetry of supply-side shocks, has had no direct favourable impact on symmetry of demand shocks. By contrast, the process of fiscal-policy convergence is found to have resulted in more correlated demand shocks across the EU member states.  相似文献   

本文在可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型的基础上,结合2007年社会核算矩阵(SAM),模拟了国际能源冲击下中国宏观经济活动以及微观劳动力市场的变动情况,同时具体分析了能源冲击对部门间劳动力市场需求结构的影响和传导机制。研究发现,在面对能源冲击时,不同部门的劳动力需求变化也各不相同,制造业、农林牧渔业等劳动力密集型部门倾向于提供更多的劳动岗位,并且这些岗位主要是面向对能源有较强替代性的技术工人,而其余大部分部门则倾向于缩减劳动岗位的供应;在收入方面,随着能源价格上涨,各类工人收入都会出现不同程度的下降,其中以技术工人降幅最大,产业工人次之,而农业工人的收入在能源价格上涨到一定程度后会出现上升。  相似文献   

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