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利用对外直接投资(OFDI)获取技术溢出的效果不仅取决于投资者的吸收能力,还取决于技术拥有者与投资者之间的竞争与合作关系。本文运用演化博弈理论的分析方法,对二者间的互动关系进行研究,对中国企业开展对外直接投资的动态演化行为进行了分析,指出其稳态均衡策略的差异会引起完全不同的OFDI逆向技术溢出结果。然后利用2003—2015年的省级区域面板数据,实证检验了OFDI对中国制造业技术水平的影响。结果显示,对外直接投资显著促进了中国制造业技术水平的提高。这一结论经过行稳健性检验仍然成立。 OFDI逆向技术溢出效应在地区间存在显著差异,其效果从东到西依次减弱。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment in China: Determinants and Effects   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
《Economics of Planning》1998,31(2-3):175-194
This paper attempts to assess the determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in China and its effects on the whole economy. After presenting the main theoretical contributions and the previous works done about China’s inward-FDI, an empirical study has been implemented extending the previous ones with a different data set (more recent) and with different methodologies. The traditional determinants of FDI seem to be relevant for China: domestic market size, cost advantages and openness to the rest of the world. Concerning the consequences of FDI on the Chinese economy, our empirical evidence supports the view that FDI affects China’s growth through the diffusion of ideas. Through the introduction of new ideas, multinational firms develop technical progress and hence long-run economic growth. The transmission of ideas seems to have had a positive effect on the Chinese growth. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This research illuminates the debate on whether there are differences between the manufacturing and service sectors in the matter of developing a sustainable environmental supply chain. Over the past 5 years a survey has been conducted with 800 large European companies, of which half are in the manufacturing sector and half in the service sector. The hypotheses within the survey are related to strategies for developing an environmental supply chain. They were derived from a literature review and were tested by means of a chi‐square test. The survey questionnaire enabled the respondents to give some viewpoints about the hypotheses. In this way, strategies for developing the supply chain such as ISO 14001, the Eco‐Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS), Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), auditing, waste management systems, reverse logistics, environmental indicators, remanufacturing and reuse have been investigated. Results show interesting and unexpected differences between manufacturing and service sectors that can lead to further research, practical implications and even suggestions for the surveyed companies. For instance, the viewpoints of manufacturing and service industries differ over ISO 14001 and EMAS implementation in the supply chain. In addition, service industries approach the implementation of auditing, reverse logistics, reuse and remanufacturing in a way different from that of manufacturing. Other strategies are considered essential by both sectors. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

吴启  谢嗣胜 《价值工程》2010,29(1):123-125
以江苏省1990~2007年的相关数据为研究对象,运用多元回归分析的方法,对国内投资、外商直接投资以及经济增长带来的就业效应进行估计,并对实证研究结果进行分析,发现国内投资与外商直接投资的就业效应有着明显的差异性,根据这一结论进一步探讨江苏省合理安排投资,促进就业的相应对策。  相似文献   

吴启  谢嗣胜 《价值工程》2010,29(2):123-125
以江苏省1990~2007年的相关数据为研究对象,运用多元回归分析的方法,对国内投资、外商直接投资以及经济增长带来的就业效应进行估计,并对实证研究结果进行分析,发现国内投资与外商直接投资的就业效应有着明显的差异性,根据这一结论进一步探讨江苏省合理安排投资,促进就业的相应对策。  相似文献   

Foreign Direct Investment Strategies and Firms' Capabilities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a simple model to analyze the effect of geographically localized spillovers on the internationalization decision of firms. It is shown that, once spatially bounded externalities are taken into account, the standard predictions on the nature and direction of foreign direct investment (FDI) flows may be reversed. We highlight three effects. First, an FDI-en-hancing effect: the presence of spillovers increases the profitability of the FDI strategy when the competitive gap between firms is narrow. Second, a dissipation effect: firms may refrain from investing abroad for fear of diffusion of their firm-specific assets. Third, a sourcing effect: the presence of spillovers may induce a firm to invest abroad, even in the absence of exporting costs.  相似文献   

李洁 《价值工程》2014,(2):175-176
自从改革开放以来,利用外资是我国经济发展的主要动力之一。外商直接投资的比重,尤其是进入90年代以后,呈现逐年上升趋势。随着我国的外商直接投资的增多,各种利弊也逐渐的显示出来,本文将从风险的概念入手,进而引出外商直接投资的风险的定义。并指出外商直接投资的特点,以及其产生风险的根源,进而引申到我国的经济现实,提出对我国的外商直接投资风险的分析。  相似文献   

自我国实行对外开放,尤其是加入世界贸易组织以来,国民经济快速增长,经济实力不断增强,外汇储备急剧增长,这为我国企业对外直接投资提供了强大的物质基础。国际收支顺差持续增加,人民币呈升值趋势以及国际贸易摩擦加剧,将促使国内企业加快对外直接投资的步伐。本文重点探讨对外直接投资的思路及其路径,提出重点发展优势驱动型和优势创造型对外直接投资及其对策与措施。  相似文献   

In this article, we explore what determines the decisions of emerging‐market multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in Africa and whether this is any different from their counterparts in mature markets, focusing on the HRM context. More specifically, we explore the effect of potential host‐country wages, local capabilities, and the relative rights of owners versus workers on foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions, as well as other relevant factors such as mineral resources and corruption. We found that emerging‐market MNCs were not deterred by relatively weak property owner rights (as indeed, was also the case for their counterparts from mature markets); hence, any weakening of countervailing worker rights is unlikely to unlock significant new FDI. However, emerging‐market MNCs were more likely to invest in low‐wage economies and did not appear to be concerned by local skills gaps; the latter would reflect the relative de facto ease with which even partially skilled expatriate labor can be imported into many African countries. At the same time, a reliance on low‐wage, unskilled labor, coupled with the extensive usage of expatriates, brings with it a wide range of challenges for the HR manager, which a firm committed to cost‐cutting may lack the capabilities to resolve. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


This paper reviews the literature on the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI) and the European Community (EC), especially the few studies concerned with intra-European FDI. It applies international business theory to investigate the determinants of FDI flows within the EC over the period 1984–89. The key results are that the models found contrast with the standard US-EC literature, and also differ within the EC. Real variables assume the greatest importance, although financial variables do appear significant. The pattern of findings suggests that the growth of intra-EC FDI is linked to the adoption of a pan-European FDI strategy by EC firms, largely prompted by EC market integration.  相似文献   

王三三 《价值工程》2013,(19):11-13
我国对外直接投资起步晚但发展快,要想充分发挥后发优势,需要学习和借鉴先进国家的经验教训,做出具有前瞻性和预判性的战略部署。日本是亚洲对外直接投资最发达的经济体之一,其经验教训值得我们研究。本文回顾了日本对外直接投资的演化历程,归纳了日本对外直接投资的特点,提出了对我国对外直接投资具有现实意义的启发。  相似文献   

Economic transition in Eastern Europe should generate market growth. In addition, current discussions on economic integration and the development of a free-trade area in Eastern Europe will improve market accessibility. These two forces will significantly affect the strategies by which external firms will choose to supply markets in Eastern Europe. This paper examines the ways in which supply strategy is likely to change. We show that both market growth and improved market accessibility will lead the external firms to switch from exporting to foreign direct investment. However, market growth is likely to lead to dispersed investment in the growing economies, whereas increased market accessibility, by establishing an integrated regional bloc in Eastern Europe, is more likely to lead to concentrated investment plus infra-regional exports to the remainder of the regional bloc. The switch from exporting to local production through foreign direct investment will favor consumers through lowered prices but will harm national producers by depressing profit margins.  相似文献   

This paper investigates two questions: how does multilateral trade liberalisation affect inward foreign direct investment, and does this impact (if any) depend on the domestic trade policy? The analysis uses a panel data set comprising 171 countries spanning the period 1995–2012. Results indicate that multilateral trade policy liberalisation is conducive to higher FDI inflows in host countries. Furthermore, our evidence suggests that domestic trade policy almost always positively drives inward FDI in a context of multilateral trade policy liberalisation. Countries which initially have the most restrictive trade policy regimes appear to be the greatest beneficiaries of FDI inflows when they liberalise their trade policy in the context of multilateral trade liberalisation.  相似文献   

基于地方政府竞争的视角,本文运用空间计量和探索性空间数据方法实证分析了地方政府间的策略性引资竞争对资源环境绩效的影响,研究结果表明:在政治晋升和经济发展激励下,FDI对资源环境绩效的影响不仅取决于它在地区内和地区间的溢出效应,而且还取决于当地及邻近辖区的财政支出水平。其中本辖区政府为吸引FDI而展开的财政支出竞争对资源环境绩效的影响存在显著的“门槛效应”,而邻近辖区的策略性引资支出显著降低了资源环境绩效水平并表现出明显的结构性偏好,对经济建设的过度支出和公共服务的有限投入成为辖区间竞相效仿的支出政策。探索性空间数据分组检验的估计结果进一步显示不同集聚区内的引资策略互动对资源环境绩效的影响存在显著的差异,在FDI高值集聚区内,邻近辖区的引资支出显著降低了本地的资源环境绩效;而在低值集聚区内,邻近辖区的引资支出对本地资源环境水平没有显著的影响。  相似文献   

本文运用知识资本模型分别从国别和产业的角度对汇率波动与国际直接投资(FDI)进行实证检验。该模型考虑到资源禀赋对FDI的影响,并将FDI细分为垂直型和水平型;同时,为了使计量更加精确,本文还将模型中汇率的波动分解为一价定律失效导致的波动和不可解释的原因导致的波动;最后,本文还检验了美元盯住制对FDI的影响。结果发现,东道国货币贬值是否有利于吸引FDI取决于该国FDI是以水平型还是垂直型为主,同时,美元盯住制对FDI没有促进作用。  相似文献   

我国外商直接投资现状、问题及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王博雅 《价值工程》2011,30(22):148-149
近年来外商投资规模不断增长,其对中国经济发展的作用也越来越显著。本文通过分析我国利用外商直接投资的现状,指出其中存在的问题并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

吴敏珏  卞丹琦 《价值工程》2010,29(26):48-48
伴随着全球经济一体化和投资自由化程度的进一步加深,对外直接投资的深度和广度不断增加,而且长期以来发达国家在这一领域一直占据了主导地位。本文通过分析发达国家的对外直接投资情况,从中总结我国对外直接投资发展过程中可以学习的经验,希望为我国对外直接投资的发展提供建议。  相似文献   

Foreign-trade zone (FTZ) use by international marketers vrovides them with the mlential to gain cost savings and increak operating efficiencies. However, no empirical research has yet been conducted to examine whether operating cost efficiency is better for international marketers using FTZs (FTZ firms) than those not using FTZs (non-FTZ firms). The operating cost efficiency of FTZ and non-FIZ firms is examined through a comparison of their cost structures. Using translog production functions, the surprising results in this paper suggest that FTZ firms tend to be less efficient than non-FTZ firms. Some possible explanations for this result are advanced, and public policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国在利用外资和对外直接投资上取得了巨大的成就,从而加速了我国经济发展,使我国经济日益融入全球化。本文通过从存量结构、产业结构、区位结构和投资方式结构四个角度对中国利用外资和对外直接投资的比较分析,从中得到一些启示,以有利于推动利用外资与对外直接投资的共同发展。  相似文献   

外商直接投资与中国对外贸易间关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国的对外经济活动中,东亚的新兴工业化国家和美国都是中国的重要伙伴。文章把新加坡和泰国作为新兴工业化国家的代表与高度发达的美国相对应,采用协整分析和误差修正模型研究了中国对这些国家的贸易与其在华直接投资两者间的关系。研究结果显示,这种关系在两类不同国家间存在较大差异,长期以来,美商在华直接投资与我国对美出口之间具有双向格兰杰因果关系,而另外两个国家则只具有单向的格兰杰因果关系。  相似文献   

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