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国家统计局局长马建堂1月28日表示,将抓紧提出国家统一核算地区GDP方案。 符合国际通行做法 马建堂在全国统计工作会议上表示,要改进地区GDP审核与评估,统一国家与地区分行业增加值核算方法。目前,我国GDP核算采取分级核算体制,国家和地方分别核算GDP,国家统计局对各省份的GDP数据进行审核。  相似文献   

何少娟 《经济师》2008,(1):22-22,24
绿色GDP是把自然资源和环境因素纳入核算体系的GDP。若实施绿色GDP核算,对于经济可持续发展和自然资源的保护和永续利用有着重要的意义。文章从绿色GDP的构成、环境会计与绿色GDP、绿色GDP的核算体系、绿色GDP的核算方法及国际经验以及实施绿色GDP对我国发展的意义等五个方面论述了绿色GDP及其核算。  相似文献   

我国目前采用SNA体系作为GDP的核算方式,并通过生产法和收入法混合使用。由于理论发展局限,我国GDP核算偏差在所难免,如何获得更为准确的GDP,为国家财政、货币及税收政策提供导向,为宏观调控提供依据已成为不得不思考的问题。  相似文献   

绿色GDP核算的新思路   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国现行国民经济的核算指标只能反映社会经济活动的正面效应,而不能反映其负面影响,不符合我国目前推行可持续发展战略的要求。可持续发展战略的推行需要一种新的经济发展核算指标来修正现行的国民经济核算指标,这就是“绿色GDP”。本文从绿色GDP的内涵、虚拟性及资源环境价值的时空差异性等方面进行分析,提出了虚拟与真实核算分置,再以整体为基础综合计算,进而衡量绿色GDP的方法。  相似文献   

绿色GDP的核算及其实施难点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭冰阳 《经济师》2005,(11):57-57,59
绿色GDP是指从GDP中扣除自然资源耗减价值与环境污损价值后的剩余国内生产总值。它是衡量实现可持续发展战略目标的综合指标。文章对绿色GDP的核算范围、核算原理、核算方法及核算难点进行了论述,在此基础上,对推进我国绿色GDP核算工作的发展提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

国家统计局局长马建堂1月28日表示,将抓紧提出国家统一核算地区GDP方案. 符合国际通行做法 马建堂在全国统计工作会议上表示,要改进地区GDP审核与评估,统一国与地区分行业增加值核算方法.  相似文献   

一、绿色GDP的提出的意义 绿色GDP指标是在对现行GDP指标进行修正的基础上提出来的一个新概念。GDP就是国内生产总值。是对一国(地区)经济在核算期内所有常住单位生产的最终产品问题的度量,常常被看成一个国家(地区)经济状况的一个重要指标。是生产过程中的新增加值,  相似文献   

绿色GDP核算的国际实践与启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于编制体系的缺陷,传统的GDP指标不能够如实、全面地反映人类社会经济活动对自然资源和环境品质的负面影响。为了弥补传统GDP的缺陷,绿色GDP概念便应运而生。本文首先介绍了绿色GDP核算的SEEA体系和主要方法,然后介绍了日本、韩国、瑞典、菲律宾等先进国家在绿色GDP核算方面所取得的主要进展,并对我国的绿色GDP核算工作提出若干可行性建议。  相似文献   

冯云萍 《发展研究》2007,(11):51-53
国内生产总值(GDP)是衡量一个国家或地区经济发展水平的重要指标,但是由于传统GDP核算存在一些缺陷,使我国在盲目追求GDP的同时,环境问题日益严重,资源危机日益突显.本文论述了我国开展绿色GDP核算的必要性,并就绿色GDP核算中存在的主要问题进行研究,探讨解决的途径.  相似文献   

本文通过分析GDP的概念,对我国GDP统计方面存在的局限进行了探讨,强调了GDP核算中知识经济以及绿色经济的重要性,并在此基础上对GDP核算方法提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper develops a rationale for a comprehensive measure of income and provides illustrative calculations within the Canadian System of National Accounts for making adjustments to net worth for price changes.
The paper notes that the System of National Accounts is designed to provide a number of individual aggregates measuring total production, income, savings and net worth. There is no single overall comprehensive measure which reflects the combined effect of changes in income and wealth. Such a measure is of particular importance in periods of rapid or extensive price changes which affect not only purchasing power of income but also the value of assets held and liabilities outstanding with consequences on net worth positions. This paper explores these issues and develops techniques for measuring the effects of specific and overall price changes with respect to net worth of the various sectors in the economy, illustrated with data from the integrated Canadian System of National Accounts.  相似文献   

This paper provides a systematic and comprehensive account of the establishment, reform, and development of China's System of National Accounts, focusing on important changes in concepts and methods in national accounting during China's transition from the Soviet-type Material Product System to the United Nations System of National Accounts, as well as existing problems and challenges that must be faced in the further development of the system.  相似文献   

The estimation of Gross Household Product, the economic value added by the unpaid work and own capital of households outside the boundary of the System of National Accounts, should be addressed through household input-output satellite accounts which count household outputs, value them at market prices, and include an allowance for capital as a factor of production. This paper uses internationally comparable survey data to estimate the relative magnitudes of the gender division of the millions of hours of paid, unpaid and total work in twelve OECD countries, puts a dollar value on Gross Household Product in Australia, looks more closely at who provides care and nurture in households and suggests some urgent issues for attention.  相似文献   

Framed in the context of the ongoing revision of the 1993 System of National Accounts (SNA), this note proposes a new presentation of the National Accounts. While it does not require new information, nor difficult calculations, it is suggested to be conceptually clearer and practically simpler. The changes concern the treatment of taxes and government in the national accounts which imply that: (i) GDP, measured at basic price, is now exactly the sum of all value added, which is split in the compensation of employees and an enlarged operating surplus; (ii) the two functions of government are clearly distinguished in a modified sequence of accounts, that is, as producing non-market services up to the allocation of primary income account, and then as redistributing the national income; and (iii) with a conventional allocation of government services and GDP broken down between market GDP and non-market GDP, households remain the only final consumer and the so called question of consumption subsidies is resolved.  相似文献   

This paper examines issues involved in calculating a value added index in order to measure real value added at the industry level. Three methods of calculating real value added are considered; the Laspeyres double-deflation method recommended by the United Nations System of Nation Accounts , the commonly used single-deflation method, and the double-deflation Divisia method. Actual data are employed to clarify and illustrate the issues involved, and the paper concludes with a recommendation for an appropriate index to use when calculating industry real value added.  相似文献   

《中国国民经济核算体系(2002)》刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过 10年的发展 ,中国国民经济核算体系研究与应用方面取得了巨大成就。即将颁布实施的《中国国民经济核算体系 (2 0 0 2 )》相对于 1992年的《中国国民经济核算体系实施方案》无论是在基本框架、账户体系、主要指标、统计分类等方面 ,还是在理论上的系统性、应用上的可操作性、资料的使用价值以及国际可比性等方面都得到了进一步完善和发展。本文主要讨论《中国国民经济核算体系 (2 0 0 2 )》修订的主要内容及其实施的重要作用。  相似文献   

At present two systems of measurement of national product are in practice, one as defined in the UN System of National Accounts (SNA) and the other termed the Material Product System (MPS) or National Balances for the Economy. In the present paper, an expanded system of accounts integrating the national balances within the framework of a simplified SNA has been suggested. The accounts suggested are mainly the two sets of (i) Supply, Disposition and Domestic Production of goods and services and Consumption Expenditure of Budget and Mixed Organisations and the Population, and (ii) Income and Outlay and Capital Formation Accounts. The system is convenient not only for arriving at estimates by either of the two approaches, but is readily manageable. This set of accounts can, without any effort, be put in the form of a matrix leading to its ultimate integration with either the UN System of National Accounts or a modified system of national balances. The system gives not only the integrated system of SNA and national balances, but also a coded list of transactors and transactions within the economy. This coded list can be used as the first set of information for the creation of the economic data bank for the Integrated Statistical Information System.  相似文献   

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