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科技创新合作已成为构筑“一带一路”创新发展的核心内容和重要驱动力。江苏省以推进“一带一路”科技创新合作的实践为基础,并借鉴其他省市实践经验,针对与“一带一路”沿线国家在合作机制、合作资源和合作积极性等方面开展科技创新合作的挑战,结合国家总体部署和自身重点工作,为推进“一带一路”科技创新合作提出了对策,即量身打造“一带一路”科技创新合作体系机制、统筹整合“一带一路”科技创新合作全域资源、充分调动“一带一路”科技创新合作企业积极性、持续探索“一带一路”科技创新合作创新模式。  相似文献   

为切实加强中国与马尔代夫科技创新合作,本文介绍了马尔代夫科技发展概况,马尔代夫国际科技合作概况以及与我国开展国际科技合作情况,进一步梳理中国与马尔代夫科技合作方式及重点领域,研究分析了加强双方优势特色科创合作需求,提出进一步推动中国与马尔代夫科技合作的建议。  相似文献   

美国国务院于2011年启动了全球科技创新计划,利用创业训练营、创新创业大赛、投资者培训、孵化器项目、创新中心、在线帮助平台及学员网络等手段,开展“科技外交”,搭建与发展中国家和新兴经济体间科技交流的桥梁。本文对全球科技创新计划发起的背景和实施等进行了系统分析研究,评价了其实施成效,并从深化科技外交、全面融入全球创新网络、优化项目管理流程及科学适度宣传四个方面提出了对我国与发展中国家特别是与“一带一路”沿线国家科技合作的启示。  相似文献   

对外科技合作是科技管理工作的重要组成部分,也是地区科技创新计划的一项重要内容。结合柳州市开展对外国际科技合作的实际,提出了开展国际科技合作“三步走“的思路。  相似文献   

江苏是中国开展中东欧国家科技创新合作最早的省份之一,在搭建交流平台、推动政府间产业研发合作共同资助机制、共建创新合作共同体等方面取得了丰硕的成果。然而,双方的合作仍存在一定的局限性,创新载体平台功能未得到充分发挥,产业研发合作缺乏精确性,企业参与度不够,合作集聚和联动效应不明显。本文基于江苏与中东欧国家科技创新合作优势与合作领域分析,提出双方在数字技术、新能源产业和汽车产业、三大领域合作潜力巨大;结合江苏建设中国-中东欧国家技术转移中心的实践经验,提出未来在促进双向技术转移合作和加强创新合作共同体建设等方面合作路径的建议。  相似文献   

对外科技合作是科技管理工作的重要组成部分,也是地区科技创新计划的一项重要内容。结合柳州市开展对外国际科技合作的实际,提出了开展国际科技合作“三步走“的思路。  相似文献   

本文通过梳理安徽省近年国际科技合作项目与国际科技合作基地的重点研究领域及合作国家(地区)分布现状、国际科技人才交流等情况,分析安徽省在新形势下开展国际科技合作的优势、机遇与挑战,提出安徽省国际科技合作布局的思路与对策,为安徽省国际科技合作工作开展提供理论支撑和实践建议。  相似文献   

从农业国际合作视角看我国农业科技创新   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
从供求角度来看,我国通过农业国际合作开展农业科技创新有很强的现实性,而且也取得了显著成效,但是依然面临关键技术引进不足、国际援助不断减少、与发达国家及跨国公司合作层次低、缺乏部际合作等问题。为此,我国应该从战略上重视国际农业科技合作,加大农业科技自主研发投入,加强与发达国家及大型跨国公司的合作,推进农业科技合作平台建设,建立协同创新机制,以此推动我国农业科技创新跨越式发展。  相似文献   

按照《俄罗斯联邦2000至2005年国家国际科技合作政策构想》,俄罗斯把其开展对外科技合作的对象主要分为五类,即国际组织和计划、独联体国家、工业发达国家、新兴工业国家和发展中国家、东欧等转型经济国家。根据不同的合作对象,俄罗斯与各国开展科技合作的重点方向和任务也各有不同。总体而言,在俄罗斯对外科技合作的大格局中,中国仍是同韩国、印度、巴西等国家一样,处于排在第四类的新兴工业国家和发展中国家。虽然随着俄罗斯外交政策、对外科技政策的不断调整,俄罗斯已越来越注重发展同中国、印度等具有相对科技实力、经济…  相似文献   

, 《广东经济》2012,(11):41-41
2012年中国(东莞)国际科技合作周暨招才引智大会"11月1日在广东东莞举行。本届科技合作周吸引了美国、以色列、德国、瑞典等国家和地区的众多科技企业携带科技项目前来寻求跨国科技合作,仅当日下午就签约了12项国际科技合作项目。科技部副部长张来武,以色列工贸部总司长沙龙.凯德密,广东省副省长陈云贤等出席了开幕仪式。为推动东莞企业开展国际科技合作,  相似文献   

This study examines the determinants of births in Belarus in 1996–2007 by using detailed micro‐data from the Belarusian Household Budget Surveys (BHBS). The existing literature offers several explanations of the recent trends in fertility in Belarus and in other former Soviet Union countries. It is often argued that the collapse of the Soviet Union and the concomitant economic instability reduced fertility in the 1990s, while economic growth and stabilization were responsible for its recovery since 2005. We evaluate these and other hypotheses by looking at the determinants of the first, second and third births, separately for women aged below 30 years of age and above 30 years of age. We provide evidence on the presence and the relative importance of the economic determinants, including income and wages, economic uncertainty, maternity and child‐care benefits. Our findings could inform demographic policies in Belarus and in other transitional countries.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the early impact of the formation of the customs union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia, and associated changes in import schedules on the structure of imports. Relying on an original data-set of statutory tariffs we find that trade creation effects were significant only in trade between Russia and third countries, but that there was some trade destruction, with a significant negative impact on imports from China to Kazakhstan and Russia, and on imports from the EU to Belarus. However, the magnitude of this effect is relatively small, suggesting that the benefits of the new tariff policy per se are limited at best.  相似文献   

This article analyses the possible impact of planned monetary integration on public sector revenue from seigniorage in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Using the concept of total gross seigniorage, we investigate the main sources and uses of the central bank revenue in these countries. Special attention is given to the role of seigniorage revenue in financing public sector expenditure. Amounts of yearly transfers from central banks to the state budget in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia are evaluated, and the size of potential gains and losses in seigniorage revenue under different scenarios of monetary integration are estimated.  相似文献   

The paper considers the development of small and medium enterprises (SME) in two transition economies where market reforms have been slow (Ukraine and Belarus), focusing specifically on the role of government in the process. Empirical data from a study on SMEs and economic development in Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova are used to consider the contribution of SMEs to different aspects of transformation whilst data from a second project are used to show the support needs of SMEs.Following the introduction, which summarises the aims and methodology, the second section presents brief profiles of the context for SME development in each country. Part 3 summarises some of the main empirical findings, focusing on those aspects that have potential policy significance, specifically with respect to employment, innovation, and market orientation, whilst the fourth section considers survey evidence of the support needs of SMEs. The final section draws out the main policy implications of the findings, whilst also setting out an agenda designed to increase the contribution of SMEs to economic development in the future.On the whole, the empirical results demonstrate that some SMEs have developed in Belarus and Ukraine despite the actions of governments, although the number of private enterprises per capita remains small and their qualitative characteristics often reflect the difficult operating conditions. As a result, their contribution to economic and social change is less than it could be, mainly due to an unstable environment and an institutional context that has yet to establish the framework conditions for sustainable private sector development. In terms of policy priorities, the survey data suggest that reform of the distorted legal and financial infrastructures that exist in these countries is the highest priority need.  相似文献   

21世纪头10年,昔日的斯拉夫三兄弟——俄罗斯、乌克兰和白俄罗斯相继发生了天然气争端,"断气"威胁与切断管道运输威胁此起彼伏。这是俄罗斯对传统势力范围进行控制的政治惯性,还是在全球化背景下的经济考量?本文认为:这是俄罗斯推行经济外交,追求国家经济利益最大化的必然结果。这类事件对于崛起中的中国具有重要的启示意义,推行经济外交必须遵循双赢和适度原则,为了维护国家的经济安全,必须实现能源战略多元化。  相似文献   

Privatization, insider control and managerial entrenchment in Russia   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper provides new survey evidence on managerial entrenchment and the role of outsiders in the post-privatization restructuring of Russian enterprises. The major findings are that managers are hostile towards outside ownership, and they effectively collude with other employees to preserve insider control. The paper also provides empirical evidence that the gradual accumulation of shares by managers is not based only on a profit motive, but is also driven by their efforts to preserve insider control. The issues raised have relevance to other transition economies where the privatization process has encouraged insider control, such as Ukraine and Belarus.  相似文献   

In this paper we shall be analyzing gradual poverty reducing reforms for monetary transfers in Belarus. Some evidence is offered in support of the claim that the effectiveness of the existing 'categorical' system of transfers might be improved by redirecting resources to specific groups of households. Using a decomposition of households into socio-economic groups, feasible marginal reforms are suggested, and their robustness is checked by both experimenting with different poverty lines and introducing a simplified form of labour supply responsiveness. Based on these findings, a microsimulation of a hypothetical transfer change among different groups of households is run. According to this microsimulation, all aggregate poverty indicators could be reduced.  相似文献   

Using a unique dataset comprising information for (up to) 153 firms in the machine building sector in Belarus, we investigate the determinants of firm growth for an economy where state ownership of enterprises is widespread. We use panel data models based on generalizations of Gibrat’s law, total factor productivity estimates and matching methods to assess the differences in firm growth between private and state-controlled firms. Our results indicate that labor hoarding and soft budget constraints play a particularly important role in explaining differences in performance between these two groups of firms.  相似文献   

One vexed question of anti-poverty strategies is that of setting a reasonable poverty line. To escape its specification, recent developments by Yitzhaki and Slemrod (1991 ) have introduced the correspondence between non-intersecting concentration curves and poverty reducing directions of reforms. Makdissi and Wodon (2002 ) have derived consumption dominance curves for any order of restricted stochastic dominance. In this paper, consumption dominance curves are extended to subgroups of population. Empirical evidence of the approach will be shown using the 1997 data from Belarus, considering public subsidies on rents and utilities, health care and public transport in six groups of population.  相似文献   

方兴未艾的国际科技合作是科学复杂化与综合化的产物,亦是提升本国科研实力的必由之路。回顾我国30年参与国际科技合作历程,对于明晰我国在国际科技合作中的地位以及提升科研实力具有重要意义。论文合著与项目合作是科技合作的主要载体,通过搜寻Web of Science论文数据库和国家国际科技合作专项网、中国国际科技合作网、中国科学院官网、中国工程院官网等网站,分别检索1987-2016年我国国际论文合著和项目合作信息,选择科技合作重心、合作程度、合作热点进行量化分析。研究发现:①论文合著与项目合作重心分别呈现“极化到扩散”与“此消彼长”的合作态势,合作对象集中于发达国家,与新兴经济体国家的合作相对欠缺;②我国论文合著与项目合作程度持续深化,但国际主导型和参与的核心技术研发项目稀少,精准合作可以成为提升科技合作质量的出路;③论文合著与项目合作领域逐渐拓宽,但聚焦于数理、化学科学等自然科学领域,信息科学作为新兴学科也逐渐进入科技合作视野,社会科学领域合作则需要给予更多政策、基金与人才支持。  相似文献   

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